In the preparation of this volume the following works have been consulted, which treat wholly, or in part, of Alaska. After the narratives of the early voyages and discoveries, the more important works of the list are Bancroft's "History," Dall's "Alaska and Its Resources," Brooks' "Geography and Geology," Davidson's "Alaska Boundary," Elliott's "Arctic Province," Mason's "Aboriginal Basketry,"
Miss Scidmore's "Guide-book," and "Proceedings of the Alaska Boundary Tribunal."
ABERCROMBIE, CAPTAIN. Government Reports.
ALASKA CLUB'S Almanac. 1907, 1908.
BALES, L. L. Habits and Haunts of the Sea-otter. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. April 7, 1907.
BANCROFT, HUBERT H. History of the Pacific States. Volumes on Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and Northwest Coast. The volume on Alaska is a conscientious and valuable study of that country, the material for which was gathered largely by Ivan Petroff.
BEATTIE, W. G. Alaska-Yukon Magazine. October, 1907.
BLAINE, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress. Two volumes. 1884.
BRADY, J. G. Governor's Reports. 1902, 1904, 1905.
BROOKS, ALFRED H. The Geography and Geology of Alaska. 1906. Also, Coal Resources of Alaska.
BUTLER, SIR WILLIAM. Wild Northland. 1873.
CLARK, REED P. Mirror and American.
COOK, JAMES. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. 1784.
c.o.xE, WILLIAM. Russian Discoveries. Containing diaries of Steller, the naturalist, who accompanied Behring and Shelikoff, who made the first permanent Russian settlement in America; also, an account of Deshneff's pa.s.sage through Behring Strait in 1648. Fourth Edition. Enlarged. 1803.
CUNNINGHAM, J. T. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
DALL, WILLIAM HEALY. Alaska and Its Resources. An accurate and important work. This volume and Bancroft's Alaska are the standard historical works on Alaska.
DAVIDSON, GEORGE. The Alaska Boundary. 1903. Also, Glaciers of Alaska.
1904. Mr. Davidson's work for Alaska covers many years and is of great value.
DIXON, GEORGE. Voyage Around the World. 1789.
DORSEY, JOHN. Alaska-Yukon Magazine. October, 1907.
DUNN, ROBERT. Outing. February, 1908.
ELLIOTT, HENRY W. Our Arctic Province. 1886. This book covers the greater part of Alaska in an entertaining style and contains a comprehensive study of the Seal Islands.
GEORGESON, C. C. Report of Alaska Agricultural Experimental Work. 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906.
HARRIMAN. Alaska Expedition. 1904.
HARRISON, E. S. Nome and Seward Peninsula.
HOLMES, W. H. Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. 1907.
JEWITT, JOHN. Adventures. Edited by Robert Brown. 1896. John Jewitt was captured and held as a slave by the Nootka Indians from 1803 until 1805.
JONES, R. D. Alaska-Yukon Magazine. October, 1907.
KINZIE, R. A. Treadwell Group of Mines. 1903.
LA PeROUSE, JEAN FRANcOIS. Voyage Around the World. 1798.
MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER. Voyages to the Arctic in 1789 and 1793. Two volumes.
MCLAIN, J. S. Alaska and the Klondike. 1905.
MASON, OTIS T. Aboriginal American Basketry. An exquisite and poetic work.
MOSER, COMMANDER. Alaska Salmon Investigations.
MUIR, JOHN. The Alaska Trip. Century Magazine. August, 1897.
MuLLER, GERHARD T. Voyages from Asia to America. 1761 and 1764.
NORD, CAPTAIN J. G. Letters and papers.
PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL. Voyage Around the World. 1789.
PROCEEDINGS of the Alaska Boundary Tribunal. Seven volumes. 1904.
SCHWATKA, FREDERICK. Along Alaska's Great River. 1886. Lieutenant Schwatka voyaged down the Yukon on rafts in 1883 and wrote an interesting book. His namings were unfortunate, but his voyage was of value, and many of his surmises have proven to be almost startlingly correct.
SCIDMORE, ELIZA RUHAMAH. Guide-book to Alaska. 1893. Miss Scidmore's style is superior to that of any other writer on Alaska.