Against The Gods With An Anime System - 5 The New World Part 2

5 The New World Part 2

DING* [ "Affirmative, opening starters pack. Starters pack contains the following.

100,000 system credits

Profound energy manipulation manual

Tremor Tremor fruit

The dark forged blade Yamato

100 Purple Profound coins

Itachi's ANBU uniform "]

Ray upon seeing the contents of the starters pack was immediately excited and curious what the manual was.

Ray: [ 'System what is the Profound energy manipulation manual? Would I be able to use Yamato and can I ingest the tremor tremor fruit without being paralyzed by water? ']

DING* [ "The Profound energy manipulation manual is a manual that details the techniques to manipulate profound energy. The first skill manipulation technique allows the host to hide his own profound energy signature making it seem like the host has no profound energy in his body. The second skill allows the host to alter his own energy signature to make it appear weaker than it actually is. The final skills allows the host to sense the profound energy signatures of other cultivators around him and keep track of them. "]

DING* [ "The weakness that devil fruits have is a weakness that belongs to the One Piece world. That weakness has been removed by the system and is not present in this world so host can ingest the tremor tremor fruit and not be afraid of drowning."]

DING* [ "Host is able to use Yamato but can not use its full capabilities for that requires the bloodline of the Dark Knight Sparda or the bloodlines of either of his sons Vergil and Dante. The sword remembers the move set that its original owner Vergil uses and will transfer it to the host his mind but the host will have to train his body to be capable of using these techniques."]

Ray was looking at the stream of information from the system and contemplating his future in this world. At first he was planning on buying as many abilities as possible and spamming these abilities against his enemies but after some careful consideration he decided against it and decides to buy a few abilities that would be crucial for him and train these abilities to master them.

Ray: "Let me see. I definitely need all three forms of Haki and I need weapons mastery. While Itachi is definitely no weakling when it comes to martial arts and weapons its better to be capable of wielding multiple weapons. Well guess that's the plan for the near future. Get all three Haki and a manual in mastering multiple types of weapons.

[ 'System, open the store']

DING* [ "Opening the store.

- Skills

- Weapons & armor

- Healing items

- Power up items

- Miscellaneous items

Which section of the store does the wish to shop in?"]

Ray: [ 'Open the skills store and search for a manual that lets me master all types of weapons and search for the three Haki's']

DING* [ "Opening skills store. Displaying the desired skills of the host

Observation Haki - 10,000 system credits

Grants the user a sixth sense of the world around the user and sense the presence of others even if the user can't see them. In battle it grants the user the ability to predict an opponents move shortly before they make them and with enough skill dodge the attacks. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief "premonition" of what the opponent will do in the user's mind's eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict, although more skilled users can predict moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not. If the skill of the user with Observation Haki is great enough it allows the user to slightly see into the future and know what move the opponent will make before the opponent thinks about. The effectiveness of Observation Haki depends on the state of mind of the user.

Armament Haki - 10,000 system credits

Grants the user the ability to use their spirit to create an invisible armor around the user's body and use it for offensive and defensive capabilities. It can be used to augment the user's own physical attacks, projected ahead of the user as pure brute force, or imbued into weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack and/or weapon enhanced by Armament Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally without it.

Conqueror's Haki - 20,000 system credits

This type of Haki grants the user the ability to dominate the wills of others. The most common usage of it is using it to exert the user's willpower onto those with weak wills and rendering them unconscious. Whilst inexperienced users are restricted to merely overpowering the will of one individual or blindly knocking out weak-willed people around them, those with more expertise can pick out weak-willed individuals in a large group and knock them out without affecting the others. However, those with stronger wills can resist or even ignore the effects of Conqueror's Haki. The ability to knock someone out depends on the difference in strength between the person using the Haki and the person or persons the user is trying to knock out. The greater the power gap, the easier it is to knock the victim out.

Eternal Arms mastery - 50,000 system credits

Grants the user the ability to master all types of weapons. By completely merging mind, body and spirit the user is unmatched in the use of weapons. "]

Ray: "Well if I buy all these skills I will be left with 10,000 system credits and what should I buy with those. I know. I should buy a lot of senzu beans just be on the safe side."

[ 'System, first buy all 4 of these skills and then open the healing store and use the rest of the system credits to buy senzu beans.']

DING* [ "Affirmative host.

Senzu bean - 1000 system credits for every 10 beans

Senzu beans are mythical beans with incredible healing properties. The senzu bean heals the physical injuries, restore all the user's energy and restores stamina.

Purchase of all three Haki types, 100 senzu beans and the Eternal Arms Mastery manual are complete. Host is advised to find a secluded place. All the information that are inside the Eternal Arms Mastery manual, the dark forged blade Yamato, the Profound Energy Manipulation manual and all of the experiences and memories of Itachi Uchiha will be uploaded into the host's mind. Host will be unconscious during this process. Estimated time for completion: 2 days"]

Ray: "Well since I woke up in this cave, I'd say this place is secluded enough. [ 'Alright system. I am in a secluded place start the upload and I will see you again in 2 days. Goodbye.']

DING* [ "Affirmative host. Goodbye and see you when you wake up again"]

After that all light went out for Ray and he was surrounded by darkness once again, all the while his body is slowly gathering Profound Energy.