Against The Gods With An Anime System - 101 The Lich King

101 The Lich King



Neither Mesa nor Xia Qingyue were aware of the boss monster that appeared in the remains of the lake were the first giant Werewolf Profound Beast appeared. Mesa wasn't aware because he was unconscious and Xia Qingyue wasn't aware because she was solely focused on using her Profound Energy to help heal Mesa. Even Jasmine and Ophis were too busy worrying about Mesa to notice the Boss Monster that appeared.

Jasmine sat on her bed with her knees pulled back to her chest and her arms wrapped around them and watched and hoped for Mesa to pull through. This has been the first time ever that she saw him like this and she couldn't help herself but be worried to death. Ophis on the other hand, was sitting next to Jasmine on the bed. But instead of looking worried, she looked like her usual emotionless self, not moving a muscle and observing Mesa.

Meanwhile, in the of the lake were the first giant Werewolf Profound Beast appeared, the giant iceberg that appeared with the Frozen Throne on top, a figure wearing an ornately decorated armor sat on the throne. On the face of its helmet was a slit opening for it eyes and looking at it, it looked like a dark hole with no light in it. But suddenly, two crystal blue lights appear in it and this figure suddenly awakens and looks around itself.

"What strange place is this? This is not Azeroth and this energy I am feeling is certainly not magic and yet, it strangely feels just like magic." Mumbled the figure as it looked around and got a feeling for the new world where it arrived in.

"hahahahah….HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! This is amazing! This means no infuriating Tirion Fordring to get in my way! And best of all, the holy sword ASHBRINGER will not be here! This world shall fall to the Scourge and I, the Lich King, shall become the King of the Dark to rule over them all!" Said the figure in triumphant celebration who turned out to be the Lich King.

While she was busy trying to heal Mesa, Xia Qingyue suddenly heard a noise coming from the lake were the first giant werewolf Profound Beast appeared. Seeing that the remains of the lake had been frozen and an iceberg in its middle, Xia Qingyue looks up at the iceberg and sees the Lich King sitting there on the throne. Locking eyes with it, she feels a sense of fear coming over her like she had never felt before. Locking eyes with the Lich King, she felt a darkness coming from it that was nothing like she felt before. When Mesa used the Yamato earlier, she also sensed the dark demonic power from it, but unlike what she's sensing from the Lich King, the dark demonic power from Mesa's blade didn't feel evil like what she's feeling now. It felt more like a force of nature, like it is the ant.i.thesis of light and part of the world itself. Looking at the Lich King, she feels an evil darkness of pure chaos and hate emanating from him, a darkness that wants to destroy all of life and the light itself.

Locking eyes with a human girl in the distance, the Lich King lifted his left hand, pointed it at her and spoke in his malevolent echo filled voice: "You! Girl! Tell me now! What is this power that I sense?"

Hearing the Lich King speak to her, Xia Qingyue was s.h.i.+vering with fear and paralyzed on the spot. After a few moments, she manages to gather whatever remaining ounce of willpower she had left and stood up. Knowing that she wouldn't stand a chance against Lich King in a fight and that running away was no longer an option, she had resolved herself to go down fighting. Taking a stance, she immediately shoots a spear of ice at the Lich King with all her strength.

Seeing the spear of ice come at him, the Lich King just sits on his Frozen Throne and does nothing. When the spear of ice hits him, it shatters into a million pieces and doesn't cause any kind of damage. But the audacity of this weak human girl to oppose him, caused him to be outraged: "You wretched little fool! If you submitted your life to me, I would have made sure you died a painless death! But now, I shall make sure you die a horrible death!"

Standing up from his Frozen Throne, the Lich King walks down the stairs and towards Xia Qingyue. With every step he took towards her, she could feel the specter of death looming closer: "Etch this into your heart when you die and wake up again as my undead slave and serve me forever! I am the Lich King, Dark Lord of Death, Prince of Darkness and Lord of Terror! I shall eradicate all life from this planet and make them my army of undead slave warriors! And make no mistake, I have the power to do it!"

Stepping down from his Frozen Throne, the Lich King now stands at the bottom of the iceberg. Looking up at the sky, he raises his blade, Frostmourne to the skies and starts collecting all of the souls of the dead in his sword. When he was finished, he calls out telepathically to his undead slaves to arise and start killing all the living.


Meanwhile in different places in the Heaven Secret Basin Realm.

Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli, who had been travelling together in the Heaven Secret Basin Realm, had just killed a monster that looked like a very muscular gorilla the size of a house with a thick coat of white fur, a lion's head and sporting a pair of antlers on its head. They had felt a Tyrant Profound Realm beast appear earlier on and shortly after that the appearance of thousands of Tyrant u0026 Sovereign Profound Realm beasts. But unlike Ling Yuefeng who went to investigate, they made sure to keep their distance as much possible. They had inferred from this sudden appearance of that many Profound Beast, that someone had stepped into their territory and managed to anger them. But over the course of a few hours, as they both put more and more distance between them and the emerging Profound Beasts, they could sense that they were being killed by the dozens. And whoever it was that killed them, they knew they didn't want to be anywhere near them. And so here they were, thousands of kilometers away from the spot were those Profound Beasts were emerging, having just killed the gorilla like beast.

"Sister, who do you think has been the one that killed all those Tyrant u0026 Sovereign Profound Realm Beasts?" Asked Chu Yueli as she and her sister Chu Yuechan stood over the corpse of the monster they just killed.

"I don't know. At first, I thought that Elder Ling Kun was the one who killed that first Tyrant Profound Realm that appeared. But after the emergence of all those thousands of Tyrant u0026 Sovereign Profound Realm Beasts, I am certain that it's not Elder Ling Kun. After the appearance of that demonic power that we sensed 9 months ago, I am guessing that the one whom that demonic power belongs to has been killing those Tyrant u0026 Sovereign Profound Realm Beasts." Said Chu Yuechan.

"But how could, whoever that demonic power belongs to, enter the Heaven Secret Basin Realm, when its only entrance is in the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa?" Said Chu Yueli who was filled with more questions than answers.

"I have no idea. I am just as confused as you are. All I know, is that whoever it belongs to, we need to stay as far away from it as possible. Come, let us leave!" Said Chu Yuechan.

Turning around, she and Chu Yueli were walking away, they heard the sound of snow being crushed behind them. Looking back, their eyes were wide open in shock. For the monster that they had just killed by cutting of its head was getting back up and took its severed head and reattached it to its neck. What they sensed from this… thing, was a dark presence. And unlike the dark demonic power that they felt earlier, this one was filled with malice and hate towards them. And just as they were ready to fight this thing, they saw a skeletal hand suddenly sticking out of the ground. Moments later followed by more and more skeletal and other decayed corpses coming out of the ground, both human and beast alike. Pretty soon, they found themselves surrounded by undead creatures on all sides.

"Sister! What is this?! How can the dead come back to life! This is against the laws of the heavens!" Said Chu Yueli in total panic.

"I don't know! But just kill them! We'll figure this out later!" Said Chu Yuechan before she used her powers to summon multiple beasts made of ice to fight the undead.

Back at the site where Mesa had killed the Burning Heaven Clan and Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect group, Fen Juecheng still hadn't left the area. Distraught at the loss of everyone he came here with and the fact that he was the sole survivor. Hearing a rustling sound, Fen Juecheng looks at the source of the sound, he sees the bodies of his group stand back up. Thoroughly confused at first how they could stand back up, Fen Juecheng was overjoyed at the fact that his brother and the rest of his group were alive again. But this joy soon turned to horror as he looked at their blood soaked and injury riddled bodies. None of this made any kind of sense and soon enough, he found out that this was a nightmare the likes of which he couldn't imagine. His brother and the rest of his group that had gotten back to life, had eyes that s.h.i.+ned with a pale blue light. But the most horrifying this was the fact that he sensed a dark evil emanating from them. This dark evil made his skin crawl with fear. This dark evil was filled with hate and malice and he could sense their immense hate filled killing intent towards him. From this he knew, that he would have to fight them if he wanted to survive.

This happened all across the Heaven Secret Basin Realm. Everywhere, across the entire Heaven Secret Basin Realm, the dead were coming back to life. Whether they'd be human or not, everything that was dead came back to life and filled with an intense hatred to the living and a desire to kill them.


Back at the site where the Lich King is.

Xia Qingyue was horrified looking around. She saw the Profound Beasts that Mesa had killed earlier all rising back up from the dead and kneeling before the Lich King. She even saw other undead, both and human and non-human, rising from the ground and kneeling before the Lich King.

"Now go my slaves! Go and trample upon the living and kill everyone! I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge." Said the Lich King, to which all the undead moved out in search for anyone living.

Looking back at Xia Qingyue, the Lich King pointed Frostmourne at her and said: "Now, you foolish little girl. For disobeying your master, I shall inflict upon you the pain and suffering of a thousand deaths!"

And out of Frostmourne, a black ray of light shoots towards Xia Qingyue. Knowing that there was nothing she could do, she had resigned herself to her fate and closes her eyes. But just as she was expecting to feel the pain of a thousand deaths, she instead feels a hand patting her on the head and a voice speaking to her.

"Good work Qingyue, I am proud of you. You can leave the rest to me now."

Opening her eyes, she looks up to see Mesa standing before her between her and the death beam that the Lich King shot towards her. But just as she wanted to warn him, he holds out his hand towards the death beam and whispers.

"Come Avalon, The Ever Distant Utopia."

What happened next was like a miracle. There before Mesa, a golden sheath appears that created a barrier in front of Mesa and stopped the death beam from the Lich King in its tracks.

(A.N.: In the Fate-universe, Avalon can only protect 1 person at a time. Avalon deploys a barrier that protects everyone inside it. Its power is so great, that not even Gilgamesh with Ea using Enuma Elish can pierce it, so the death beam that was shot by the Lich King can be very easily protected against. Because Mesa stood before Xia Qingyue, she was also protected from the death beam that the Lich King shot at her.)

Seeing his death beam stopped so easily and feeling the Holy Light coming off of the sheath that Mesa used, the Lich King was enraged, even more than when Xia Qingyue shot that spear of ice at him: "You! How dare you stop my death beam! Prepare yourself! For I shall torture you for an eternity and break your very soul!"

Instead of reacting to him, Mesa just held out his right hand in front of him and said in a whispering tone: "Come to me! Oh Sword of Promised Victory."

And above his right hand, a golden portal opens up. Out of this portal, the holy sword Excalibur appears. The moment Excalibur appears, it releases a light that causes the Lich King to cover his eyes and scream in pain, while Xia Qinyue looked at the light of Excalibur and instead saw her mother in it. Holding Excalibur with both hands and pointing it to the skies, Mesa uses the Power Stone and releasing its immense power through Excalibur in a light that pierces the heavens themselves.

"Oh Excalibur, Sword of Promised Victory. s.h.i.+ne your light upon this world." Said Mesa.

All across the Heaven Secret Basin Realm, people could see a golden light pierces through the skies. Moments later, this was followed by a golden particles falling down like golden snowflakes. This light caused all of the undead to scream in pain as their bodies started to disintegrate and they died once again. For everyone alive, the sight of this golden light was like a miracle of the heavens themselves. Everyone who looked at the light started to remember their most cherished moments in life.