Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Alliance God-level Summoner


The Wind Demon Wolf let out a long howl, and the power of the blue wind lingered on the soles of its feet. I saw it kicked its hind legs and rushed towards Xiao Yao at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to detect with the naked eye.

"I'll let everyone look at the minimum intensity first."

Xiao Yao unhurriedly pressed the button, turned his body, and lightly avoided the bite of the hurricane magic wolf. Just before the magic wolf turned around, a red ray landed on its back. superior.


The scorching rays pierced through the fur of the demon wolf, leaving a blood hole **** wide on its back.

Although the Wind Demon Wolf is level 1 gold, it does not mean that it is completely immune to attacks below the level of gold. Perhaps the attacks of level 1 and 2 silver cannot cause effective damage to it, but the rays of level 5 silver can still hurt it. .


The demon wolf screamed in pain, turned around quickly, bloodshot eyes were even more red dripping blood, and the [Furious] skill was used, which made its speed suddenly increase a lot, and roared and rushed again.

However, in Xiao Yao's eyes, the speed of the storm wolf is not much different from that of the old man playing Tai Chi.

"I'll make a few more shots for everyone to see!"

Xiao Yao is like a seasoned bullfighter, walking the hurricane magic wolf to the left and right, but he never touches a corner of his clothes, while the Vulcan No. , The limbs left a trail of blood holes.


After a while, the blood-soaked devil wolf finally lost his strength, and his limbs slackened directly on the ground, his eyes gradually darkening.

"Yumi, cure it!" Xiao Yao shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, a green streamer quickly penetrated into the body of the wind demon wolf.

In an instant, the blood hole on the devil wolf's body healed quickly, and the surging energy surged in the body, making it unable to stand up again, and raised his head to let out an excited wolf howl.



A ray slightly thicker than before landed precisely on the back of the wolf's head, and instantly pierced through the skull, causing the long howl to be choked back directly.

"This is the ray intensity of Gold 1."

Xiao Yao blew the heat from the muzzle of the gun, turned his head to look at the many elders, and showed a faint smile.

For a time, the faces of all the elders changed, shock, surprise, excitement, and excitement kept changing on their faces.

At least those present were platinum-level summoners, so how could they not see the power of firearms? They were sure that the last ray definitely had the strength of gold-level.

"Xiao Yao, Master Lu, our military has contracted all of this gun!" Qin Feng suddenly stood up and said impatiently.

"Why let your military contract it!"

Li Qisen got up instantly, without hesitation and the deep friendship with Qin Feng, he said to each other: "Our law enforcement team also liked this gun."

"Yes, I think this gun is very suitable for our law enforcement team!" The other representatives of the law enforcement team also responded.

As the top executives of the law enforcement team, they can naturally see the value of this gun. With this gun, even black iron and bronze-level law enforcement members can have the means to harm silver or even gold-level criminals.

And this gun is a pistol model, which is light and concealed and easy to carry. It is simply the best weapon for law enforcement teams.

In fact, they were right. The original intention of Xiao Yao's design of this gun was for the law enforcement team.

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Alliance God-level Summoner

"Your law enforcement team is just catching people. What do you want such a big killer? Our military department wants to go shopping with monsters. Without this gun, it is very likely that dozens or even hundreds of more will be lost. Human life!"

"The life of your military is life, but the life of our law enforcement team is not life? With this gun, the safety of our law enforcement team members can also be more guaranteed, without our law enforcement team, your wife and children can stay safe. In the city?"

"That's right, I am here today, and our law enforcement team must also get this gun."

"Do you know how much military pressure the major military defense lines are currently facing, and the law enforcement team will be less disruptive here!"

"Hmph, then do you know how many summoner crimes occur in the Dragon Kingdom every year, and how many law enforcement officers we sacrifice every year?"

The military and the law enforcement team were arguing, refusing to give in to each other.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xiao Yao quickly persuaded him to stop:

"Everyone, we still have two guns that we haven't shown yet, please be patient."

Xiao Yao spoke, and the elders also felt that it was indeed too early to fight over their heads. After a cold snort, they sat down again.

At this time, Xiao Yao and Master Lu looked at each other with joy and a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

Now it seems that Huo Mingshi firearms are destined to be sold very hot, just as the two thought before, and the supply will exceed demand, but how to give the military and law enforcement teams a distribution method that satisfies both parties is really a headache. !

"Master Lu~" Xiao Yao gave Master Lu a wink.

"Cough!" Master Lu coughed twice and said, "Next, let me introduce our second firearm, Tiebi No. 1!"

As soon as the voice fell, a heavy submachine gun appeared in his hand~


When they saw that Tiebi No. 1 was a submachine gun model, the eyes of the military elders immediately lit up.

Submachine guns, you law enforcement teams can't fight anymore!

"Submachine gun~"

As the military thought, the representatives of the law enforcement team did not have much thought about Tiebi No. 1. After all, it is impossible for the law enforcement team to arrest people with such a heavy submachine gun.

However, although the gun type is not suitable, they are still very curious about the performance of Iron Wall No. 1.

After all, the submachine gun must be much more powerful than the pistol!

Master Lu continued to introduce: "Tiebi No. 1, the magazine capacity is 30 firestones, and it is divided into two modes, burst and burst."

"The maximum firing rate in the burst state is 210 rounds, and the ray intensity is 1 gold; in the burst state, the maximum firing rate is 90 rounds, and the ray intensity is gold 3!"

Although they had been prepared in their hearts, when they heard the maximum intensity of the burst state, many elders were still extremely shocked.

Gold level 3, 90 rounds!

If this is used by sharpshooters, I am afraid its power is stronger than that of a gold level 5 beast!

Gold level 5 is already the top combat power in most small cities. Even in the level forbidden area, the gold level is still above the middle. If the military base has tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Iron Wall No. 1, Then what is even the largest beast tide?

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Alliance God-level Summoner

Thinking of this, there was a strong excitement in the eyes of the military chief.

Master Lu is indeed right, this is really an invention that can change the military structure of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Then next, let everyone see the power of Tiebi No. 1." Xiao Yao waved his hand and motioned Yumi to carry the second black box over.


A black box nearly twice as wide as before fell heavily, the outer skin quickly detached, and a sleeping thunder lizard appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a thunder lizard with a gold level 3!" Xiao Yao took out the iron wall No. 1 full of magazines from the beast imperial space, and introduced at the same time.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly stood up and said to Xiao Yao, "Xiao Yao, can you let me experience it this time?"

"Uh~" Xiao Yao hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Yes!"

In fact, the dozens of black boxes in the corners of the lawn are all for these big bosses to test guns, but since Qin Feng proposed it, let him try it in advance. Anyway, with Qin Feng's strength, a hundred heads The Thunder Lizard couldn't hurt him either.

Xiao Yao handed Tiebi No. 1 to Qin Feng and taught him how to use it. In fact, the method of using it is not much different from the ordinary submachine gun, but there is one more step to adjust the strength. It's too simple to be old.

"Let's start then~"

Xiao Yao slapped a palm from the air, and the turquoise mist floated into the Thunder Lizard's nose, which quickly awakened it.


The thunder lizard opened his eyes, and the boy's hole quickly climbed into a violent and bloodthirsty color.


It smashed the steel bars of the black box with a flick of its tail, roaring and crawling out, its scarlet eyes staring straight at Xiao Yao.

"It's up to you!"

Xiao Yao took a few steps back and left the stage to Qin Feng.

take a break~

Qin Feng didn't say a word. First, he switched to the Gold Level 1 burst mode, and the scarlet rays shot out from the barrel of the gun at a speed of two shots per second, landing precisely on the Thunder Lizard.

ding ding ding~

There were concave white marks on the blue-black scales, and the thunder lizard was continuously repelled by the rays, and a painful roar came out of its mouth.

Qin Feng deliberately adjusted the trajectory, not attacking the vital parts of the Thunder Lizard, but wanted to see how much damage Tiebi No. 1 could cause to gold-level monsters under the strafing state.

And now it seems that this effect makes him very satisfied.


The thunder lizard roared, and a huge ball of thunder light quickly condensed in its mouth, and shot at Qin Feng with a bang.

However, Qin Feng simply stretched out his hand and patted it lightly, and the lightning ball was patted aside like an ordinary leather ball, and fell heavily on the turf, blasting a two-meter-wide pit.


The thunder lizard rushed towards Qin Feng with the ray, the solid scales had been gradually penetrated, and the blood flowed out along the blood hole. The continuous pain deeply stimulated its nerves, making it more and more violent.

"Isn't it okay to stay honest?"

Qin Feng smiled and kicked the thunder lizard more than 20 meters with one lift. Before the thunder lizard landed, he quickly pressed the button, adjusted to the burst state, closed one eye, aimed at the target, and then pulled the trigger.

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Alliance God-level Summoner


The fiery beam shot out sharply and landed precisely on the center of the thunder lizard's eyebrows. The powerful thunder lizard raised its head, and the scales between its eyebrows split, and it screamed in pain.

rest~ rest~

Two crimson beams followed closely, one shot every second, and they landed on the same position with great precision.

After three shots, the Thunder Lizard's eyebrows had been completely pierced, and his eyes were staring at the sky, and the look in his eyes gradually darkened.

"Oh, sharpshooter~" Xiao Yao's eyes lit up.

Being able to hit the target with such precision the first time you get started is worthy of being a military boss, and this marksmanship is too good!

"it is good!

The military applauded in unison, not only applauding Qin Feng's performance, but also extremely satisfied with the power of Tiebi No. 1.

"Gene Era"

The Thunder Lizard of Gold Level 3 was killed with three shots. Although Qin Feng's marksmanship is outstanding, will the army lack sharpshooters?

In the burst mode, you can slaughter monsters below the gold level at will, and you can also threaten the life of any gold level monster in the burst state. This is simply a magic gun made for defending the city!

"Xiao Yao, Master Lu, let's make a price. How much is the Tiebi No. 1 and how much the military wants!" Qin Feng put down his gun and said excitedly.

"Don't worry, we still have the last gun, and we will discuss the sale after all the guns are displayed!"

Xiao Yao smiled slightly, then looked at Master Lu.

"Let me introduce the last gun next!"

Master Lu asked Qin Feng to sit back first, facing the crowd, his voice was high, and his face flushed with excitement:

"This gun is my favorite, and I call it Killer God!"

Kill God!

Hearing this suffocating name, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, looking forward to the follow-up introduction.


A pure black sniper rifle suddenly appeared in Master Lu's hands. The whole body was pitch black, with a length of nearly two meters. The barrel was very thick, like a small barrel.

Sniper rifle, it turned out to be a sniper rifle!

The elders are in high spirits. No one knows the power of sniper rifles. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the king of guns. The maximum power of submachine guns can reach gold level 3. Could it be that this sniper rifle can reach gold level 5?

"Shen Shen No. 1, the magazine capacity is 15 firestones, the ray intensity is gold level 5, and the shooting volume is 15 rounds!"

Sure enough, it's Gold Level 5!

After listening to Master Lu's introduction, many of the elders couldn't sit still, and even the elders of the law enforcement team showed extremely strong interest in Killing God.

After all, this is a sniper rifle!

In the process of arresting many prisoners, law enforcement team members were unable to call war beasts in the city openly because they were concerned about the safety of citizens.

But once they have the killing **** sniper rifle, they can be arranged in advance and lethal at a long distance.

"I'll try this gun!"

"I'll try it too!"

Several elders stood up enthusiastically, wanting to experience the power of killing God with their own hands.

"Everyone has a share!"

Master Lu took out several pieces of Killing God No. 1 and handed them over to everyone, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth evoked a slight arc.

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Alliance God-level Summoner

He hasn't talked about the greatest power of Killing God No. 1!

But this is exactly his arrangement, and the surprise will of course be left to the end!




Several huge black boxes flew from the corner of the lawn and landed heavily not far from the crowd.

The outer skin was opened, and several monsters of different races appeared in front of everyone.

"These are gold 3 and 4 monsters, let's practice with them!"

Xiao Yao and Master Lu briefly introduced the usage of killing gods, and then woke up several monsters.




The monsters broke through the cage and charged towards everyone with murderous eyes.

At this moment, several thick red beams shot out at the same time, hitting different monsters respectively.

bang bang bang~

The monsters froze for a while, their mouths let out shrill screams, and the blood holes the size of the mouth of the bowl were visibly visible on their bodies, and they constantly exuded the smell of scorched lakes.

bang bang bang~

After a few more shots, this time, the ray hit the key point with great precision, instantly taking the lives of all the monsters.

After the death of the monster, the scene suddenly fell into silence, and several elders looked at each other, and their eyes showed unconcealed shock and excitement.

With this gun, the Dragon Kingdom will really change!