Against The Gods With An Anime System - 35 A Nice And Peaceful Day

35 A Nice And Peaceful Day

While they were walking away Cang Yue started talking with Mesa.

"I know he deserved that beating. Frankly he deserved more than just that. But are you sure about that? He may not be any threat to you, but he has an older cousin here named Murong Yi and he's a disciple of the inner palace. He won't let this go unanswered." Said Cang Yue.

"I sure hope he won't. Honestly, I want him to come to me. Who knows, maybe he will be a challenge. Could use some of that to be honest." Said Mesa with a big smile on his face.

"Are you serious?! His father is the Northern Field Marshall of the Blue Wind Empire, no one dares to provoke him. If Murong Yi hears about what you did to his younger cousin, he will use his father's influence to make you regret ever having laid hands on Murong Ye." Said Cang Yue with some concern in her voice.

"Pfftt… Who cares. Not me anyway. But enough about that, we have some more important to do." Said Mesa as he looked Cang Yue very seriously in the eyes.

"Huh… what then?"

"Lunch. Come let's sit over there and talk while we eat." Said Mesa as he pulled out a picnic basket as they went to sit at a bench next to a pond. Opening the picnic basket, Mesa takes out a few sandwiches for them to eat and gave Cang Yue a thermos filled with orange juice. Taking a look at the food made gulp down a mouthful of saliva and as she took the first bite, she immediately opens her eyes wide in shock and start wolfing down the entire sandwich in a few bites before she asks Mesa about it.

"That was so delicious! Where did you this sandwich?! That was the best thing I have eaten in my life! Where did you get that sandwich?!" said Cang Yue as she kept bombarding Mesa with one question after another until he forcibly had to put a stop to her.

"Whoa there! Getting a little too excited there. But to answer your question, I made these sandwiches myself. And thank you, it's always nice to hear someone appreciate my cooking's." Said Mesa with a satisfied smile.

"Appreciate it?! This is simply a miracle sent by the heavens themselves. The moment I took that first bite, I felt like I was eating the heavens themselves. What was in that sandwich that you gave me?" said Cang Yue

"That sandwich was a chicken sandwich with some lettuce and cheese with a honey-mustard topping. Simple, elegant and quite delicious. And if you're still hungry, I've got more. I still got some tuna sandwich, some egg bacon sandwich, some turkey sandwich, some meatb.a.l.l.s sandwich and more. So make sure you eat your fill, because there is more than enough for the both of us." Said Mesa putting a big smile on Cang Yue's face. And so they started eating until they both had eaten 6 sandwiches each and were just sitting on the bench and savoring the aftertaste until Mesa broke the silence.

"So, I know you have some questions for me. So ask away." Said Mesa

"Yeah, where were you this entire month? You said you had some things to take care of and then you disappeared for a whole month." Said Cang Yue.

"Remember that whole thing with the Xiao Branch Sect back at New Moon City?" asked Mesa to which Cang Yue nodded.

"Well, after you and I went our separate ways back at New Moon City, I decided to go over to the Xiao Branch Sect and rob everything they had in that vault of theirs. After that I went over to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and.... You okay in there?" said Mesa as he noticed Cang Yue look at him with a face that said WTF.

"You do that?! Do you know that the entire Xiao Branch Sect had been searching the city for days trying to find you. They even came back to the New Moon Profound Palace and demanded that you come out that instant so that Xiao Tiannan could take your head, but you were suddenly gone and no one could find you. Now the Xiao Branch Sect is now completely dest.i.tute and I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist anymore. And you said that you went to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range after you robbed the Xiao Branch Sect, why?" said Cang Yue. Instead of answering her, Mesa just holds up his hand and conjure up flames around it causing Cang Yue to open her eyes wide in shock as she saw the kind of flames Mesa had on his hand.

"PHOENIX FLAMES?!?! YOU HAVE THE PHOENIX FLAMES?! How?! The Divine Phoenix Sect doesn't allow any outsider to have the Phoenix Bloodline. How did you get the Phoenix Bloodline from the Divine Phoenix Sect?!" asked Cang Yue in shock.

"Because I didn't. Apparently, deep inside the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range there is a Phoenix Trial Ground that is completely separate from the one at the Divine Phoenix Empire. I stumbled upon it and a village as I was travelling in the forests and took a gander at the trial and I was granted the Phoenix Bloodline. The reason. that I was gone for a 1,5 months was because I had to stay inside the Trial Ground for a month because I had won. So after I left the trial I came here directly and that brings us to this moment. But enough about me how about you? I couldn't help but notice that you were sitting with two other guys that I could have sworn I saw at the New Moon Profound Palace before Murong Ye came and chased them away."

"Ahh them, well those were Yun Che and Xia Yuanba. You were right, they were at the New Moon Profound Palace. After you left, we started talking with each other and we became really good friends. It's just that every time that we hang out, Murong Ye comes and chases them away. I even heard he threatened them once to stay away from me, after I heard he did that I told him that if he did one more time I would never forgive him. Since then, every time we hang out with each other and Murong Ye comes they just get up and leave. About a 1,5 week after you left, I came here and told them to come with me and that I would make sure that would be accepted." Said Cang Yue. And so Mesa and Cang Yue were hanging out with each other all day. At the end of the day as each went their own way. But before Cang Yue left, Mesa gave her a basket with some food for her father since he is so ill and maybe this food could help him. But what she didn't know was that Mesa had prepared this food specifically for Cang Wanhe, Cang Yue's father, to give him a boost in vitality and to score even more points with Cang Yue and her father.

As Cang Yue walked through the front gate of the palace, she went straight through the yard directly to the emperor's chambers. Walking into the emperor's chambers, she sees her father still lying in bed with his eunuch attending to him.

"Royal father, I am back. I have some good news for you." Said Cang Yue causing the emperor's face to gain some color as he looks at her, anxious for some good news.

"Mesa has finally arrived; he is in the Blue Wind Profound Palace right now. And I think he has gotten even stronger since I last saw him back at the New Moon Profound Palace. We have found the perfect partic.i.p.ant who can represent our Royal Family during the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament." Said Cang Yue with a big smile on her face giving Cang Wanhe a big smile on his face.

"Ahh…. Excellent. We are so glad to hear that he has finally returned after a whole month." Said Cang Wanhe but it was clear that this took out so much out of him.

"Royal father, your condition…. has Master Gu been even been attending to you? Why does it seem you have gotten worse?" asked Cang Yue worriedly.

"Ahh…. Do not worry my child, if not for Master Gu, we would have not been with this living world a long time ago. But are you really sure that this Mesa can win the tournament for the royal family?" said Cang Wanhe. At this time his personal eunuch came it with a report.

"Reporting to your highness, the crown prince wishes to speak with you."

Cang Wanhe's body stiffened, and Cang Yue's face also turned ugly. Subsequently, a thunderous roar came from Cang Wanhe's mouth, "Tell him to get lost! We do not wish to see him!"

"Aiyah, what has made royal father so angry. Royal father is currently sick, you must take care of your body and avoid getting angry."

Along with the echo of the lazy voice, an almost thirty-year-old youthful man adorned in an attire full of gold patterns, who had both hands behind his back, walked into the room. As soon as he saw Cang Yue, he squinted his eyes as he laughed, "My beloved royal sister, just a moment ago I heard from the servants that you had returned, so how could I not immediately rush back. I have truly missed you dearly."

You unfilial son, who allowed you to enter. Get lost right now!" Cang Wanhe roared furiously while pointing a trembling finger.

"Royal father, please don't get angry. Be careful not to injure your body, your son only worries about royal father's illness, so your son specifically came to visit. If royal father doesn't like my presence, your son will leave immediately." Prince Cang Lin said while laughing. That lazy expression wasn't afraid of the emperor's rage in the slightest, and even more had no respect or fear for consequence.

"Visit?" Cang Wanhe laughed coldly, "Coming to see whether or not We have suddenly died in bed? Let us tell you, as long as We still have a breath of life, don't even think about getting the t.i.tle of emperor! And don't even hope that We will decree the transfer of the t.i.tle! Get lost right now!"

"Royal father, why must you be so stubborn." Prince Cang Lin frowned, "What type of existence is the Xiao Sect? Now that I have obtained Xiao Sect's full support, as long as I ascend the throne, the Xiao Sect will be used by me, and our Blue Wind Imperial Family would only become more prosperous with power that could shake the world…."

At this point Cang Yue starts laughing hard causing the crown prince to look at her with a frown before asking her what is so funny.

"My dear little sister, what could be so funny that would make you laugh right now?"

"The fact that you think that the Xiao Sect is such a great existence. I have found someone that will represent father and me during the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament and he is an existence that far the Xiao Sect or any other sect for that matter." Said Cang Yue with a big, smug smile on her face that was angering her brother.

"Hahaha…... My dear little sister. It would seem you have gotten a little bold since I last saw you, but let me remind you that even if 'he' is so strong, he can never hold a candle to the Xiao Sect. Which reminds me, you are starting to old little sister, let me set you up with someone so you can finally get married and have children as you're supposed to do. But anyways, it has been fun talking to you but I must get going." Said Cang Lin as he casually strolled outside.

"Do not worry royal father, whatever he says about the Xiao Sect, they can never be as strong Mesa Uchiha." Said Cang Yue with a gentle smile on her face.

"Yes, my dear daughter. But what makes you so sure about this Mesa Uchiha."

"I have used the Monarch Heart Secret Art to see into his fate and luck and it is truly extraordinary. It is like the very heavens themselves are watching over him and give him strength. His fate and luck is far greater than anyone I have seen, even greater than those supposed geniuses from the Burning Heaven Clan and the Xiao Sect." said Cang Yue with a smile before her eyes fell on the picnic basket that she brought with her with food for her father.

"Ah! I almost forgot. Father, here have some of Mesa's food. I just had some earlier and it is without a doubt the best food I have ever eaten. It is incredibly delicious and Mesa made some especially for you." Said Cang Yue as she took out a thermos and poured a cup of chicken soup for her father.

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"Ohh! This is so delicious! When you see Mesa tomorrow, give him our thanks for the food!" said Cang Wanhe happily as he was drinking his soup. After he finished his soup he went on to eat the rest of the food in picnic basket. Much to the astonishment of Cang Yue, she saw her father start to get more energetic right in front of her eyes as he was eating everything in the basket. After he ate everything in the basket, did he finally feel full.

"Ohh…. This has been such a wonderful meal. Thank you so much, my dear daughter, for bringing us this food. We even starting to much better than before. If you see him tomorrow, give him our grat.i.tude. And who knows, maybe he will even give you some more of this delicious food."