All My Disciples Are Kings - Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342 Brother-in-law!

Seeing Ye Qiubai's nod.

Shi Shengcai explained: "It's related to the exercises I practice..."

The words are not finished yet.

Jiangsu interrupted: "Since it is related to your practice, there is no need to talk about it."

after all.

A person's practice is the root of a person.

This kind of thing should not be said.

And critical can know this, and put it into action.

This could not help but make Ye Qiubai look up at this person again.

Jiangjie looked at Ye Qiubai again, and said: "Your swordsmanship is very good, if you have time, you can come to Xingyun Sword Sect to discuss with me."

Ye Qiubai smiled and nodded.

"Definitely next time."

Limitedly nodded, wanting to leave.

Mu Cisheng nodded to Ye Qiubai and the others, following the critical situation.

At this time, Ye Qiubai stopped Mu Cisheng and said, "Your surname is Mu?"

Mu Cisheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

then nodded.

It is not a secret that his surname is Mu.

Almost everyone present knew that he was from the Mu family.

Looking at the shy and handsome man in front of him, who hides behind the threshold.

suddenly smiled.

"Do you have an older sister or younger sister?"

Mu Cisheng was taken aback again.

"Um... yes, which one do you say?"

"Mu Ziqing."

"Zi Qing?" Mu Cisheng nodded, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

Few people know about Mu Ziqing.

How did Ye Qiubai know?

However, seeing Mu Cisheng's expression.

Ye Qiubai also got the answer, smiled comfortably, and said, "It's okay, brother-in-law, where are you going next?"

Xiao Hei and Shi Sheng couldn't help laughing.

Brother-in-law? ? ?

Mu Cisheng was stunned.

However, he subconsciously answered Ye Qiubai's question, and replied weakly: "Go to Xingyun Sword Sect with Brother Critical..."

Ye Qiubai's eyes lit up.

"That's just right!"

Looking at the bewildered critical, he said, "Brother Lin, don't I still have to compete with you? Just in time, we will go to the Starfall Sword Sect with you!"

"Furthermore, I have always admired the Xingyun Sword Emperor. Letting me go on a pilgrimage is my wish fulfilled."

Shi Sheng and Xiao Hei heard black lines all over their faces.

The name of Xingyun Sword Emperor was only learned from Mu Fusheng not long ago.

Why have you always admired me?

It seems that they can see the meaning in the expressions of the two.

Ye Qiubai didn't blush either.

Mu Cisheng is his future brother-in-law!

Establish a good relationship with him in advance, wouldn't it be more stable?

Master as the saying goes.

If you are not sure about things.

Either don't do it.

Or just make sure!

Of course, this last sentence was imagined by Ye Qiubai himself...

How could Lu Changsheng say such words...

Not sure about things?

It's too late to hide!

Why don't you just go to die if you put this opportunity aside?

However, the words have already been said here.

Critical and no reason to refuse.

People say that they are going to make a pilgrimage to the ancestors, how can they refuse?

Jiangjun nodded dumbfounded.

"Then come with me."


Five people from both sides left towards the outside of Kunlun Tianchi together.

is on the way.

Jiangjie reminded: "Brother Ye, you killed the people of Hanlingzong and Xuanmingya first, not only making them miss the Kunlun Tianchi, but also beheading many of them."

"There is also the sharp gun sect, and the Tianjiao of the Ruthless Sword Valley."

"These four sects are all first-class forces, and the other party probably won't let it go."

Unfeeling Sword Valley, that is, the sect where the sword cultivator that Xiao Hei shattered with his punch is located.

Ye Qiubai smiled lightly.

Said indifferently: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. We won't cause trouble, but we are definitely not afraid of trouble."

"You said, we have no reason with him, and he wants to kill us. You can't just let them kill me, and I won't kill them?"

"If it were you, what would you do?"

Heard the words.

Critically smiled, and didn't remind me again.

Because, if it were him, the choice would be the same as Ye Qiubai.

Their swords.

The lack of the moon does not change the light, and the sword does not change the strength!

For some things, compromise?

It goes against the way of the sword in your heart!

In the way of one of the swords, it is impossible to go far.

"Perhaps, you can join my Starfall Sword Sect?"

"In this way, the other party will not deal with you too blatantly."

Although the Starfall Sword Sect has been reduced to the end of the first-class forces.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Its background is still there.

This is also one of the reasons why the Starfall Sword Sect can still exist.

not to mention.

Behind the scenes, there is the assistance of the Boundless Dynasty!

Ye Qiubai shook his head with a smile, and said, "Thank you, brother Lin, for your kindness. We already have a teacher."

Hearing the words, Juju shrugged, and no longer forced himself.

When the five of them came out together.

Immediately, with several gazes, and the breath of the emperor's realm and even above the emperor's realm, they locked on Ye Qiubai, Xiao Hei and Shi Sheng!

You don't even need to look at it.

All three of them knew.

Which forces do these people come from!

At this time, in the sky.

The silver-armored guards come down from the giant beast!

Those eager breaths disappeared temporarily.

Mu Fusheng came down from the top, and said: "Now, the fetish of Kunlun Tianchi already has an owner. From then on, the restriction on Kunlun Tianchi will disappear, and at the same time, the quota of Kunlun Tianchi will also be cancelled."

Today's Kunlun Tianchi is just an ordinary pool of water.

This quota will naturally be cancelled.

"Everyone can leave."

"Then, the person who got the Tianchi fetish, come up and tell."

After finishing speaking, Mu Fusheng turned around and returned to the giant beast's back.

Everyone clasped their fists slightly and left one after another.

But when he left, he gave Shi Sheng a greedy look.

Again, there is hatred in it...

Jiangjun stood next to Ye Qiubai indifferently, and said, "Then we will wait for you at the Kunlun Kezhai in Kunlun City, and come to us after the matter is over."

Ye Qiubai nodded.

and Shi Sheng Xiaohei flew towards the giant beast.

In the mansion.

Surrounded by soundproof arrays.

Outsiders cannot hear the message.

At the moment.

Mu Fusheng set up a table of good wine in the courtyard.

Looking at the arrival of Ye Qiubai and the other three, he said with a smile: "This time it's a good deal for you."

Ye Qiubai also smiled, and said: "Your Highness invited us, don't you want to take back the gods in the name of the dynasty?"

Hearing this, Mu Fusheng scolded angrily: "Fuck your shit! I'm such a person!"

"What's more, you can get the approval of the gods, which shows that your talents are very strong. Why don't I go to make friends with you, but **** the gods instead, so that you can bear grudges?"

"Do I look like an idiot?"

Ye Qiubai laughed loudly, patted Mu Fusheng on the shoulder, sat down and said, "Don't be angry, I'm just joking."

Mu Fusheng snorted coldly, and said, "Don't make such a joke."

"By the way, how are you going to deal with the group of people from the Cold Spirit Sect?"

"Why don't you just join my Boundless Dynasty and follow me?"

(end of this chapter)