All I Want - All I Want Part 35

All I Want Part 35

I just needed to remind myself of that when I saw Amber again.

I looked up as the car turned onto a narrow road. If Drake hadn't given us exact directions, we never would have noticed the road. I wasn't sure if I was ready for where this road would take me-to her.

It didn't matter though if I was ready or not because I would be with her again in only a few minutes.

I frowned as I pulled my phone out, and I sent a quick text to Amber.

Almost there.

Less than thirty seconds later, her reply came through.


I hated how seeing her name made me feel. Even after all this time, she still made my heart race. It terrified me now more than ever.

The moment we pulled into the clearing, I spotted her standing next to her and Chloe's best friend, Logan. She was wearing a strapless pale yellow sundress that stopped just a few inches above her knees. It nicely hugged her curves, reminding me of what was underneath. Her hair was styled in loose curls, perfectly framing her face. Her makeup was light, barely there even.

She'd never looked more beautiful.

She looked up as Eric, Jade, and I climbed out of the car. Behind us, the preacher who'd followed us got out of his car as well.

After so many months apart, I had no idea what to expect from Amber.

I couldn't help but smile when she ran toward us. She stopped long enough to give a small hello to Jade and Eric before leaping into my arms. I caught her, my hands instantly going to her ass.

Before I could say a word, she started kissing me as if she were starving. Our mouths collided, and everything else was lost. I let out a low moan as I deepened the kiss, desperate to have more of her. My tongue attacked hers, my tongue ring hitting against her teeth. She pressed her body against mine, desperate to get closer.

I pulled away finally and set her down on the ground. She stared up at me with so much lust and longing in her gaze. I knew then that things hadn't changed at all between us. She still felt the same way she had when I left her. That knowledge nearly brought me to my knees.

"Damn, I've missed you," I whispered.

"Me, too."

I lowered my head so that I could whisper in her hair, "I'm fucking you tonight. I hope that's okay with you."

She smiled. "We'll see."

My eyes scanned her body, taking in every inch of her. This woman did things to me that no one had ever done before. The mere sight of her was enough to drive me insane.

Everyone looked up as another car approached. Logan whistled under his breath at the sight of an expensive Mercedes. It pulled up next to Logan, and Danny-Chloe's cousin whom I'd met once before-stepped out.

He shot Logan a grin. "Logan, long time, buddy."

Logan walked over and gave Danny a quick hug as the rest of us said hello.

"Now that we're all here, let me explain everything," Amber said loud enough for everyone to hear.

She moved away from me to speak to the group, and I instantly missed having her close.

"Okay, so . . . yeah, Drake said Chloe wanted a low-key wedding, which is why we are the only ones here. He wants the ceremony to take place over there"-she pointed to a spot overlooking Cheat Lake-"with Eric as best man. Obviously, I'll be Chloe's maid of honor. The rest of you just have to stand around and look pretty. Drake texted me when they landed, so they should be here any minute. Any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads. Once they were sure Amber was finished speaking, they all started talking among themselves again.

Amber turned her attention back to me. From the slight grin on her face as her eyes traveled down my body, I knew she approved of my attire. My idea of dressing up included a pair of black jeans and a white button-up shirt that hugged my chest and stomach.

Before I could say a word, I heard another car approaching. I looked up as Chloe and Drake pulled into the clearing.

As soon as Chloe stepped out of the car, the confused look on her face made it obvious that she had no idea what was going on. She looked beautiful in a white sundress. Her blonde hair had been straightened, and it was hanging over her shoulders.

I grinned. Drake had done well when it came to her. Chloe was as beautiful inside as she was on the outside.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked as she approached us.

"I thought you would have figured it out by now." Drake grinned down at her.

"I have no clue what you guys are up to."

Amber grabbed a bouquet of flowers off the hood of Logan's car and walked over to where Chloe and Drake were standing.

"You're an idiot, Chloe. You're about to get married," Amber said, handing Chloe the flowers.

Chloe's mouth dropped open as she looked from Amber to Drake and then to where everyone else was standing. "No way."

"Way," Amber said matter-of-factly. "Come on, let's get started."

The next hour was a blur of laughter, tears, and inappropriate jokes.

I'd watched Amber as silent tears slid down her face when Chloe and Drake said their vows. I'd wanted to walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. I hated to see Amber cry, even when it was happy tears.

I'd caught her looking at me several times throughout the ceremony, and I'd grinned at her each time, letting her know that I knew what she was doing. The fact that she couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of me had made me shift my weight back and forth. I had felt desperate for the ceremony to end so that I could touch her again.

Once the ceremony had ended, Chloe and Drake took off for their honeymoon. I had no idea what they were doing, but I knew they wouldn't be gone for long. The band's U.S. tour would be starting soon, and we needed our front man.

The rest of us stood in a loose circle, making plans for the night. Danny had to head home, but the rest of us planned to stop by Gold's, so we could have a few drinks together. Jade, Eric, and I were going to stay at Drake's house overnight before leaving the next morning. I planned to make sure that Amber would stay with us as well.

I started to walk over to where Amber was standing, but before I could, Logan broke away from our group.

Amber, who'd kept her eyes glued on him since Chloe and Drake left, went after him. "Logan, wait! Logan!"

Jealousy surged through my body as I watched her chase after him. I knew it was stupid, but I didn't want her following him around. I wanted her with me. Logan obviously didn't want her anyway. He ignored her as he opened the door and got into his car.

"Logan, talk to me. Please," Amber pleaded.

I moved closer to them so that I could hear what he was about to say to her. Logan's love for Chloe was common knowledge. Watching her marry Drake had probably badly messed with his head. There was no way I'd let him take out his anger and sorrow on Amber.

"My head is so fucked-up right now, Amber. Just let me go. I need to be alone," Logan said as he started the car.

"No, the last thing you need right now is to be alone. We're all going to Gold's for a little while. Come with us," Amber pleaded with him.

He shook his head. "I can't. I'm going back to the house."

"Please, Logan, come with us, or all I'll do is worry about you. Come on, it'll be fun."

He exploded like a nuclear bomb. "Yeah, it'll be real fucking fun to sit around and talk about how happy we all are that Chloe and Drake found their happily ever after. It'll be real fucking fun to sit there and pretend like I'm happy while I'm drowning on the inside. Fuck off, Amber!"

I froze while he yelled at Amber.

Then, my jealousy was instantly replaced by pure rage. No one should speak to Amber like that, no matter how much the person was hurting. Amber had watched out for him so many times, and this was how he was repaying her. I didn't think so. I moved closer, ready to tell him just what I thought of him. Before I could say a word, he slammed his door and tore out of the clearing.

"Oh, Logan," Amber whispered as she wiped away a tear.

She looked up when I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

I looked down at her with a pissed off expression on my face. "He had no right."

"He's hurting," she whispered.

I clenched my hand into a fist when I saw her lower lip trembling. She was trying so hard not to cry.

"I don't give a fuck. No one talks to you like that."

"I need to go after him. I'm sorry, but I can't go to the bar with you guys. Logan needs me more."

"Fuck that. You're coming with us. Let the asshole run away. He doesn't deserve your sympathy after what he just did."

She shook her head. "He's so broken, Adam. The man you just saw isn't my best friend. Logan doesn't act like that. He's just hurting, and he lashed out at me because I was there. I have to make sure he's okay."

"No. You're coming with me."

I had one night with her. That was it. After tonight, I had no idea when I would see her again. I wasn't about to let her go kiss Logan's ass to make him feel better instead of spending time with me.

I didn't care if I had to handcuff her to me. She would spend the night in my arms.

Jade spoke up from behind me, "I'll take care of him. I didn't really want to go to the bar anyway."

"You don't have to. Besides, he's my best friend. No offense, but I'm not sure he'd be comfortable with you," Amber said.

"You'd be surprised," Jade said, emotion flashing in her eyes.

"Perfect. Jade can go, and you can stay with me," I said.

I had no idea why Jade would want to go after Logan, but it didn't matter to me. She'd just saved me from kidnapping charges.

"I need someone to drive me though. Once we find him, you can just drop me off," Jade said.

"I'll take you," Amber said.

I opened my mouth to argue, but I stopped when Amber glared at me. She shrugged out of my hold and walked to her car with Jade.

Amber looked back at me. "I'll meet you guys at Gold's this evening."

If she didn't, I'd go looking for her.

As soon as Eric and I arrived at Gold's, people started crowding around our table. Old friends and fans of the band came over to say hello. A few of them even hung around for a while to talk. The crowd around our table was two deep by the time Amber showed up.

Several of the local groupies also came over to say hello. They were the reason Amber had smoke rolling out of her ears. She was pissed. I smirked every time one of them touched me and Amber glared at them. I had no doubt that she was plotting their untimely demise.

A territorial and possibly murderous Amber was hot as fuck.

When one girl was forward enough to sit on my lap, I literally pushed her onto the floor. The way Amber laughed a little too loudly over that one had me laughing as well.

After that, I grabbed Amber out of her chair and settled her down onto my lap. "Now they know my lap is taken for the night," I whispered in her ear.

She grinned, obviously pleased. I wanted to tell her that she was an idiot for thinking that I'd want anyone in the room but her, but I kept my mouth shut. She had no clue that when she was around, no one else mattered to me.

She snuggled closer to me, and I wrapped my arms around her. My hand occasionally strayed to her leg, pulling her dress up enough so that my hand was resting against bare skin. My fingers traced circles on her leg as I talked to a few of my old friends.

"You ready to get out of here?" I whispered in her ear. I couldn't stand to sit here any longer. I needed to be inside her.

She shivered. "Yeah."

After we told everyone good-bye, we stood. I held her hand as we walked to the door. I kept her hand in mine until we reached her car. She unlocked it and started to climb in.

"Why don't we just walk over?" I asked.

"I don't want to leave my car in the bar parking lot all night."

"You're coming to Drake's though, aren't you?" Jesus. I sounded desperate, even to my own ears.

She grinned. "Yeah, I'll be there. You can ride over with me if you want."

I shook my head. "Nah, I'll walk. Wouldn't want Eric to get lost or anything."

I started walking toward Drake's house as she backed out of her parking spot. Eric walked next to me. I didn't miss the way he kept glancing over at me.

"You got something to say?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Not really. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with you and Amber."

"There's nothing going on. Nothing new anyway."

"I'm going to say something, and I don't want you to lie to me or try to deny it. You're different around her, dude. Two seconds around her, and it's like you're a completely different man. I saw it before we left for California, but I thought I had been wrong since you started screwing anything with a pulse. The moment you saw her today though, I knew I had been right. You actually care about her."

"I do care I suppose. Amber has turned out to be a decent girl. I guess I consider her a friend," I said lightly.