Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Kyoto, Wanshi Group Headquarters

"Dad, the laboratory has repeatedly confirmed that there is no problem with our results and can be officially launched."

Wan Wenye stood in front of the desk, looked at his father's back, and said solemnly.

Wanzhongshan looks out the window, the endless flow of vehicles, the rushing passers-by, the row upon row of high-rise buildings, all of which reflect the vitality and charm of this city.

Life is such a beautiful word~

Wan Zhongshan sighed inwardly and said quietly, "Wenye, you should know that we are on the most dangerous and impossible road to turn back!"

Wan Wenye was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I know."

"Wen Ye, have you ever hated me?" Wan Chongshan didn't look back, his tone was inexplicable, "I brought you down this road with my own hands."

"Have hated!" Wan Wenye sighed angrily, "But what's the use of hate? You are my father, even if I don't participate in it, can others let me go and let go of our Wan family?"

"Yeah~" Wan Chongshan put his hand on the window, feeling the coldness from his fingertips, and his eyes became sharp:

"For the sake of our family, this plan can only succeed and not fail!"

Then, the office fell into a long silence.

"Wenye, what happened to Qilin?" Wan Zhongshan turned around and said in a complicated tone.

Wan Wenye nodded and said, "He is very good. He is already a silver-level summoner, and he is highly valued by the teacher."

Wan Zhongshan was sitting on the chair, his eyes flashing with reminiscence: "When the twins Qilin and Jiabao appeared, I knew that there was still a way out for our Wan family."

"So I secretly created Qilin's early death, sent him to an orphanage, and kept an eye on his growth."

"If it succeeds, Qilin can return to the Wan family. As the first heir, if it fails..." Wan Zhongshan paused, "Then let Qilin keep the last trace of blood for my Wan family!"

"Dad!" Wan Wenye said firmly, "We will definitely succeed!"

I hope so~

Wan Zhongshan sighed inwardly.

"By the way, what is Jiabao doing recently?"

"He!" Wan Wenye snorted coldly, "Eating, sleeping, playing with women, other than that, what else can he do?"

Speaking of Wan Jiabao, Wan Wenye's tone was cold and frightening, not like a father's normal attitude towards his son at all.

"It's pretty good~" Wan Zhongshan said in a daze: "It's also a very happy thing to be able to live a life in the dark!"

"That's it, since there is no problem with the results, after I report to the envoy, it can be officially launched."

"Okay!" Wan Wenye nodded heavily, turned and left.

After Wan Wenye left, Wan Chongshan tapped the table with his fingers lightly, and a trace of black air flashed through the boy's hole.

Kuroshio Project~

"Dad, I'm back!"

Xiao Yao returned to Yancheng's home through the magic script, and immediately called his father Xiao Li.

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Li's hearty laughter came:

"Okay, I'm in the office, come here if you're okay!"

"Okay Dad, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Li smiled and went to pick up the water, ready to make a new pot of tea, but before half of the water was received, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the office.


With a flick of his wrist, Xiao Li almost threw away the teapot in his hand, looking at Xiao Yao in surprise:

"So soon? You were nearby just now, weren't you?"

"No, I just came out of the house." Xiao Yao took the teapot from Xiao Li's hand, and took out Longjing from the cabinet with ease.


"It's a few kilometers from our house to here, and you'll be there in ten seconds?" Xiao Li sat on the chair, frowning slightly, expressing disbelief.

"Hehe~" Xiao Yao put the teapot in front of his father, the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"That's because your son is already a diamond-level expert!"


Xiao Li seemed to be struck by lightning, and all his expressions instantly froze.

"Hehe~" Xiao Yao raised Erlang's legs, made himself a cup of tea, and took a sip.

He actually doesn't like to pretend to be forceful, but occasionally pretending to be in front of his father feels pretty good.

"Really diamond?"

After a while, Xiao Li finally spoke up, with strong shock and disbelief in his eyes, buzzing in his head, a little afraid to accept this fact.

The diamond level that he pursued all his life was actually achieved by his son at the age of less than 20 years old.

"It's really a diamond!" Xiao Yao laughed.

"Hey, let me slow down!"

Xiao Li leaned his head on the back of the chair and rubbed his temples, constantly digesting the huge impact Xiao Yao brought him.

Diamond level, this is diamond level!

Looking at the entire Central Province, the diamond grade is only one-handed.

Regardless of Xiao Yao's future, his current strength alone is enough to make the Xiao family one of the top families in the Dragon Country.

"Dad, with your son's talent, isn't the diamond level sprinkled with water!" Xiao Yao said stinkingly.

Xiao Li laughed for a while: "The master level and the master level are also easy to catch for you?"

"Almost!" Xiao Yao shrugged.

Master, master, it's just a few years~

this boy~

Xiao Li shook his head with a smile. In fact, he also understood that the master level and the master level were no longer in doubt for Xiao Yao, and only the king level was the end of Xiao Yao's struggle.

"Dad, what level are Storm Elf and Overlord now?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Platinum level 3!"

Speaking of the beasts, Xiao Li couldn't help but feel a hint of emotion on his face: "With the Lightning Jade Bed you gave me, Overlord and Xiaofeng have grown very fast, and according to the current process, within three years, they are very hopeful to be promoted to the Diamond Rank. ."

He once thought that it would take him at least a few decades to reach the diamond level, and it was still unknown whether he could accomplish this goal before he died.

But now, it only takes a few years to complete his previous life goal, which makes him have to sigh, he is really happy to have a son of a demon~

"Then let Bawang and Xiaofeng do their best and strive to break through to the diamond level as soon as possible." Xiao Yao smiled, and at the same time, there was a faint expectation in his heart.

In the last wave of card draws, in addition to Titan, Murloc, Pike and Nami, he also drew a hero card - Lava Giant Malphite.

This hero card has been secretly photographed into Dad's body. As long as it breaks through the diamond level, one of the most meaty heroes in the league will officially appear in this world.

To be honest, in the game, the lava giant Malphite did not show his "lava" side, so he was looking forward to whether Malphite would awaken his lavrelated skills after he came out.

Of course, the most important point is that as long as there are Alliance heroes, then Dad can rise to the grandmaster and the king unimpeded, with a lifespan of hundreds of years.

"In addition, I have to help my mother think of a way~" Xiao Yao thought silently.

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