Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 481

Chapter 481

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In the room, while eating, everyone chatted about their recent situation.

However, except for Xiao Yao, everyone's holiday life is relatively simple, and they are basically spent in the field and training room.

Therefore, Xiao Yao's experience has become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Selling 8.3 billion a month, my mother, you're just stealing money!" After hearing Chen Xi's performance, Li Yu's mouth was wide open, and his face was shocked.

You must know that he is a son of the king's family. Although the creator king Li Chu has passed away for hundreds of years, and the strongest person in the family is only diamond-level, the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and the background of the Li family is not ordinary. A master family can be compared.

But despite this, their family's monthly income is far less than 8 billion.

And Chenxi Group has only been established for less than three months, and it already has such a terrifying ability to attract money, so it will at least be a unicorn enterprise of hundreds of billions in the future~

"It's so-so!" Xiao Yao said with a cup.

Although Chen Jiaying will report the company's sales on the day to him every day, he is not very concerned now. After all, for him, whether it is 8 billion or 10 billion, it is just a number.

He is now finally qualified to say that sentence that changed the style of a certain host in his previous life - I'm not interested in money!

"Brother Yao!" Li Yu licked his face and said, "Are you still short of a son, the kind who can inherit the family property!"

"Fuck off!" Xiao Yao scolded with a smile: "I don't accept an unfilial son like you!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "I can't do it. In the future, you have to accept my child as your godson or goddaughter. We don't ask for too much. It's enough to inherit 1% of the property, otherwise..."

Li Yu winked and said, "It's okay to pre-order the baby's kiss!"

"Pull it!" Bai Lingxiao refused, "I don't accept your relatives!"

"Xiaoxiao, what you said hurt my heart too much!" Li Yu covered his chest with a hurt look on his face: "What happened to my in-laws? It's perfect in every way!"

"Haha!" Xu Xingliang sneered: "I am looking for you as my in-law. Are you going to take Xiao Yao's children to wash their feet in the future?"

Li Yu's face darkened: "Your uncle, am I the kind of person who brings bad children?"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"You guys..." Li Yu looked depressed and was about to vomit blood, "Ah, I was really heartbroken by you guys!"

"Don't think about it!" Xu Xingliang raised his head and said, "No matter what happens to the baby, it's not your turn. I haven't spoken yet, right? Xiao Yao!"

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "I think Liangliang can do it!"

"Did you see it!" Xu Xingliang raised his eyebrows at Li Yu: "This is the expression of character!"

"Hey, I don't want to talk anymore!" Li Yu shook his head and said, "My heart is full of holes. I'm going to get drunk tonight, so don't stop me!"


At this moment, his mobile phone vibrated, he opened it, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Ahem, brothers!" Li Yu stood up and said, "I want to go out, you guys eat first!"

"The dishes haven't been served yet, let's go after dinner!" Xiao Yao said.

"Forget it, someone is waiting for me!" Li Yu waved his hand: "Let's talk tomorrow!"

After saying that, he quickly left the room.

"Is he really sad?" Tao Yaoyao asked in a low voice.

"How is that possible!" Xu Xingliang took a bite of the dish and said nonchalantly, "Xianyu has a big heart, so he won't be sad because of this trivial matter, there must be something really wrong."

"Oh, that's fine!"

Next, the four chatted while eating and shared recent interesting stories.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Yao, the big money lord, paid the bill, and the four parted ways. Xiao Yao and Bai Lingxiao went to the campus holding hands, while Liangliang and Yaoyao went back to their respective homes.

The evening breeze is breezy, and the campus is very lively.

Couples who had not seen each other for a long time held hands and strolled the campus sweetly. There were also students walking around the campus with the beasts.

Walking on the road, many students will greet Xiao Yao warmly when they see Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao will also smile and nod to them.

Slowly, Xiao Yao and Bai Lingxiao came to the lake where they often walked. The two of them sat on the lawn with their bodies tightly pressed together.

Bai Lingxiao put her head on Xiao Yao's shoulder, tilted her head and said, "When are you going to hit the platinum level next?"

She now knows the mystery of Xiao Yao's rapid growth. For Xiao Yao, as long as he makes a decision, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the platinum level.

"Well, just recently!" Xiao Yao thought for a while and said, "I'm already at level 4 gold. If I can find a suitable environment, it's not too difficult to break through to platinum level."

"Platinum level less than 20 years old, you are a pervert!"

"Hey, thanks for the compliment!"

"Right!" Bai Lingxiao suddenly sat up straight, turned his head to look at him, his eyes narrowed, as if a dangerous flash flashed, "I heard from Uncle Wu Yue, you seem to have a very beautiful female secretary! "

Seeing Bai Lingxiao's half-smile expression, Xiao Yao quickly explained: "She is indeed my secretary, but she has other identities."

Then he told Bai Lingxiao exactly how he subdued Chen Jiaying.

Bai Lingxiao knew about Mo Teng's ability. After listening to Xiao Yao's story, she also learned about Chen Jiaying's past and her important role to Xiao Yao.

In fact, she still trusts Xiao Yao's character, but no girl wants to see a mature and beautiful female secretary beside her boyfriend. Just saying that is to vent her dissatisfaction a little.

However, since she learned of Chen Jiaying's ability and the heavy responsibility she shoulders, she will not say anything more.

Glancing at Xiao Yao, Bai Lingxiao snorted arrogantly: "It's honest!"

"That's for sure, I have nothing to hide!" Xiao Yao straightened his back.

"If you hide it, you will die!" Bai Lingxiao pinched Xiao Yao's soft flesh lightly, with a fierce expression.

"All right!" Xiao Yao hugged Bai Lingxiao's slender waist and let her head rest on his shoulder.

"The most unacceptable thing for me is betrayal, and of course I can't do the things I hate."

"Hmph, then I'll just believe your words for the time being!" Bai Lingxiao looked up at the starry sky, with a slight curvature at the corners of his Xiao Yao smiled, he put his arms around his girlfriend's shoulders, smelling the hair There was a familiar fragrance in the tip, and my heart was filled with peace and warmth.

At this moment, he is no longer the high-profile first genius of the Dragon Kingdom, nor the high-ranking chairman. He is just an ordinary teenager enjoying campus life.

"Hey, is that salted fish?" Bai Lingxiao suddenly sat up, pointed to two figures in the distance, and asked uncertainly.

"Salted fish?"

Xiao Yao looked in the direction of Bai Lingxiao, there were indeed two figures, a man and a woman. The two were walking along the lake, with a fist distance between them.

The boy is Li Yu, and the girl is someone Xiao Yao and Bai Lingxiao are familiar with. She is their classmate

"Gong Zhengyu" Xiao Yao frowned slightly.
