Against The Gods With An Anime System - 74 The Tournament - Second Round - Day 4

74 The Tournament - Second Round - Day 4

Back at the tournament, Qin Wushang was in a most euphoric mood. It was the first time since anyone representing the Blue Wind Imperial Family had been qualified for the second round of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. In order to qualify for the top 32 and advance to the knockout phase, he had to win every single one of the fifteen matches ahead of him. Not like it would be any problem for Mesa. Arriving at the venue, Mesa heard the referee calling his name and he leisurely walked over to meet his opponent.

"Sword Discourse Arena Number Seven, first match. Blue Wind Imperial Family's Mesa Uchiha vs. Thunderbolt Lightning Pavilion's Lei Zhentian!"

Arriving at the arena, he saw that his opponent was already standing in front of him. With a very stout body, he looked like a buff forty-year-old man but was only twenty years old. The weapons in his hands were two large round hammers.

Seeing that his opponent was Mesa Uchiha, Lei Zhentian was startled for a moment, and then began to laugh out loud. "I didn't expect that my first opponent today was actually you, brat. Looks like this great enigma, is about to be solved soon, when I crush you into a b.l.o.o.d.y paste. Reveal your weapon!"

"Maybe later. For now, let us fight!" Said Mesa in a calm voice that only enraged Lei Zhentian. Without saying anything more, he swung his twin hammers directly towards Mesa's chest, who crossed his arms in front of him and took the beating without taking a single step back. Seeing that his initial attack had no effect, Lei Zhentian started to fiercely swing his twin hammers at Mesa. Lei Zhentian's Twin Thunderbolt Hammers weighed four hundred kilos each, but in his hands, they were as light and nimble and he wielded them like they made of papier-mâché.


Lei Zhentian, in his rage, was madly swinging his hammers at Mesa, who still stood in his original spot and took the beating without ever taking a step back or even breaking a sweat. Seeing that nothing was working, Lei Zhentian decided to go all out and use his sect's most powerful technique and with a roar, called it out.


Swinging both of his hammers out at the same time, a bolt of lightning followed it and came down on Mesa's position. Just when he was about to hit Mesa, he bolted out of there using the Star G.o.d Broken Shadow technique while leaving behind an after image that took the blow. After his hammers came down, a cloud of dust sprang up where Lei Zhentian had hit the floor with his twin hammers. After the dust settled, what he saw was the crushed floor where Mesa's after image was, but no b.l.o.o.d.y paste as he had expected. Looking around, he saw Mesa nowhere, until he heard him whistle behind him.


…. YO!! I'm right here!!" Called out Mesa from behind.

"I see you like to use hammers during battle. How about I show you my hammer!!" Said Mesa as he stretched out his hand in the air and… nothing happened.

Expecting something to happen, Lei Zhentian, the referee and everyone else who were watching expected Mesa to pull out a hammer. But instead, he stretched out his hand into the air and… that was it. Nothing else happened. Mesa just kept standing there in the same pose and not moving a muscle, everyone was wondering what he was doing and if he lost mind or something.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. Yes, that is a magnificent hammer! It's almost as big as my own! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….." Laughed Lei Zhentian at Mesa as he stood there like a statue, even the audience started laughing at Mesa. Chu Yuechan, Xia Qingyue, Qin Wushang, Cang Yue and the rest of the Blue Wind Imperial Family group were wondering why he was just standing there, doing nothing.

"Just hold on! Sometimes it just takes a second!" Yelled out Mesa. Before long, people could hear something approach. Before long, something whizzed past them at high speed, going straight for Mesa's outstretched hand. Once it was there, they saw what it was. It was a hammer, but like no hammer they've ever seen before. It looked more like a mallet and its handle was way too short. But to Mesa, it looked like he had reunited with a friend.

"Ahh, there you are my friend." Said Mesa as he twirled the hammer in his hand.

"AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA…..!!!! That is the hammer you were talking about?! That little thing!!" laughed Lei Zhentian as he saw the hammer in Mesa's hand.

"How about we put it to the test. My hammer versus your hammers. And then we'll see which hammer is better." Said Mesa.

"Fine! I'll show you!" Roared Lei Zhentian as rushed forward and Mesa threw his hammer right at him. Thinking he could just swat the hammer aside and then crush Mesa, Lei Zhentian swung his hammers at Mesa's incoming hammer. But contrary to what he believed, Mesa's hammer pulverized his hammers as it went straight through them and hit him in the stomach. Instead of stopping, Mesa's hammer kept moving forward, dragging Lei Zhentian straight with it, right out of the arena. And then, after dragging Lei Zhentian out of the arena, Mesa summoned his hammer and it came flying straight back to his hand.

"Blue Wind Imperial Family's Mesa Uchiha wins!!"

The audience watching this match and expecting Lei Zhentian to crush Mesa, were completely dumbfounded. Mesa had shown once again that not only did he win effortlessly, he did it with a hammer that obeyed him and came flying to his hand.

Mesa, not paying any attention to audience's reaction, walked to the edge of the arena where Lei Zhentian was lying. Looking down at him, he laughed at him before he told him: "Your hammers might be strong and all, but they are naught but sc.r.a.p compared to the almighty power of the hammer, Mjolnir. That's why you lost and that's why your hammers are dust now."

(A.N.: For those who are wondering how much it cost. Mesa bought Mjolnir during the month that he was waiting for the tournament at the Primordial Azure Dragon cave for 100 million system credits. Thus making Mjolnir his most expensive purchase. He had also looked up the price of the Infinity Stones and found out that each one cost 1 billion system credits, so he had was unable to buy it.)

During his second match, Mesa was up against a spear user. After the referee started the match, he appeared in front of his opponent and kicked him in the air. Summoning Mjolnir to his hand, Mesa held it like a baseball bat and waited for his opponent to come down. Just as his opponent came down, he yelled: "FORE!!!!!" And hit him right out of the arena, delivering him the victory.

For his third match, Mesa was up against a dagger user, with Mjolnir in hand. After the referee started the match, he threw Mjolnir at his opponent, who nimbly dodged it and charged at him. But what he didn't know was that Mesa had summoned Mjolnir back to his hand and it was right behind him. Hitting him in the back, Mjolnir dragged the dagger user with it towards Mesa. And Mesa dodges Mjolnir at the last second, letting it continue its path unimpeded and dragging the dagger user with it and out of the arena. Once the dagger user was out of the arena, Mesa summoned Mjolnir back to his hand again and won the match.

For his fourth match, Mesa was up against a sword user. This time he left Mjolnir somewhere on the ground. Since he knew n.o.body was worthy of Mjolnir, he knew that n.o.body could lift it up, let alone steal it from him. At the start of the match, his opponent rushed him and managed to cut him with his sword. But to his and everyone else's surprise, Mesa disintegrated into a flock of crows. And then, the sky suddenly turned red and giant flocks of crows appeared in the sky. These flocks came together in multiple places, forming multiple Mesas. These Mesas were spread across the entire Sword Discourse Arena and even in the audience. As his opponent, the referee, the audience and even Ling Kun were freaking out about all the Mesas. The Mesas in a completely synchronized way, stuck up their thumbs horizontally and then slowly turned them down. And like that, his opponent was suddenly knocked unconscious by some unseen force. After that, everything turned back to normal and to everyone's surprise, Mesa stood above his opponent unconscious body.

"Blue Wind Imperial Family's Mesa Uchiha wins!!"

As Mesa was walking back to his seat, Ling Kun suddenly stood up. This action caused everyone to look at him with awe in their eyes. During the entire tournament, he had been apathetically watching the tournament and not saying anything. And now, he stood up and most surprising of all. He had a look of shock on his face and called out to Mesa specifically: "Junior Mesa, if you have a moment to spare for this old man. I would like to personally compliment you on your use of your Profound Techniques. This old man has lived for a long time, but never once have I seen someone who is such an expert at using many different Profound Techniques. If you would not me asking. Where have you learned all these techniques and would you be willing to come with me to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region and teach our disciples there."

Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. One of the Four Great Sacred Grounds, an almighty existence in the Profound Sky Continent. If one was able to enter the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, he must be one of the top profound pract.i.tioners currently on the continent. Without exaggeration, if a servant in the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region came to Blue Wind Empire, he could become a renowned master of a faction. In terms of status, he would easily be more respectable than a country's emperor! Many of the young profound pract.i.tioners could be considered to be of a genius level, but not one of them dared to dream of entering one of the Four Great Sacred Grounds. And here was an Elder of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, inviting a disciple from the Blue Wind Empire to join them.

Mesa was silent for a few seconds, to the outside world he appeared completely stunned by Ling Kun's words. When in fact he was thinking about something else entirely different.

'So, I managed to attract his attention huh. Not something I can use. I need him to forget about me. I can use Kotoamatsukami and make him forget about me covertly. I have neither the desire to go to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region or work for them. My only reason for going there would be to turn that dust place to dust and eradicate them from existence.'

"Many thanks to Senior Ling for thinking so highly of this junior. However, my master who has taught me all the techniques I have used up until now, has forbidden me from teaching it anyone else without his permission. So I am truly sorry, but I must decline your most gracious offer." Said Mesa as his answer was completely out of everyone's expectation. Everyone stared at him and wondered if he had gone mad… Being invited by Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was something that people did not even dare to dream about, and he actually rejected it! In their minds, his master must feel he was honored by the heavens themselves for having his disciple be invited to join the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region.

Ling Kun, however, was not angry, and instead laughed peacefully: "Hahahaha, good! Even though you are young, you are not arrogant, nor are you impatient. You are not fl.u.s.tered, nor are you rash. This is indeed rare. It is inappropriate for me to ask who your master is, but I hope that when you do join Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, you can bring your master with you and teach together."

Mesa still remained calm and replied without hesitation: "This junior will remember Senior Ling's graciousness. When this junior has obtained his master's permission, he will definitely think about it deeply."

"Good!" Ling Kun still did not become angry, and instead commended him with a nod: "I admire your personality. If that is the case, I shall not force you. Here, take this!"

Ling Kun flicked his finger and a piece of a deep purple colored jade stone the size of a fist horizontally flew out and was caught by Mesa.

Ling Kun withdrew his palm and said coolly: "This is a special Sound Transmission Stone that is able to communicate with me as long as we are within a distance of a hundred fifty kilometers. If you eventually decide to join our Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, drop me a message. I will guide you to us and bring you to meet the Venerable Sword Master. I believe the Venerable Sword Master would be immensely interested in you."

Despite being rejected twice by Mesa, Ling Kun did not become angry. Instead, he left him a Sound Transmission Jade. Such treatment was undoubtedly an extremely favorable one which left many people envying till they nearly cried blood tears. However, Ling Kun also had absolute confidence that Mesa would initiate contact with him in the near future.

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On the contrary, Mesa was thinking something completely different: 'Laugh and act all benevolent as much as you want, you filthy b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Once I destroy the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, I will make sure you die in the most painful way possible.'