Against The Gods With An Anime System - 76 Tournament - Round Of 32 - Day 2

76 Tournament - Round Of 32 - Day 2

"So Palace Chief Qin, I told you everything would be fine, didn't I." Said Mesa to Qin Wushang who was still staring at him wide eyes.

"...…yes." Said Qin Wushang wide eyed in a monotonous voice.

"Palace Chief Qin, are you alright?" Asked Mesa in light of his strange behavior.

"...yes." Said Qin Wushang, still wide eyed and still in a monotonous voice.

"Princess, I think Palace Chief Qin is broken..." Said Mesa as he looked over to Cang Yue and the rest of the group and was met with the same wide eyed horror stare. "… are the rest."

After the chaos of Mesa had died down, it was time for the second match. Ling Jie of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa versus Mu Xiongyi from the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect. Ling Jie being a disciple of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa and the son the Villa Master, his match would normally attract everyone's attention. But after everything Mesa did the previous round, people were not so much into the Four Major Sects and wanted to watch Mesa again.

But unlike in the cannon story, where Mu Xiongyi fought Ling Jie with his spear, here he fought him with fire-arms that the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect was known for. Watching the match, the audience were captivated by Ling Jie swordsmans.h.i.+p and with the fire-arms of Mu Xiongyi. Mesa on the other hand, was disgusted with the fire-arms they used.

'Filthy pieces of garbage. They call those fire-arms! If the NRA was here and they saw those things they call guns, they would immediately disband.' Thought Mesa.

Pretty soon, Ling Jie had used his overwhelming swordsmans.h.i.+p to corner Mu Xiongyi and won the duel.

"Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Jie wins, and will enter tomorrow's Round of 16!"

It was evening when the Round of 32 came to a complete close. The sixteen partic.i.p.ants for the following day's elimination round had all been decided. Of the Four Major Sects, other than Xiao Nan, who had been defeated by Mesa Uchiha, the other eleven disciples all entered into the top sixteen, occupying two thirds of the top sixteen.

The arrangements for the following day's Round of 16 was also displayed on the profound stone in the middle of the Sword Discourse Arena after the end of today's compet.i.tion.

The opponent Mesa Uchiha would face the following day came from the same Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress in the North as the opponent Ling Jie had faced today —— Mu Xiongyan.

At the end of today's compet.i.tion, the Blue Wind Profound Palace group returned to their courtyard. There were already three people awaiting them here. More accurately, they were waiting for Mesa Uchiha. Of the three, one was a middle aged man. The other two were youths who had appeared in today's compet.i.tion venue. One was Mu Xiongyi who had been defeated by Ling Jie. The other had defeated his opponent and entered the next day's Round of 16. He was Mesa's match for the next day, Mu Xiongyan.

Having seen Mesa, that middle aged man straightforwardly walked in big steps towards him and said: "I am Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress' current Fort Master Mu Tianbei. At the risk of being presumptuous, I have an important matter to discuss with the honorable Young Master Uchiha."

"Save the brownnosing for someone who likes it! What do you want!" Said Mesa to Mu Tainbei in a disrespectful tone that angered both Mu Xiongyi and Mu Xiongyan. If it wasn't for their father holding his hand up to stop them, they would've jumped Mesa already. Mu Tianbie, managed to keep a straight face, with the only thing indicating that he was angered by Mesa's tone, was his twitching brow.

"It is very simple," Mu Tianbei looked directly at Mesa: "I have witnessed Young Master Uchiha's performance in the ranking tournament for a few days and my heart sighs in admiration. Regarding Young Master Uchiha's natural talent and strength, even if it was among the Four Major Sects, there are none who can match you. To remain with just a trifling Blue Wind Profound Palace is simply like burying a pearl. How about joining my Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress?"

As soon as he said that, right in front of Qin Wushang and Princess Cang Yue, they became angry. Though they knew that people would come to offer Mesa an opportunity to join their sect, the fact that Mu Tianbei with such blatant disrespect towards both of them, is what angered them. But just as Qin Wushang wanted to say something about it, he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back he saw that is was Mesa.

"Don't bother with him Palace Chief Qin. Why would I ever go to his pathetic piece of s.h.i.+t sect if I got an offer from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region and said no to them. The *Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect* is not even worthy to wipe the a.s.s of the lowliest servant they have there, why would I ever go there." Said Mesa. This time Mu Tianbei was angered by him.

(A.N.: the *-mark is there to show that Mesa said 'Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect' in a mocking tone.)

Mu Tianbei had thought that there was a chance Mesa would reject him, but he never would have thought he would have the impertinence to speak such insolence. He creased both his brows as his complexion darkened: "It seems as if I did not hear that correctly. So, seeing as how magnanimous I am. I shall pretend like it never happened and extend my offer to you again to join the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect. I suggest you join me, boy."

Once those words came out, the atmosphere instantly froze. Mesa, who at this point had a smug smile on his face, instantly became serious.

"Boy. Did you just call me... boy?" Said Mesa as flared up his Sharingans and put Mu Tianbei in a nightmarish genjutsu that ended up with Mu Tianbei p.i.s.sing his pants in front of him.

Looking over to Mu Xiongyi and Mu Xiongyan who were enraged, and just about to attack Mesa, until he told them: "You two! Take your father away from here before he stinks up the place! RIGHT NOW!" Said Mesa in a deadly serious tone that intimidated them. Not willing to stay any longer, they quickly carried their father away and Mu Xiongyan looked back at Mesa and swore that he would pay him back for this humiliation.

After night had pa.s.sed, a new day had begun. New matches were also imminent. It was early morning, but the entire Sword Discourse Arena was already jammed packed with people waiting for the Round of 16 to begin. Most of them had come to watch Mesa fight, especially after yesterday's spectacle.

"Round of 16, first match: Blue Wind Imperial Family's Mesa Uchiha vs Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress' Mu Xiongyan."

Before Mu Xiongyan went up on stage, Mu Tianbei ordered him in a low voice: "Cripple him Yan'er! I know where Xiao Nan went wrong yesterday. He gave that b.a.s.t.a.r.d the s.p.a.ce to do what he wants. The moment the match starts, stay on him like a tick and don't let up. Even if he dodges you the entire time, he will eventually slip up and that will be your chance to strike. Do you understand!"

"Rest a.s.sured Father. I won't even let him think about standing up ever again." Mu Xiongyan grinned as he casually said that.

Hearing his name, Mesa was about to walk to up to the arena, but quickly glanced at Qin Wushang.

"Palace Chief Qin, don't you have any advice for me on my next opponent." Said Mesa with a cheeky grin.

"No. Just go, have fun and win." Said Qin Wushang in a bored tone. It was evident that he still hadn't recovered from yesterday's spectacle, or he just knew that no matter what he said, Mesa wouldn't listen to him and just do whatever he wanted and win.

'Wow, I think broke him more than I had expected.' Thought Mesa to himself as walked to the arena.

Arriving at the arena, his opponent, Mu Xiongyan, was already there and he was fuming with rage. As soon as Mesa took his place he started talking big: "Mesa Uchiha, prepare to howl a good one under my Heavenly Spear!! I'll let you remember the price of insulting my Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress for your entire lifetime!!"

"Match Sta….."

"WAIT!!!!" Yelled out Mesa, interrupting Ling Wugou and everyone wondered what was going on.

Mesa stuck up his index finger to Mu Xiongyan, who was also confused why he stopped Ling Wugou.

"1 minute. I will give you 1 minute. During this 1 minute, I shall stand here and take every single attack you can dish out. No matter how viciously you attack me, I will not dodge, I will not counter it and I will not defend it. I will stand here and take every attack. But after this minute ends, I will defeat you in 1 single attack. How does that sound? Are you man enough to take this bet with me?" Said Mesa, shocking everyone in the audience.

Mu Tianbei, Fen Juecheng and Fen Juebi on the other hand were extremely excited: 'YESSSSS!!! This is the best chance ever!! Not only can I see that maggot get injured or even killed!! He even asked for it! This is the best, I won't even have to sneak around to kill this maggot!'

Ling Yuefeng, on the other hand, was not amused with this and quickly interjected: "Stop! This tournament is here to showcase our young disciples talent to the Blue Wind Empire! It is not here so that one disciple can main, injure or kill another disciple!"

"I understand Villa Master, but it doesn't say anywhere in the rules that disciples cannot come to a mutual agreement for their particular match. It states that one disciple cannot woefully and willfully injure, maim or kill another disciple during a match. But if two disciples have come to a mutual agreement in which they both accept the risk to each other, then any injuries or deaths during that particular match are their own fault. Isn't that right?" Said Mesa to Ling Yuefeng before he looked over to Mu Xiongyan.

"So how about it? Do you agree to my proposal? If any of us gets injured or killed, it is their own fault and n.o.body else. There will be no reprisals by anyone of our respective Sects. Do you agree to this?" Said Mesa.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha…. Yes! I agree! Any injuries or deaths during this match is the fault of the disciples themselves. And there will be no reprisals from the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Sect if I get injured during this match!" Said Mu Xiongyan in utter contempt, convinced that he could severely injure or kill Mesa in 1 minute.

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"I agree as well. Elder Ling, please start this match." Said Mesa as put his hands on his b.a.l.l.s, arguably his most important a.s.sets, and closed his eyes.

Ling Wugou, who didn't know what to do at this point, looked over to Ling Yuefeng for guidance. Looking over to the audience, Ling Yuefeng saw that they wanted this match to happen and so he relented and told Ling Wugou to start the match.

"Match start!!"




As Mesa started the countdown, Mu Xiongyan took out his spear and immediately charged Mesa and started his barrage of spear attacks against him, drawing blood and opening many wounds with every attack.

Cang Yue, who was watching this, held her hands to her mouth and waited with baited breath. She knew that Mesa was very, very strong, but deliberately letting himself get injured like this was something she didn't expect he would do and she was extremely worried he would die. Xia Qingyue, was also getting worried watching this match and seeing the many wounds opening up on Mesa's body, felt her heart constrict more and more with every attack. Chu Yuechan, though she managed to keep it concealed, was also very worried that Mesa would be killed. Sitting down with her hands on her legs, she involuntarily started to squeeze them and her profound energy was starting to get chaotic.

"Elder Sister, is everything ok?" Said Chu Yueli who noticed Chu Yuechan energy going a bit chaotic and her squeezing her hand. But Chu Yuechan didn't react to her and kept staring at the match between Mesa and Mu Xiongyan. It wasn't until Chu Yueli physically grabbed her hand, that Chu Yuechan woke up from her daze and looked at Chu Yueli.

"Elder Sister, is everything alright?" Asked Chu Yueli.

"Nothing. It's nothing." Said Chu Yuechan as she calmed down and managed to get her emotions under control.

'Mesa! What has gotten into you that you would do this?! You can't die! Please, you can't die! I can't live without you!' Thought Xia Qingyue, Chu Yuechan and Cang Yue as they were watching the match.

'Boss! Please don't die! Please! Please! Please! Please don't die!' Thought Ling Jie as he held his breath, watching the match.

'YESSSS!! THAT'S IT!! KILL THAT MOTHERf.u.c.kER!! KILL HIM!!' Thought Fen Juecheng, Fen Juebi and Mu Tianbei watching the match with total excitement.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… Take this! And that! And that! And that!" Yelled out Mu Xiongyan as Mesa was still standing there, counting down. Mu Xiongyan didn't relent at all. He had been attacking Mesa with everything he had. And up until this point, he had made dozens of deep wounds and even managed to cut off his right arm. But still Mesa didn't stop counting down.





Hearing the countdown end. Mu Xiongyan, with a loud roar, initiated his most powerful attack.


He jumped forward high in the air. Strength filled his right arm, and he fiercely tossed the spear, straight through Mesa's chest.

"NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Yelled out Cang Yue and Ling Jie. Chu Yuechan eyes went wide and bloodshot and she was just about to rush over and kill Mu Xiongyan herself. Xia Qingyue felt like all the strength left her body and couldn't move anymore.

'YYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!' Thought Mu Tianbei, Mu Xiongyan, Fen Juecheng and Fen Juebi when the spear went through Mesa's chest.

But to everyone's horror and surprise, Mesa, who everyone thought was dead, suddenly opened his eyes.

"TIME'S UP!!" Yelled out Mesa and put Mu Xiongyan, who just landed in a genjutsu and froze him in place.

And then, storm clouds started to gather, lighting started crackle in the skies above, everyone was wondering what was going on. Mjolnir, that Mesa left somewhere in the dirt, started to crackle with electricity. People, who at this point ignored Mjolnir because they knew they couldn't lift it up, that were around Mjolnir started to run away. With the storm clouds in the sky getting denser and denser. The lightning getting more and more fiercer, they knew something was coming. Something that none of them had ever seen. Something that was way out of their league. Even Ling Kun who had kept a composed look, even with Mesa's many mind bogglingly crazy matches, was freaking out at everything that was happening.

And then, Mesa stuck out his remaining arm and summoned Mjolnir to his left hand. Holding Mjolnir up to the skies, he summoned a giant bolt of lightning down at Mjolnir and then attacked Mu Xiongyan with it, launching him straight out of the arena and into the next world.

As the skies calmed down and the lightning no longer crackled, it became visible what had happened. Mesa, still with a spear through his chest, had summoned lightning from the G.o.ds themselves using his hammer and with it, not only defeated Mu Xiongyan. He killed him. Everyone was silent, n.o.body dared to move anymore. This year's tournament, a monster that could wield the lightning of the G.o.ds themselves was among them.

Watching this monster, the first thing he did was pull out the spear from his chest like it was nothing and threw it aside. Then, he walked to where his severed right arm lied, he picked it up and placed against the stump of his right arm. After some sizzling sounds, he could move it again, as if it was never severed to begin with. And then, the monster spoke.

"I won."