Against The Gods With An Anime System - 24 The Phoenix Clan - Part 1

24 The Phoenix Clan - Part 1

'Why am I walking to the Phoenix Trial? According to the story Yun Che flew to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range on Cang Yue's bird, but I don't have that luxury. And according to the story, Yun Che would get a snow phoenix from Chu Yeuli after Chu Yuechan left the Frozen Cloud Asgard after they found out she was pregnant from Yun Che's child. Seeing as how I have no desire what so ever to r.a.p.e. Chu Yuechan or take her anywhere near the Primordial Azure Dragon trial grounds, I have to get my own bird. And besides this bird would also serve as a gift for Feng Xue'er seeing as how I am not gonna get Chu Yuechan's snow phoenix, I'll have to get creative and get my own snow bird. And honestly none of these snow birds could even remotely match up to the best snow bird of them all: Articuno.' thought Itachi to himself

Just as Itachi wanted to ask the system about bringing Pokemon's into this world he sees a small notification sign in the corner of his eye. Wondering what it could be he opened the notification.

DING* [ "Congratulations host for completing Hidden Quest: No More Reason For War.

Objective of the Hidden Quest: Find the Purple Veined Divine Crystal mine and empty it out before the Divine Phoenix Empire invades the Blue Wind Empire to get their hands on it.

Rewards: Host's cultivation level is increased by one level." ]

And just like that Itachi's cultivation level had risen from level 8 to level 9 Earth Profound Realm.

[ 'Hey system, what is this hidden quest about? And why have I never heard about it. And why have I only gotten the reward after I opened the Hidden Quest notification?' ]

DING* [ " Answer: The Hidden Quest is a feature of the system that turns random plot points into quests that are hidden from the host until completion. Once the host has completed these quests, a notification symbol will be visible in the corner of the host's vision and the host will be required to manually open the notification to receive the quest rewards. The plot points that are turned into main quests can not be hidden quests at the same time. The content of the hidden quests that involve the random plot point will require the host to either bring a change to said plot point or to replicate the plot point depending on the hidden quest that is than currently active. Host will only receive a notification sign once the hidden quest has been completed, hidden quests that result in a failure will not be visible to host. Lastly, all hidden quests rewards involve the host cultivation level to rise by one level." ]

'Huh..... neat. Well guess I'll have to keep an eye out for that hidden quest notification sign. Back to the matter at hand, I need a snow bird and there is no better one than Articuno.'

[ 'System, how much does it cost to get the Legendary Bird Pokemon Articuno?' ]

DING* [ "Cost for summoning Articuno from the Pokemon world is gonna cost 250,000 system credits. To make "]

[ 'Alright system, buy Articuno.']

Right after he said that a blue light appears in front of Itachi that slowly took the shape of a bird. After a few seconds the blue light dissipated, leaving behind a 10 m tall majestic blue bird with a white belly, three distinct crown like feathers on its head above its red eyes and a tail that was longer than its body.

(A.N.: For those who say: "Hey, Articuno is not that big." To those people I say: "You are completely right." The reason I have made Articuno so big is because this world has beasts that are f.u.c.king enormous. There is even a 250 km long black whale in the later chapters, so bringing a bird that is just a measly 1.5 m tall was not very... how do you say it... impressive. So I have made the decision to enlarge Articuno by a factor of 7 to make it more impressive. For those Pokemon fans who read my story and are like: "Hey!! Author, what you are doing there is sacrilegious to the sacred world of Pokemon." To those people I say: "My story, my rules. Write your G.o.dd.a.m.n story then." So that basically explains why I did it. Enjoy the rest of the chapter)

DING* [ "In order for host to complete the summoning and subsequent contracting of a summoned beast (Pokemon), host must place a bloodied finger on the beast (Pokemon) forehead. This will result in a contract being formed between the summoner and summoning beast (Pokemon)."]

Listening to the system, Itachi proceeds to bite his finger till its bleeding and places it on Articuno's forehead. Moments later a swallow shaped tattoo appears on the back of his right hand, indicating that the contract has been completed.

"Alright Articuno, let's go." said Itachi as he got on Articuno and flew of in the direction of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range just above the trees.

After flying six hours straight, they were getting closer to the center of the forest. After they were in the air Jasmine came out and started asking about Articuno and Itachi told her that Articuno was from a world were beast like these roamed about and each one has its own unique powers and characteristics. Soon after he heard screams down at the forest floor and told Articuno to go down to the forest floor.

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Getting of of Articuno and putting it and Jasmine into the Sky Poison Pearl, Itachi looks around the forest and quickly spots three men, dressed in leather armor and holding swords, chasing after two frightened children.

"Sister, you have to keep running!!" yells the boy to his sister as he holds her hand while they are running away from their pursuers.

"Brother, I can't run anymore! I am so tired." says the girl to her brother as she collapses to the ground. Her brother tries to get her to stand up but to no avail as their pursuers catch up.

"Gotcha you filthy brats. You thought you could run away from us. You should have let yourself be captured from the beginning, it would saved you a lot of pain. Because now I am gonna cut of your feet to make sure you won't run away from us again." Said one of the three men as he closed in on the children while the other two stayed back grinning maniacally.

"Brother, I am scared!! Please, help me!!" cried the girl as she was clinging to her brother in fear.

"Don't worry, I'm right here. Everything is gonna be fine. Just stay behind me." Said the boy to his little sister as he valiantly stood between her and the kidnappers. But one could see that he was afraid with his legs that were shaking, his lips quivering and the tears that were forming in his eyes.

'Someone, anyone!? Please help us!?' thought the boy to himself as one of the kidnappers was approaching them with a predatory grin on his face. When all of a sudden a guy in a black coat with red clouds imprinted on it appeared between them.

"What the!? Who the f..... THUD!!" said the kidnapper when all of a sudden his head was cut of and fell to the ground with following shortly after.

"BLACK DRAGON NOOOOOO!!!! YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!" yell the other two kidnappers in anger as they rush at Itachi only to for their bodies to suddenly stop moving.


As this was happening, the two children were watching on not daring to move a muscle. When they look at the guy in the black coat they see him turning around to look at them holding a bloodied sword in his hand that disappears. Afraid that this guy would hurt them like the other guys, the boy stays on guard s.h.i.+elding his sister while she hides behind her brother.

"That was pretty brave of you, protecting your sister like that little boy. Don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you or anything. I came here to help you." Said Itachi with a smile.

Hearing that they're no longer in danger, the boy collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and they both started to cry that their ordeal is finally over. Giving them both a hug, Itachi let them cry on his shoulders and patiently waited for them to stop. After a few minutes they both calmed enough for Itachi to let them go.

"Thank you... sniff sniff.... brother. But why do those two not attack us? You killed their buddy but they are just standing there." said the curiously.

"Oh those two. Don't worry about them. They can't even move a single muscle, much less hurt you. But can you tell me what happened?" saif Itachi.

And like that they told him everything that happened. The boy, Feng Xi, and his sister, Feng Lin, were playing at a creek near their village where they always go to catch fish, frogs and bugs and play in the water there. Until those three suddenly showed up and tried to kidnap them. At first Feng Xi and his sister, who knew the forest better than the three men, managed to run away but soon they caught up again and because of their differences in physique they were gaining on them. When Feng Lin collapsed of exhaustion, Feng Xi, instead of running away himself, tried to protect his sister from these men even though he knew they were much stronger. And just as those men would catch them, Itachi showed up and saved them.

Listening to their stories and looking over their bodies, Itachi could see that they were bruised, scratched and exhausted from running through the forest. So to help them out he took out two Senzu beans from his inventory and gave it to them.

"Here, eat these beans. These will help you get your strength back." Said Itachi as he gave them both a Senzu bean, which they both quickly ate and noticed that they back to full strength. Just as they wanted to thank Itachi, he put them under a genjutsu and had them go to sleep.

"Sorry about that you two, but you don't need to see what happens next." said Itachi to the children as he focused his attention on the other two mercenaries who were both just about ready to attack Itachi when he paralyzed their bodies.

Using the String-String Fruit powers he tied them both up at their necks, their legs and feet and their arms and hands to the trees surrounding them making sure that they have no way to move their bodies and spread out their arms and legs. After that he dispelled the illusion.

"AAAHHHHH!!! YOU!?!? WHAT THE f.u.c.k WAS THAT!?" screamed one of the men in rage and pain before he looked around and noticed that his body was tied up and he couldn't move a bit.

"YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! YOU BETTER LET US GO RIGHT NOW!! OR ELSE WE WILL.....[choking sounds]" said the mercenaries before Itachi tightened the strings around their necks choking them and releasing the stranglehold 10 seconds later.

"It seems to me you still think you have a say in this matter. Well than, let me put in a way for you to understand. Right now, you two are my prisoners. I am going to ask you some questions and you will answer them. And just so you know, I will get the answers that I want. One way or the other, you will tell me what I want to know." said Itachi as he looked at his prisoners who were glaring hatefully at him.

"Let'a start with you on the left. Who are you and why did want to kidnap these children?" said Itachi to which the only answer he got was being spat at by him.

"Well, guess you won't talk. Well then you on the right, who are you and why did want to kidnap these children?" said Itachi.

"How about you bring me your mother first, I'll show her what a real man feels like. After that I will tell you everything, if I feel like it." said the guy with a smug grin on his face.

"So, that's how you want to play it. Fine, but don't say I never asked you politely first." said Itachi as he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and used Tsukuyomi on them.

"Now tell me, who are you and what is your purpose for coming here?"