Age Of Empires From Scratch - Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Savior Fording and Eternal Dragon David

After realizing that he was not someone who could hide something with a mask for a long time, David no longer struggled with how to make up nonsense, and directly told what he knew.

"I do know some things about you, and some things that will happen in Azeroth in the future."

Fording nodded, and didn't say anything unbelievable. Born and raised in a world full of mysterious power, things like prophets and predictions are not difficult to understand.

Although what is the identity of David? Why do you know so much? He still doesn't know the details, but Fording feels that these things will naturally be said when David wants to say them. He didn't say it now, either he didn't want to say it, or the timing was not right.

In either case, Fording will not continue to ask. If it was the former possibility, his questioning would only embarrass the two of them. If it is the latter, then it is useless to ask.

Now he is more concerned about what will happen to the world of Azeroth?

"It's a plague..." David carefully recalled the various contents about the natural disaster plague, and then told Fording what he knew.

"The plague..." Listening to David's various introductions, Fording's face also changed from paying attention to seriousness at the beginning.

David's introduction was very messy, but he already understood that this so-called natural disaster and plague was just the beginning of a series of huge disasters, and various events that followed directly destroyed the Kingdom of Lordaeron, making this Eastern Kingdom, or AI The most powerful human kingdom in the world of Xerath has completely become history.

What he didn't expect was that the excellent heir to the kingdom, the prince Arthas Menethil who everyone thought would lead the Kingdom of Lordaeron to a new peak, actually played a very important role in destroying the Kingdom of Lordaeron. important role.


After hearing that Alsace led the Scourge Legion to sweep across the Eastern Kingdom, not only completely destroying the Kingdom of Lordaeron, but even breaking through Quel'Thalas, Fording no longer knew what expression to make.

Looking at Fording who was covered in cold sweat, David stopped his narration. In fact, his narration is messy and fragmented. Although he played the Warcraft series of games and read the chronicles in his previous life, these things were just learned casually, and his own memory was not deep. Even through training and the rewards he received from Steve, his memory It has been greatly improved, but I still think about what is where, and it is impossible to speak clearly and meticulously like holding this chronicle in my hand.

But this is not a problem, it is enough to let Fording know about it first, and you can ask Laura to buy a set of Warcraft Chronicles later for the specific details.

Glancing at Fording in front of him, the paladin had regained his composure at this time, and his eyes revealed firmness.

"It seems that you have made a decision."

"Yes!" Fording stared at David: "Actually, I am not a person who is good at hiding actual thoughts."

"What do you want to do?" David really wanted to know what choice a person like Fording would make after knowing the 'plot'? What kind of impact will it have on the original 'story': "You should know that even if you go back and tell these things to some people, most people won't believe it, right?"

"I know." Fording, who has lived at such a great age, knows that human beings have many shortcomings, including no matter how many examples occur, but as long as they have not experienced it personally, they will choose to turn a blind eye to this: "And my current situation , I'm afraid there is no way to find those old guys."

"I may need to go back and look around and do some research to find out more information..." Fording glanced at David, he wondered if David could provide more details, if he could get more from David information, he can also make better judgments.

"It will take a while for the specific details."

"No problem." Fording is not in a hurry. Since David said that the disaster will happen in a few years, it means that he still has time to make various preparations: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Having said so much, David even revealed some of his own secrets, so there must be something to ask yourself to do, and this matter is also related to the disaster that will happen in Azeroth.

Otherwise, there is no need for David to tell himself these things. If David has a darker belly, he can completely disclose some information to himself before the crisis arrives, so that he can work better for himyou don't need to reveal too much, just remind him His own wife and son are in danger, let him go back in time to help his family, and he will be grateful to David for reminding him.

Now, the practice of telling all kinds of information several years in advance is not so smart, but Fording feels that David's current practice is more grateful.

David didn't know what Fording was thinking at this time, but he was able to detect the change in Fording's attitude towards him through another special method-he clearly felt that the holy light in his body had increased significantly. In addition, he Do you feel like something has changed in your body?

He needs to test and observe the specific situation before he can know, but there is one thing he can be sure of: Fording's favorability for him has increased again.

He seemed to have chosen the right option by accident. David was not in a hurry to be happy, but told Fording about his plan: Leaving aside the matter of the refugees from Lordaeron, he felt that the artisans staying in the western wilderness were worthwhile. Priority recruitment.

"It's not a difficult task, but it will take some time to go to the Stormwind Kingdom." Returning can be done in a flash, but it was not so easy in the past.

Fording now returns to the world of Azeroth, and will go to his hometown in Hearthglen, which is convenient for him to visit his wife and son at any time, and Hearthglen is located in the north of the entire Eastern Kingdom continent, the future Western Plaguelands, and at this time It is called the north of East Weald; the western wilderness that David wants him to go to is located in the south of the Eastern Kingdom, and further south is Stranglethorn Vale, the southernmost point of the Eastern Kingdom.

This journey is equivalent to passing through the entire Eastern Kingdom continent vertically. Not only is the journey long, but it also passes through many troublesome areas along the way.

Fording doesn't care about those troubles, and he won't refuse to do such a small favor. He just reminds David that he may need to spend more time.

"It's okay, anyway, you can come back to rest at night."

"I forgot I could do that."

Fording stayed for a few seconds before realizing that he could go to Azeroth during the day and return to Winter Village to rest at night. You can even go back to Winter Village to rest when you are tired from walking in Azeroth, and go back to Winter Village to eat when you are hungry, regardless of the specific time. And he doesn't need to carry too much luggage with him, and he can reach the western wilderness faster if he packs lightly.

Chatted a few more words, this time Fording is not asking about the future situation of Azeroth, he wants to know what will happen to his future: "Of course, if you feel that this kind of 'prophecy' is inconvenient to say, don't tell me nothing."

Previously, we talked about the general trend of Azeroth, and did not describe the specific future of some people too much. Only Arthas was mentioned because of its special importance.

Although Fording felt that it didn't matter whether he knew his future or not, he was still curious in his heart, so he asked by the way.

David didn't think there was anything he couldn't say, what if the future changed after he said it? What kind of problem is this? Fording has come to another world, and he has to help himself a lot in the future. Just talking about what he will do for David, the future has already been changed!

Not to mention anything else, I am so familiar with Fording, and the other party taught me all kinds of knowledge about the Holy Light, and also taught me fighting skills. Could it be that I just watched the Fording family collapse? David is not that kind of person!

"Although it is brilliant, it is not so wonderful for you personally."

After roughly talking about the information he remembered, Fording quickly understood why David described his future in this way.

"It doesn't sound that good."

Although he has made great contributions to saving Azeroth, and his death in the battle with demons is also an ending in line with his identity, but he has been separated from his wife and son all the year round, and his son died in his prime, and he sent a white-haired man to a black-haired man , life is indeed not so happy.

By the way, he also learned the news that in the upcoming disaster, the Knights of the Silver Hand will not only face a huge test, but will be split later. Among them, the Scarlet Crusade has gone to extremes, and his son also died in these In the hands of 'our own people'.

"Those haven't happened yet." David kindly reminded: "These are just a 'possibility' that's all."

Concepts such as parallel universes, Fording understood when the three captains appeared. With such an example in front of him, he would not think that the future is doomed, and now he still has the opportunity to change this unhappy future.

"I'll set off tomorrow morning." With the goal, Fording also has more motivation, and what he wants to change is not just his own future, he wants to do more: "Rush to the West Wilderness as soon as possible."

Completing David's commission early can also devote energy to bigger goals as soon as possible.

"Thank you for telling me all this! I'm going back to rest, good night!"

Watching Fording leave the cabin, David scratched his scalp a few times, wondering how this energetic Fording, who knew the future plot, would affect the history of Azeroth.

"Tirion Fordring, does this count as opening the template for the protagonist?"

Will spoilers cause any bad effects, such as bringing in a bronze dragon or something?

David didn't care too much about these dragons, because from the perspective of the plot, the bronze dragon's management of the timeline is not so strict; and there are many parallel worlds with different developments in Azeroth, and the timeline of a savior Fording appears is not so strict. Not a big deal.

"Why does it feel like my behavior is a bit like an eternal dragon?"

(end of this chapter)