All I Want - All I Want Part 2

All I Want Part 2

"Smart woman. I guess great minds think alike," he remarked.

"I tell you what. Fetch me that stocking up there," I said, pointing to the one at the top. "And I'll tell you where you can find your present."

Reaching for the stocking, he smiled and handed it to me. There was definitely something inside of it instead of paper. Taking a deep breath, I tipped it over and let what was inside fall into my palm. And there, twinkling against the Christmas lights was a diamond encrusted snowflake necklace.

"Oh my God, it's beautiful," I murmured in awe. Ryley smiled and took it from my hand. His fingers brushed across my neck as he pulled my hair to the side and fastened it on. "Thank you," I cried. "I can't begin to tell you how amazing this Christmas has been. It's all because of you."

Leaning down, he kissed me gently on the lips. "I will do anything and everything I can to make you happy. We lost everything once before and I'm not going to let that happen again." He bent down on his knees and rested his hands on my belly. "Soon, it's not just going to be us anymore. I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm going to do everything I can for you and the twins. I want to be a good father. I just hope I don't fail."

After he kissed my stomach, he got to his feet. I didn't like seeing the turmoil brewing behind those blue eyes of his. "You're going to be a great father, Ryley. I don't think you've ever failed at anything."

He lowered his gaze and clenched his jaw. "That's not true. There is one person."

"No," I snapped, getting his attention. When his eyes jolted to mine, I softened my voice. "You didn't fail Camden. He failed himself. You can't take blame for his mistakes."

His brother had always been jealous of him and made it perfectly clear a few months ago. Their battle finally ended in an underground match that could've cost them their lives. It was a scary time, but thanks to Gabby and Paxton, we were able to save both of them.

"All right, enough talk about your brother. It's Christmas and we need to be happy. Are you ready for your present?" I asked excitedly.

A small smile splayed across his face and he nodded. Taking his hand, I led him to the front door, my heart pounding relentlessly. I hope he liked it as much as I did.

"Just open the door," I told him.

When his hand touched the handle and turned, snow billowed in with wind as the door opened. I kept my focus on his face the entire time, nervous to see his reaction. What do you give a guy that has everything? It wasn't easy trying to figure out what present to get him when he could buy anything he wanted. His face, however, lit up brighter than our Christmas tree.

"Holy fucking shit. You've got to be kidding me," he shouted. My big, bad ass fighter beamed like a little kid at Christmas. I could only imagine what he looked like as a child when he opened up his presents. I loved seeing him happy. Eyes wide, he turned to me and held me tight. "Angel, it's awesome. Do you mind if I take it out for a spin?"

The key to it was in my pajama pants pocket so I pulled it out and dangled it in front of his face, laughing. "Be my guest. One of these days I'll ride with you."

Snatching it out of my hand, he rushed to put on his boots and jacket. I wanted to kick myself in the ass for not videotaping him because it was quite the show. "Do you like it?" I asked.

Once his boots were laced up, he marched over to me and kissed me, hard. "I fucking love it. I have a new toy to play with now. I just wish you could come with me. How did you get it here? Was it Danny?"

"He brought it this morning. I had him pick it up for me the other week." I lifted the collar of his jacket and pushed him out the door. "Now go and have fun, but be careful. Danny told me your mother and grandparents are coming over, so we should be dressed before they get here."

He smiled wide and rushed to the Rhino. I watched him take the bow off and get in, his eyes taking in every inch of the interior. Once the machine was brought to life, he took off through the woods and all I could hear was his excited shouts as he raced down the trails.

Chapter Four.

Ryley Ashleigh outdid herself by getting me the Rhino. I had to admit, this Christmas had been by far the best one I'd ever had. As soon as I was far enough away from the house, I pulled out my phone and dialed.

"Well if it isn't my little boy. Merry Christmas, baby," my mother answered.

"Merry Christmas to you too. Hey, listen, do you have everything I asked you to get?"

"Did she say yes?" she squealed.

"Not yet. I haven't exactly talked to her about it. The last thing I want is for her to say no."

My mother sighed. "Son, I honestly don't think you'll have anything to worry about. I've seen you two together. If you tell her how you feel, I know she'll see it your way. Have a little faith."

I did have faith in her, but I didn't want to put pressure on her when she was already in a vulnerable state. "All right, don't come over to the house until I give you the green light. I want to talk to her first. Do you mind calling William for me?"

"It's already been done. All you need to do is tell me when and we'll be there. If not, then we'll still be there as if nothing happened. Is there anything you need before we arrive?"

"Actually there is," I said with a chuckle. Ashleigh loved my mother's sweet potato casserole and I gave her the rest of it last night at dinner. I was pretty sure she'd want more. "Do you mind making another sweet potato casserole? Ash ate that shit up."

My mother laughed. "Well at least someone likes it. Your granddaddy says it's too sweet. But don't worry, I'll make her another one. Have you talked to her parents?"

"Yes, they're in town. They're actually staying in a cabin just down the mountain."

"Does Ashleigh know?"

"No, it's all a surprise. They're just waiting on me to talk to her."

"Well, get to it and call me back. We're all dying to know what she says."

So am I. After starting up the Rhino, I headed back through the woods to the cabin, my heart racing the closer I got. Why was I so fucking nervous? Oh, I know. It could possibly be one of the most important days of my life. Who wouldn't be nervous about that?

Chapter Five.

Ashleigh Ryley had been gone for over an hour and I was starting to get worried about him until I heard the Rhino coming closer. I had already taken a shower and gotten dressed in a pair of black maternity pants and a red silky top that hugged my round belly. All I needed was a white wig and I could easily be Mrs. Claus.

The living room was full of ripped wrapping paper by the time we finished opening up the baby gifts, so I scrounged all of that up and put it in a trash bag. Carrying it outside, I expected to see Ryley come back with a smile on his face, but I could tell something was wrong and it made me pause.

Standing on the porch, Ryley approached me and took the bag from my hands, tossing it into the trash.

"What's wrong?" I asked, whispering the words. "You don't look right."

He took off his gloves and brushed his fingers down my cheek. I was surprised they felt so warm after being out in the cold for the past hour. "Let's go inside before you freeze out here."

Grabbing my hand, he led me inside and shut the door. I stood there staring at him, my breaths coming out in pants while I waited on him to take off his jacket and boots. "Ryley, you're freaking me out. What's wrong?"

Taking a deep breath, he let it out and slowly turned my way. He was nervous. But what could he possibly be nervous about? He grasped my hands and pulled me over to the couch. When we sat down, he lowered his gaze to my hand, the one I wore my engagement ring on.

"I will never forget the day you told me you would marry me," he said.

"Neither will I." The memories flooded my mind. It was a cool, brisk autumn day out in our meadow. We had just made love on the grass when he slipped the ring on my finger without me realizing it. It was a good day. "But I want you to tell me what has you looking so lost. I thought everything was good this morning when you left."

"Believe me, angel. Things are better than good. I've just been doing some thinking and I wanted to talk to you." He looked down at my ring again and twirled it around my finger. "I gave you this ring because I love you, and because I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side."

I squeezed his hand and moved closer. "I feel the same way. I'm more than ready for next October to get here so we can get married."

Releasing a heavy sigh, he lifted his blue eyes to mine. There was no trace of my playful Ryley, he was nothing but serious. "I don't want to wait until October."

Mouth gaping open, I didn't know if I heard him right. "Excuse me? What exactly are you saying?"

Cupping my face in his hands, he pulled me forward and rested his forehead to mine. "I'm saying, I want to marry you now, before our twins get here. I know we didn't want to ask anything of each other this Christmas, but if there's one thing I want more than anything it would be for you to accept my name as your own.

"I know you wanted us to spend time together and get to know each other before we take that step, but I already know you Ashleigh. And who I am today, is who I'll always be. We're going to change, but from here on out we're going to do it together. I know what I want and nothing is ever going to change that. I want you . . . always."

So many emotions swirled through every fiber of my being. I felt like I was in shock. I didn't even know which way was left and which was right. Did he really want to get married today? As in Christmas? I looked down at my swollen belly and then out the window where the snow cascaded down. I would marry Ryley in a heartbeat, but this wasn't what I imagined my special day would be like. Before I could say that to him, he turned my face and wiped away the tears that started to fall down my cheeks.

"I know what you're thinking, angel. I remember you telling me about the wedding of your dreams and by God I'm going to make that happen. In October, we'll still have that day. In front of all of our family and friends, we'll say our vows and do this shit the way you want. But right now, it's not about that for me. Our twins are important, but I want you to have my name first. Without you, they wouldn't be here and I think it's only right for me to give it to you first."

More tears flowed. "Do you want to get married today? Is that what you're asking?"

"Yes," he replied wholeheartedly.

"But how? It's Christmas. What about our families?"

"All I need is an answer and I can make it all happen. I would love if you'd give me this gift, but if you don't want to, that's fine too. The last thing I want to do is pressure you. I just know we both want this and it would make me so fucking happy to be able to call you my wife. I don't want to go another day without knowing that you're completely and utterly mine."

He stared at nothing but me as I sat there stunned. Was this really happening? My heart jumped for joy and I wanted to scream out my answer. I didn't think anymore, I just opened my mouth and spoke.

"Yes," I said, exhaling. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. I trust you know what you're doing."

Breathing a sigh of relief, he closed the distance and kissed me. His arms snaked around my body, holding me tight. "You have no idea how happy you've made me. Right now, all I need you to do is sit back and let me take care of everything. This day is just getting started."

Chapter Six.

Ashleigh When Ryley said the day was just getting started, he wasn't kidding. He made me a cup of hot chocolate and told me to watch a Christmas movie while he got everything put together. I had no clue what was going to happen, or what he had in mind. My thoughts strayed to my parents and how I wished they were there. I knew we would be having another wedding in October, but it still didn't change the fact that if Ryley was being serious, I would have his name by the end of the day. It was all surreal, like I was in a dream. Knowing my luck, I'd wake up any minute.

However, instead of hearing my alarm clock, I heard the doorbell. Looking over my shoulder, I watched Ryley march to the door and open it. It was his mother, Danny, and his grandparents, all bearing gifts.

"Look what I brought, sweetheart," Terry called, holding up the casserole dish.

Sheepishly, Ryley bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders when I glared over at him. "What? I knew you liked it, so I asked her to make you another one."

I walked over to him and smacked him on the arm. "Yeah, but now she knows I ate the other one and it only took me three days. I look like a cow."

Everyone laughed, but then Mamaw was the one who spoke up next. "No you don't, child. You look like a beautiful bride to be. Come on, we need to get you ready." She had a hanging bag in her arms and held it up.

"What's that?" I asked.

Ryley put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear. "Don't be mad, but I've kind of had this planned for a while. I bought you a dress in case you said yes. The pastor is even on his way as well. He's a friend of Granddaddy's."

"So, this is really happening? I swear it doesn't feel real."

"Believe me," Terry said, setting down the casserole. "It's real." She looked over at Ryley. "Are her parents on the way?"

"My parents?" I asked, wide-eyed. "They're coming?"

Ryley nodded and smiled. "I told you I had this planned. They're just down the mountain. They've been here since yesterday. No matter what you decided, they were going to come visit. I told them on Thanksgiving what I wanted to do."

Fresh tears blurred my vision. "And my dad was happy about that wasn't he?"

He chuckled. "Like a pig in shit. I think in that moment he realized how serious I was about you."

The doorbell rang again, drawing me away from Ryley. All I wanted to do was hold him and cry in his arms, but when Danny opened the door it was my parents, with smiles on their faces. My mother ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck.

"Look at you," she cried. "The babies have gotten so much bigger."

"Don't I know it," I laughed.

Terry and Mamaw joined us, while the men flocked to Ryley. "All right, little lady, it's time to get you ready," Mamaw announced.

Danny went to the refrigerator and pulled out a couple of beers. "And boys, it's time to get our drink on." Ryley sent me a pitying look and smiled before joining the men in the kitchen.

The twins bounced in my belly and I giggled. "Just don't get him drunk on our wedding day," I warned.

"No worries," Danny replied. "I'm pretty sure he'll be perfectly fine for you on your wedding night."

Ryley winked over at me. "You got that right."

Before I could hear anymore, my mother guided me up the stairs to my bedroom. As soon as they shut the door behind us, Mamaw hung the garment bag on my closet door and started to unzip it.

"So who picked out the dress?" I asked.

Mamaw unzipped it all the way, but I couldn't see it yet. "Your lover boy did," she replied. When she pulled it all the way out, my eyes went wide.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

Chapter Seven.