Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 211

Chapter 211

"Xiao Yao, there are so many students in the cafeteria, what do you think we should do next?"

In front of Xiao Yao, Zong Tianhou consciously let go of his captaincy.

Xiao Yao said his thoughts

"More than 200 teachers and students cannot be escorted by a few of us."

"That's true~"

Everyone nodded in unison.

With so many people acting together, there is a high probability that monsters will be attacked.

In addition, this school is already two kilometers away from the refuge point, and with their dozen or so war beasts, they will definitely not be able to protect it.

"So my idea is, you guys just stay here to rest and protect these children, and the five of us are responsible for cleaning up the nearby monsters and leaving a safe area." Xiao Yao said.

"Ah, then the few of us are waiting here? Are the others not helping?"

Dermatitis asked a little unwillingly.

"It's enough for the five of us to protect these more than 200 people."

Su Yu said calmly.

"Su Yu is right."

Xiao Yao nodded, "Everyone's abilities are limited, so we can only say do your best."

In the face of this disaster involving millions of people, the role that more than 3,000 Peking University students can play is really limited.

Their task is to rescue the people as much as possible, and to mobilize local summoners as much as possible so that they can also exert their power.

Only when the rescue team arrives can the crisis in Kuroki City be truly lifted.

Pi Yan was silent for a while, agreeing with Su Yu's remarks.

Their strength is still too weak, and if they want to save people, they are likely to put themselves in it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a stronger sense of urgency in his heart.

Still too weak

"Brothers, then we'll go to other places first. You can rest here and contact us directly if you have any questions."

Xiao Yao said.

"Okay, you also have to pay attention to safety!"

Zong Tianhou said solemnly.


Xiao Yao glanced at his teammates and said firmly, "Keep going!"

This time their destination was the nearby Blackwood Second Hospital.

"Hey, did you find out, these monsters we encountered were all bronze and black iron, but we didn't see any silver-level ones."

Li Yu said suddenly.


Bai Lingxiao showed a puzzled expression and said, "It's quite strange to say that, it is reasonable to say that with hundreds of thousands of black iron and bronze monsters, there is absolutely no way to break through the military defense system of Heimu City. Silver level, it is impossible to do it."

"Hey, that's it!"

Xu Xingliang wondered, "What is the reason?"

Bai Lingxiao shook his head, "This issue can only be investigated later."

The beast tide in Blackwood City is full of strangeness.

Because of the frequent cleaning tasks performed by major colleges and universities, the Black Pine Forest has not had a beast tide for a long time.

In addition, as an important city close to the black pine forest, Blackwood City is equipped with a strong military defense force. How could it be destroyed in such a short period of time?

Bai Lingxiao frowned.

She thought this series of events happened by accident.

First, the turmoil broke out in Chixia Gobi a few days ago, and it broke out completely today, which caused almost all the mobile forces to be transferred to the Dragon Protector Fortress.

At this moment, a beast tide broke out in the Black Pine Forest, and broke into the city in a very short time.

The whole thing is intertwined, and it seems that there are two hands that are controlling the whole thing.

"This is not something we should consider, let's go save people first."

Xiao Yao said.

He also felt that this incident was full of weirdness.

But the few of them are just bronze-black-iron-level little people, and they haven't the ability to worry about this matter.

He believed that after the situation stabilized, the senior officials of Longguo would definitely send someone to investigate.

It has been a long time since the dragon country has had a beast tide breaking the city, and at least hundreds of thousands of people died in this disaster in Heimu City. This incident will not be explained, and the citizens of Heimu, including the dragon country, have not. People will give up.

Not long after walking, Xiao Yao's heart rang suddenly.

And Xiaoke also issued a warning at this time.

One person and one beast looked around and found nothing unusual.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Yao's footsteps paused and his expression unusual, Bai Lingxiao couldn't help asking.

Xiao Yao's expression was solemn, "I don't know, I always have a feeling that something is not right."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the front and said, "Xiaoxiao, let the little rainbow come to the front."

The more he walked forward, the more he felt that something was wrong, and the center of his eyebrows kept feeling sour.


Although he didn't notice anything unusual, Bai Lingxiao immediately executed Xiao Yao's order.

When the others saw this, they also stopped.

"Little Rainbow! Rainbow Flying Blade!"

Bai Lingxiao ordered in his heart.

Little Rainbow paused, the rainbow-colored horns emitted white light, and then two rainbow flying blades spun out and flew towards the front.

Gu Puchi

A sound of cloth tearing sounded, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, a huge invisible spider web slowly appeared.

The cobwebs connected all the vehicles in front of them, and the dense cobwebs as thick as hemp ropes made one's scalp tingle.

At the same time, more than 20 spiders broke their invisibility and appeared in front of everyone.


Hundreds of spider eyes looked at everyone coldly, and the pair of sharp spider blades flashed a dazzling cold light.

monster name invisible spider

Monster Skills Discoloration Invisibility, Breathing, Spider Blade

When Xiao Yao saw the level of these invisible magic spiders, his pupils shrank suddenly and shouted, "No, they are all silver-level invisible magic spiders, run!"

Silver level?

Without hesitation, everyone turned around and ran.

"Damn, Li Yu, you crow mouth!"

While running wildly, Xiao Yao cursed loudly.

Originally, I had never encountered a single silver-level monster, but I didn't expect this crow called Li Yu to say that, and directly encountered more than 20 silver-level monsters.

This stinky mouth is open!

"Nima, can you blame me?"

Li Yu shouted unjustly.

clap clap clap

The crisp sound of spider legs stepping on the ground came from behind, and several people ran desperately.


Feeling the voice behind him getting closer and closer, Xiao Yao's face showed anxiety.

How could they have two legs, how could they be able to run on eight legs.

He took out two pistols from the broken ring and shot them backwards.

bang bang bang~

Gunshots sounded.

It's a pity that his marksmanship is really bad, and he didn't aim well, and he didn't hit the enemy with a single shot. Instead, the magic spider behind him became more violent and accelerated.


The invisible magic spider running at the forefront was less than 10 meters away from the main force, and could catch up in an instant.

Xiao Yao's face was ruthless,

"Damn it!"

He paused, turned around, and took out his machine gun to shoot frantically.

clap clap clap

The furious bullet directly shot the first invisible spider into a sieve, but it also allowed the invisible spider behind to catch up.


More than 20 demon spiders surrounded the crowd, and those cold eyes without a trace of emotion made people shudder.

"I didn't expect Lao Tzu to die here."

Li Yu smiled bitterly, and then his eyes gradually became ruthless, "Damn, I have to take a back with me when I die."

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and concentrated.

With the current strength of their team, they can barely deal with a silver-level monster, but more than 20 silver-level monsters are obviously beyond their ability.

But no matter what, they will never sit still.

"I'll let Lao Niu Xiaoke take the lead and see if I can kill it, and the others will cooperate with me!"

Xiao Yao gave a low drink and then ordered Xiao Ke to do it.


Xiaoke screamed in the sky, his eyes suddenly blood red.


More than 20 invisible magic spiders raised their guillotine-like spider legs with bloodthirsty killing intent in their eyes.

at this time!

More than 20 lightning strikes hit the magic spiders precisely, instantly paralyzing their bodies.

Xiao Yao was overjoyed to see quickly let Xiaoke Lao Niu open the way

Savage Clash!

The sturdy body of the old cow smashed a magic spider into the air and opened a passage.


Xiao Yao shouted.

Although they don't know who is supporting them, they must not miss this opportunity.

Several people quickly rushed out of the encircling web of the magic spider. The magic spider that was knocked away by the old cow just wanted to get up, and was thrown to the ground by Xiaoke's endless restraint.


The invisible magic spider got out of the paralyzed state, let out a neigh, and rushed towards the crowd.

However, before they ran a few meters, dense green vines suddenly appeared on the ground, tying them tightly.

clap clap

In the sky, a Thunderwing Eagle was bombarding the ground frantically.

Soon there was the sound of dense footsteps on the corner.

Xiao Yao took a closer look with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's you!"

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