A Hand-Woven Universe - 18 18. The Fall

18 18. The Fall

All eyes were pointed at the place that Noone had been standing just a moment before and reminiscing about the dangers that they had faced during their own coming of age ceremonies.

Not everyone who completed it had an explosive increase in their affinity with their element. Some people did indeed obtain understandings of their laws and returned with increased skill and power. But, more often than not, people just barely made it through and rushed to return to Tapestry as soon as possible.

Finally, much of the crowd began to disperse. It started with those that had tagged along to see the commotion. None of these people had close relations with Noone outside of the occasional festival. Among these people was the burly earth attuned man who had wrestled with Noone during the party a year prior.

After them many of the miners began to disperse. Some headed back to the mines talking about what had transpired. Even discussing what they thought of Noone's chances. Others decided to take the rest of the day to spend time in the taverns and enjoy their time until they had to go back to work.

Tommy watched as the miners under him left, he had been standing with Porose who was rubbing his chest. Tommy glanced over and tried to stifle the smile which had crept onto his face when he saw Poroses' body go flying.

Originally, he had thought that there was no way that Adria would actually go seriously against her uncle. However, he like everyone else, had underestimated the girl. She was truly something else.

Porose looked back at her. She had not moved an inch from where she had stood when talking with Noone, still looking over the edge of the cliffs. She looked as though she would stay there forever - until Noone's return. As for what was going through her mind, only she knew.

Liter also stood in the back watching her, wondering what she was thinking.

The elders too stood there in muted silence. Many of them did not know what to think. Noone's words had struck them. Many of them had not considered how little time Noone might have. To hear him speak so resolutely about his own life left them feeling moved.

For the first time - many of them felt like they would be losing something good when Noone would go to the desolate world above.

And also, they thought about their own lives. Were they really content to live out the rest of their remaining years doing nothing but what they always had been doing?

Elder Azelle was there, not looking at Adria but past her. He was thinking of Noone and everything they had gone through since first time he saw Noone as a newborn.

"Stara… your child turned out to be incredible." He mumbled unheard.

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Elder Azelle took a deep breath, turned around, and left. On his way out he beckoned to Liter to come with him. Liter nodded quickly and followed behind the elder. They made course for the library.

Adria continued to stand where she was, her face was set firm as she watched the light of the sun bounce off the clouds far below, thinking about Noone. The energy she had exuded when she was talking to Noone had been suppressed again. She no longer had the imperious aura the way she did before. But still, no one went to go talk to her.

Right now, she was in her own world.


The moment Noone felt the ground under his feet disappear his heart clenched, and a cold sweat covered his entire body. The wind picked up as he began to fall faster and whipped against his clothes and skin.

Noone let out all the air in his lungs and then took a deep breath in.

This is more terrifying than I was expecting. Noone thought.

For a group of people who spend their entire lives on their feet digging and existing under the earth - to have a trial by fire consisting of falling off the edge of the world was an experience that left many paralyzed for the first few hours.

However, the fall itself would last for a few days. Once the first few hours pa.s.sed, things got a bit easier.

For now, though, Noone's eyes were the size of saucers as he tried to take in everything around him. He focused on breathing first. Not only was his anxiety skyrocketing as he continued to fall faster, but the air itself was hard to breath. At the speed he was moving the air that whipped past him hurt his lungs.

Some point during the fall his body had balanced out to a relatively stable horizontal position, facing him down towards the cloud cover beneath him. The clouds seemed to stretch on infinitely into the horizon. If it weren't for the cliff behind him as reference, he would have no idea how far or close he was to the cloud layer.

However, as the side of the cliff whipped past behind him, he felt like he had no understanding for how much further he had to go.

Moving as fast as he was, it was hard for his brain to adapt to the speed. He figured that even if he tried to guess the distance using the cliff, he would only be wrong. There was nothing more he could, so he just let it be and decided to focus on enjoying the sight of the sky before he hit the clouds.

I wonder how Adria and everyone are feeling right now… I am sure they must be worried about me. Noone thought back to the look on Elder Azelle's face after he had said what he had to say. In many ways it was indecipherable. However, the intensity of the emotions was clear.

Adria as well… no one standing behind her would have been able to see, but at the moment Adria unleashed her aura, her face was very clearly holding back tears and worry for him. Noone felt his heart ache when he saw that look.

I must return as quickly as possible…

Noone s.h.i.+fted his body weight, falling faster towards the clouds. His eyes were set with determination.


Within Tapestry, Porose and Tommy were walking back to the city. Inspired by Noone's youthfulness, they talked about their lives.

They reminisced about all the things they used to compete over, including trying to woo the undisputed prettiest girl of their time in Tapestry.

"150 years later and I still can't believe she chose you." Porose mocked Tommy, who was grinning from ear to ear.

The pride of Tahmel's life was certainly his wife - who had the eyes and hearts of every unmarried man when he and Porose were young.

"As opposed to you, you mean?"

"As opposed to literally anyone else in Tapestry, Tommy." There was a pause.

"How's your chest, Porose?" Tommy mocked the kick which had sent Porose flying.

They glared at each other, but beneath that was a smile that could only be shared by brothers.

Suddenly the look on Tommy's face changed and he raised his arm and coughed into his sleeve.

Porose was caught by surprise. He looked at Tommy up and down, examining him for any other signs of sickness.

"Ah, it seems like it's my turn to catch the cough." Tommy waved off his friend's gaze, looking embarra.s.sed.

"Mm. Come back with me to my store, I have a bulk batch of medicinal soup I was instructed to make by the elders. I will give you some."

"Thank you Porose."

They continued on, not thinking much more of it.

What neither noticed though, were small red specks of blood that had landed on Tahmel's sleeve when he raised it to his mouth to cough.


At this moment Adria had been standing on the edge of the outcropping for nearly an hour.

A hand landed gently on her shoulder and she jumped for a moment before realizing who it was. She looked up at the man who had reached out to her.


In the time Adria had been standing there she had gradually fallen into her own little world. The elder at the head of her family - who had talked to Noone before he met with Elder Azelle - had approached her and broke her out of her reverie.

"He is strong Adria. This is something that he felt he needed to do." He too stared out over the edge, reminiscing.

"I know that Elder. But I still can't help but worry." She glanced back towards the clouds.

It hasn't been much more than a year since she returned from her coming of age. As such the memories were fresh in her mind. While many parts of it weren't especially dangerous, there were some places that he would have to employ extra caution.

And the first dangerous trial would be starting the moment he enters the clouds…