All About Coffee - Part 161

Part 161

BORRERO Y ECHEVEBRiA, ESTeBAN. El Cafe. Apuntes para una monografia. _Habana_, 1890. 46 pp.

COFFEE grounds of Cuba. All-the-Year, XXIV: 61.

FERNaNDEZ Y JIMeNEZ, JOSe MARiA. Agricultura cubana. 3 ed.

_Habana_, 1868. 69 pp.

FOX, ALVIN. Coffee culture in Cuba and Porto Rico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1356-1359.

HILLMAN, JOSEPH. Coffee planting. _New York_, 1902. 16 pp.

OLD Cuban coffee plantations. Harper's Weekly, 1908, LII: 31.


ARNTZENIUS, G. Cultuur en volk. Beschouwingen over de gouvernementskoffie-cultuur op Java. _'s Gravenhage_, 1891. 158 pp.

CAMPBELL, DONALD MACLAINE. The industries of Java: Coffee. In his, Java: past and present. _London_, 1915. pp. 931-944.

CHALOT, C. and THILLARD, R. Le cafe a Java. 1914.

COFFEE enterprise in the East Indies. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1893: 123-124.

CRAMER, P.J.S. Gegevens over de variabiliteit van de in Nederlandsch-Indie verbouwde koffie-soorten. _Batavia_, 1913. 696 pp.

DUMONT, A. Consideraciones sobre el cultivo del cafe en esta isla.

_Havana_, 1823.

KOFFIECULTUUR. Tijdsch. voor Nederlandsch-Indie, 1901, ser. 2, V: 168-175.

NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE maatschappij van nijwerheid en landbouw.

Handleiding voor de gouvernements-koffiekultuur. _Batavia_, 1873.

56 pp.

PARKHURST, E.T.Y. Coffees of the Dutch East Indies. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, x.x.xV: 316-322; 416-420; 1919, x.x.xVI: 22-27; 118-122.

RAEDT VAN OLDENBARNEVELT, A.C. De koffie-cultuur op Java. _'s Gravenhage_, 1898. 48 pp.

SMID, J.H. Handbook voor de kultuur der koffie in Oost en West Indie. _Middleburg_, 1884. 112 pp.

VAN ERMEL, W.K.L.K. Some facts about coffee in Palembang.

_Singapore_, 1879. 16 pp.

VAN GORKOM, K.W. Groote cultuur in Nederlandsch Oostindie koffie.

_Haarlem_, 1882.


GALLAGHER, WILLIAM JOHN. Coffee robusta. _Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States_, 1910. 7 pp.

LIBERIAN coffee at the Straits Settlements (C. Liberica bull.) Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. information, 1888: 261-263; 1890: 107-108, 245-253.

LIBERIAN coffee in the Malay native states. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 277-282.


BRIGGS, LAWRENCE P. The coffee of French Indo-China. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xIII: 118-123.

CRAMER, P.J.S. Coffee plantations of Tonkin, Philippine Agricultural Review, 1910, III: 94-100.

PARIS. President du syndicat des productions et explorateurs de Tourane. Le cafe d'Annam; etude pratique sur sa culture. _Tourane, Annam_, 1895. 95 pp.


COFFEE cultivation at the Gold Coast. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1895: 21-23; 1897: 325-328.


COFFEE in Guadeloupe. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 445.


DIESELDORFF, E.P. Der Kaffeebaum. Praktische Erfahrungen uber seine Behandlung im nordlichen Guatemala. _Berlin_, 1908. 36 pp.

MORREN, F.W. Koffiecultuur in Guatemale, met aanteekeningen betreffende de overige cultures de mijnen en den economischen toestand van deze republiek. _Amsterdam_, 1899. 142 pp.

PARKHURST, E.T.Y. Coffee in Guatemala. Californian Magazine, II: 742.


AUBLET, FUSeE. Histoire des plantes de la Guyane francaise.

Observations sur la culture du cafe. _Paris_, 1775.

GUIANA (British) Permanent exhibitions committee. Cacao and coffee industries. Leaflet 6. 1911. 12 pp.


GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGN OFFICE. Report on coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. _London_, 1897. 18 pp. (Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series, no. 425.)

HAWAII. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. Culture of coffee. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII, no. 10.

---- Blight-resistant coffees. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1912, IX, no. 3.

HAYWOOD, WM. Coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. _Washington_, 1898. 164 pp.

MCCHESNEY, J.M. The great coffee corner. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII: 206-211.

MCCLELLAND, J.L. Coffee culture in Hawaii. Overland Monthly, 1903, n.s. XLI: 170-178.

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. Circular No. 16. Danger of introducing a Central American coffee in Hawaii. _Washington_, 1898.