Against The Gods With An Anime System - 71 The Tournament - Day 1

71 The Tournament - Day 1

Anyways. That is what I wanted to share with you. I wish you all much reading pleasure. And have a nice day.


8 in the morning the next day.

Mesa was fast asleep with a grin on his face, when he suddenly feels something shaking him.

"zzzzzzz…5 more minutes' mommy…zzzzzz…" Mesa randomly blurted out in his sleep as he pulled the blankets over his head. And then, the blankets are pulled away and he instinctively rolls himself up into a fetus position. After some more shaking, he finally wakes up and in his blurry vision, he sees Chu Yuechan standing in front of him.

"Come on, wake up! It's 8 o'clock in the morning. Get up and teleport back to your room. Everybody has to be at the main stage of the Sword Discourse Arena in an hour." Said Chu Yuechan in a bit of a stern voice. Finally waking up, Mesa yawns and stretches out his body and grunts a little. Looking over to Chu Yuechan standing there next to him to the bed. He pulls her in for a kiss, only for her to wrestle her way out of his embrace.

"We don't have time for this! Get up and teleport to your room, right now! Everybody has to be at the main stage of the Sword Discourse Arena in an hour. Anyone who is not there will be disqualified! Do you want the Blue Wind Imperial Family to be disqualified?" Said Chu Yuechan in a stern voice to Mesa, who just now truly woke up.

"Ohh right, I completely forgot!" Said Mesa as he got up out of bed and did a few stretches to truly wake up. After he was done, he looked over to Chu Yuechan, who was looking at him with eyes nearly bulging out of her head and a red shade across her cheeks. Seeing in which direction she's looking, he looks down and sees that he's completely naked with a case of 'Morning Wood'. But just as he was about to go to Chu Yuechan for some 'morning exercises', a knock is heard on the door.

"Elder Sister, are you awake? We need to get going soon!" Said Chu Yueli waking Chu Yuechan out of her daze, who quickly gets herself together.

"Yes, I am awake. I'll come over soon, give me a few minutes." Said Chu Yuechan in response to Chu Yueli who then left. After making sure that she couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, Chu Yuechan quickly came over to Mesa and whispered in his ear.

"Go now! We don't have time for this right now! Come back tonight, we'll have more than enough time than." Whispered Chu Yuechan in Mesa's ear. Realizing that there was no chance for a 'quickie', he reluctantly collected his clothes and teleported out of there, back to his room.

"f.u.c.king c.o.c.kblocking b.i.t.c.h. I was just about to get some morning poon." Grumbled Mesa to himself as he teleported back to his room. And there he saw the other Mesa standing there, with the same frustrated expression.

"Let me guess, you got c.o.c.k blocked as well." Said the other Mesa.

"Yeah, Chu Yueli came knocking at the door. Who c.o.c.k blocked you?" Said Mesa.

"Qin Wushang, f.u.c.king c.o.c.k blocking a.s.shole that he is. But anyways, it's time to get dressed and get going. They're gonna start the Strength a.s.sessment in an hour and if we're not there. We'll be disqualified." Said the other Mesa as he dissipated.

After putting on his clothes, eating a quick bite and brus.h.i.+ng his teeth, Mesa was ready and came out of his room. He saw that everyone had been gathered at the courtyard and were waiting for him. After he joined them, they all set out for the main stage of the Sword Discourse Arena.

The main stage of the Sword Discourse Arena and the thirty other small sword arenas were all circular in shape. The main stage was three hundred meters long and the small stages were close to sixty meters long. The Sword Discourse Arena was the place used by Heavenly Sword Villa disciples for sparring. It was also where the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament was held. Currently, the seats around the main stage were already filled with people. In front of each seat was a plaque that indicated the group that was present.

Suddenly, a loud sound of screeching swords could be heard from midair. Everyone lifted their heads instinctively and saw that there were suddenly a hundred swords about three hundred meters above them. The floating swords seemed to have a mind of their own and started dancing around in the sky. The screeching sounds of the swords broke the silence of the skies and the sounds were extremely sharp. After circling the stage for a few rounds, they halted in midair above the main seat, and arranged themselves neatly. Below the floating swords, a white bearded elder walked out slowly, greeted with cusping fists, and spoke in a clear voice: "This old one is Heavenly Sword Villa's Sword Baptizing Pavilion's Elder Ling Wugou. I am glad to meet all the heroes and outstanding youths today. I represent our Villa to thank everyone for turning up at Heavenly Sword Villa. This year's Blue Wind Ranking Tournament..."

"Ling Wugou's nickname is 'Scarless Sword'. Even though he looks like any normal elder, he is rumored…." Said Qin Wushang as he talked about Ling Wugou and many other things to Xia Yuanba and Yun Che, who were hanging on to his every word and being astonished by it all. Mesa on the other hand, didn't even bother listening to him and just zoned out. Looking around, he was sensing out the strength level of everybody who was currently there.

'Hmmm…. Looks like I am tied for second strongest strength level here with another guy. Must be Ling Jie's grandpa. And the strongest here is that guy over there. Well, well, well. Would you look at that? Looks like we've got Danzo s.h.i.+mura from Naruto here. And that Danzo look alike over there must be Ling Kun of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. If I'm not wrong, this is the p.r.i.c.k that sold the information about Xia Qingyue having the Nine Profound Exquisite Body to Ye Xinghan. Who then tried to kidnap her, in order to turn her into his s.e.xslave and thus forced her to flee towards the G.o.d's Realm. But that did help her in reuniting with her mother. According the main story, after she went to the G.o.d's Realm, she ended up going completely s.a.d.i.s.tic and emotionless, which ended up with her destroying the Blue Pole Star and even killing Mu Xuanyin. I, sure as h.e.l.l, am not gonna let her do that. So, if she wants to reunite with her mother, I'll take care of that. And in a far better way than was portrayed in the story.' Thought Mesa to himself as he looked around. Whilst his mind was totally elsewhere, Ling Wugou started to introduce Ling Kun.

"This year's Blue Wind Ranking Tournament's witness comes from Profound Sky Continent's Four Great Sacred Grounds —— Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's Elder Ling Kun! With Elder Ling Kun's strength and birthplace, I believe no one would doubt Elder Ling Kun's qualifications and authority."

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When the four words "Mighty Heavenly Sword Region" came out of Ling Wugou's mouth, everyone was instantly stunned. Especially those who had been to the tournament before. The hearts of those who have heard of the legendary "Mighty Heavenly Sword Region" beat faster as they all gasped… Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was one of the legendary Four Great Sacred Grounds! When hearing this name, even all the Sect Masters all felt an invisible form of pressure. Mesa on the hand, was not even remotely stunned by this revelation. Instead, he was grinning a little. For to him, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region didn't represent something unattainable, but something completely different.

'Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, my ultimate prey before I move on to the G.o.d's Realm. Gonna need to have all six Infinity Stones before I go there though.'

When Ling Wugou shouted out his name, a green attired man stood up. At the moment he stood up, as if attracted by an invisible force, all eyes were instantly gathered upon him. He looked to be about forty to fifty years of age, with an average built and expressionless face. Even though everyone appeared to be able to see him, they could not sense his presence at all. It was as though he was an imaginary illusion. As he sat down, everyone's eyes seemed to be repelled away as they all fell on different places. Instantly, everyone's heart were filled with a deep respect and fear. Mesa on the other hand, was just bored by it all.

After that, Ling Wugou went on to explain the prizes for those who finished in the top 3 spots. The number 3 would get 1 Purple Striped Dragon Heart Pellet, the number 2 would get three drops of Purple Veined Marrow Quenching Fluid and the number 1 would get Sky Profound Artifact, Dragonscale Armor, that originates from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. The audience who heard all these rewards were getting all excited about that, while Mesa was just waiting for the Strength a.s.sessment to begin.

As the audience were clamoring on about the Dragonscale Armor and how it is one of only three Sky Profound Artifacts in the Blue Wind Empire, Ling Wugou's voice suddenly interjected and silenced them all before he continued his announcement.

"Top ten forces in the ranking tournament, after the tournament, will be qualified to explore 'Heaven Basin Secret Realm' in teams. The top ten forces in the ranking tournament, after the exploration of 'Heavenly Basin Secret Realm', will have the opportunity to see the 'Demon' Sealing Ritual carried out personally by Elder Ling Kun of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region with their own eyes."

Hearing the words 'Demon Sealing Ritual', Mesa knew that it was Yun Che's real grandfather from his father's side who was sealed there.

'Don't you worry old man. You've already suffered enough at the hands of these Mighty Heavenly Sword Region motherf.u.c.kers. This time, I will make sure you'll get out alive and are reunited with your family. It's the least I can do to spite those f.u.c.kers.'

"The time hath come. Now, this old man declares; this session of Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, officially begins!"

As Ling Wugou called out these words, he flew up into the air. Landing in the center of the Sword Discourse Arena, he stood next to big Profound a.s.sessing Stone and started to explain the rules of the a.s.sessment.

"This session's Ranking Tournament, has a total of 513 sectoral forces to be ranked and involves 1535 partic.i.p.ating disciples. The age of every single partic.i.p.ating disciple must not be younger than 15 and must not be over 20. Anyone not within this age range will be immediately kicked out. Now begins the lot drawing of the Ranking Tournament. Before the number is drawn, one must be tested for age and profound strength, and then let everyone know the names of younger generation's outstanding individuals as well… Now, partic.i.p.ating disciples called on by this old man, come up immediately for profound strength a.s.sessment and lot number drawing."

And so, Ling Wugou started calling out the names of the partic.i.p.ating sects and their partic.i.p.ants. It was only when the names of the 4 major sects were called, did the audience show an interest. For it were these 4 major sects who were the powerhouses of the Blue Wind Empire and the reason why they came here. This tournament was a chance for them to see the disciples of the 4 major sects fight and showcase their strength.

For the Xiao Sect

Xiao Kuanglei, 20 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

Xiao Zhen, 20 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

Xiao Nan, 18 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

For the Burning Heaven Clan

Fen Jin, 20 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

Fen Juebi, 20 years old, level 8 Spirit Profound Realm.

Fen Yuange, 19 years old, level 7 Spirit Profound Realm.

For the Frozen Cloud Asgard

Shui Wushuang, 20 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

Wu Xuexin, 20 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm.

Xia Qingyue, 17 years old, level 8 Spirit Profound Realm.

For the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa

Ling Yun, 20 years old, level 3 Earth Profound Realm

Ling Jie, 16 years old, level 6 Spirit Profound Realm

Ling Feiyu, 19 years old, level 9 Spirit Profound Realm

Suffice to say, that the audience excitement at seeing the partic.i.p.ating disciples and their level of strength went through the roof. Next up, Ling Wugou announced the partic.i.p.ants of the Blue Wind Imperial Family the excitement died down immediately. Even though the Blue Wind Imperial Family was still the greatest political powerhouse in the Blue Wind Empire, it was never able to end up in the top 100 during any of the previous Blue Wind Ranking Tournaments, so the audience didn't expect much out of this year's partic.i.p.ants.

For the Blue Wind Imperial Family

Feng Bufan, 20 years old, level 2 Spirit Profound Realm

Fang Feilong, 20 years old, level 2 Spirit Profound Realm

Mesa Uchiha, 18 years old, level 5 Spirit Profound Realm

As the names and strength levels of the partic.i.p.ants of the Blue Wind Imperial Family were announced, the audience were doing their utmost best to hold in their laughter, especially at Mesa. But he didn't care. As everyone was laughing, a few weren't. Cang Yue and Chu Yuechan knew that Mesa had the ability to regulate his strength level. They knew he was much, much stronger than anyone here, except Ling Kun. Ling Jie, Ling Yuefeng, Ling Yun and some other people were skeptical as well at Mesa's level of strength. They saw him come in the previous day, with the dragon armor and dragon wings. And at that time he was emitting an aura of domination and now it turned out that he was actually this weak. They didn't buy it and they knew he was somehow hiding his real strength. But knowing that there was no way for him to own a treasure that could hide his true strength level, they were confused and they decided to keep an eye on him during his matches and see what he was really hiding.

Fen Juecheng on the other hand, was extremely angry. Yesterday, he went to Princess Cang Yue's room to invite her out for a moonlight stroll, only to find out she was f.u.c.king with Mesa Uchiha. In his rage he wanted to kill them both, only to be stopped by another Mesa that had him completely dominated and forced him to watch as the woman he loved was f.u.c.king another guy and then he got branded with a curse that prevented him from talking about it to other people. And now that he saw that Mesa's level of strength was far lower than his, he felt even more humiliated than he already was. At least yesterday he thought that Mesa was much stronger than him, only to find out that he was weaker than him. As his rage was boiling over, he unconsciously crushed the armrests on both side of his seat. His younger brother, Fen Juebi, who was sitting next to him noticed this and became curious why he got so angry.

"Big bro, what's wrong? Why do you look so mad? What's wrong? I've never seen you so mad before!"

Fen Juecheng took in a deep breath, and said with a low tone: "Get someone to investigate the number that Mesa Uchiha has drawn as soon as possible. Then contact every single battle opponent in the group he belongs to. Tell them to be heavy handed when they face against Mesa Uchiha for me! Even if they can't kill him in public, they must at least make sure thoroughly cripple him! Preferably, destroy his face at the same time!"

The way at which Fen Juecheng made his request, made Fen Juebi unable to dare ask any further. He understood, that even though Fen Juecheng normally appeared polite and gentle, he would be so frightening when he truly became furious. He immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, just a mere level 5 Spirit Profound Realm, killing him is as easy as killing a chicken! I'll immediately order someone to do so. Once he leaves this Heavenly Sword Villa, to either kill him or make him wish that he was dead. It will be as easy as turning your hand over."

Instead of being at ease, Fen Juecheng became more frustrated at Fen Juebi's lack of concern. He told him to careful of Mesa Uchiha: "Do not underestimate that b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Do you remember how he made his entrance yesterday? You must exercise extreme caution when you deal with this b.a.s.t.a.r.d! There is much more to him than he lets on. I am absolutely certain of that!"

As Mesa was walking back to his place, he heard Ddraig's voice sounding in his head: "Partner, why would you deliberately limit your strength like that? They are laughing at you! If you show them your true strength, none of them will even dare to look you in the eye and practically bow before you! So why would you limit yourself like this?!"

"It's very simple Ddraig. If I showed them my true strength, it would scare them all away and every opponent I'd fight would just end up surrendering immediately. If I let them think I'm much weaker, they'll be much c.o.c.kier when they face me. That way, when I beat them, the looks on their faces will be a true sight to behold. And besides, if I deliberately make myself out to look much weaker, it will that much more shocking when they see the Boosted Gear Scale Mail and its ability to Boost my strength indefinitely. That way, I'll show them that even though I look weak, I'm much stronger than anyone of the partic.i.p.ants." Said Mesa as he looked at his right hand. And in particular to his pinky. On the pinky of his right hand, was an inconspicuous looking ring. This ring was just a bland silver colored ring. But this ring made sure that he could the strength that other could perceive, was not greater than level 5 Spirit Profound Realm strength. If he limited his strength using his ability to hide his strength, he could slip up during one of the battles and suddenly show his real strength. He bought this ring just before he left for the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament in the system shop for 10,000 system credits.