Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 The Dreaming Winter Town

When he heard Tirion Fordring's name, Leonard's reaction was much stronger than when he heard Laura's name. This surprised the three men next to him. They didn't expect that the rough old man was more charming than him. Young and beautiful archaeologists are even taller.

David recovered quickly. After all, he knew the plot and character design. Leonard and his friends are all Warcraft players, and they never mentioned Tomb Raider from the beginning to the end.

Obviously, these people have no interest in the Tomb Raider series!

"Is that Tirion Fordring? One of the founders of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Lord of Hearthglen, Paladin Tirion Fordring?" Leonard's eyes were shining, and his voice became louder. It even attracted the attention of several farmers in the distance, but he didn't show any restraint: "He's here with you too? Can he still use the Holy Light?"

When Mark and Steve heard this, they were suddenly stunned. It turned out that it was not only the charm of Tirion Fordring himself, but also the mysterious element of holy light, which is understandable.

"It's no shame to lose to Shengguang." It may be that the relieved expression was too conspicuous, which attracted Mark's attention, and Steve turned his head to explain.

"No embarrassment, no embarrassment." Mark immediately agreed, and he had the same idea, otherwise David would not have deliberately instilled the holy light on himself.

Regrettably, he doesn't seem to have much talent for the holy light. The holy light in his body is still not very obedient. The biggest role for him is to protect his body. , will not leave any hidden dangers.

Over there, David raised his hand and released some holy light in front of Leonard. The golden ball of light was held in his hand, exuding a soft and warm aura, even if he didn't touch it, it was just close After a while, it makes people feel comfortable all over.


The word that Leonard said the most today was 'Wow', but no matter how many times he said it, he didn't think it was enough, because today's experience was too amazing for him. Not only did he experience the space transfer, he even saw it with his own eyes. Characters that exist in fantasy, and mysterious forces that exist in fantasy.

"Fordin is not in Winter Village right now. He is helping me with some things in Azeroth. It may take a while before he comes back." David put away the Holy Light and didn't say anything. You want to learn what I taught you. Class words. As long as Leonard is willing to stay in Cold Winter Village, he will be able to get in touch with all kinds of mysterious power sooner or later. At that time, he can learn whichever he wants: "But as time goes by, you can see it sooner or later, so don't rush this A day or two."

"That's right." Leonard has now made a decision, and he must stay in Cold Winter Village.

With his IQ, even if David didn't say it, he has already realized that being a villager in Cold Winter Village does not conflict with him working at Caltech and renting an apartment in Pasadena, just like Fording has something to do. Just like returning to Azeroth, he can also live in Los Angeles, and come to Winter Village in his free time.

In this case, why would he hesitate? Would you never come again after refusing the invitation? He couldn't bear to part with such a magical place.

Moreover, he can show off with his friends...

Thinking of this, Leonard suddenly realized something: "By the way, can I bring my friends over?"

"Yes." David briefly explained that now people like Leonard who come to Cold Winter Village from other worlds can bring people here after obtaining David's permission, and they can also bring them here people back to the original world, but there is no way to bring the people here to their own world.

In addition, there are some details of bringing people, such as direct contact, indirect contact is useless; bringing something must be something that can be lifted, and it can be carried on the back, but dragged things cannot be brought.

After talking about several situations, Leonard also visited the village of Lindong, and had a relatively detailed understanding of the village of Lindong.

In addition to some basic rules, he also knows all the current members of the village. In addition to seeing Mark Watney, Squirrel Turtle and Captain America Steve Rogers, there is also Captain Carter Peggy Carter from the Marvel parallel universe; and Sharon Rogers from another parallel universe.

"Peggy became the captain too? Who is Sharon Rogers? Steve and Carter's daughter?" For a comic book fan, knowing such information is enough to make him excited for days, and tonight he may not be able to properly Sleeping: "Whoa, this is really cool here."

Will Turner from Port Royal in the Caribbean Sea, the blacksmith shop in the village belongs to that person, and at the same time Miss Elizabeth Swan, the governor's daughter of Port Royal, will come to Cold Winter Village almost every day.

And Lara's best friend and adventure partner, Jonah Myawa, who is currently the village chef.

Sitting in the spacious and bright cafeteria with an all-wooden structure, Leonard met this enthusiastic and strong man and had a delicious lunch by the way.

"I really want to move to the village immediately." Leonard even considered whether to discuss with Sheldon about retiring the apartment and living here directly. Even if it is a commute between two worlds, it is still better than driving to It is more convenient to get off work: "Unfortunately, there is no Internet here."

This is the only remaining reason for him not to return the apartment. Not only does he need to surf the Internet for casual games, but he also needs to use the Internet for work, which is convenient for querying information and receiving and sending emails.

"I'm going back first. I'm going to tell Penny, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj about today's experience. I'm afraid they won't believe what I said at all... Looking back now, even if I experienced it personally, I don't believe me very much. the words to say."

Looking at Leonard who was always excited, David reckoned that he would not be able to calm down in half a month, so he stopped talking to him and let him move freely.

"By the way, if you need to build your own wooden house, you can choose a favorite location in the village, and we will help you build it together."

I will think about what kind of house I should build.

The over-excited mood affected Leonard, and he wondered for a while whether he should buy a prefabricated house? Then he realized that even if he bought it, he couldn't ship it. However, you can refer to the good design plans, or simply get a design drawing, and come here to build according to the drawing.

David originally wanted to remind him that there is no need to design too well, because if the craftsmen of the Stonemasons Union move to Rinwinter Village, the entire Rinwinter Village will be rebuilt, the current wooden houses will be demolished, and everyone will move in. Better and more comfortable stone houses.

But seeing Leonard's current state, he probably wouldn't listen to what David said, so let him mess around!

Looking at the uneaten lunch in front of him, David decided to finish the meal first, and then do some exercise as usual. As a result, as soon as he inserted a potato, Laura walked in through the door.

"Woke up?"

"Yeah!" Laura sat down next to David, stretched her waist, greeted Jonah, and ordered a lunch by the way: "Add an extra barbecue steak."

"no problem."

Laura usually likes to do a lot of exercise, and her appetite is much larger than other ordinary women. Since she mastered the holy light and was able to do more exercise, her appetite has increased a lot.

Even if she just woke up, she will not be satisfied with just eating a little food, let alone have any indigestion problems.

"A newcomer to the village?"

"Yes, you saw it?"

"Well, when I came here just now, I saw a man with glasses who was smiling happily wandering around the village." Laura knew that he was from Earth when he saw the man's clothes, "I simply said hello to him."

As for the strange look on Leonard's face when he heard his name, she didn't go into it. She was more curious about the identity of this person, so she came to David directly: "What is this Leonard Hofstadter?" people?"

"Experimental physicist at Caltech."

"that's all?"

"that's all."

Laura was a little surprised. She tilted her head and asked again: "Is there no other special identity? Like a famous superhero? Or is there any special invention?"

"No." David thought for a while, Leonard seems to have made some contributions in physics, but those contributions are not the same as what Laura wanted to ask: "It's just a physicist, which can be compared in the industry One of the top guys!"

While speaking, Jonah had already served Laura's lunch, and then returned to the kitchen to continue working.

As the lunch time approached, people in the village came to the cafeteria one after another, including Leonard, who had been wandering around the village before and had already had lunch, also turned back.

"How does it feel to walk around by yourself?"

"Actually, I'm here to say hello to you, and I'm going back." Leonard has already turned around the village several times, and he dare not go further away. Both David and Steve have reminded him of the harsh winter The outskirts of the village are not safe, and if you want to go, you need to ask one of them to go with him.

Leonard thought for a while, and didn't rush to wander far away. After all, this is a whole world, and it's not so easy to explore. He wants to go back and share the news with his good friends first, and then bring them over together: "I will come over together after I discuss the time with some friends."


David sent him to the edge of the village and watched Leonard leave.

Standing on the edge of the village and watching Leonard disappear for a while, David, who was thinking divergently, was thinking about whether Sheldon could build a nuclear power plant in Cold Winter Village.

"After clean stone pavement, perfect drainage and sewage system, and tap water system, we can now consider the power system." If all these can be built, Lindong Village... No, the Lindong Town of my dreams will be born.

Happy New Year!

(end of this chapter)