Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 666

Chapter 666

Alliance God-level Summoner

"How are the preparations for the press conference?"

On the campus of Beijing University, Bai Lingxiao took Xiao Yao's arm and asked with a smile.

"It's all ready~" Xiao Yao smiled lightly: "The time is set the day after tomorrow, do you want to come?"

Bai Lingxiao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, I won't go."

She knew that Xiao Yao invited big figures from the military and the law enforcement team at this press conference, so she didn't need to join in the fun.

Next, the two did not speak, but held hands and enjoyed the rare campus time, but while walking, Xiao Yao found a problem and couldn't help asking:

"Hey, why are so many people wearing masks?"

"Don't you know?" Bai Lingxiao was a little surprised, "A viral flu broke out in the country recently. It spread from the southern border and has now spread to the whole country."

"Is it serious?"

"How do you say it~" Bai Lingxiao paused and said, "People infected with the virus will have high fever, cough, headache, and even epilepsy in severe cases. Although it is not fatal, it spreads very quickly."

"The most important thing is that even summoners can't resist this virus. There have been many cases of black iron and bronze level summoners being infected, but none of them have been found at silver level or above."

"So serious?" Xiao Yao frowned slightly.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to get sick with a summoner's physique, especially such a wide-ranging infectious disease. However, it is a bit strange that this virus can infect a summoner.

Bai Lingxiao continued: "This type of influenza has been breaking out for nearly half a month. According to experts, its mode of transmission is mainly by droplets, so people are urged to wear masks and wait until a specific drug or vaccine comes out."

"Is that so~" Xiao Yao nodded, "I've been preparing for the press conference before, but I really didn't notice this."

"Of course you, a busy person, won't pay attention~"

Bai Lingxiao smiled slightly: "But the flu is not deadly at present. Ordinary people may panic a little bit, but overall it hasn't attracted much attention."

Hearing what Xiaoxiao said, Xiao Yao put this matter aside for the time being. After all, his most important task now is to make the press conference beautiful.

ding ding~

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, Liangliang, are you ready? Okay, I'll go take a look now!"

Hanging up the phone, Bai Lingxiao asked curiously:

"Is Liangliang helping you prepare for the press conference recently?"

Xiao Yao nodded: "Yes, this guy Li Yu doesn't know where he has gone recently. I see that Liangliang is bored in the dormitory every day, so I simply asked him to do something for me."

"That's it~" Bai Lingxiao squeezed Xiao Yao's big hand a little reluctantly, "Then you can go quickly, you can't delay your business~"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao nodded. Before leaving, he suddenly lowered his body and pecked on Bai Lingxiao's rosy lips, and then left contentedly under the eyes of his girlfriend.

Two days later, the Huo Mingshi firearms conference officially started. The location was chosen at a manor on the outskirts of Kyoto.

This manor has been bought by Xiao Yao in his personal name. Although the price is high, it is only a small amount of money for him, who is already among the top ten richest people in the country.

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Alliance God-level Summoner

The time for the press conference was set at 11:00 in the morning, but before 10:00, many foreign vehicles had been parked in the parking lot inside the manor.

"Young, Qi Sen, you are here too!"

The burly Qin Feng stepped out of the car and looked at the man next to him who also just got out of the car, a little surprised.

"Old Qin, long time no see!"

Li Qisen stepped forward and patted Qin Feng's back with a smile.

"Qi Sen, Master Lu and Xiao Yao organized this press conference together. Xiao Yao is your junior brother. You should know something about the inside story, right?"

Qin Feng put his hand on Li Qisen's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "What did they come up with? Wouldn't it be an exaggeration to say that it can change the military structure of the entire Dragon Kingdom!"

As a high-level military executive, Qin Feng has a lot of important things to deal with every day. He has no time to participate in an ordinary press conference, but the inviter for this press conference is different. He is Lu Zhongwu, the most famous forging master in Long Kingdom. And he also claimed that he and Xiao Yao, the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom, had come up with an epoch-making invention that would completely change the military structure of the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if Xiao Yao is not considered, the military must also pay attention to the reputation of the master blacksmith Lu Zhongwu.

So this time, the military sent a team of 10 people just to find out what Master Lu and Xiao Yao had come up with.

It now appears that the law enforcement team is also within the scope of the invitation.

Li Qisen shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

In fact, he secretly looked for the younger brother and wanted to ask for some inside information, but Xiao Yao put on a very mysterious look and told him that it would be clear on the day of the press conference.

Xiao Yao couldn't work here, he turned around and found his master Zhang Daoxuan, but unfortunately the master's mouth was stricter than Xiao Yao, and he hung up the phone without saying a word.

So, he really doesn't know what the **** this press conference is going to do.

"Even you don't know, okay!" Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, then thought of something, and quickly asked: "By the way, I heard that Xiao Yao is already a diamond, you should know about this. Bar?"

"I know this!" Li Qisen's face showed a touch of complexity and emotion: "Xiao Yao, UU Reading has indeed reached the diamond level!"

"Damn it, it's really a diamond!"

Qin Feng couldn't help but swear, "Damn, compared with him, I feel that I have lived in vain for most of my life!"

"Yeah~" Li Qisen felt the same.

As the master's founding disciple, he is only at the diamond level at present, and Xiao Yao, who has reached the diamond level when he is less than 20 years old, I am afraid that it will not be long before his own pioneering disciple will not be the opponent of the closed disciple.

However, when he thought that Xiao Yao's appearance could finally fulfill his master's dream, Li Qisen couldn't help feeling happy, ashamed and grateful.


"Two leaders, the venue of our press conference is over there, please come with me!"

At this time, the employee who was in charge of the reception in the parking lot walked over quickly and said respectfully to the two of them.

"Lead the way!"

Soon, Qin Feng and Li Qisen came to a very empty lawn, about the size of two football fields, with dozens of huge black boxes stacked in the corners of the lawn.

At this point, several representatives of the military and law enforcement teams were already sitting in chairs and waiting.

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Alliance God-level Summoner

"Qin Feng and Qi Sen are here, come and sit!"

The people present were all senior officials of the military and law enforcement teams, and they were all familiar with each other. After sitting down, a few people started chatting. Of course, the topic was mainly focused on the press conference.

As time went by, representatives of the military and the law enforcement team came to the scene one after another. Finally, when everyone arrived, the protagonists of the conference, Xiao Yao and Master Lu Zhongwu, also appeared in front of everyone.