Against The Gods With An Anime System - 89 Ling Yuefeng Night Of Hell

89 Ling Yuefeng Night Of Hell

"So Villa Master, I sure hope you've enjoyed that show. I know me and your wife sure had a good time." Said Mesa.

"YOU! I WILL KILL YOU! I WILL KILL EVERY LAST MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY!" Bellowed out Villa Master in pure unadulterated fury and hate.

"Let me tell you something Villa Master. You are probably wondering right now why no one has come here. Well let me give you that answer. You see, I have come here tonight for two purposes. My first purpose for coming here was to truly make a feast for Ling Jie and Ling Yun for their amazing matches. And my second purpose for coming here was to give your wife the night of her life. And mission accomplished. But back to the matter at hand. The reason why no one has come to your aid was because I have already laid out a barrier around your house and courtyard to ensure that once you returned and saw me f.u.c.king your wife, your power wouldn't be felt by anyone else. And this barrier also ensures that everyone who looks at it, doesn't pay any attention to what happens inside. No matter what is happening inside." Said Mesa.

"YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d! YOU f.u.c.kED MY WIFE! YOU f.u.c.kED CHU YUECHAN AS WELL! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT! I WILL KILL YOU!" Screamed Ling Yuefeng as he desperately tried to free himself from clone Mesa's grip. Clone Mesa was holding him in the Susanoo's hands, while making sure not to squeeze him to death.

"No you won't. Because I will erase your memories of this night and replace them with a different set of memories. This way, we will continue on like nothing ever happened and I can come here and f.u.c.k your wife whenever she calls for me. Cause let me tell you a story. Yesterday, Ling Kun himself came to me himself and threatened me into giving him the Boosted Gear. Do you know what happened next? I teleported us both to the TenThousand Beast Mountain Range and it was there that I had beaten him and tortured him. Afterwards I erased his memories of that night and replaced them with a different set of memories. So, if I can do that to Ling Kun, I can easily do it to you." Said Mesa causing Ling Kun to look at him in despair. And so Mesa erased his memories and replaced with another set of memories. This new set of memories was of him going to try and see Chu Yuechan, but he got chased away and he went for a walk outside for a few hours. After he arrived at home, he found his wife and kids sleeping, so he went to sleep as well.


Let us turn the clock back a few hours.

Just after Ling Yuefeng had left his house and was headed in the direction of the residence of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. As he got closer, he noticed that the lights were out, except one. And this one light belonged to Chu Yuechan's room. But just as he wanted to get closer to their residence, he suddenly felt his body wasn't listening to him anymore and he couldn't move. Confused at what was happening, he hears a voice from behind him.

"How predictable. How many have you come here to try and see her only to fail every time. And yet, you still keep on trying. A true testament to stupidity, you keep trying to do the same thing and yet expect a different result."

Looking around furiously, his eyes fall on an individual hidden, standing on a tree branch.

"Mesa Uchiha! Why are you here?! And how dare you speak to me like that!" Bellowed out Ling Yuefeng angrily.

"It's simple. I am here for Chu Yuechan, as she and the rest of the Frozen Cloud Asgard are sick and tired of your constant hara.s.sment to see her. She doesn't want to see you! Period! So why do you keep on coming back, even though she clearly told you to leave her alone!" Said Mesa.

"Junior! How dare you speak to me like that! I don't know what you have done to me, but release me this instant!" Said Ling Yuefeng angrily.

"Fine than! I can see that you're not gonna listen. So how about I shatter this this pedestal in your mind that you have of Chu Yuechan so you'll leave her alone from now on!" Said Mesa. Manipulating his fingers, he takes control of Ling Yuefeng's body and forces him to come along with him. They silently go over to the window where the light is still on. Looking inside, Ling Yuefeng's felt his heart sink. There, in the room, he saw Chu Yuechan in Mesa's arm and they were kissing each other. Desperate to deny what he is seeing right now, he saw Chu Yuechan was happily in his arm and that Mesa had his hands all over her body.

But before he could say anything about it, he felt his body being forcefully moved away at super speed. Coming to a standstill, he sees that they arrived in a field, away from all the residence and training areas.

"So, now that you've seen her, you can leave her alone from now on." Said Mesa, pulling Ling Yuefeng out of his daze, who furiously turned around.

"You! How dare you take the Fairy of Frozen Beauty and defile her like that! And how are you even here and there at the same time!" Angrily said Ling Yuefeng.

Hearing him, Mesa just pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration and shaking his head before he looked at Ling Yuefeng and said: "G.o.d, you truly are a piece of work. If you really must know. I can make clones of myself! There, now that that is out of the way, let's get back to the matter at hand. Chu Yuechan is a person and not some kind of object for you to decide over! She has chosen to be with me herself and there is no one, not even you, who can tell her what she can and can't do."

"NO! None of the Frozen Cloud Asgard are allowed to be with any man! What kind of spell did you use on her to turn her into your puppet!" Said Ling Yuefeng, his chest heaving up and down rapidly and his pupils the size of a needles.

"Why the f.u.c.k would I ever tell you what Chu Yuechan and I have been through! That is none of your concern! It's no wonder your wife is so angry with you that she is now f.u.c.king with my clone I left at your house. You're only thinking about a woman that has zero interest, just to satiate your own vanity. And this woman is in a happy relations.h.i.+p with another man." Said Mesa.

Hearing this caused Ling Yuefeng's despair and rage to go through the roof. And in his despair and rage induced state, he attacked Mesa with everything he had. He took out his Sky Profound weapon, the Limitless Sword, and attacked Mesa with it using every ounce of strength he had and cut off his head.

Standing there, over Mesa's headless corpse, Ling Yuefeng was breathing heavily in rage, until he feels something on his right shoulder. Looking at his right shoulder, his rage evaporates instantly, leaving only a bottomless abyss of fear in his hart. For what is on his right shoulder, is a blade. But this blade was exuding a demonic aura that was like nothing he ever felt.

"T-t-t-that b-b-blade! That blade has the same demonic energy I felt 9 months ago! What is this thing and why is it with you?!" Screamed Ling Yuefeng in fear and looked back to see another Mesa standing behind him, holding the Yamato to his neck.

"Because f.u.c.k You. As you can see, even with your Limitless Sword, you still don't stand a chance against me. So, let us go back to your house and see the consequences of you ignoring your wife for a woman that has zero interest in you." Said Mesa. Placing his hand on Ling Yuefeng's shoulder they teleported out of there and back to his courtyard. The headless Mesa clone dispersed immediately when he teleported out of there.

Arriving back at his courtyard, Ling Yuefeng and Mesa, who took back control over Ling Yuefeng's body, walked into his house and towards his bedroom. After they arrived, they heard a woman's voice. And from the sound of it, she was having a good time.


After hearing the sound of his wife's voice moaning and begging for more and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, Ling Yuefeng's face went pale as a sheet of paper. But that wasn't the end of his torment. To make his torment even worse, the Mesa next to him opened the bedroom doors and there it was. Right in front of him, lying on the sofa was his wife being hammered into by another Mesa standing above her. And from the looks of her face, she was enjoying every second of it.

This scene was one that was drained all the strength from his body. He just wanted to collapse, then and there and wake up later and hope that it was all just a horrible dream. But no matter how hard he tried to deny reality, it wouldn't work. He was forced to watch as his wife was being f.u.c.ked by another man and she was moaning harder than she had ever done when they shared the bed. And soon enough, his wife was convulsing and the Mesa who was f.u.c.king her, made her climax harder than he had ever managed to do.


To make the nightmare complete, that Mesa came all over her face and b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she happily licked it all up. The look on her face was one of total satisfaction.

"So, I can see you've enjoyed that very much." Said the Mesa next to her with a smirk.

"That was amazing. My husband has never f.u.c.ked me like that and make me c.u.m so hard." Said Xuanyuan Yufeng with a smile on her face.

At this point, Ling Yuefeng had lost all the feeling in his body. To him, it felt like everything was a nightmare and he was forced to watch it all without anything he could do about it.

"If you're wondering why they can't hear or see us, it's because that Mesa has cast an illusion on your wife. She is now incapable of hearing or seeing us and thinks that no one is the room except the two of them." Said the Mesa next to him, but it wasn't like he could hear him at all. His mind was numb at this point. At some point, his body starts walking away on its own. The Mesa next to him closes the bedroom doors and they start walking back to the courtyard. After they arrived at the courtyard, the Mesa next to him held him down until the other Mesa came back.

A few hours later, the other Mesa came out of his house. The moment when Ling Yuefeng saw him, his rage came back in full force and he tried to attack him, but to no avail. Looking into his eyes, he saw his red eyes change shape before the light went out.

The next day

Ling Yuefeng woke up next to his wife. Getting out of bed, he sees his wife is still asleep and she didn't look like she would wake up any time soon. Shaking her gently, he manages to wake her up.

"Honey, wake up. Today is the finals, we need to go to there." Said Ling Yuefeng in a gentle way to his wife who was waking up.

"I'm sorry honey. I am just way too tired to get out of bed. Don't worry, it's nothing bad. I just need some rest." Said Xuanyuan Yufeng softly.

"Alright, you stay in bed and rest up. I'll tell everyone that you're feeling a little under the weather and that you need some rest." Said Ling Yuefeng with a gentle smile on his face. Walking out of his bedroom, he goes to gather Ling Yun and Ling Jie for the final match of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

Back in their bedroom, Xuanyuan Yufeng was holding a little stick in her hands and rubbing it between her thumb and index finger. Thinking back to the night before, she couldn't help but smile. The amazing feeling of being f.u.c.ked by Mesa and climaxing so hard was still lingering in her mind. For the last three years, she and her husband haven't shared the bed like that. Though she focused on her children, her cultivation and the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa, the frustration still lingered in the back of her mind. After last night, that frustrating feeling was replaced by a feeling of pure heaven.

'Maybe I should break this tonight and have him f.u.c.k me like that again. I haven't slept this amazing for the last three years.' Thought Xuanyuan Yufeng before she fell asleep again.