Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Throw all the evidence on Ai Xing

After a loud noise, the **** flowers disappeared in an instant!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

David fired six bullets in the gun in one go, and dismounted all the six armored knights in front of him. Except for Gregory who was shot in the head by him, in order to ensure the hit rate, David had five shots left. Aim at the body to ensure that the gun will not be empty.

His movements are fast, and humans in this world have never seen such a weapon as a pistol. Five elite fighters were caught off guard and instantly killed by him, including the strong man kneeling on the ground who was about to continue to show off his acting skills. All of them fell off their horses before realizing what had happened.


Raised his left hand and released a holy light spell, the strong man who was about to get up fell down again. Although he was not directly killed, he was stunned by the holy light.

Press and hold the unlock button with your left and right hands, eject the magazine to empty the shell, then take out the loader full of bullets from your trouser pocket, reload the bullet, and aim at the several knights lying on the ground to refill the guns one by one .

He didn't check whether these people were dead or not. Anyway, it's safest to shoot each person in the head. From the moment he chose to shoot, he didn't think about keeping them alive.

Five bullets, five fully armed knights, and the last one was sent to the strong man with poor acting skills: "Change your career in your next life, you are not suitable to be an actor."

After finishing all this, David reloaded the bullet again, and then inserted it back into the holster after turning his fingers a few times: "This gun looks good and powerful, but changing the bullet is too troublesome."

Reloading a revolver is more troublesome than a magazine-fed pistol. The magazine of the Rage Hunter must be unlocked with both hands. The safety and security have indeed been improved, but it is really not suitable for combat.

"After all, it is only a pistol for defense and hunting... Let's order a special pistol!"

After doing this, David turned to look at Peggy and Sharon. The two captains seemed to have different views on David's actions just now.

As a soldier who has been on the battlefield and participated in truly brutal wars, Peggy didn't think it was a big deal for David's behavior of replenishing the gun, not to mention that these people just showed their ugly faces in front of her, and they deserved to be killed.

Peggy was even ready to make up the knife. If David missed any shot just now and the enemy was not knocked down, then this person will have a close contact with the shield thrown by Peggy in the next second. .

Sharon is different from Peggy, a real warrior who has experienced blood and fire. Although she has received various trainings since she was a child, she grew up in a relatively peaceful environment, and the various ideas she was exposed to made her unable to understand for a while. Accept the 'so cruel' approach.

"Do you have to do this?"

In Sharon's view, David had already knocked down these cavalrymen, and they had lost their ability to move. It would be fine if they died on the spot. If they didn't die, they could be captured as prisoners.

David glanced at Sharon, and he was not dissatisfied with her objection. After all, everyone has their own ideas, and he would not think that everyone would agree with his ideas. There was no problemat least, Sharon didn't rush over to stop her when she was refilling her gun just now.

"We are not qualified to take prisoners."

Rindong Village is just a small village that has just been born without any background and background. If David wants to develop the village, he must avoid all kinds of troubles as much as possible.

Keeping captives will not do me any good, but will leave more handles and evidence for the Forrester familythe strength of the Forrester family is also a constraint on themselves, no matter what they want to do, they need a suitable one. There must be a reason, even if it is a shameless reason.

Gregory always used the reason to find the lost villagers; if the elite soldiers of the Forrest family became prisoners of Winter Village, then they would have a better excuse, and then the Forrest family could display Any means to attack Cold Winter Village, Iron Tree Fort will support the Forrester family.

As for what caused the conflict in the first place? Then no one cares!

"I'm not going to give the Forrest family any excuses." David looked at the war horses beside him. Although he was a little frightened, the war horses stayed where they were and did not run away: "It's a pity that this A few war horses."

"I'll check around." Peggy can fully understand David's approach, and at the same time, she also finds that her daughter in this parallel world is a bit naive. Seems like a good thing if she's just a normal girl! Because it means Sharon lives in a very peaceful environment.

But this girl wants to inherit the title of Captain America from Steve Rogers, so it is inappropriate for her to be so naive: "Sharon, leave this to David, let's check the surroundings, especially if there is anyone hiding in the forest." on."

Mother and daughter from different worlds took up weapons and went to a distance, while David **** a few war horses and thought about how to deal with these corpses.

By the way, I checked the next few corpses: Gregory was shot in the head by himself, and he died on the spot and couldn't die anymore. As for the others, he was really not sure if they were shot and killed by him.

"The quality of this armor is so good?"

After the horses, he felt sorry for the armor again. No matter how good these armors are and how greedy he is, they are the same as those war horses, there is no way to keep them.

"However, this thing can be taken off first for Will to study and study. After figuring out the general structure, it should be fine to re-forge." Re-forging can change the style, and there are no imprints, marks, etc. on the original armor. Gone: "No, what if there are any mysterious signs?"

After thinking about it for a while, David felt that it was still not safe. Since it was necessary to destroy the corpse, it would be better to simply order it. There is no need to be so cheapgood armor is not only available in this world, let Fording get a few sets from Azeroth Good armor is not too difficult, and it can even be enchanted.

"The battle is over?"

David had just made a decision when Will appeared. Although the little blacksmith was wearing normal clothes, he had a sword stuck in his waist, obviously coming to help.

After rushing over, I saw David muttering to several armored corpses.

"Did you just say a prayer for them?"

"..." David thought for a while, and this seemed to be more forceful: "You know, I can barely be regarded as a priest of Shengguang. Since these people are dead, it is normal to recite a prayer for them..."

In fact, David wanted to recite the incantation and send them to **** to continue to be punished, but unfortunately he didn't know the magic at all.

Standing up, David stopped checking. Since he decided to completely destroy the corpse, naturally nothing would be left behind. It would be a pity if he found something good.

"What to do with these corpses... and these horses?" Will didn't know what David was thinking, so he checked briefly, and after admiring the armor these people wore, he went to check the horses up.

Even if he didn't know much about war horses, Will could tell that these were good horses, much better than the only two horses in Cold Winter Village.

"Neither can stay."

"Then I take them all to Port Royal and dispose of them?"

"Actually, I want Fording to take it away." Fording is still on his way in Azeroth, and he will only return to the village to replenish when he is tired or runs out of food and water.

The last time he returned to the village was two days ago. With Fording's previous habits, even if he could replenish food and water in Azeroth, he would go back to Lindong Village to check the situation and make sure that there is no food or water in the village. something unexpected happened.

"With horses, Fording can reach the western wilderness faster, and these armors are also easier to sell on Azeroth." David glanced at Will next to him: "There should be no one there who buys this kind of full-body heavy armor." Armor?"

"Of course not." Will shook his head. There were muskets and cannons all over his place, and the main cold weapons were swords. After all, wearing heavy armor at sea is a bit like courting death. Bookmarked: "Speaking of which, can I take a set and give it away?"


Knowing that Will wanted to please David, the future father-in-law, he and Will moved the corpse to other places first, and when Fording came back and threw it to Azeroth, a phantom suddenly appeared next to him, and soon Turned into a bouncing Laura.

"I'm back! Do you miss me?" Laura greeted happily, and then noticed the dead body here: "What's going on?"

Before David could answer and explain the situation here, another figure appeared next to him, and Fording's appearance was quickly revealed: "Did you guess that I'm coming back?" corpse, asked the same question as Laura: "What's going on here?"

David opened his mouth, and just about to explain, Steve came again: "What's going on?" Since Steve knew the threat that Cold Winter Village was facing, he quickly guessed the truth: "F People from the Lester family?"

Even though he knew that no one would appear suddenly, David still waited for a while before explaining the whole story in detail.

It was only then that Laura knew that during the time when she was out on an adventure, some accidents had happened in Cold Winter Village. The Forrest family actually wanted to use force to forcibly occupy Cold Winter Village. This is simply unforgivable.

As the earliest witness and participant who accompanied David, starting from nothing outside a few dilapidated wooden houses, and developing Cold Winter Village to what it is today, Laura also devoted a lot of affection and funds to Cold Winter Village.

She couldn't tolerate the robber behavior of the Forrest family, and Laura began to seriously think about adding weapons such as heavy machine guns and mortars to Cold Winter Village.

"With my current strength, maybe I can bring an armored vehicle over?"

(end of this chapter)