Against The Gods With An Anime System - 41 Side-Story: Inside The Pearl

41 Side-Story: Inside The Pearl

You may be wondering: If Mesa and Cang Yue were doing the nasty stuff together outside. Were Jasmine and Ophis forced to watch them? What kind of a sick mind does one have to force an innocent girl, albeit one that is the most powerful being in the universe, to watch someone have s.e.x.

Well, the answer to question is: No, they did not watch.

And how come they didn't watch, you might ask. Well, that is what we are going to explore in this chapter. Follow me as we go in to this Side-Story chapter and see what happens inside the Sky Poison Pearl during Mesa's time outside.


Let us go back to when Mesa first arrived at Blue Wind Imperial City.

Jasmine and Ophis were just sitting inside the Sky Poison Pearl, while casually eating some cookies and reading some of the books that Mesa had bought for Jasmine, when all of a sudden Mesa entered the Pearl. Looking up at Mesa, both Jasmine and Ophis were not very surprised, but what Mesa said next did surprise a little.

"Hey girls, I am just a clone, in case you're wondering, but I have come with some news. The original 'Me' has just arrived Blue Wind Imperial City and is planning on staying here for a few weeks maybe even months. So I decided that since it would be difficult, maybe even impossible for you to get out, that I would come in and keep you company throughout these days that.... let's call him 'True Me', would stay here. So~... what you are both reading?"

"I am reading a book on astronomy. Did you know that once a star that has a ma.s.s of 10 to 29 solar dies, its leftover core will become what is known as a neutron star and that it will have a diameter of up to 30 km but weigh as much as the sun itself? And that once its ma.s.s exceeds the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit of 2 solar it will collapse into a black hole, a region in s.p.a.ce with gravity that is so powerful that nothing, not even light itself can escape it once it pa.s.sed it Schwarzschild radius. It's really, really, really fascinating stuff and I just can't get enough of reading it." Said Jasmine excitedly as she went right back to reading.

"Is that so. Well, now I know when neutron stars become black holes. Thanks for the trivia, I guess. And what are you reading Ophis?" asked Mesa.

"A book on your Earth's mythologies. I wanted to see the similarities in the mythologies between our Earths." Said Ophis

"Ohh…. Well, how goes it then? I know for a fact that the mythologies between our Earths are like 90% percent similar, besides the fact that the mythologies in my world were just that, mythologies. And in your world they are real, just hidden from view." Said Mesa.

"Yeah, that is also what I am finding out." Said Ophis.

"Well, how about we do something else? We will be together for a while, so let us have some good old fas.h.i.+oned American fun." Said Mesa proudly causing both Ophis and Jasmine to look at him questionably and curiously.

"What do you have in mind than with this so called 'American fun' of yours?" asked Jasmine.

"Ohh, you'll see soon enough." Said Mesa with a grin on his face.

['Hey JARVIS, is it possible for me to have internet even in this world?']

["Yes you can have internet with the only restriction that all communications with the previous world are impossible, no matter what. So that means that social media sites are unavailable, no creating account to post questions on forums or post comments on YouTube, no talking through a microphone with other people etc. As for things like online gaming, it is possible, but you cannot befriend them or send messages and you cannot search for their account names. And the reverse applies to other people. They cannot message you, befriend you or search for your account name."]

['Alright I understand; this just means that there is no possibility of communicating with others from Earth. Meh, not important. So JARVIS, I want you to...']

In the end, Mesa bought a 100 inch 8K Ultra HD TV, an Xbox One, a PS4, a TV-cabinet to place the TV and consoles on, a black leather U-shaped couch big enough for 12 people to sit on, a coffee table, a kitchen for himself to make food in, a dining table for the three of them, a bed for himself, pinewood walls to create a room for himself and a room for Jasmine and Ophis for some privacy.

Setting everything up took him a few hours and about 35,000 system credits but after he was done he called over Jasmine and Ophis, who had been looking at him curiously from the very beginning and wondering what he was doing. Seeing that he even created rooms for himself and for them, it became obvious that he would be staying with them.

"Uhmm Mesa, what are you doing and what are those things?" asked Jasmine curiously.

"You'll see. Now, come and take a seat. We are gonna watch a movie together and I know just the right one. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy." Said Mesa excitedly as he sat down and started the movie. After quickly explaining what he did, what movies were and the premise of The Lord of the Rings movie, Mesa and the girls took their seats and started watching the movie. Suffice to say that Jasmine and Ophis were immediately captivated by the movie and couldn't keep their eyes off it.

And so the days went on. Mesa, Jasmine and Ophis would wake up, eat breakfast and they would hang out all day watching movies, tv-shows, anime & cartoon shows and play video games.


Meanwhile outside the Sky Poison Pearl.

Mesa, the real one, woke up one day and came to a realization.

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'Huh…. It's been a while since I last heard from Jasmine and Ophis. Wonder what they're doing?' Thought Mesa to himself as he hadn't heard Jasmine or Ophis's voice ever since he arrived at Blue Wind Imperial City and sent in a clone of his to keep them company. As he focused his mind on the Sky Poison Pearl, he started to look inside it and what he saw surprised him. He saw a big 100-inch TV's with Jasmine and Ophis playing a fighting game against each other and clone Mesa was in a kitchen making what would seem like breakfast.

'Huh…. Well that is quite a surprise. If this works for them, why not I guess.' Thought Mesa to himself before he started his own day.


Back inside the Sky Poison Pearl.

Mesa was in the kitchen making breakfast for the three of them while Jasmine and Ophis were playing Mortal Kombat X against each other.

"Alright you two, breakfast is ready! Come and get it while its hot!" Announced Mesa and right after that he hears the game narrator.

"FINISH HIM! Sub-Zero Wins! Fatality!" Announced the game narrator with Jasmine's rage groan following shortly after

"Geez, she lost again. What a surprise." Said Mesa to himself as he heard how Jasmine lost to Ophis again.

"Hey Jasmine, how many times in a row did you lose this time?" asked Mesa but the only answer he got was Jasmine looking at the TV in rage. Knowing that an answer won't come out of her, he turned to Ophis.

"Ophis, how many times?" asked Mesa.

"25 times." Said Ophis.

"{very deep sigh} ... Jasmine, when are you gonna stop this whole nonsense. You can't beat Ophis. Period. She is just too good." Said Mesa causing Jasmine to turn towards him in rage.

"I will beat her. I swear, there will come a day when I beat her in Mortal Kombat X, Call of Duty and other game we have her." Said Jasmine with great conviction. Instead of admiring or cheering her conviction on, Mesa just looked at her tiredly.

"Yeah, yeah. We know. You have been saying that since day 1 when Ophis first beat you 10 times in a row in Call of Duty. You should just call it quits, you can't beat her. h.e.l.l, you have even lost 6 months' worth of desserts to Ophis. Are you so determined to beat Ophis that you would let her eat all your desserts for the rest of your life just to lose to her again and again in a vain attempt at beating her in a game." Said Mesa tiredly to Jasmine causing tears to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Why?! Just why is she so good?! This is both our first time at playing these games! Why is she so good?! This is just not fair!" Whined Jasmine in protest at Ophis' amazing gaming prowess with Ophis petting her on the head to comfort her.

"Alright, enough of that. Come, breakfast is ready. I made your favorites. A mountain sized stack of chocolate chip pancakes with powdered sugar on top for Ophis and chocolate-bananhazelnut crepes with whipped cream on top for Jasmine." Said Mesa causing both Ophis and Jasmine to go starry eyed and dash for the dining table at such great speeds that they left a cloud of dust in their wake. Looking over to the dining table, he could see Jasmine and Ophis sitting at the table with knife and fork in hand and drool dripping down their mouths.

"Bon Appét.i.t." Said Mesa as he placed the plates with food in front of them and they immediately started gorging themselves.

"So for tonight, I have the perfect movie for us to watch. It's called Shrek and it's about this ogre that has a talking donkey for a partner who are on a quest to rescue a princess from a tower that is being guarded by a dragon that eventually falls in love with the donkey. It's really funny and everything I said is nowhere near funny enough." Said Mesa as he was laughing about the movie. After breakfast, they cleaned up the table and did the dishes. Mesa would clean the dishes, Jasmine would dry them off and Ophis would place the dishes back in cabinets where they belonged.

After that Mesa would go and practice with the Susanoo and the Boosted Gear while Jasmine and Ophis would go and play Call of Duty online. Ophis would always get an average KD-ratio of 3.50 whereas Jasmine's KD-ratio was around 0.50. At lunch, Jasmine and Ophis would just make some sandwiches themselves to eat instead of disturbing Mesa training. Dinnertime is always a time that they eat together and after that they would watch movies together before going to bed. After they watched the first Shrek movie, Jasmine nearly died of laughter and Ophis herself was also laughing hard. Instead of going to bed they just started the second Shrek movie and this went on until all three of them fell asleep on the couch. Waking up first, Mesa looked around only to see that the TV was still on Netflix and that Ophis and Jasmine both had fallen asleep. Summoning another clone, he brought both of them to bed before he went to bed himself.