Against The Gods With An Anime System - 63 The Mystery Reward

63 The Mystery Reward

"If that is your second to last quest reward, what would be the last one?" Asked Jasmine.

"I honestly don't know. All it says is that it is a mysterious reward. I've asked JARVIS whether he had a.n.a.lyzed it and he did and even he couldn't figure it out. Apparently, it is a reward that the One Above All wants to give me, but he has kept it a secret what it is." Said Mesa

Getting back to business, Mesa closed his eyes and tried to focus on opening the Gate of Babylon. A few minutes later, for some inexplicable reason, he felt something of a connection to something he couldn't describe. It was like some kind of new organ that wasn't in his body, but he still felt a connection to it.


And just like that, several glowing golden ripples appeared behind Mesa out of which weapons stick out. Looking back, he sees all these weapons sticking out and this puts a big smile on his face until he is woken out of his daze by Jasmine.

"Mesa, what is that? You said that you had a sword that was even more powerful than the Heaven Punis.h.i.+ng Ancestral Sword, but why are those sword sticking out of a portal and where is that sword you were talking about?" Asked Jasmine.

"Well, this is the Gate of Babylon. It is a special vault filled with many treasures that had been collected by Gilgamesh. You may have read the Epic of Gilgamesh, but this Gilgamesh originates from another universe that is similar to my universe. But anyways, the Gate of Babylon is filled with many, many treasures that Gilgamesh had collected during his lifetime and stored inside his vault. What the Gate of Babylon allows me to do is, bring out the treasures from inside the vault and shoot them at my opponents with super speed. And every single one of those treasures has its own abilities. And that sword we were talking about, is stored inside the Gate of Babylon. But I won't take it out right now." said Mesa

"What? Why?"

"Because the moment you lay eyes on that sword, you will be overcome with a sense of dread like no other. Your senses will start going out of whack as you look at that sword. And besides, this sword is more powerful than Excalibur and Yamato. Who knows if the heavens will try to retaliate against its existence in this universe." Said Mesa.

"Why would the heavens try to retaliate against it?" asked Jasmine.

"Because its power is neither holy nor demonic, but destruction itself and its name is Ea: Sword of Rupture. Its power is to destroy the world itself. Its attacks unleashes a storm that opens an abyss that crushes all of creation, reducing everything to the nothingness that was before Genesis. And once the hole to the abyss of nothingness is opened, it will continue to expend, taking everything with it. It will take the land, the sky, the people, everything. If I used this right now, it would completely destroy this planet and it would make a hole in the Primal Chaos Dimension itself. So that is why I don't want to take it out." Said Mesa to the great shock of Jasmine.

"Holy s.h.i.+t! I knew it was powerful, but to think it would be this powerful. But if this is your second to last reward. I am honestly dreading the final quest reward." Said Jasmine in slight fear at what was to come.

"Honestly, I think it will be fine. Having the Gate of Babylon is already an enormous boost to my power. I don't think the final quest reward will be like the Gate of Babylon." Said Mesa as he took out the final quest reward.

As the light of the final quest reward faded away, what was left was….. a box. What Mesa saw before him was a regular old cardboard box that was 2 feet wide by 2 feet long by 2 feet high. Looking at the box and to each other. All three of them had a look on their face that said 'What?'. Before long, Jasmine broke the uncomfortable silence between the three of them.

"Uhhhmmm…. Maybe the quest reward is inside?" Said Jasmine a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah… Let's open it then and see what this 'mysterious object' is." Said Mesa as he opened the box and saw that it was filled to the brim with packing peanuts.

"What is this stuff?" Said Jasmine as she takes a handful in her hands.

"These are packing peanuts. Back in my world, these would be used as a packaging and cus.h.i.+oning material to protect fragile objects from damage during its s.h.i.+pping process. Let's just throw everything on to the ground and search it that way. Would be faster that way." Said Mesa as he flipped over the box and spilled out its contents over the floor. As they were searching through it, there was nothing but packing peanuts everywhere and nothing that could be regarded as a quest reward.

'Seriously?! Is this it?! I went all b.a.l.l.s to the walls to gain every quest reward and the top quest reward is nothing but a box filled with packing peanuts!' Thought Mesa to himself in frustration before Ophis called out to him.

"I found something." Said Ophis holding a card in her hand. Taking the card from Ophis, the only thing that it said was 'Ray'.

"What does it say?" Asked Jasmine.

"It says 'Ray'. That was my name before I died." Said Mesa confusedly. A few moments later, on the bottom of the card, a new sentence appeared: 'See other side'. Flipping the card over, another new sentence appears on it that says: 'Look behind you Ray'. Looking behind him, Mesa was overcome with shock that drained all the strength from his body and he immediately knelt down. For the one who was standing there behind him, about 15 feet away, was the One Above All himself.

"h.e.l.lo Ray. I see you're doing fine." Said the One Above All. Looking to Jasmine and Ophis next to him, he noticed something peculiar. They were motionless. But that wasn't everything. He couldn't hear any sound what so ever and looking at the ground, he could see that some packing peanuts that were in the process of moving but suddenly froze in place. All this meant just one thing.

"You froze time. It's no wonder that these two wouldn't be on their knees right now." Said Mesa.

"That is right. It would be better for them if they didn't see me. But I am here to hand you your reward for completing this Dragon G.o.d trial in less than 24 hours. Now, get up, come over here and hold out your right hand." Said the One Above All. Obeying him, Mesa did as he was told and came over and held out his right hand. Snapping his fingers, a light enveloped his right hand. After it faded, a golden gauntlet was on his hand. Turning it around, he saw 6 sockets on its back. One on the knuckle of each finger and the last on the back of his hand. He instantly knew what it was and was shocked.

"This is the Infinity Gauntlet! How can I have the Infinity Gauntlet here in this universe?! You gave me an Anime system and this is from the Marvel universe!" Said Mesa in shock.

"While that is true. It is also true that Marvel has made some anime. So the stuff from the Marvel universe can be purchased in your Anime system. You just a.s.sumed it wasn't possible and left it at that. Now then, about that gauntlet. I have added a new feature to it. As long as you don't actively use the Infinity Stones, that gauntlet will disappear. It will still be on your hand, but n.o.body can see it. Only during active use of the Infinity Stones will the Infinity Gauntlet appear. But you better be careful, though you may have JARVIS helping you to regulate the power of the Infinity Stones. They still remain very dangerous and you better treat these stones with respect and caution." Said the One Above All before another light appeared above Mesa's hand. After it faded, a silver ball with weird markings was in his hand.

"Well, I will be taking my leave now. But before I go, I have one last thing to tell you Ray. Once you have collected all six Infinity Stones, you are not allowed to go all Thanos and use the Snap to wipe out half of all life from this universe. You are not allowed to use the Snap at all. Period! If you decide to ignore my warning and use the Snap. I will reverse its effect, take away the Infinity Gauntlet, take away JARVIS and all the powers, treasures and whatnot that you have gathered and leave you behind just like that. Do I make myself clear Ray!" Warned the One Above All in a stern voice.

"Yes! Crystal clear! I swear that I will not use the Snap once I have all six Infinity Stones!" said Mesa.

'Besides, now that I have the Power Stone I have solved the energy problem with the Primordial Profound Ark later on. Compared to the Power Stone, the Jade of the Nine Suns of the Golden Crow is as pathetic as a freaking potato battery. And if I can get the Reality Stone, I can remodel the inside of the Primordial Profound Ark to look exactly like New York. I can take Jasmine and Ophis and later on Hong'er with me to see New York. Why stop there, I can take them to Six Flags, Disney World, water parks, Hawaii everywhere! But I will need the s.p.a.ce Stone to manipulate the inside of the Primordial Profound Ark to make sure that everything fits. h.e.l.l, with the Infinity Stone and the Primordial Profound Ark, I can recreate Earth and use it as my vacation place and training place like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Dragonball Z with the Time Stone. The possibilities are absolutely endless!' Thought Mesa to himself in absolute glee now that the Infinity Stones are a possibility.

"Now then, it is time for me to go and as my final act here. I will rid your friend over there from that poison coursing through her body. Once you put that Power Stone in the Infinity Gauntlet, its power will flow into your body. And because of your soul connection with her, it will also flow into her and cause the poison to rebound. Wouldn't want her to die from it now, would we?" Said the One Above All as he swiped his hand and out of Jasmine's body, a thick black liquid started flowing and collecting in a ball above her head before it turned to dust. And after that, the One Above All disappeared and time started to flow once again.

"Huh… I wonder what he means with this... Mesa, where are you?" Said Jasmine as she saw the name 'Ray' on that card, but looking at where Mesa stood originally she couldn't find him.

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"I am right here you two!" Called out Mesa from behind.

"How did you end there so quickly. I didn't even see you move." Said Jasmine.

"Jasmine. How does your body feel. Does that poison still hurt you?." Said Mesa with his back still turned to them.

"What? Why would you ask that? Of course it's still... How?!" Said Jasmine before her eyes opened in shock at discovering that the poison was gone.

"The One Above All did it. He came here to personally give me the mystery reward. And as a bonus he removed the poison from your body." Said Mesa as he slowly turned around and showed them the mystery reward on his right hand.

"Is that the… INFINITY GAUNTLET!!" Screamed out Jasmine in shock with Ophis eyes bulging in shock as well.

(A.N.: Sorry for taking so long to publish this chapter. To be honest, I had finished this chapter 3 days ago but I was very nervous about publis.h.i.+ng it. The Infinity Stones are a central part of my story that I had planned to use for months. But now that I had to publish it, I was getting very nervous about really posting it. But I did not want to use the Infinity Stones as a weapon, but more like a way to recreate Earth and for my MC to take Jasmine, Ophis, Hong'er and later on You'er after he takes her out of the abyss were she is stuck, on vacation and show them were he lived and use it for other purposes that don't involve fighting.)