Akashic Records of the Bastard Magical Instructor - Volume 2 Chapter 3

Volume 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 3: An encounter between Empress and Princess

At the Magic Games Festival stadium bustling with activity, in a corner leading to the spectator stands—

Standing there were a strange boy-girl duo who wore matching black-themed suits and overcoats.

One was a young male who appeared to be around twenty years old. Beneath his indigo-tinted black hair were a pair of hawk-like sharp eyes. His tall, slender, and well-proportioned body appeared to be rather emaciated , but it was definitely stout. As for his general demeanor, rather than merely calling it calm, it would be more accurate to say that he gave off a marked air of cool indifference. It was as though a knife so sharp that it was fatal-on-contact was hidden somewhere – That was the kind of impression he exuded.

The other was a young girl that was in her mid-teens. Her disheveled blue hair flowed freely with the single exception of a knot behind the nape, and her azure-colored eyes gave the impression that she was constantly sleepy. Her small, delicate, yet lavish figure reminded one of an antique doll. It would most certainly be charming if she were to smile, but nothing remotely close to an expression could be found. It was impossible to read any traces of emotion.

The coats that the two wore were decorated with metal plates and rivets, which were reinforced with runes that were engraved upon them. It was clear that these were robes used for magic battles.

In the bustling crowd of students and spectators alike, the two were rather conspicuous. Their outfits were of course a factor, but they also seemed to have a rather unscrupulous presence.

However, the two didn’t seem to draw any suspecting glances. As though they were pebbles on the roadside, it was hard to notice that they were there.

“–That’s Glen, right?”

The young man murmured impa.s.sionately.

“…Mm, it must be Glen.”

The young girl replied emotionlessly.

Their gazes were focused on the field where the event ‘Spirit Defense’ had just taken place. Specifically, they were focused on Glen, who stood between and conversed with the blonde and silver-haired girls.

“He left without telling us anything… but to think he’d end up here.”

The young man’s gaze looked as though he was a raptor that had spotted his prey. The girl beside him speechlessly moved towards the central field, towards where Glen was.


With a threatening voice, the man reached out and grabbed the girl’s hair.

With a jerk, the girl pulled backwards into an incline.

“…What are you doing, Albert?”

The girl flatly asked the man.

“That’s what I should be saying. What are you planning to do, Riel?”

Maintaining his threatening glance, the man reb.u.t.ted.

Immediately, the girl called Riel replied, as if the answer was already obvious.

“It’s obvious… I’m going to settle the score with Glen.”

Immediately, the young man – Albert – pulled on Riel’s hair.

“Ow. Why are you pulling on my hair?”

Contrary to what she said, Riel spoke with a calm demeanor, as though the action hadn’t hurt at all.

“Don’t cause unnecessary trouble. Have you forgotten our mission?”


Riel considered the question briefly.

“…To settle the score with Glen?”


Albert, whose grim expression was not fazed in the least by her answer, decided to say nothing more. The two had a brief moment of silence.

“… This time, we have been a.s.signed two missions. One of them is to monitor the movements of the Empress royal guard.”

“Why? They’re our allies.”

“We are not one cohesive body. There is royal bloodline faction, the royal collateral-bloodline faction, the anti-royals, the right-wing radicals, the conservative-feudalists, the Macbeth-progressivist left-wing, the imperial church right-wing… not the mention the n.o.ble-born and the common-blood factions… Simply put, the Alzano Empire is a den of chaos occupied by various factions holding their own beliefs and political agenda.

“I don’t get it, but okay.”

“Of course.”

Again, the two had a brief moment of silence.

“The head of the right-wing faction, the royal guard, have recently received some troubling intel. It was made especially clear when they introduced a new policy during the round-table conference regarding the treatment of supernaturals.”


“Generally, the people view supernaturals as the reincarnation of a devil. Furthermore, the law was proposed by the Empress herself. Simply put, if supernaturals were to be protected in the Empress’ name, it would damage the authority of the supposedly holy royal family.”

“I don’t get it, but okay.”

“Of course.”

Once again, the two had a brief moment of silence.

“So, that’s why we’re monitoring the royal guard. Although the chances are slim, it still remains a possibility that they will take advantage of the Empress’ visit to the academy to put some plan into action. If such an event occurs, then a conflict between the upper-factions of the government is probable.”

“I see. I get it now.”

Riel nodded her head.

“Basically, I have no choice but to settle the score with Glen… right?”


Albert, whose grim expression was not fazed in the least by her answer, decided to say nothing more. Again, the two had a brief moment of silence.

“…Mm, I will do my best.”


As Riel gestured to move, Albert once again pulled mercilessly on her hair.

“Does Albert not want to meet Glen?”

Having been stopped once again, Riel calmly asked.

“…That goes without saying, there are many things I want to say to that man.”

Albeit a slip-of-the-tongue, a trace amount of irritation and anger could be felt behind Albert’s words.

“Okay. then I will go hit Glen. Albert can go tell Glen what you have to say.”

“Did I not tell you to wait? It’s better if we don’t meet him.”


“Having not seen him for awhile, it feels like the world he’s living in is… It is different from the blood-stained darkness of ours.”

The two turned their eyes to the stage once again. For whatever reason, Glen prostrated himself at the silver-haired girl’s feet. It appeared that the blonde-haired girl tried to say something to smooth things over.

“That guy belongs over there. In a world that s.h.i.+nes with light, Glen will surely be able to live his life to the fullest.”

“Beneath a girl’s feet? That’s strange.”


Albert, whose grim expression was not fazed in the least by her answer, decided to say nothing more. Once again, the two had a brief moment of silence.


Looking at Albert, Riel slightly tilted her head.

In the end, odd silence continued.

The Magic Games Festival was split into morning and afternoon sessions. Between the sessions was a one hour break. The students split into three groups – those who would eat at the cafeteria, those who would eat at the food stalls nearby, and those who had prepared their own lunchboxes – and went their separate ways.

Glen’s cla.s.s was no exception.

“Hah–… Now then…. What should I do…?”

An extremely haggard Glen murmured to himself, as though on the verge of giving up entirely.

He was hungry, if not plain-starved. In all seriousness, it was starting to feel like his stomach was stuck to his back.

Several of Glen’s students, as if showing off, opened their boxed lunches and began to dig in. Staying would probably be too much for his mind to handle.

Either way, no money meant no food. Helpless, Glen rose from his seat to begin his tactical retreat from this area filled with alluring aromas. Today again, he would go seek his ration of shroty tree branches.

“U-, Um… Sensei…?”

Turning his head in response to the sudden call, Glen saw a small-statured girl that had the presence of a small animal. She was one of Glen’s students, Rin.

“…What’s up, Rin?”

“U-, Uhn… I have something I want to… talk to you about… and…”

“Talk to me about?”

Glen looked through his surroundings while scratching his head.

“…Is it something you can’t talk to me about right here?”

“Eh? Erm, yes… If possible, I’d like to talk about this somewhere with less people around…”

To be honest, this was a painful situation for Glen. The little energy that remained in his mind was extremely precious.

However, looking at Rin’s teary eyes, even the world-cla.s.s douchebag Glen couldn’t find it in himself to refuse.

“…Alright, let’s go somewhere else then.”

Glen led Rin to the academy’s courtyard behind the stadium.

The verdant green gra.s.s, the well-kept trees, the multicolored array of gra.s.s, all of this had become a familiar sight.

Usually, there would be a lot of students eating lunch here, but due to the Magic Games Festival, a majority of the students ate at the stadium. Thus, the courtyard was peaceful and quiet.

“So? What did you want to talk to me about? If it’s not about money, I’m willing to listen.”

“U-, Uhm…”

Rin briefly collected her thoughts, and nervously uttered.

“U-, Uhm, I’ve been entrusted with the ‘Transform’ event… but I’m not confident I can do well.”


“I’ve been giving it my all to practice transformation magic… but it’s already today and I’m still nervous… I really don’t think I can do this… So I was hoping you could switch me out for someone else…”


“S-, Since everyone in our cla.s.s is finally working together and doing what they can to win… I’ll feel sorry if I end up holding them back… So… Uhm… Have someone else take my place… please…-!”

With trembling shoulders and teary eyes, Rin pleaded Glen.

Glen scratched his head a few times and sighed.

“…Are you alright with this? You really don’t want to partic.i.p.ate?”

“T-, That’s…”

“Please be clear, otherwise I can’t really make a decision”

For a brief moment, Rin remained silent, recollecting her thoughts and clearing her mind. Then–

“To be honest… I really want to… but… I don’t want to trouble everyone else…”

“Then it’s decided.”

Glen placed his hand on Rin’s head.

“Go and do it. There won’t be any problems.”

“Eh!? B-, But if I do this event, I’ll just be troubling every–”

“Hey, the Magic Games Festival is a ‘Festival’ you know. How can you be holding someone else back in a festival?”

“But everyone is fired up to win… even you said that Sensei…”

“…Ah-, I see. That was just to get you guys worked up…”

Glen began to slightly regret his own carelessness.

“Actually, I had some personal reasons to say that you see? Well, either way, that doesn’t really matter anymore. What’s most important is that you guys are happy. It’d be amazing if we can win on top of that, but don’t let it bother you alright?”

“…So… it’s like that?”

“Yeah, so instead of worrying about holding others back, just go out there and have fun. You really like transformation magic right?”

“Y-, Yes… I’ve… always been a bit timid and indecisive… but when it comes to transformation magic, uhm… It makes me feel like I can become someone different… “

“Then it’s fine isn’t it?”

Despite Glen’s counseling, it seems that Rin was still uneasy.

“…Well then, why don’t we have a take a little time for a special lecture?”

On a whim, Glen decided to meddle further into Rin’s affairs.

Surprised by Glen’s suggestion, Rin rose her head to face Glen.

“…Special… lecture?”

“Mhm. Well Rin, let’s start with a bit of review. Transformation magic is split into two types, [Self · Polymorph] and [Self · Illusion]. Do you know the difference between the two?”

After briefly considering the question, Rin replied.

“E-, Erm… [Self · Polymorph] is white magic, whilst [Self · Illusion] is black magic.”

“Hahaha, that’ll only get you 60 points.”

“I-, I’m sorry… E-, Eh… U-, Um… [Self · Polymorph]… Uhm, is a transfiguration magic that restructures the body… and [Self · Illusion] is a illusion magic that controls light to give the impression of a transformation.”

When Glen rejected her answer, Rin hurried to correct herself.

“Well, that’s about right. [Self · Polymorph] is white magic which controls the mind and body, whilst [Self · Illusion] is black magic which controls movement and energy.”

Glen rolled up his right sleeve, and chanted a three-stage spell.

Immediately, his right arm began to change. The muscles became more p.r.o.nounced, rough black fur began to grow, and his nails began to extend… In the blink of an eye, his arm became the front leg of a wolf.

“The effects of [Self · Polymorph] are decided by its formulation. If you want to transform into a wolf, then you would use corresponding chant for [Self · Polymorph]. If you want to transform into a dragon, again, you would use corresponding chant for [Self · Polymorph]. To add onto that, although there’s a risk of being unable to return to your original state, you can get the abilities of what you’ve transformed into. If you transform into a horse, then you would have the swiftness of a horse. If you transform into a dragon, then you would be able to breathe fire.”

Glen chanted the spell again, and his arm returned to its original state.

“On the other hand, [Self · Illusion] isn’t able to go to that extent. All it does is manipulate light to make it appear that way. Regardless of whether you transform into a horse or a bird, you wouldn’t be able to run fast or fly.  In this case, as far as raw transformation magic goes [Self · Polymorph] is better… but you can’t say that for every case. Erm, right… for example…”

Glen pressed a finger against his temple, and chanted [Self · Illusion].

Then, the area around Glen began to blur… and his visage began to lose focus… When he reformed and came into focus again–

“L-, Lumia…-!?”

The figure that appeared was not Glen, but rather Lumia who had her arms crossed and showed a triumphant smile. It didn’t seem like an illusion at all, as though the Lumia standing there was the real deal.

“Well, it’s something like this.”

Even the voice was Lumia’s. It would seem that the wavelength and frequency of the voice had been manipulated to achieve this effect.

“Unlike [Self · Polymorph] which requires an exact chant to achieve the transformation, [Self · Illusion] only requires that the user have a clear image of what they want to transform into. Basically, as long as you can imagine it, you can transform into anything you’d like, albeit only on a surface level.”

Maintaining Lumia’s appearance and voice, Glen explained the concepts in a plain and simple manner.

“In conclusion, if you can’t transform into what you like using [Self · Illusion], it means that you still don’t have a clear image of what you want to transform into. On the flipside, as long as you have a clear image, I can guarantee with my life that you’ll be able to get it done.”

Saying that, Glen, still in Lumia’s appearance, showed a bold smile.

“So Rin, you’re planning to use [Self · Illusion] during the ‘Transform’ compet.i.tion right? What are you gonna transform into?”

“Eh? Erm, I was hoping to transform into an angel… ‘The Angel of Time’ Lahtirika-sama…”

“Geez, so the original is a mythical being all along? That’s a bit of a tough choice now isn’t it… Well, that’s fine. If you’re going to do that then you should go to the academy’s library and borrow some holy depictions and artworks. Keep looking at it until the compet.i.tion arts and you should be fine.”

“A-, Alright, I’ll go take a look.”

Then, Glen, who was still transformed into Lumia, quickly replied to Rin.

“Hey Rin, you’ll be fine since it’s you after all. You’re much better than you think you are, and all you’re really lacking is confidence. I can attest to that.”

“S-, Sensei…”

“Even if it doesn’t work out don’t let it bother you too much. I did say that ‘we’ll win’, but this is a festival you know? A festival. It’s not like anyone will die ‘cause of it, so no one can really complain either way. If we lose and someone blames you for it then I’ll make sure to give them a good beating alright? So take it easy, got it?”

Then, Rin suddenly curled over, and began to giggle uncontrollably.

“…What’s so funny?”

To be met with this reception despite finally acting serious for once, Glen couldn’t help but feel a bit sulky.

“I-, I mean, despite using Lumia’s appearance and voice, you’re saying such manly things… It’s just really weird…”

“Hmpf… S-, So that’s what it was huh… Well, you’re not wrong…”

That hit right on the bullseye. If I really wanted to talk serious business then I should’ve first released the spell.

Glen scratched his head, and prepared to release the spell. It was then that–

“Geez Lumia, so you were here all along. I’ve been looking for you.”

At some point in time, Sistina had arrived at the courtyard.

“Ah Sisti, what’s the matter?”

Rin, who had noticed Sistina earlier, asked.

“Ahaha, I just wanted to talk to Lumia about something.”

“Ah, no, I’m…”

Without giving time for Glen to explain, Sistina smiled towards Glen and said.

“Let’s hurry up and eat lunch shall we? Lumia, didn’t I tell you that I would make your lunch as well today? Not to mention, it’s your favorite tomato sandwiches.”

“Eh…? Lunch…?”

Now that Sistina mentioned it, Glen noticed that she carried a large basket.

Does that mean that inside this is…!?

Hearing that, Glen reflexively gulped.

“There’s that guy’s part as well… but where did he go…?”

Sistina was murmured something to herself, but Glen decided that now wasn’t the time to care about that.

Sistina, who had packed a wholesome lunch, seems to have mistaken the transformed Glen for Lumia… Does that mean that this is a huge chance to score?”

If he handles the situation well, wouldn’t he be able to lay his hands on those sandwiches?

…Don’t be stupid now,, calm down, Glen

Glen entered a cold sweat and tried to internally laugh off the mischievous thoughts.

As an educator, how could I fool my students and steal away their lunches? That’s a bit too evil isn’t it! I’m not quite that depraved yet right!? I won’t allow myself to fall that far!


Sistina slightly tilted her head, confused as to why Glen, in Lumia’s appearance, was pressing his arms against his head whilst murmuring to himself.

To start with, I reap what I sow, don’t I… If I push all the consequences onto my students, do I even have a right to call myself an instructor or a man? Heck, can I even call myself human at that point? I know that this chance has fallen right into my hands, but I should really come clean here and release my transformation magic, like any mature adult would…

But then…


Glen stomach roared loudly.

“Pu-, ahaha! Were you that hungry Lumia?”

…Mm, then again, I can’t get past this dire situation without making some sacrifices now can I? I should just sell my soul to the devil.

So then, Glen, in Lumia’s appearance, drew closer to Sistina, and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“…Let’s hurry up and chow d-… have lunch then white c-… Sisti! I’m h.e.l.la… No I mean, I’m really starved! Aha, ahahahaha…-!”

“W-, Why do you seem so desperate…”

Sistina couldn’t help but sweat a little in response to ‘Lumia’s’ uncharacteristic pressuring.

“Ah, but could you wait a minute? We need to look for that guy first.”

“Eh? That guy?”

“Yep, that guy. Uhm, well… while I was making our portions, I ended up making some for that guy as well… No really, uhm, I just decided on a whim that I would make some extra while I was at it, so…”

Sistina, who had dragged the conversation into a different direction, appeared to be in denial. Her forehead seemed to be a little flushed as well.

“That doesn’t matter alright! I don’t really know who that guy is, but we really don’t need to go look!”


“If we happen to come across Lumia while we were at it, then… No! I mean, my stomach is practically empty at this point you know! I feel like if I don’t hurry up and eat something I’m gonna drop dead! So–”


Seeing Glen’s overbearingly desperate act, Rin, who stood behind Glen, b.u.t.ted into the conversation.

Immediately, Glen turned around and clung onto Rin, and whispered.

(Please Rin-sama! Show me some mercy! Turn a blind eye to this alright!)

(No, that’s not it…)

(It’ll be fine! Of course, I won’t eat all of Lumia’s portion. Just one or two slices will do! I just want a little share! So please I beg you just do me a favor this one time! Just this one time will dooo~~~!)

(Uhm… it’s a bit embarra.s.sing, but… The real Lumia is…)


As Glen hardened up in shock.

“Ah, Sisti, you were here?”

From behind him, came a familiar voice.

“Sorry for making you wait. I had to go do something… Huh?”

Seeing someone with her own appearance, Lumia, who had just entered the fray, tilted her head in confusion.


All that this encounter resulted in was an uneasy silence.

“What’s happening here…  Why the heck… Ah, Why are there two of me!? I-, I wonder who the fake is… ah how troubling indeed! We both look so much like the real thing, so I can’t really tell who the fake one is…”

Sistina softly chanted [Dispel · Force].

The magic Glen was sustaining was neutralized, and his false appearance was stripped off.

“…Well, that happened.”

Glen, who was now exposed, showed an emboldened smile, swept his hair up with one hand, and then immediately turned tail.

“Glen-sensei shall now make his cool exit alrighty?”

As Glen tried to casually escape the situation…

“You idiot–!”

Sistina’s [Gale · Blow] mercilessly swept him away…


With a dreadful cry, Glen was blasted off into the horizon.

“Like I’d believe you! Sc.u.m! It’s unbelievable that a teacher would ever try to steal a student’s lunch! And to think that I woke up to do all this… Hmpf! I don’t care anymore!”

Sistina screamed with a flushed face.

Rin merely sighed to herself.

On the other hand, Lumia, who didn’t quite understand the situation, blinked a few times in surprise.

After recovering from the damage done by the spell, Glen quickly went to get lunch.

That being said, it was impossible for Glen, who had no money, to have a normal lunch. In recent days, the only lunch Glen has had are the branches of shroty trees.

Shroty trees are a species of deciduous trees with broad star-shaped leaves. The saps contained within the young branches had a high glucose content. If one were to suck on these branches, it was possible to extract a fair amount of glucose from it.

Since discovering the shroty tree near the entrance of the ‘Mysterious Forest’ situated in the northern expanse of the academy, Glen would often go to the tree before meals to gather branches for the sake of sustenance.

“Despite that…”

After retrieving the branches that would be today’s lunch, Glen sprawled exhaustedly on the bench as he chewed on a branch.

“Man, I can’t help but feel that I’ve really fallen as a person… d.a.m.nit… I’ll never gamble ever again… *slurp*”

Glen sucked on the shroty branch as his eyes moistened with tears of regret.

“Hah… dirt keeps getting in my eyes today…”

As Glen rubbed his eyes, his stomach erupted into a growl. Then—

“Ah, sensei~”

A fair distance away, Lumia appeared to be looking for something. When she spotted Glen, she hurriedly rushed over. She seemed to be holding onto something important.

“…Oh Lumia, what’s up?”

“Uhm… I have some refreshments for you.”


As Glen looked on in surprise, Lumia handed the cloth bag over.

“Here are some sandwiches, sensei. Recently, it seems that you’ve been going hungry, so if you’d like—”

“You have my grat.i.tude oh my dear angel! Then I shall accept your gracious blessings without delay—!”

Glen ecstatically received the bag from Lumia, and hastily opened it. What lay inside wasn’t really anything special – just plain tomato sandwiches – but for Glen, this was nothing less than first-cla.s.s cuisine.

“Uwaaahh!? To be alive is a beautiful thing—!?”

“T-, That’s quite an exaggeration…”

Glen engrossedly sunk his teeth into the sandwich. The sour taste of the juicy tomatoes, the moderate saltiness of the seasoned ham, and the stringent texture of the thinly sliced cheese, all converged into an extravagant harmony. The pleasant fragrance of black peppers only served to further accentuate Glen’s overflowing emotions