Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 655

Chapter 655

da da da~

The sound of cluttered and crisp footsteps sounded in the hall, and everyone scattered widely, walking slowly in the empty hall, looking around, and their eyes were full of shock.

Platinum jade pillars support the kilometer-high dome, and there is no trace of impurities on the milky white floor. A tall and burly mermaid stone puppet guards both sides of the hall, exuding a heavy and majestic momentum.

"Wow, that's too high!"

Xiao Yao raised his head and looked at the kilometer-high square-pointed dome, and suddenly felt that he was so contemptuous.

"Still can't be too proud~" Xiao Yao shook his head, the grandeur and solemnity of the Hall of Evolution brought him a spiritual baptism, making him calm down, who was a little proud and proud.

According to the reminder of the mermaid warriors, after stepping into the evolution hall, everyone quickly dispersed, and the distance between them was 100 meters, and the summoners also summoned all the war beasts, surrounded themselves, and slowly moved towards the center of the hall. .

"By the way, I haven't had time to see Mo Teng's new skills."

Xiao Yao opened the panel, turned to Mo Teng's information bar, and took a closer look.

[Nightmare Cage]: Moteng pulls enemies within a certain range into the spiritual realm to fight for souls. In the spiritual realm, the target's spiritual power is reduced by 20%, and the Moteng's spiritual power is increased by 30% for a certain period of time.

"Wow, that's amazing~" Xiao Yao's eyes lit up.

[Nightmare Cage] This move can be said to bring the advantages of Mo Teng to the extreme.

Mo Teng was originally a nightmare collection created by shadow magic. It is extremely good at fighting in the spiritual field. After coming to this world, Mo Teng's spiritual power far exceeds that of monsters or war beasts of the same level, and [Nightmare Cage] can reduce both At the same time, the spiritual power of the enemy is increased by 30%, so that the magic can easily fight across several levels.

The most important thing is that [Nightmare Cage] is a range skill, which is what Mo Teng has always lacked. With this move, Mo Teng's killing efficiency can be greatly improved.


Xiao Yao closed the panel happily, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

On this trip to the mysterious realm of the sea, he has gained too many things. All the members have been promoted to diamonds, they have won the new war beast Sun Wukong, they have developed the flame of destruction, and they have obtained many treasures, not to mention that there is still the most important light of evolution ahead. wait for yourself.

Mermaid, good brother~

Demon Sharks, brothers~

"Otais, where are we going now~"

After walking for a while, Li Yu couldn't help but ask when he saw that Otis, who was leading the way in front of him, hadn't stopped for a while.

In the empty hall, his voice was very abrupt, arousing echoes.

Otais turned around and explained: "There is a huge golden circle in the center of the evolution hall. As long as you walk into the golden circle and input energy into it, then we will be able to enjoy the light of evolution! Don't worry, it's very It's coming soon."


As Otis said, after a few minutes, everyone finally saw the golden formation full of mysterious lines.

"Come on~"

Everyone stood on the big formation, which was far apart from each other. The area of the big formation was roughly the size of several football fields.

"Everyone, listen to me. Next, all of us will inject energy into the lines under our feet. We don't need too much. We only need a part to activate the entire formation." Otis shouted loudly.

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Then let's start, I count to 3, everyone!" Otis shouted:





In an instant, everyone, including the beasts, mobilized the energy in their bodies and injected them into the golden lines under their feet.


The golden lines lit up, from sporadic points, and slowly spread to the surroundings. Gradually, when all the lines were lit up, a milky white beam of light rose into the sky from under the great formation, drowning everyone in it.

"Um ho~"

Xiao Yao narrowed his eyes and let out a comfortable moan from his nose.

Compared with the savage and domineering of the beasts feeding back, the light of evolution is like a hot spring in winter, soaking in it gives people a feeling of warmth, comfort, laziness and comfort.

The holy energy flows in the body, moisturizing the skin, blood, muscles, organs, bones, and brain. There is a slight tremor in the body, and the muscles are numb, as if enjoying a full-body massage.

Xiao Yao could feel that his body was undergoing a kind of miraculous evolution, which was not only reflected in the improvement of strength, speed, endurance, etc., but more like a genetic optimization.

In addition, because he has just experienced 5 times of war beast feedback, his control over his body after being strengthened several times is very low, just like a martial artist who has just acquired a peerless weapon, he can only exert at most 50% of the power of the weapon.

But with the transformation of the light of evolution, he can clearly feel that his mastery of the body is rapidly increasing, from a young novice who has just touched a car to an old driver with more than ten years of driving experience, the most obvious manifestation. It lies in the speed at which he stimulates the flames of destruction.

In the past, it took a certain amount of time for him to fuse to form the flame of destruction, so whenever he wanted to fight, he would accumulate a certain amount of flame of destruction in the body in advance, so that he could use it directly in the battle, while in the real fire of Samadhi After joining, he merged the flames of destruction even more slowly.

But now, his fusion of the flames of destruction is as simple as breathing, and in an instant, the flames of destruction can fill his body and release the greatest power.

At this time, Xiao Yao turned to look at Xiao Ke and Lao Niu. On the system panel, the experience points of the six of them were steadily increasing, and both physical fitness and energy in the body had been improved in all directions.

At the same time, Zach, Orianna, Maokai and other alliance war beasts who are only one foot away from the platinum level, after bathing in the light of evolution, they also smoothly promoted to platinum, and their strength improved greatly.

But it is not them who get the most benefit, but those non-alliance war beasts.

The war beasts of Ye Huan, Shi Lie, Xue Tianming, Mo Shutang, and Wu Yubing grew rapidly under the nourishment of the light of evolution. Not only did the gold-level 5 beasts successfully advance to the platinum level, but also the gold-level 4-level beasts also Crossing two levels, breaking through platinum, and they also summoned the newly added platinum-level beasts, so that they can enjoy the bonus of the light of evolution as soon as they appear.

And beasts like Preserved Egg, Feiyu Qingluan, Gargoyle, etc. have also all been promoted to the gold and launched a charge towards a higher level.

The light of evolution not only enhanced their strength, but most importantly, improved their genes and raised their racial upper limit.

Take the Shadow Cat Preserved Egg as an example. Its predecessor was the Gray Shadow Cat, and its racial upper limit was silver. After taking the Shadow Fruit, the Gray Shadow Cat evolved into a Shadow Cat, and its racial limit was raised to Platinum. The upper limit of preserved eggs is at least diamond level, and even master level has hope.

The same applies to other war beasts.


The powerful aura stirred in the great formation, Xiao Yao stretched his body, and a happy smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a really rewarding trip~"

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