Against The Gods With An Anime System - 59 The Dragon God Trial - Part 4

59 The Dragon God Trial - Part 4


All around him, roots start sprouting from the ground and entangling every profound beast that tried to attack him. After a few minutes, giant flowers sprout that release toxic pollen into the air killing all the profound beasts that were entangled and all the beasts that were coming at him were also getting killed by the toxic pollen. Only Mesa was safe from the pollen because of his immunity towards it. Having created a safe s.p.a.ce were no profound beast could get to him, Mesa made 100 shadow clones and started to put his plans into action.

"Alright everyone. Try summon the Boosted Gear, see if it works." Said Mesa as he summoned the Boosted Gear. After giving them their orders, all the clones tried to do it as well and managed to do it. Seeing that the first and most crucial step of his plan worked, he went on to explain the plan to everyone.

"Alright, now that we know that all of us can use the Boosted Gear, it is time to put my plan into action. The first step was to see if multiple shadow clones could summon the Boosted Gear. Step two will be waiting for the Balance Breaker and after that we truly start this plan. After everyone has activated the Balance Breaker, you will all go in a different direction in groups of two. One of you will use the Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence to cover an area with roots. Those who use the Deep Forest Emergence have to make sure that are Profound Beasts underground are brought to the surface and are entangled and all the Profound Beasts above ground are also entangled. After that the second one will use Phoenix Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame to set all the roots on fire and kill all the Profound Beasts there and use the Booster Gear to boost the power and the Area of Effect of the Majestic Destroyer Flame and then move on to the next area. Any airborne Profound Beasts you can kill however you see fit, as long as you don't violate any of the restriction that have been put in place."

"We have just under 23 hours left to turn this entire place into a blazing inferno and kill all 99,999 Profound beasts here, so there will be no slacking off. We have more than enough Senzu beans so no need to conservative with them. In fact, I want you eat you all to eat those Senzu beans like they're freaking Tic-Tac's if it'll help you get the job done. Has everyone understood the plan?!" Yelled out Mesa.

"Sir, yes sir!" Yelled out every single clone in unison.

"Alright then. Hey Ddraig, how long will it take all of us to activate the Balance Breaker?" Asked Mesa.

"Normally it would take you alone approximately 2 minutes to activate the Balance Breaker. But with all your clones here, it will take about 45 minutes now. And in the meantime, none of you can use the Boost or Transfer until the countdown is over." Said Ddraig while Mesa nodded along.

"Alright, thanks Ddraig. Alright everyone, you've heard him! This means that the timetable has been shortened to 22 hours. And one last thing. Make sure that none of you set fire to the Deep Forest Bloom. This will be our…. let's call it our Forward Operating Base. I will remain here in this FOB and you will all go out and initiate our plan. If any of you has dispersed, I will send out another clone. In the meantime, I will be here to keep an eye out on the Senzu bean count and buy more if necessary. Alright, group up and get ready to move out once the Balance Breaker has been activated!" Ordered Mesa as he focused on keeping the Deep Forest Bloom active and making sure that its poisonous pollen are constantly dispersed to keep the area free of any Profound Beasts that wanted to attack him.

In the meantime, all the clones started grouping up in pairs and were patiently waiting until the countdown on the Boosted Gear was over. 45 minutes later, the call came out of all the Boosted Gears that all of them had patiently been waiting for.


And so, every clone was enveloped in an aura of red light. After it dissipated, all of them had activated the Boosted Gear Scale Mail and flew out in pairs in all directions. What followed was trees and roots and plants sprouting everywhere and then subsequently set on fire with the dying screams of Profound Beasts heard everywhere as they were burned to death.





Every time a clone pair were done setting one section ablaze, that was many square miles big, and kill all the Profound beasts that were there, they'd both take out a Senzu bean, eat it and move on to the next area. Every time a flying Profound beast tried to attack them, they would kill it by using the Chidori Senbon and shoot out flying needles made of lightning to kill it. But not before boosting the Chidori Senbon immensely and basically turning the flying needles into flying swords that just ripped every flying Profound beast to shreds and its remains would fall to the ground and burn in the inferno that was ongoing.

After 10 hours, there was no more sky to see. It was all smothered by the smoke emitted by the burning forests. Looking at it from above, all one could see fire as far as the eye could see and towers of black smoke rising into the air. And occasionally, one could see fire being spewed like flying volcano onto the land beneath it by a flying figure. For Mesa, who was still in the 'FOB', it was a scene that he kept an eye on by occasionally sending out a clone to fly up in the air and disperse so he could see what it saw.

'Man, this has got to be at least GTA level cheating. I don't think that when the Primordial Azure Dragon, he had ever antic.i.p.ated a cheat like me making hundreds of clones who take the trial for him. But anyways, it looks like everything is going according to plan. There's still 12 hours left before the top quest reward expires. I think that all the Profound beasts will be dead in the next few hours. At this point, it is just killing off the stragglers. Good thing me and my clones can sense where all those beasts are.' Thought Mesa to himself as waited for his clones to finish the job.

This plan of his had cost him and his clones so much energy that in the first 5 hours, they had already eaten 5000 Senzu beans. That came down to an average of 50 Senzu beans eaten per clone. Not willing to take any chances of running out, Mesa immediately bought another 20,000 Senzu beans for 2,000,000 system credits.

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It has been 14 hours since Mesa initiated his plan and his clones had managed to eat up to 7500 Senzu beans. At this point, the second part of the trial grounds were just an inferno and the sky was black with smoke. Even the dying screams of the Profound beasts that could be occasionally heard had already fallen silent. The only sounds left, were the sounds of fire raging on.

POV Jasmine

Jasmine, who had been eagerly watching from the very beginning with Ophis next to her, was stunned silent after seeing what Mesa did. The first part of the trial was already shocking to her to see. With the way that he tilted and cracked and crumbled the land, summoning a giant wooden statue with a 1000 hands that absolutely destroyed the Stone Dragon Warriors. Even though she already knew what powers Mesa had, seeing it in action was just mind boggling. But what Mesa did during the second part of the trial was made her go almost numb with astonishment. Though she saw the Booster Gear Scale Mail inside the Sky Poison Pearl. Neither Mesa nor Ophis nor Ddraig would tell her what the Boosted Gear could do, always saying that it was a surprise. And what a surprise that was.

'I always knew Mesa was a monster that the heavens had no say over, but doubling your power like that just is ridiculous! No wonder he didn't need the Evil G.o.d's blood; the Boosted Gear is infinitely better at doubling his power than the Evil G.o.d power could ever hope to be and it can even directly boost the power of his other moves, something the Seven Gates of the Evil G.o.d could never do. Thank heavens that he had the Sky Poison Pearl and not some other guy.' Thought Jasmine to herself as he frozen in shock looking at Mesa, just basically annihilate the second part of the trial. Ophis, who was sitting next to Jasmine, was just calmly eating a slice of cake and watching Mesa take the trial. Occasionally she would Jasmine about one of Mesa's powers that she saw him use and Jasmine would explain it to her. But after seeing Mesa use the Boosted Gear like that, Jasmine while eating her own slice of cake was frozen in shock. Seeing that she wasn't moving at all, Ophis just nicked her slice of cake right out of her hands and proceeded to eat it herself.

POV Primordial Azure Dragon

'Now then, the first part of the trial was a magnificent show. But you never used that Dragon power of yours. This second part of the trial is much more difficult than the first, you will have no choice but to rely on it. Show me what that mysterious Dragon soul you have inside you can do.' Thought the Primordial Azure Dragon as the second part of the trial started. Seeing Mesa use the Boosted Gear Scale Mail left the Primordial Azure Dragon beyond shocked. But also certain about one thing it had suspected from the start.

POV Mesa

It has been 18 hours since Mesa had started the second part of the trial. Just as he thought he should settle in for the night, everything around him changed. The fires that had been raging throughout the second part of trial disappeared and was replaced with the darkness. Up there in the dark, the eyes of the Primordial Azure Dragon opened up once more.

"I… just don't know what to say. You have just singlehandedly shattered all the heavenly laws that governed the Primal Chaos Dimension and that even the G.o.ds and Devils of the Primordial Era were not exempt from. But your performance has made one thing abundantly clear: You are not a regular person from the Primal Chaos Dimension, but something completely different. What and/or who are you?" Asked the Primordial Azure Dragon.

Hearing the Primordial Azure Dragon comments, Mesa just smiled for the Primordial Azure Dragon had been the first ever to guess correctly that he his origins are much more mysterious than the Primal Choas Dimension can produce.

"You are right about one thing. I am not a regular person from the Primal Chaos Dimension. In fact I do not originate from the Primal Chaos Dimension at all for I have been reincarnated into the Primal Chaos Dimension by the One Above All."