Against The Gods With An Anime System - 51 A New Adventure

51 A New Adventure

'Huh... it's been a while since I've last taken a look at those three inside. Wonder what they're doing now?' thought Mesa to himself as he took a look inside the Sky Poison Pearl and what he saw REALLY surprised him.


Inside The Sky Poison Pearl

Clone Mesa, Jasmine and Ophis were just having a nice breakfast. All three of them were having an easy breakfast eating some cereal, while Mesa and Jasmine had some coffee, Ophis had a gla.s.s of warm chocolate milk. But what was REALLY surprising was the fact that clone Mesa was feeding Ophis her cereal and combing her hair while using the skeletal arms of the Susanoo. With the left hand of the Susanoo, he would feed Ophis a spoonful of cereal and with the Susanoo's right hand he would comb her hair. And the funny thing was, Ophis was acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. She would open her mouth and a giant skeletal hand, that was as big as her body, would very delicately scoop a spoonful of cereal and bring it to her mouth and she would just eat it while another hand giant skeletal hand would hold a comb between the tips of its thumb and index finger and gently comb through her hair.

Jasmine, on the other hand, would occasionally look at this whole thing and have a 'WTF' look on her face before she would focus on her own breakfast and yet every 20 seconds would look again and this repeated itself a number of times before she couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright, I can't keep quit anymore. This looks way too weird. Can you tell me again why you're using the Susanoo's skeletal arms to do this?" asked Jasmine curiously.

"Because this is a new kind of training for me. I am doing this in order to have better energy control because the final stages of the Susanoo are basically t.i.tans, made of pure Profound Energy. If I cannot control such enormous amounts of energy, I won't be able to use the final stages or I could cause ma.s.sive amounts unintended damage to my surroundings because I couldn't control the later stages. So that is why I am using the Susanoo's skeletal arms to these mundane tasks. In order to do it correctly, I must exercise very delicate energy control and this will help me control the Susanoo in its final stages more easily. That's why I am doing this." Said Mesa

"Ok, I understand it is for training. But it still looks WAY too weird!" said Jasmine.

"I cannot argue with that logic, but you'll get used to it eventually. Just like you got used to everything else. Which reminds me, how is it going with that Dark Souls game I showed you. Still dying dozens of times a day?" said Mesa causing Jasmine to immediately frown.


... It is just so hard! I have been stuck trying to beat Black Dragon Kalameet for a week now! That stupid dragon just hits so hard and every time I wanna heal, he hits me again and kills me. It is just so frustrating!" said Jasmine angrily.

"Yeah, I know right. But hey, that is how you know it is a true FromSoftware game. It is absolutely merciless and yet super addictive. Normally I would say, just let Ophis beat them, but surprisingly, Ophis is terrible at Dark Souls. Who knew?" said Mesa

"I know right. Dark Souls is seriously the only game I am better at than Ophis. But those bosses can't be any more difficult that stupid black dragon, right?" asked Jasmine.

"Aaaahhh… Poor Jasmine. You have no idea of the h.e.l.l that are the games of FromSoftware. You have barely completed Darks Souls 1. There's still Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro left for you to play. And let me tell you, they have bosses that will truly show you h.e.l.l like you have never seen before." Said Mesa causing Jasmine to feel despair.

"Like… What?" asked Jasmine hesitantly.

"You'll find out for yourself. And I have a piece of advice for you to make Dark Souls easier for you: "Git Gud"." Said Mesa causing Jasmine to get frustrated.

"Is that your only piece of advice?" Asked Jasmine frustrated.

"It is the only one that can help you." Said Mesa with a smile.


Outside the Sky Poison Pearl.

"Huh…. Well, guess I am the only one who can say that I saw someone use the Susanoo to comb a little girl's hair. Well anyways, I have got other things to do."

After Mesa drank his coffee and ate his breakfast, he left his room and was going to exit. On the way there, he could pick up the other disciples talking about how Murong Yi was found dead this morning in his bed, that it was Feng Baiyi who killed him and how he was found dead as well in an alley with a knife in his chest. Apparently, Murong Yi's family had gotten angry with Feng Baiyi's family and they were on the verge of going to war with each other because Feng Baiyi was last seen when he entered Murong Yi's room.

'Serves you right b.i.t.c.h, you should've just accepted your loss like a man and moved on. At least then you would still be alive.' Thought Mesa to himself as he listened to the rumors around him.

Walking towards the place where he was going to meet Chu Yuechan, he noticed he was being followed again. Walking towards the quieter parts of the city and then into an abandoned alley. Turning around, he saw a group of 8 brawny men in leather armor walk towards him, blocking of his escape route. All of them had a strength level between level 3 Earth Profound Realm and level 6 Earth Profound Realm. Instead of looking panicked or afraid, Mesa was just smiling. As this group of men came to within a few feet away him, one of them, probably their leader was the first one to speak.

"You should've just taken the offer when you had the chance." Said their leader as he and his men completely surrounded Mesa on all sides. Mesa at this point was just standing in the same place, completely relaxed, with his hands outside his pockets.

"Alright boys, attack!" yelled out the leader and just as he and his gang wanted to attack Mesa, their faces suddenly contorted into looks of astonishment and surprise. They were desperately trying to attack Mesa, but no matter how hard they tried to move, their bodies just wouldn't listen. Just then, Mesa started laughing, angering the leader and his gang.

"Hahahahah….. What's the matter? Are you having a little trouble moving?" said Mesa with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"What are you talking about?! What have you done to us?!" Yelled out the leader.

"Oh, it's very simple. I took control of your bodies. Like this." Said Mesa as he showed his fingers to the leader and his gang. On closer inspection, they could see wafer thin threads extending out of his fingers. And then, Mesa started moving his fingers, which moved the gang members and their leader, to all their astonishment and horror. And that's how Mesa started to let the gang members attack each other and forced their leader to look in horror as all his subordinates started killing each other with looks of fear on their faces and their terror filled screams filling the air. In the end, all his subordinates were lying dead on the ground, with the only ones left being him and Mesa. Walking up to him, the gang leader hopelessly tried to run away with all his might but try as he might, he still couldn't move a single muscle.

"Now that I have your attention, I want you to go back to your employer and gave that person a message from me: "Next time, if you want to intimidate me. Don't send a bunch of pathetic p.u.s.s.ies like these worms but real men! Who knows, maybe next time you'll have some success." Just in case you forget to give him my message, let me give you something to remember me by." Said Mesa as he waved his hand and cut the gang leader's arms of until the shoulders causing him to scream in pain with blood shooting out of his wounds like a fountain. Controlling the Phoenix flames, Mesa used them to place his hands on his wounds and sear the wounds shut and after that he grabbed the guy by the jaw and forced him to swallow a Senzu bean.

"Can't have you go die on me here. Now, move along and make sure to pa.s.s on my message." Said Mesa as he threw the guy away and walked on to his meeting point with Chu Yuechan.

Arriving at their meeting place, he saw that Chu Yuechan was already there. And though she looked like she was composed from the outside, Mesa could see in her eyes that she was frustrated at having to wait for him for so long. Walking up to her, he called out to her with a smile: "Hey there Little Fairy, sorry I'm late. I'm afraid a black cat crossed my path and I had to go the long way."

"What are you talking about?" Said Chu Yuechan as she looked at Mesa questioningly.

"It was just a little joke. Don't bother with it. Now, let us go!" Said Mesa as he appeared right next to Chu Yuechan, placed his hand on her shoulder and teleported them both away.

Arriving at the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, right next to the waterfall he had been training for months, he let go of Chu Yuechan's shoulder and announced: "Welcome to the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, this is where we will be staying for the next six months."

Chu Yuechan was looking around in shock, one moment they were in Blue Wind Imperial City and the next they are in the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, hundreds of miles away from the Imperial City in an instant.

"How did we get here so fast?! We were in the Imperial City just a second ago." Asked Chu YYuechanin shock.

"There's a simple reason for that. I teleported us here. That's why." Said Mesa proudly.

"You can do that as well!? Just what are you capable of doing?!" Said Chu Yuechan in shock as Mesa displayed just one truly marvelous and sometimes heaven defying ability after another. In response, Mesa smiled at her, patted her on the shoulder and said: "Just stick around then. You'll see for yourself just what I am capable of."

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Back in the Blue Wind Imperial City

A gla.s.s of wine was thrown with great force at a wall and shattered, followed by a man yelling in frustration and anger: "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Those stupid morons! How can they mess this up like this!"

This man was the third Prince of the Blue Wind Empire, Cang Shuo, and he was yelling at a man who was kneeling on the ground and trembled in fear. This man was a servant of the third Prince and the one who was ordered by the third Prince to hire a gang and attack Mesa. Hearing from his servant how the gang he hired were not only defeated by Mesa, but he had even sent a message for him daring him to try again but this time send someone who is capable of intimidating him.

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How dare he insult me by refusing to join my side and now challenging me to this! Fine! If he wants me to find someone who can intimidate him, I will. Once I tell Young Master Fen Juecheng that Sister Cang Yue and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Mesa have been spending so much time together, I am sure he will take action and ensure that b.a.s.t.a.r.d goes through h.e.l.l. Even if he somehow manages to defeat Young Master Fen Juecheng, he will have the wrath of the entire Burning Heaven Clan coming down on him. And no matter who he is, there is no way he take on the entire Burning Heaven Clan." Said Third Prince Cang Shuo while grinning malevolently.