Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 673

Chapter 673

Master Mo, Xiao Yao has spoken back~

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dongliu reported in a low voice.

"Speak~" Master Mo said calmly.

"Xiao Yao agreed to cooperate, but he made two conditions."

"First, he hopes to get effective clues to Wandu fruit. If we have Wandu fruit in our hands, he is willing to buy it at a high price."

"Second, he is willing to exchange 5% of the shares for the purchase right of the endless seaside treasure house, which can be purchased at twice the market price."

Ten thousand poisonous fruits, endless forest and sea treasury authority~

The corners of Mo Zongshi's mouth rose slightly, "This kid has a good appetite~"

"Wantou fruit plus the treasury authority of the endless forest can only be exchanged for 5% of the shares. This kid really dares to mention it!" An officer said angrily.

"Yeah, 10% is about the same!"

"You're young, and your heart is quite dark!"

"Everyone~" Yu Dongliu opened his mouth and said, "Xiao Yao has reached a cooperation with Master Ye, and also exchanged 5% of the shares for the treasury authority of the Dragon Guardian Fortress."

As soon as these words came out, those officers who had not spoken yet immediately slammed the words into their stomachs.

"Master Mo, what is your opinion?" Yu Dongliu turned to look at Master Mo and asked in a low voice.

"Promise to come down~"

Mo Zongshi Dandan said: "5% of the shares are exchanged for the endless treasure house rights to the sea. In addition, I will send someone to deliver the ten thousand poisonous fruit to him, so the money is not needed, but every month from now on, it must be allocated a full 100,000 yuan for the Southwest Military Region. A firestone."

100,000 pieces per month

Hearing this condition reported by Master Mo, the officers' faces relaxed.

If Xiao Yao can really supply enough firestone, then it is not unreasonable to open the treasury authority of the endless forest. After all, no matter how precious the treasure is, it is far less important than the security of the military fortress.

"Reply to him!"


"So easy to promise!"

Xiao Yao raised his brows. He did not expect that in less than half an hour, the Southwest Military Region would give a clear reply, which was too efficient.

"It should be Zongshi Mo himself who made the decision!" Zhang Lao smiled, "After all, only Zongshi Mo can give the Ten Thousand Poison Fruit so easily."

"Yeah~" There was a smile on Xiao Yao's mouth.

Ten Thousand Poison Fruit, it has the terrifying power of poisoning masters, and its guardian beasts are definitely masters, and ordinary master summoners would not dare to provoke these terrible poisons.

Therefore, only Grandmaster Mo, who guards the southern border, can obtain the Ten Thousand Poison Fruit without being hurt.

"This time, Tuqi is going to lead again!" Xiao Zhan said.

A hundred poisonous fruit, a thousand poisonous fruit, a thousand poisonous fruit

Relying on these three poisonous fruits, Tucci has always been the fastest upgrade among the beasts, and is also the strongest killer in his hands.

The silver level kills the platinum level, the platinum level kills the diamond level, and after getting the poisonous fruit, Twitch will have the terrifying toxicity that threatens the master level.

It is by relying on Tuqi's leapfrog killing ability that he can pass the level and cut many powerful enemies all the way.

It is a pity that the ten thousand poison fruit is already the top poison, and the poison that can threaten the master level in the future can only be created by Tucci himself.

ding ding ding~

The phone rang, Xiao Yao picked it up and took a look, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

A name was displayed on the screen - Shi Lie.

Shi Lie, the core son of Zongshi Shi's family, is also a good friend he met in the mysterious realm of the sea. If nothing else, he should be exploring for Shi Zongshi.

Master Xue, Master Ye, Master Mo, Master Shi

The four great masters are all in place, and now it's up to King Wu to contact him.

Xiao Yao smiled and answered the phone:

"Hey, Shi Lie~"

In the next two days, Xiao Yao was very busy, and the leaders took turns to summon him. At the same time, the four great masters, the king of martial arts, and the law enforcement team all sent representatives to sign a cooperation agreement with him.

And after the news spread, other top forces in the Dragon Kingdom and the major Summoner families also sent people to try to buy a certain amount of Huo Mingshi firearms.

However, apart from the military and the law enforcement team, Xiao Yao was not going to sell Huo Mingshi firearms to other forces, so he rejected them directly.

Three days later, all the agreements were completely finalized, Xiao Yao paid 30% of the shares, but at the same time, he also received huge profits.

Xue Zongshi and Ye Zongshi, these two "old seniors" from Kyoto University, the two of them have exactly the same conditions. They exchanged 5% of the shares for the purchase rights of the Undead Battlefield and the treasure house of Chixia Gobi, and they paid according to the market price. Exchange transaction.

Mo Zongshi and Shi Zongshi, these two masters have never been in contact with each other, and the relationship is slightly distant, so the cooperation conditions are also different.

Grandmaster Mo used the ten thousand poison fruit and endless seaside treasury rights to get 5% of the shares, but correspondingly, he needed to use twice the market price to buy the treasure. At present, the treasure house list has been handed over to him, and the price is still reasonable, so this The agreement was signed very neatly.

The conditions of Master Shi are similar to those of Master Mo. 5% of the shares are exchanged for the treasury authority of the Dark Forest, which is also twice the market price. The only difference is that Master Shi did not take out a treasure like the ten thousand poisonous fruit, but a potion. Recipe do swap.

This potion is called - Five Beast Tempering Potion.

The five beasts, including wolf, tiger, lion, eagle, and flood dragon, use the flesh and blood of these five monsters and many medicinal materials, and after certain preparation steps, finally condense the five beasts body tempering medicine.

This potion can not only comprehensively improve the physical fitness of war beasts, but after dilution, even a summoner can take it, but the stronger the physical fitness, the less obvious the improvement effect.

Of course, the cost of the five beasts body quenching potions is very high, and even Grandmaster Shi does not have the financial resources to use them on a large scale, but for Xiao Yao, the most important thing he needs now is money, and the three **** potions alone are enough He has brought hundreds of billions of wealth, not to mention the lucrative industries such as Chenxi Cosmetics and Huo Mingshi.

With the five beasts body quenching potion and the dragon's blood nine power tree, he can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of his subordinates in a short period of time. Converting money into strength and influence is the most correct way to use wealth.

The conditions of King Wu are not much different from those of the four great masters. 5% of the shares are exchanged for the treasury authority of the dead sea, but King Wu offered to buy it at the market price, and also gave an additional jade pendant.

And this jade pendant is too awesome, because it actually contains a spiritual power injected by the king himself.

Once the spiritual power in the jade pendant is activated, it will support a spiritual barrier in an instant. In a short period of time, even the master-level powerhouse cannot break it. Of course, the premise is that the jade pendant can be alive until the moment when the jade pendant is activated. .

In any case, with this jade pendant, Xiao Yao's safety factor has been greatly improved. When encountering a strong enemy that is difficult to resist, he can activate the jade pendant to buy time for himself, and then use the magic tome to escape.

The last one is the law enforcement team.

The conditions of the law enforcement team are relatively unique. Due to the fact that the funds of the law enforcement team are tight due to purely state funding, the treasure house does not have much appeal, and of course it cannot produce too precious treasures.

However, considering the particularity of the law enforcement team and the various origins between himself and the law enforcement team, Xiao Yao finally took out 5% of the shares in exchange for the full support of the law enforcement team.

From now on, the law enforcement team will give the green light to the branches of Chenxi Group in various places, and can also provide protection services when necessary.

Although paying 5% of the shares, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com, but reached an in-depth cooperation with the largest law enforcement agency in the country, this transaction is definitely worthwhile in Xiao Yao's view.

But after these five agreements were signed, it meant that he would have to collect at least 500,000 firestones every month in the future. Obviously, the Vulcan tribe with less than 50,000 people could not complete it.

Therefore, the plan he had prepared for a long time had to be implemented.

"Old Du, how is the preparation for what I asked you to do?"

"Boss, you can start anytime."

"Okay, that time is set in five days."


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