Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 203

Chapter 203

"Xiao Yao, what should we do now!"

Xu Xingliang turned to look at Xiao Yao.

At this time, the captain needs to show everyone the direction.

Xiao Yao said: "We are in Beicheng now, and we need to rush to the DC area immediately and find the Dynasty Hotel. It's too slow to walk. Let's find a means of transportation first. It's best to be flexible and fast."

Soon, a few people found a suitable transportation tool.

It was a small sedan, and the driver had been gnawed to death, but the keys were still stuffed in the car.

Everyone dragged the body out of the car, Li Yu was the driver, Xiao Yao sat in the co-pilot, and the other three sat in the back row.

At the same time, several people summoned war beasts. Feather Qingluan, Gargoyle and Tianyi unicorn flew in mid-air to observe the road conditions ahead and give directions to everyone. Xiaoke, Lao Niu, Preserved Egg and Rainbow Horned Deer advanced side by side with the car to protect everyone. The safe and slower Dream Beast was held in Xu Xingliang's arms, waiting for the opportunity to fight.

"Set off!"

When the car started, Lao Niu used his tank-like body to smash all the obstacles in front of him. When he encountered something that could not be dealt with, everyone quickly detoured.

Before the car drove for a few minutes, it encountered a large number of black squirrels.

In the wide eight-lane road, the car was parked on the road, and hundreds of demon rats got out of the car, their faces covered with fuzzy blood, screaming and rushing towards the car.


Luan flame, wild wind, holy light cannon, rainbow flying blade

A series of long-range attacks hit the group of demon mice, killing a lot of them, but there were still a steady stream of demon mice coming from the front, rushing towards everyone like a tide.

"Your uncle's~"

Xiao Yao smashed the front car glass with one punch, took out the machine gun from the shattered ring, put on the ammunition chain, and said loudly:

"Li Yu, keep driving!"


The car started again, Xiao Yao fixed his body and shot frantically forward.

da da da da~

The bullet storm splashed blood, and Xiao Yao's eyes kept flashing system prompts.

Zaun Fury EXP +1

Tauren Chief Experience +1

Zaun Rage EXP +3

Tauren Chief Experience +3

He didn't pay attention to these system prompts, but focused all his attention on killing the devil mouse.

Ka Ka Ka

Once the chain was finished, Xiao Yao quickly put on a new chain.

Under the protection of the machine gun and several war beasts, the car left at a very fast speed, and left behind the corpse of the devil mouse.

The road to the Dynasty Hotel was not smooth. In addition to encountering a large number of black squirrels, I also encountered many acquaintances, such as gray squirrels, two-headed snakes, green-tailed wolves, and flaming poisonous bees.

Under the protection of machine guns and beasts, everyone finally solved these obstacles.

The only thing that is difficult to solve is the road condition. In many cases, Lao Niu alone cannot clear the blocked road sections. You can only rely on everyone to move the cars one by one to make room for vehicles.

After an hour of fighting, they finally came to the Dynasty Hotel.

Across the distance, Xiao Yao saw the flag raised high.

The Dynasty Hotel is surrounded by tall stone walls. There is a passage about 5 meters wide in the front, and the iron gate at the passage is tightly closed.

Xiao Yao jumped off the roof and knocked **** the iron door.

Soon, a small hole appeared at the iron door. After seeing that it was a human being, a small door that could only pass one person opened.

Xiao Yao walked in and saw a row of soldiers with machine guns crawling in the front yard of the Dynasty Hotel.

Xiao Yao found the person in charge and said, "I'm Xiao Yao, a student of Beijing University. Is this an emergency evacuation point in the DC area?"

"That's right!"

Under the national flag, a man in military uniform came over and said solemnly:

"I'm the head of the emergency shelter in the DC area, you come with me."

Xiao Yao waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to evacuate. All 3,000 summoners from Beijing University have come to Heimu City. I'm just here to confirm the emergency evacuation point in the DC area. After confirmation, I'll start with my team. rescued."

3000 Summoners!

Hearing the news, the man in military uniform asked excitedly, "Really?"

3,000 Summoners have joined, which is undoubtedly great news for him who has fallen into despair.

Xiao Yao nodded: "Yes, after determining the refuge point, we will start the rescue operation."

"That's right sir."

Xiao Yao gave his own suggestion: "Have you sent someone to broadcast the city and tell the citizens the locations of several emergency shelters?"

The man in military uniform said: "We have already sent someone to do it, but even if the citizens know about it, they will not be able to get here."

Now the whole city is full of crazy monsters. Even if they know the location of the refuge, how many people dare to go out?

Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "The broadcast is not only for the citizens, but also for the summoners in Blackwood City."

Blackwood City has a population of 3 million. It belongs to a small and medium-sized city in the Dragon Kingdom, with insufficient resources. Therefore, there may be few high-end combat power, but bronze and black iron summoners must have tens of thousands of people.

In a sudden disaster, there are not a few summoners who have died, but there must be some summoners hiding in safe areas, sheltering their family and friends.

After the evacuation point is broadcast, some summoners may choose to stick to it more cautiously, but there are definitely some people who will bring their family and friends to the evacuation spot, gather together for warmth and seek shelter, so as to strengthen the defense force of the evacuation spot.

For summoners, organized leadership and fighting alone are two completely different things. These summoners are scattered and naturally unable to withstand the attacks of many monsters. But once everyone gathers, at least the efficiency of saving people will be greatly accelerated, and the safety will also be improved. be guaranteed.

Of course, with the broadcast, citizens will also have confidence in their group of rescuers, so that it is convenient for everyone to bring people to the shelter.

The man in the military uniform realized this and said, "Understood, I will let them speed up."

Then, Xiao Yao walked out of the door, looked at his teammates and said:

"Let's focus on here, let's get started."


The crowd nodded.

Xiao Yao glanced at the surrounding buildings, pointed to the nearest residential area and said:

"Go there first!"

bang bang bang~

The security door was knocked frantically by a huge force. The three Li Bin family blocked the door with heavy items such as refrigerators and watched in horror as the security door was knocked out bigger and bigger. drum kit.

"Dad, I'm scared!"

The youngest daughter Li Lingling hid in Li Bin's arms, trembling and trembling.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Li Bin hugged his daughter tightly and comforted.

While comforting his daughter, Li Bin also held his wife's cold hand tightly, his eyes full of nostalgia for life.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of knocking on the door became louder and louder, and finally a big hole was knocked on the security door!

Then, a monkey face full of black hair appeared at the entrance of the cave, causing Li Lingling to scream in horror and ear-piercing.

Jie Jie Jie~

The black monkey smiled evilly, licking its scarlet tongue around its mouth, then took two steps back and slammed the door.

dong dong dong

The door trembled, and finally, under the horrified eyes of the family of three, the door was forcibly torn down by the black monkey.

Li Bin stood in front of his wife and daughter, tremblingly took out a fruit knife in front of him.

The black monkey stood at the door and looked at Li Bin with a playful expression.

Then he pushed the heavy obstacle away with a big push.

Looking at the black monkey who was about to enter the house, the Li Bin family screamed in despair.

at this time

da da da~


The black monkey's body shook violently, blood splashed, and it didn't take long to be beaten into a sieve.

"Is the army here?"

Li Bin looked at the door expectantly.

A few seconds later, a young figure appeared outside the door.

A handsome boy looked into the house and said softly:

"I am the Summoner, and now I will take you to the emergency shelter."

As soon as these words came out, the family of three burst into tears.


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