All Hail Cousin Brother - Chapter 1078: Personal Welcome

Chapter 1078: Personal Welcome

Chapter 1078: Personal Welcome

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

The carriage drove out of the Eldest Princesss residence. The Empresss ceremonial guard was at her side. The ceremonial guard stretched for miles, and it was a spectacular sight. Chang An Street was heavily guarded, and the commoners on both sides cheered excitedly.

Along the way, there were music officials playing. The song Guan Ju seemed extremely grand.

The ospreys chirp on an islet in the river. A gentleman is fond of a graceful lady Look at the river, where the ospreys are chirping. There was a virtuous and beautiful woman. She would be a good partner to a gentleman.

He wanted to pursue her day and night.

He missed her day and night.

His endless longing made it difficult for him to fall asleep.


He played the zither to get close to her.

He struck the bell and drum to please her.

Amidst the sound of bells and drums, the carriage traveled along Chang An Street to the palace gate. It was almost dusk.

They would get married at dusk.

The time was exactly right.

Auntie Xu was all smiles as she shouted, Great fortune!

The accompanying eunuchs also shouted, Great fortune!

The carriage slowly stopped.

Just as Yu Youyao was about to ask, she heard Auntie Xu, who was beside the carriage, say, The emperor personally came to the palace gate to welcome you. Hes wearing a Zhou wedding outfit. Its black and red. The collar and sleeves are all red. Theres a red flower tied to his chest. Hes riding a tall horse. Theres a red flower tied to the horses head. Its very festive and high-spirited.

Yu Youyao was silent for a moment.

Yin Huaixi, who was in the palace, was even busier than her when it came to the post-coronation wedding. He was busy offering sacrifices to the heavens, the ground, and his ancestors. He traveled almost non-stop from morning to night.

He did not have time to personally welcome the bride.

He couldnt go to the Eldest Princesss residence to welcome her personally, so he kept waiting at the palace gate to welcome her into the palace.

She had been busy since before dawn until the auspicious time. The post-coronation wedding was very complicated, but no matter what, it was different from the wedding etiquette she knew. It did not look festive at all. From the beginning to the end, it exuded a sense of solemnity, making her feel very dazed.

It was also at this moment that Yu Youyao had a real feeling that she was going to marry into another family.

The person she was going to marry was the most respected emperor in the world.

He was also her childhood sweetheart and her cousin.

He was a good man who had been with her for many years.

He was also her lover who was connected to her.

Yu Youyao felt a surge of sweetness in her heart and couldnt help but smile.

On an auspicious day, she couldnt look out. She couldnt see how high-spirited Yin Huaixi was, nor could she imagine how radiant he looked.

However, after hearing Auntie Xus description, she suddenly felt that she was probably a big fool. Now, even the silly son of a landlord did not welcome his bride like this.

In fact, Yu Youyao wasnt the only one who was speechless.

Even the officials who were following the emperor couldnt help but fall silent when they suddenly saw the emperors festive and down-to-earth appearance.

The Great Zhou Dynasty did not have a tradition of wearing corsages. Only people in operas acted like this. She did not know where the emperor had watched this opera, but he actually believed it.

For someone as young as the Minister of Rites, who did not have enough composure, he immediately could not help but laugh.

Those who had better composure quickly pursed their lips and tried their best to pretend that they were fine, but the corners of their mouths couldnt help but twist and twitch. It was very difficult to hold back their laughter.

At Elder Yus age, he had seen all kinds of storms in his life. With a glance, he lowered his eyes and pretended not to see anything.

As for what he was thinking, probably only he knew.

Yin Huaixi was sitting on a tall horse. Through the half-transparent curtain in front of the carriage, he could only see the shadowy figure in the carriage, exuding dignity and beauty. His heart burned, and the smile on his face widened until all his eight teeth were exposed.

He looked up and raised his eyebrows. His entire body exuded a sense of pride that he was getting married today and would have a wife.

Back to the palace. Yin Huaixi straightened his back and rode into the palace valiantly.

The bridal carriage followed him into the palace.

The sound of the bell and drum played again. Under the setting sun, the song Tao Tian seemed ancient and distant. The music seemed to reach the sky.

The peach blossoms are beautiful. When the girl returns, she will be suitable for the family There were thousands of peach blossoms blooming. This girl was about to get married and happily return to her husbands family. She would definitely be happy.

The plump and fresh peaches were full of branches. This girl was from a good family, so she would definitely have a good family.

The peach leaves were dense and thick. If this girl married a good man, they would definitely grow old together.

The Empresss guards stretched from the palace gate to the Meridian Gate to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

When they arrived at the hall, the carriage stopped.

Yin Huaixi dismounted and walked to the carriage.

Chun Xiao and Xia Tao stood on each side and raised the curtains.

Auntie Xu stepped forward and helped Yu Youyao out of the carriage. She formed a red silk flower and stuffed one end of it into Yu Youyaos body before handing the other end to Yin Huaixi.

Yu Youyao lowered her eyes and did not look up at him, but she could feel that Yin Huaixis gaze on her was filled with pa.s.sion, making her heart skip a beat.

Next, she was going to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony side by side with Yin Huaixi. She would follow a long pa.s.sageway in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and step on the 39 steps in front of the hall until she reached the hall.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony was incomparably vast. There was a wide hall in front that could accommodate more than ten thousand people to wors.h.i.+p and celebrate. It was very majestic. As they walked along the long pa.s.sageway, a hall suddenly appeared. It was dozens of feet off the ground. It was dignified and magnificent, as if it could reach the sky.

At this moment, the Hall of Supreme Harmony played Chou Mou.

The firewood is tied. Orions Belt has appeared in the sky. What night is it today to see such a good person? Whats wrong with such a good person?

The t.i.tle of the song referred to wrapping and tying up an object.

The tied firewood was a metaphor for a united and affectionate couple.

The light and lingering tune was mixed with the joy and liveliness of the flute. Every time the flute was played the line, What night is it today, the tune would be reserved and playful. There was a sense of intoxication on this auspicious day. It was joyful, exciting, and interesting.

Yu Youyaos face turned red when she heard the music. Most of the bridal escorts in the Great Zhou Dynasty played Tao Tian and Chou Mou. They symbolized a good marriage and wished the new couple well.

Even if they didnt sing some songs from the Cla.s.sic of Poetry, they would sing Chou Mou to express this festivity and joy.

However, this was a post-coronation wedding. Wasnt it a little too dignified to play this song?

Just as she was thinking this, Yin Huaixi really started singing a little song of Sentimental Attachment like the commoners. His voice was clear, and it was not difficult to hear the smugness in his tone.

The firewood was tightly tied, and Orions Belt was sparkling in the sky. What night was it tonight? It was such a joy to see this beautiful woman. If you were asked, how should you kiss this beautiful woman?



There was a lot of gra.s.s in a bundle, and the three stars in the southeast were flas.h.i.+ng. What night was it tonight? It was such a joy to have such a good day. If you had to ask, how could you celebrate such a good day?



A bunch of thorns was tightly tied up, and the three stars in the sky shone on the door. What night was it tonight? I was really excited to see this beauty. If I had to ask you, I would ask you how much you doted on this beauty.

