Against The Gods With An Anime System - 22 Jasmine's Fortune

22 Jasmine's Fortune

"Why are we back here again? I don't see why we should be back here." asked Jasmine.

"Its because my stupid self forgot about a treasure that the system found close to Floating Cloud City where we met. My guess is that I forgot about it because the notification came in my sleep and when I woke up I ignored the notification until I completely forgot about it." said Itachi awkwardly as he scratched his head and looked away from Jasmine.

'I absolutely can't tell her that I read about it in a novel and that I forgot about it as well. Ohh well at least I'll empty out before anyone finds out about it.' thought Itachi to himself.

Hearing the reason why they were gonna go back to Floating Cloud City, Jasmine said nothing but gave Itachi a deadpan look and just kept walking while Itachi kept averting his gaze from her. Walking for a few minutes, Itachi couldn't handle the awkward atmosphere anymore.

"Is something the matter Jasmine? You haven't stopped looking at me like that for the last ten minutes." said Itachi awkwardly

"You have got to be kidding me right? There is no way you or someone else for that matter would have forgotten about a treasure." said Jasmine with her deadpan look.

"I am afraid its true. I.... forgot about... it."Said Itachi while scratching his head and laughing in an awkward manner.

Jasmine who was still giving Itachi her deadpan look decided to just look in front of her before saying: "Lets just keep walking. Lets just see what kind of a treasure the system has found."

And just like that they kept walking in silence towards Floating Cloud City. A week later they arrived. Remembering from the novel, it said that the Divine Phoenix Army was stationed in the hills east of Floating Cloud City. There they would mine the Purple crystals while at the same time they would make lots and lots of noise to mask their mining operations. Going up in the hills, Itachi summoned his 9 clones and gave them their a.s.signment.

"Alright everyone you know what to do. In case any witnesses show up take care of them immediately. We can't have any witnesses see what we're doing here. When one of you finds the place, they should mark it with a Flying Raijin kunai and disperse. Once we find the place I will go and extract the treasure while the rest of you will be put on guard duty and keep any unwanted witnesses away from us." said Itachi to which all of his clones nodded and dispersed in to the hills to look for the mine.

"Itachi, are you really going to kill anyone who sees what we're doing here? Don't you think that is a bit extreme?" said Jasmine in a rather inquisitive tone.

"Huh....kill? Of course I'm not killing any witnesses. I never said that. What I meant was that they should use the Sharingan to put any witnesses under an illusion and make them forget anything they had seen and order them to return to Floating Cloud City. This way n.o.body will see what we're going to do here and those people can go back to their homes safe and sound. Those people will just forget anything that they saw today and wake up the next day with a mild headache. The only that's left for us is to wait until one of my clones has found the treasure." said Itachi as he took out a table and a few chairs.

Laying out the table and chairs and setting the table for them, they waited for one of the clones to find the treasure while enjoying some nice tea and for Jasmine an extra piece of strawberry shortcake. As Itachi was enjoying his tea and listening to sounds of the forest, Jasmine was staring into her tea thinking to herself.

'Should I tell him about me. But what would he think about me once I tell him. If he knows how ruthless I became after that 'woman' had killed my brother, what is he gonna think about me. But if I don't tell him about me and especially about that 'woman' he might also fall prey to her charms and end up getting killed. Especially with the system and all of those powers that he can use he would become a high value target for all those G.o.d's Realm pract.i.tioners and he will definitely go to the G.o.d's Realm.'

While Itachi was enjoying his tea he looked over to Jasmine just to see her staring at her tea, funnily enough is that she hadn't even touched her cake and normally those cakes would be gone the instant she sees them.

"Hey Jasmine, you okay in there?" said Itachi as he waves his hand in front of Jasmine's face to get her attention.

"Huh...what? Y-Y-Yeah. I was just thinking about some stuff." said Jasmine as she woke up out of her stupor.

"Alright then, just take it easy alright. Whatever the future has in store for us, just know that we will come out on top." said Itachi with a big smile as Jasmine looked at him she started to smile herself.

'He's right. Why should I be worried. Its not like there's someone else who can bring weapons and powers from another universe into this one. But he must know about that 'woman'. If she manages to get her claws into him she will become 'the number one' pract.i.tioner in the entire G.o.ds Realm. And Itachi will definitely cross paths with 'woman' and she will definitely try to win him over to her side, just like how she used my brother and let him die once he had served his purpose.'

"Itachi, I need to tell you something." said Jasmine as she went on to tell him about her brother, how he was manipulated by that 'woman' and died because of her. She also told him that because she wanted to take revenge on that 'woman' she used all her strength to get the Evil G.o.ds immortal blood. And because of that she was poisoned by those who were working for her.

Hearing Jasmine tell him about her brother and how that 'woman' manipulated him and left him to die. How she wanted to take revenge but was poisoned instead by her lackeys and how she sought the Sky Poison Pearl to rid herself of this poison.

"Thank you for telling me all this Jasmine. If what you say is true then that 'woman' will target me. But I have to ask you, and I know you hate everything about her. What is the name of this 'woman'?" said Itachi

"That womans name is: Qianye Ying'er." spat out Jasmine in absolute rage.

"Good, now that I know what her name is, I have to know what she looks like. Jasmine, I know you won't like this but you have to think about that woman and look me in the eyes. I can use the Sharingan to delve into your memories and see what she looks like. I promise you that I won't look into any of your other memories." said Itachi

Jasmine who at this point was just getting angrier by the second just thinking about that woman.

"You know how much I hate that woman and you want me to think about her just so that you can know what she looks like. If I do this for you, you will owe me big time." said Jasmine

"O....K...I guess. What would you like eat for dinner than?"

"No, I am not talking about food. If I want to eat something delicious I can always get some. What I want in return is a power from you." said Jasmine with a grin plastered across her face.

Hearing what Jasmine wants as a compensation for Itachi getting an image of the woman in question, Itachi almost chocked on the tea he was drinking.

*COUGH *COUGH *COUGH "You what!?!? You want me to use the system and get you a power just because I asked you to think about that woman!! How f.u.c.king fair is that?! I was thinking about giving you halve of the treasure or getting you an entire new wardrobe from other worlds, but you actually want a power from another world?!" said Itachi in shock.

"I know its not fair, but I don't care. That woman killed my brother and poisoned me because I was looking for the Evil G.o.d's legacy to gather more power and get my revenge on her. After I was poisoned I have been searching all over for the Sky Poison Pearl because it was the only way for me to get rid of this poison. Just as I was at deaths door and gave up hope of ever being cured or getting revenge on that woman I find you as the master of the Sky Poison Pearl, the one person who came from another universe and has a system with which he can get powers from other universes. That woman is out for power and will use anyone as a stepping stone to get more power, you included. So if you want to know what that woman looks like, you will have to give me a power from another world." said Jasmine as she was getting angrier just thinking about that woman.

Thinking about what Jasmine just said, Itachi couldn't help but think that it made some sense. Her brother was seduced by Qianye Ying'er and when he had served his purpose was left for dead, in her grief she sought vengeance and was subsequently poisoned by Qianye Ying'ers lackeys using an incredibly powerful poison that only the Sky Poison Pearl could purify. And then she was desperately searching for the Sky Poison Pearl to rid herself of that poison until she was at deaths door. Just when she had lost all hope to cure herself or get revenge, Itachi shows up as the master of the Sky Poison Pearl. Even though this encounter was not one determined by fate, it did give Jasmine the opportunity to meet the one person who possibly had more incredibly strong weapons and powers at his disposal than any other sect, clan or even the entire G.o.ds Realm put together.

'You know what? To f.u.c.king h.e.l.l with it. Jasmine already knows about the system and all that it can give me. And by the way she is right if that b.i.t.c.h, Qianye Ying'er, finds out about those powers of mine she will use me for her own purposes and then leave me to die like yesterdays garbage. As if I'll ever let that happen.' thought Itachi to himself

"Alright Jasmine. Tell me what kind of powers you have and I'll look in the system for a power or two that would really fit with you. But first let me see what that woman looks like." said Itachi

And thus Jasmine begun explaining about her powers. She had the legacy of the Heavenly Slaughter Star G.o.d, one of the twelve Star G.o.ds. The Heavenly Slaughter Star G.o.d was considered the weakest among the twelve star G.o.ds in term of combat strength but it excelled at concealment, spiritual perception and speed. These powers allowed her blend into the darkness waiting for a chance to strike an opponent one moment only disappear the next moment as if she was never there making it very difficult to pursue her. It was for this very reason that Qianye Ying'er considered Jasmine a threat and had her poisoned.

"Alright I told you about my powers and now lets get this over with. I will think of her and you can see what she looks like." said Jasmine as she was obviously very reluctant to do this.

Looking into Jasmine's eyes, Itachi used the Sharingan to delve into her memories. At first there was a world of blackness, but soon a light s.h.i.+ned. Looking into the light Itachi could see the silhouette of a person forming. As the details were being filled in, Itachi opened his eyes wide in shock at the person that was being formed. Itachi saw the image of woman being formed, she had an amazing body with curves at all the right places dressed in a traditional imperial Chinese dress that accentuated her amazing body even more. But the most shocking thing was that this Qianye Ying'er looked exactly like General Esdeath from Akama Ga Kill.

'Holy s.h.i.+t, she looks exactly like Esdeath. So even the villains in this story will look like anime characters. But wait a second, Xiao Kuangyun and those other guys they didn't look anime characters at all. If I had to guess I'd say that only pivotal villains will look like anime characters. And I gotta say if I had to choose an anime character that Qianye Ying'er would look like than Esdeath is a perfect choice. Both of them are absolutely gorgeous and ruthless, where as one is ruthless in a direct way the other is ruthless in an indirect way and tends to manipulate people to do her bidding.' Thought Itachi to himself as he saw what Qianye Ying'er finally looked like.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, Itachi came up with two powers that Jasmine could use. One power to basically make her the fastest out of everyone and another power that would guarantee that she would always deliver a fatal strike.

"Alright Jasmine, after looking through the system I came up with two powers. One power that would guarantee that you would always deliver a fatal strike and another power that would make you the fastest out of everyone. The first power is called 'The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'. These Mystic Eyes allow you to see 'Lines of Death' across all object and living beings. Cutting along these lines would always end up 'killing' whatever or who ever you have cut. The best thing is that you don't need a incredibly powerful weapon like the Yamato or the Heaven Punis.h.i.+ng Ancestral Sword to cut these death lines, you can do that with a simple b.u.t.ter knife and minimal physical strength. And the second power is called the 'Age Seal'. This power allows you to freeze time making it so that only you can move in a world where time has stopped moving. While this power doesn't increase your speed at all, it will allow to be the fastest in practice since no one can move in your world where time has stopped." said Itachi to Jasmine who was listening with wide open eyes shocked at the possibility of obtaining such heaven defying powers.

'If what he says is correct than this means that I would become the most lethal pract.i.tioner in the entire G.o.ds Realm. Even those King Realm rulers can't stop me then.' thought Jasmine as a wide smile began to form on her face as she turned to Itachi to tell him that she would take these powers.

"Yes, those powers sound amazing, give them to me."

[ 'System I have a question. Is it possible for me to buy powers and give them to other?' ]

DING*[ "Answer: Yes host it is possible to buy powers from the system store and give them to others but for every power that is given to someone host must pay an additional fee of 500,000 system credits per power. Once host has purchased a power that he would like to transfer he must place his hand on the head of one who will receive the power and pay the additional fee. Once the fee has been paid the system will then transfer the power and the knowledge required to wield this power effectively to the recipient." ]

[ 'Alright then. System I want to buy the 'Mystic of Death Perception' from the Nasuverse and the 'Age Seal' used by Dimaria Yesta from the Fairy Tail universe. After you have bought these powers don't upload them to my brain, I will transfer both of these powers.' ]

DING* [ "Affirmative. The price for the 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception' is 5,000,000 system credits and the price for the 'Age Seal' is 2,500,000 system credits. As the host has confirmed that both of these powers will be transferred there will be an additional charge of 500,000 system credits per power bringing the total cost up to 8,500,000 system credits." ]




DING* [ "Purchase of the 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception' and the 'Age Seal' is complete. Please place your hand on the forehead of the recipient of these powers and confirm that the recipient is ready to accept the transfer. The process of transfering the knowledge and powers will take approximately 1 hour." ]

"Alright Jasmine I have purchased those powers now. Listen very carefully because what I am about to say is of the utmost importance. The process of transferring these powers will take approximately 1 hour and it will involve me placing my hand on your forehead for the entire time. There is a possibility that the process will involve a lot of pain so it is imperative that you do not move, do not use any of your profound strength or physical strength what so ever and most importantly you must keep your eyes closed the entire time and not open them until the process is done. If you open your eyes during the transformation process it could permanently damage your eyes and you could possibly be blinded for the rest of your life. Do you understand me?" said itachi to which Jasmine nodded indicating she understood.

In order to prepare herself, Jasmine quickly finished her cake and her tea and closed her eyes. Itachi came over to her and placed his right hand on her forehead.

[ 'Alright system, recipient is ready to go. Start the transfer process.' ]

[ "Affirmative" ]

And just like the transfer began. Once the transfer began Jasmine just made a little twitch with her eyes but for the rest didn't move a muscle. And so 1 hour had pa.s.sed with neither Itachi nor Jasmine moving a muscle. After the transfer was done Itachi took his hand of Jasmine's forehead and Jasmine opened up her eyes as they both breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Jasmine's eyes Itachi could see that it was a success. The inner side of iris right next to the pupil was s.h.i.+ning with a vibrant indigo color while the outer side was s.h.i.+ning with an iridescent blue color.

"So tell me Jasmine. What do you see?" said Itachi as Jasmine was looking around the surrounding forest.

"I see lines everywhere. I can see lines on the trees, lines on the ground, lines on even the table and tableware and I even see on you. But there is no order to any of these lines, it's like someone just randomly drew lines everywhere in the world. So how do I deactivate these eyes? The system didn't give that information." said Jasmine

"You can't. Unlike my Sharingan eyes, your Mystic Eyes will always remain active. But unlike my Sharingan eyes your eyes can not be stolen by someone else. If someone where to gouge out my eyes and place them in his own eye sockets they would gain the Sharingan. But it someone where to gouge out your eyes they wouldn't gain the Mystic Eyes and you would still be able to 'see' the Death Lines even without actual eyes to see with." said Itachi as Jasmine was listening attentively.

"Ohh well guess I will have to get used to seeing these Death Lines everywhere." said Jasmine.

"That's not true. There is a tool that will help you filter out the Death Lines from your vision. Besides if we leave it like this you will end up overloading your brain. The human brain is not made to see the concept of death and the continuous exposure to these Death Lines will overload the brain starting with a headache but will devolve in painful eyes and losing your mind from the constant exposure to death. That's why in addition to the power the system also gave these that will filter out the Death Lines, allowing you to see normally again." said Itachi as he gave Jasmine the that would allow her see normally again.

As Jasmine took the she looked at Itachi with a gaze questioning him if he was serious.

"Are you serious? As if I would allow something like this drive me insane. I am the Heavenly Slaughter Star G.o.d, I won't allow these powers to drive me insane. Hmmph." Scoffed Jasmine at the notion that these Mystic Eyes would drive her insane.

As she told Itachi this, he only shook his head. He knew that her pride was big and that her pride wouldn't allow something like.

"Jasmine, you might be willing to think that it won't happen to you but I, on the other hand, am not willing to take any risks what so ever with your mental health. If these powers drive you insane and you start going on a killing rampage, I will have no other choice but to restrain you and take these powers away from you. So Jasmine please, just listen to me and put on the" said Itachi

"How can you do that? I am at a much much higher realm of strength than you and besides I am at the Divine Realm not far from the strength of a True G.o.d. By the way, this is not a challenge or anything I am genuinely curious. Is there some power that can restrain those of the Divine Realm?" asked Jasmine

"Yes, there are powers that can restrain and some can even kill G.o.ds not just those at the Divine Realm. Your Mystic Eyes are one of those powers that can slay the G.o.ds. Those Mystic Eyes of yours represent the most fundamental truth of all existence, they represent 'The End'. But enough about that, lets test out those powers of yours. Take that fork that you just used to 'inhale' that cake if yours and 'kill' that boulder over there by tracing one of its Death Lines with that fork." said Itachi to Jasmine as she was getting flushed at the 'inhaling' comment.

"Huhhh?!?! What do you mean inhale that cake?! I dont 'inhale' your sweets and you should be lucky that this Princess has honored you by eating your food!! For you information, this Princess can stop eating your sweets whenever I want!! I just choose not to." said Jasmine with a red face.

"Ohh please. As if I would believe that. That Itachi clone who constantly gives you food dissipates everyday allowing me to receive his experiences for the day. And nearly everyday since we have met you have been having so many sweets that you basically inhale them as if your life depended on it. But anyway lets just set aside whether or not you can stop eating my food, which by the way you can't, and lets test out those new powers of yours." said Itachi as Jasmine face was getting redder and redder as she was walking over to the boulder that stood some 10 feet away from them all the while mumbling to herself that she could stop eating his food and it wasn't that delicious to begin with.

As Jasmine got to the boulder with the fork in her hand she traced on the lines on it. As she stuck the fork into the line she was surprised to find out that there was practically no resistance at all and she could trace the line as if she was cutting through foam rather than a boulder. As she had traced the line completely she looked up to see that the boulder was cut in two with a perfect cutting line.

'If I can do this to a boulder using just a simple fork, than those Divine pract.i.tioners of the G.o.ds Realm are basically as fragile as a porcelain doll. This power combined with the Age Seal and my own speed and spiritual perception abilities is basically makes me undefeatable. Well first lets test put the Age Seal. According the information that I got from the system I should click my teeth and then time would stop moving.' Thought Jasmine to herself as she clicked her teeth.

Looking around Jasmine noticed that there was no more sound. She also saw leaves being frozen in mid air as they falling from the trees. Looking over at Itachi, Jasmine saw being frozen mid step as he was probably walking over to her.

'These powers are amazing!! Whit these powers I can definitely get my revenge on that b.i.t.c.h and my b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a father.' thought Jasmine to herself when she suddenly bit with enormous pain.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!..... THAT d.a.m.n POISON!!" screamed Jasmine as she was being crippled from the pain from the backlash of the Absolute G.o.d Slaying Poison that was still in her system. Quickly clicking her teeth again she cancelled the time freeze.

Itachi stood back to look at Jasmine as she walked over to the boulder with the fork in her hand. Looking at her he saw her effortlessly stabbing the fork into the boulder and slicing it apart as if it was made of paper. Just as he took a step to see the slice for him self he suddenly saw how Jasmine had suddenly changed. One second she stood in front of the boulder and suddenly just like that she was on the ground screaming in pain. Seeing this Itachi quickly ran over to her.

'She must have used the Age Seal and stopped time. But this also means that she used her Profound Energy and that must have caused a backlash from the Absolute G.o.d Slaying Poison!! How could I be such an idiot and forget that she still has that poison in her body and encourage her to test out her new powers!!' thought Itachi to himself as he ran over to Jasmine while quickly biting his thumb and drawing blood.

As he got to Jasmine he stuck his b.l.o.o.d.y finger in Jasmine's mouth who began sucking on his blood. After a minute Jasmine's expression softened up indicating that she was no longer in pain.

"I'm so sorry Jasmine. I completely forgot that you still had that poison in your body. I shouldn't have encouraged you to test out your new powers. I'm really sorry." said Itachi as he held Jasmine in his arms while she was sucking his blood.

"No its also my fault. I was so eager to test these new powers that I just ignored the fact that I was still poisoned. But thank you for helping me out." said Jasmine as the pain was receding.

"Of course. Its like I said Jasmine. I won't abandon you no matter what." said Itachi with a smile.

Just as he wanted to get up, Itachi suddenly froze in place as a wide smile grew on his face.

"What is the matter? Why are you suddenly smiling like that?" asked Jasmine as was confused about Itachi sudden change in behaviour.

Itachi in turn was just smiling even wider as he turned to Jasmine to tell her the news.

"Looks like one of my clones has found the place of that treasure. Lets go!" Said Itachi excitedly as he teleported away to location with Jasmine in his arms.


Hey there dear readers JRT02 here. I am really sorry for taking so long to update. I had a lot of new ideas for my story and I was just thinking how to put these ideas into the stories. And work and the renovation at my parents house also kept me from writing very much so that is also part of why this chapter took so long. I am really sorry about it and I will say it again.


If I do drop this story I will tell you. But anyways enjoy your day and enjoy this chapter.