Against The Gods With An Anime System - 88 The Tournament - Round Of 32 - Day 4 - Part 4

88 The Tournament - Round Of 32 - Day 4 - Part 4

Ling Jie in response was happy to see him and immediately started getting giddy about everything he saw him do and bombarding him with remarks and questions: "Boss! Boss! You were amazing! The way you knocked out those people without touching! Or how superfast you are! I couldn't even see you move! Or how you threw that giant ball of wind that caused that storm! Or how you caused those thunderstorms with that hammer of yours! Or how you than transformed into dragon armor and you became stronger like that, but you're not that strong anymore! Why is that boss?"

"Whoa there! Whoa there! Whoa there! Whoa there! I understand you're quite excited about everything you saw me do, but you need slow down there a little. How about this. Let us have a good match. And unlike the previous two matches I fought, we will make this one a match were we both use our best sword & martial arts techniques against each other. And as you know, I heal very, very fast. So if you manage to pierce my abdomen with your sword, I will consider it a loss for me. How about that?" Said Mesa.

"Sure Boss! Let's do this! If I want to have any chance at beating you, then I will use every ounce of power at my disposal!" Said Ling Jie, all pumped up and ready to go.

What Ling Jie did next was take out a case from his storage ring. Once he opened this case, an orange golden light s.h.i.+ned through. And from this case he took out the Celestial Yang Sword, the same sword that Ling Yuefeng had thrown to Ling Yun in his match against Xia Qingyue.

Looking over the sword, Mesa took his two sword, Kansho & Bakuya in hand and looked over to Ling Yuefeng and said: "Sword Villa Master! Throw the Celestial Yuan Sword to Ling Jie! He and I are gonna go all out from the start and he needs that sword right from the start!"

Ling Yuefeng sat there contemplating Mesa's suggestion for a few seconds before he stood up and threw the Celestial Yuan Sword to Ling Jie, who caught it.

Seeing that both contestant were ready, Ling Wugou announced the start of the match.

"Second match of the Semifinals: Blue Wind Imperial Family's Mesa Uchiha versus Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Jie… Match start!"

Right out the gate, Ling Jie and Mesa rush at each other and start clas.h.i.+ng swords very violently. The audience were completely enthralled looking at them. It was like watching a dance between two sword masters. Every attack was deflected or parried by one, only to have their attack deflected or parried as well. Neither one was able to gain the edge on the other.

After one particular clash, both of them are blown back from each other. Using this opportunity, Ling Jie charges both of his swords and slashes towards Mesa, launching a sword beam straight at him. Mesa seeing this coming, stays calm and drops Kansho & Bakuya. The moment they leave his hands; they dissipate in a light of golden particles. Taking a sumo stance, with one open palm in front of him and the other open palm close to his body, he waits for the sword beam to get close to him. Once the sword beam gets close to him, he forms a quake bubble around the open palm that was close to his body and palm strikes the sword beam, dissipating it with a loud explosion and causing the entire venue to tremble a little. Making a grabbing motion with his hands, Kansho & Bakuya appear once again and he resumes the fight.

"Wow Boss! You are amazing! I didn't know you could do that as well!" Said Ling Jie excitedly.

"Ohh Ling Jie, there are many things you don't know about me." Said Mesa with a smirk.

And so they resumed their sword clash, with each of them deflector or parried the other one's attacks. At one point, Ling Jie came in with a thrust attack, only for Mesa to get out of its way and step on his sword. But just as Mesa wanted to attack him, Ling Jie thrusted his shoulder into Mesa, pus.h.i.+ng him away and he followed up with a horizontal slash to his stomach. Bringing his sword up, Mesa absorbs the impact with his swords and is thrown back. Looking at his swords, he sees that they're both broken.

"Boss! I am so sorry about breaking your swords!" Said Ling Jie apologetically.

"Don't worry about it Ling Jie. It's no big deal." Said Mesa as he released his hold on his swords and they dissipated into golden particles. Making a grabbing motion with his hands, both of them were back and good as new, shocking Ling Jie and the audience watching.

"I told it was no big deal. These two swords are special. These two swords have a special power. So long as I have some Profound Energy left, I can always repair them. So don't worry about breaking these swords, I basically have an inexhaustible amount of them. So let's get back to the fight!" Said Mesa as he rushed Ling Jie again.

Taking a step back, Ling Jie points both swords up in the air and shouts: "Heaven's Might Sword Formation —— Heavenly Star Frenzy!"

This created dozens of orange-gold & cyan sword lights in the air that rushed at Mesa. Activating his Sharingans, Mesa could clearly see the path that each sword light would take as it rushed towards him. With Kansho & Bakuya in hand, he slashes the first sword light that reaches him and in the process destroys his swords. But each and every time his swords were destroyed, he repairs them by opening his hands to allow the swords to dissipate and then closing his hands, making a new pair of swords appear in his hands to repeat the process. This went on for all the sword light that rained down on him. The audience were silent as they watched Mesa with wide open mouths. The way he moved to dodge the sword lights, the way he used his swords to destroy them and his swords in the process only to renew his swords was stunning to see. At first, Mesa was a little clunky with deflecting and dodging the sword lights. But as time went on, it was like he was predicting where they would come down and he would dodge accordingly with minimal movements and then destroy the sword light that came down.

When it was all done, Ling Jie had already leapt high in the air, and caught the falling Celestial Yang & Yuan Swords. In midair, he turned around as his swords flickered with light. His entire body seemed as if it had completely merged with the sword light as he appeared in front of Mesa.

Heavenly Sword Villa's ultimate instantaneous sword technique —— Sword Brilliance of Extreme Lightning!

Ling Jie's instantaneous movement was fast indeed, but Mesa caught on to it with his Sharingans and dissipated his swords. Thrusting his swords towards him, his Celestial Yang & Yuan Swords had already arrived in front of Mesa. To Ling Jie's great surprise, Mesa stepped on his swords and with an open palm strike, struck Ling Jie in the chest, propelling him backwards and knocking out all the air out of his lungs.

After Ling Jie finally came to a stop, he was propelled back a good 15 m and without his swords as they were still lying by Mesa's feet. When Mesa hit him in the chest, the force pushed him back and in the moment, he dropped his swords. Without his swords, Ling Jie had already lost. Picking up Ling Jie's swords, Ling Yuefeng was watching with a furious expression. To him, a swordmaster, losing your sword(s) in battle was one on the greatest mistakes one could make. But having your opponent pick up your sword(s) to use against you, was an insult of cataclysmic proportions for him. Even Ling Yun, who had woken up and was watching his little brother's fight with Mesa, was furious after Mesa picked up Ling Jie's swords. But to their most pleasant surprise, Mesa threw Ling Jie's swords back at him.

"Come on Ling Jie, this match is still far from over. And next time, don't drop your swords like that. And don't just use your thrust attacks like that against me with all your strength. It makes it easier for me to counter them." Said Mesa giving Ling Jie a little advice.

"Boss, I knew you were powerful, but this is just ridiculous. That last hit just now, it felt like I got hit in the chest by hammer that weighed a ton." Said Ling Jie while ma.s.saging his chest where Mesa just hit him.

"That would be the result of the martial art I practice. After this match is over, I'll give you some pointers about it. How does that sound?" Said Mesa with a cheeky grin, much to Ling Jie's pleasant surprise.

And so they continued on, but was surprising was that Ling Jie had started to adapt to Mesa's style of fighting whilst they were still fighting. Whenever Mesa used hand-to-hand combat, Ling Jie would block him by either tripping his foot, or by creating distance to negate his hand-to-hand combat advantage or by thrusting his shoulder into Mesa.

'This kid. He learns really fast. I am impressed.' Thought Mesa to himself with a smile, as he observed Ling Jie adapt rapidly to his dual style of hand-to-hand & sword combat.

Even Ling Yuefeng, Xuanyuan Yufeng and Ling Yun were watching in astonishment. They had never taught Ling Jie anything about hand-to-hand combat, but they saw how he adapted super quickly to Mesa's dual style of hand-to-hand & sword combat. It was already astonis.h.i.+ng for the public that Mesa was capable of switching his style of combat so quickly during battle, but the fact that Ling Jie could adapt to it was even more astonis.h.i.+ng.

During one particular clash, Ling Jie was once again blown back. But he near instantly recovered and crossed his swords in front of him.

"Heaven's Might Absolute Sword… Moon Break! Haa!!

A second later, his swords started releasing an orange & cyan light before they were unleashed as cross shaped sword beam towards Mesa. Mesa immediately dissipates Kansho & Bakuya and prepares to destroy the cross shaped sword beam coming to him by using an open palm strike encased in a quake bubble. But to his greatest surprise, while he was occupied with the cross shaped sword beams coming towards him, Ling Jie used this opportunity to once again use the 'Heavenly Sword Villa's ultimate instantaneous sword technique —— Sword Brilliance of Extreme Lightning!' to get behind Mesa and use his thrust attacks from behind. Mesa only caught on because of he saw Ling Jie use this technique from the corner of his eye, while he was occupied with the cross shaped sword beams coming to his front.

'That clever little b.a.s.t.a.r.d. He knew I would destroy these cross shaped sword beams with a palm strike, so he used them as a diversion while he used that instant movement technique to get behind my back and strike with that thrust attack again. Clever little b.a.s.t.a.r.d indeed. Sorry Ling Jie, this was a very smart move. But I always have a plan B in place for situations like these.' Thought Mesa to himself with a smile as he prepared his plan B move.

And so Mesa used his quake bubble palm strike to destroy the cross shaped sword beams coming to him. With a loud explosion and the venue trembling lightly again, the cross shaped sword beams were forcefully destroyed by him. And at that moment, Ling Jie's thrust attack hit him in the back, causing both of his swords to go in through his back and out the front. This whole situation had shocked the audience, who were convinced that Mesa Uchiha would win this tournament. Yet here he was, with two swords through his back. Since they knew that he would heal from this, they weren't worried about that. But, at the start of the match, Mesa said he would consider it his loss if Ling Jie managed to pierce his abdomen with his sword, just like he did now.

'Mesa lost. How is that possible?' Thought Cang Yue, Chu Yuechan, Xia Qingyue and pretty much everyone else. Fen Juecheng and the rest of the Burning Heaven Clan watched on with rage filled expressions, they didn't care whether Mesa would win this tournament anymore. They only stayed here to go explore the Heaven Secret Basin Realm for treasures after the tournament.

"HA! Boss! I won! Sorry about this, but I beat you fair and square!" Said Ling Jie totally excited, before Mesa suddenly exploded in smoke, shocking Ling Jie and everyone else who didn't know what was going on. Cang Yue on the other hand had her epiphany moment, she had seen Mesa do this during the fights at the banquet at the New Moon Profound Palace and so she knew that Mesa didn't lose. As the smoke dissipated, what was at the end of Ling Jie's swords wasn't Mesa, but a block of wood.

'WHAT THE h.e.l.l?!?!' Was the thought that went through everyone's minds after they saw Mesa explode into smoke and leave behind a block of wood.

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Ling Jie, still in a stupor about what happened just now, was suddenly kicked in the back. Looking back, he eyes were as wide as plates, cause behind him was Mesa and he was fine and smiling at him.

"I'm very, very impressed Ling Jie. Using those cross shaped sword beams as diversion while you attacked me in the back. Very clever of you. But unfortunately, I am always prepared for something like this, but very clever indeed." Said Mesa proudly with a big smile on his face.