All About Coffee - Part 155

Part 155

MAZZA, C. Sull' esame batteriologico della polvere che si trova negli s.p.a.cci di caffe, con speciale riguardo al bacillo della tubercolosi. Rivista d'Igiene e Sanita pubblica, 1897, VIII: 8-20.

PALADINO, PIETRO. Sopra un nuovo alcaloide contenuto nel caffe.

Gazette Chimica Italiana, XXV: 104-110. Summarized in, Beilstein's Organische Chemie, 1897, III: 888.

PARET, S.A. Quelques resultats obtenus par l'emploi du valerianate de cafeine (these). _Paris_, 1874.

PAYEN, eDOUARD. Memoire sur le cafe. Comptes vendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1846, XXII: 724-732; XXIII: 8-15, 144-251.

PRATT, DAVID S. The microscopy of tea and coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 419-421.

PRESCOTT, A. Chemistry of tea and coffee. Popular Science Monthly, XX: 359.

ROBIQUET, VON, and BOUTRON. Ueber den Kaffee. Annalen der Chemie, 1837, XXIII: 93-95.

ROBISON, FLOYD W. What do we know about coffee? Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.xI: 556-562.

SAYRE, L.E. A pharmacologist on coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xII: 521-527.

---- Coffee, its standardization and application to pharmacy.

Merck's Report, 1907, XVI: 61-63.

SOME new facts about coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, x.x.xV: 436-437.

STREET, JOHN PHILLIPS. About hygienic coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.xI: 52-54.

---- Hygienic coffee a.n.a.lyses. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xIII: 42-43.

---- Recent coffee a.n.a.lyses. Modern Hospital, 1916: 330-332.

Reprinted in Tea and Coffee Trade Journal. x.x.x: 570-572.

TATLOCK, R.R. and THOMSON, R.T. The a.n.a.lysis and composition of coffee, chicory, and coffee and chicory "essences." Journal of the Society of Chemical Industries, 1910, XXIX: 138-140.

TRIGG, CHARLES W. Caffetannic acid a bugaboo. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xIII: 437-439.

---- Coffee oil and fats. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, x.x.xV: 230-231.

---- Coffee carbohydrates. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, x.x.xVI: 246-247.

TUSINI, F. Sul riconoscimento delle varie specie di grani di caffe, mediante la misurazione delle cellule del reticolo alb.u.minoideo e dello spermoderma. Archivio di Farmacologia sperimentale e Science affini, 1903, II: 215-217.

VAUTIER, E. The wastes of coffee. Mitt. Lebensm. Hyg., 1921, 12: 35-37.

VAN DER WOLK, P.C. New researches into some statistics of Coffea.

Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre, 1914, XI: 355-359.

VLAANDEREN, C.L. and MULDER, G.J. Sauren des Kaffee's.

Jahresbericht der Chemie, 1858: 261-264.

WARNIER, W.L.A. Contributions a la connaissance du cafe. Recueil de Travaux chimiques du Pays-Bas de la Belgique, 1899, 2. ser. III: 351-357.

WILLc.o.x, O.W. Coffee aroma secret out. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 343-344.

---- Tannin in coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 485.

WILLc.o.x, O.W. and RENTSCHLER, M.J. Scientific a.n.a.lysis of coffee.

Tea and Coffee Trade Journal. 1910. XIX: 440-443; 1911, XX: 30-34, 109-111, 194-195, 355-356.

WOODMAN, A.G. Report on tea, coffee, and cocoa products, 1909. U.S.

Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, 1910, Cx.x.xII: 134-136.


CLAUTRIAU, G. Nature et signification des alcaloides vegetaux.

_Paris_, 190?: 113.

DRAGENDORFF, GEORG. Caffein und Theobromin. In his, Die gerichtlich-chemische Ermittelung von Giften, pp. 202-206.

FENDLER, G. and STuBER, W. Coffenbestimmungen im Kaffee.

Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1914, XXVIII: 9-20.

FISCHER, EMIL. Ueber das Caffen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1882, XV, no. 5: 29-87.

FRANKEL, E.M. Caffeine and theine. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, x.x.xI: 260.

FRENCH, J.M. Caffein, its sources and uses. Merck's Archives, 1907, IX: 208.

JOBST, CARL. Thein identisch mit Caffein. Annalen der Chemie, 1838, XXV: 63-66.

LANGLOIS, P. Kola et cafeine. La Science Ill.u.s.tree, July, 1890.

LENDRICH, K. and NOTTBOHM, E. Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Coffens im Kaffee. Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1909, XVI: 241-265.

PAUL, B.H. and COWNLEY, A.J. The amount of caffeine in various kinds of coffee. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1887, 3 ser. XVII: 565.

PFAFF, C.H. Ueber die Darstellung des Coffens, uber dessen charakteristische Eigenschaften und dessen Mischung, uber zwei Sauren im Kaffee, so wie uber das sogenannte Kaffee-Grun. Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, 1831, I: 487-503; II: 31-45.

POLSTORFF, KARL. Ueber das Vorkommen von Betainen und von Cholin in Kaffein und Theobromin enthaltenden Drogen. Chemisches Zentralblatt, 1909, 5 ser. XIII: 2014-2015.

STEHLE, R.L. Caffeine, the alkaloid. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, x.x.xII: 46-47.

SULLIVAN, A.L. Determination of caffein in coffee, a comparison of the Hilger and Fricke method with a modification of the Gomberg method. Science, 1909, x.x.x: 255.

WILLc.o.x, O.W. Coffee and caffein. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 460-461.


RABENHORST, W. and VARGES, J. Koffenfreier Kaffee; enthalt der kaffeinfreie Kaffee fremde chemische Bestandteile, insbesondere Ammoniak, Benzol, Salzsaure, Schwefelsaure? Medizinische Klinik, 1908, IV: 1612.