Against The Gods With An Anime System - 19 The Banquet Part 4

19 The Banquet Part 4

Coming to the New Moon Profound Palace for the ceremony to officially welcome the new Palace Chief Qin Wuyou with a few elders of the Xiao branch sect was a truly dull affair. If it wasn't for my father telling me to do this I wouldn't have even dreamed of coming to this boring place, but alas I am here and I should make the best of it.

After all the greetings and the speech is done it's time for the main event: 'the beat down of the Palace disciples'. Grabbing a bottle of wine and a gla.s.s, I pour myself a gla.s.s and get ready to watch these other sects beat down these pathetic New Moon Palace disciples. Soon enough the battles started with Xuan Yu of the Profound Heart Sect and Li Hao of the New Moon Profound Palace. And as expected the battle ended with Xuan Yu easily beating down Li Hao and leaving him in an injured state. Maybe this evening won't be as boring as I thought, at least this way I can watch those pathetic disciples be defeated and watch those other sect disciples act arrogantly in front of them.

These disciples aren't even worth my time to begin with so maybe after all this is done one of our disciples can teach those other sect disciples why the Xiao branch sect is number one.

After Li Hao is taken away for treatment that Xuan Yu focuses his attention on a big guy from the Palace disciples. And I gotta say for a Palace disciple this guy sure is big. Almost make me wonder what his parents fed him for him to become this big. But then all of a sudden some weird guy in black coat with red clouds stood up and volunteered. What a weirdo, but it should at least provide some entertainment watching this guy get pommeled. So Itachi Uchiha is his name, what a weirdo.

Soon after the battle between Xuan Yu and Itachi began it was made pretty clear who was stronger between the two of them. That Itachi guy just kept dodging all of Xuan Yu's attacks like he was some child throwing a temper tantrum. And after that Xuan Yu threw a temper tantrum and challenged Itachi to stop dodging, he responded with a claim that he wouldn't dodge his next attack. Let's see how he deals with that. As Xuan Yu uses his most powerful attack against Itachi, he just catches his attack and just like that he crushes his hands and kicks him so hard he flew up in the air. So this weirdo has some strength, very interesting. Now let's see what you can do against the rest.

Next up was Yan Ming from the Cloudy Sun Sect. This fight ended much faster than the last one. Yan Ming unleashes his cloudy sun chain and in response Itachi makes some weird hand signs and suddenly spouts a column of water out of his mouth like a geyser. That Yan Ming is standing there like he saw something incredible happening, but in the next moment Itachi instantly appears in front of him and punches him across the hall right into a wall. So that Itachi guy doesn't only have strength but he also has incredible speed.

Next up was Feng Guangyi from Stormy Profound Palace. He was standing around proclaiming how he was above him and that he is nothing in front him. But just after he starts his attack and right as he is about to hit Itachi, he stops. What is wrong with this guy, stopping just before your attack hit and yet it seems like he also doesn't know why he stopped. Until Itachi told him he took control of his body. Listening to his explanation I felt like laughing, there is no way he could do that. But all a sudden Feng Guangyi starts moving in a very weird manner while Itachi moves his hands. So he was telling the truth, he has taken control of his body and now he moves it however he wants to. And just like that he slapped Feng Guangyi unconscious. And now he has these weird powers too. This is getting much more interesting.

Next up was Tie Hengjun of the Iron Spear Clan. Tie Hengjun fought with a spear and Itachi brought out a sword. Their fight was one of techniques and they both had great techniques, only Itachi was noticeably much better in his techniques. After a while Tie Hengjun prepares his strongest attack for Itachi to take head on. After his attack has landed on Itachi and promptly impales him in the chest I was surprised. This guy has displayed such amazing strength and speed and he should have been able to dodge his spear attack with ease yet he didn't. But what happened next truly took me by surprise. Itachi body that was impaled on Tie Hengjun spear suddenly explodes into smoke and all that's left is wooden log at the end of Tie Hengjun's spear. In the next moment Itachi appears behind Tie Hengjun with a knife at his throat. This guy never ceases to surprise me. If this goes on then he will become next 'New Star' of New Moon City. I can not let that happen. Let see what he will do with the next guy.

Next up was Lu Zhannan of the Seven Deadly Sword Pavilion. As that Lu Zhannan tells Itachi about he has crushed many geniuses and how he also known as Cold-blooded Lu making Itachi look down. Did he really get afraid of him? He has such powerful skills, he couldn't be afraid of him. Just as Lu Zhannan goes up to him to attack Itachi looks up to him and all of a sudden Lu Zhannan just drops to the ground. How is this even possible? He didn't even touch him and yet he defeated him.

I think Lu Zhannan said something along the lines of "You monster" to Itachi. He probably used some kind of mental attack against him. This cannot go on any longer. I have to put this guy in his place before rumors start about his strength and he will be looked at as the 'New Star'.

Itachi POV


After calling out for his next opponent Itachi knew who was gonna come up to him. Looking over the crowd he saw Xiao Luocheng come up to him. Looking at him, I could see in his eyes that he was feeling threatened to lose his top dog position among the disciples here in New Moon City.

As Xiao Luocheng was coming up to Itachi he was clapping al along the way while praising Itachi for his consecutive victories against the others.

"Bravo! Truly magnificent! I had originally come in my father's stead to congratulate Palace Chief Qin, but I unexpectedly was able to enjoy one brilliant battle after another. I'm even more lucky to see another brilliant rising star in our New Moon City."

Looking at Xiao Luocheng come up to him Itachi kept quit while giving him a small smile. As he got in front of him he stopped clapping and his smile faded to a serious look.

"What would you say to a sparring session between the two of us. As the current 'New Star' of New Moon City I believe it's my job to check up whether you are truly worthy of being called another rising 'Star'. Would you do this humble one the honor of a nice sparring session?" said Xiao Luocheng with a wide smile on his face.

Meanwhile Itachi was looking at him the whole time not taking his eyes of of him. Holding his left hand out he took out the Yamato from his inventory and started to tie the blade to the scabbard using the straps. After he tied the blade to the scabbard, he looked back at Xiao Luocheng and accepted his challenge.

"I accept."

Seeing the Yamato appear in Itachi's left hand frightened Yun Che to no end. He started trembling in his seat and face was getting paler by the second.

'NONONONONONONONONONO!!!! Not that sword!!! Anything but that sword!!!' thought Yun Che to himself as he was getting more and more afraid.

Xia Yuanba who was sitting next to him saw that Yun Che was trembling in fear and he started to get worried about him.

"Brother-in-law what happened? Why are you so afraid all of a sudden?" Asked Xia Yuanba out of concern for Yun Che.

Instead of answering Xia Yuanba, Yun Che just pointed his trembling finger at Itachi and started stuttering one word.

"Y....Y.....Y.....Y.....Y.....Y....Y.....Ya.....mato" said Yun Che who was sweating like crazy and whose face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Yamato? What is that brother-in-law?" asked Xia Yuanba who didn't know what Yun Che was talking about. But Yun Che didn't answer him, instead he just kept his eyes Itachi.

Xiao Luocheng was smiling widely after Itachi accept his challenge. He took out his own personal sword and got into a fighting stance.

"I thank you brother Itachi for accepting this humble one challenge. But I can't help but ask. Why would you tie your sword to your scabbard? I can't help but think that it's quite unfitting to fight with a sword still in it's sheath?" asked Xiao Luocheng who was confused with Itachi's actions.

"Do not worry. This sword is my favorite sword of all and I would like to preserve it as long I can. If the scabbard is damaged I can always replace it, but if the sword itself is damaged it would be quite a ch.o.r.e to repair it. But do not hold back. This scabbard is very durable and it take quite a lot before it's damaged." said Itachi who was getting into a fighting stance himself.

"Hahaha, very well then. Don't hold it against me if you get hurt than." said Xiao Luocheng who immediately after saying that lunged at Itachi with an overhead slash.

Itachi held his sword above his head and deflected Xiao Luocheng's slash and quickly countered with his own attack that Xiao Luocheng deflected himself and countered. This went on and on with neither side was gaining on the other. As Xiao Luocheng deflected another blow from Itachi did he counter with a thrust attack at Itachi's abdomen. Itachi quickly steps sideways and then forward and came up to Xiao Luocheng's face. Hitting him in the face with his elbow he staggered Xiao Luocheng and than hit him in the face with the Yamato knocking him to the ground.

After getting knocked to the ground Xiao Luocheng quickly gets up and looks at Itachi with a face full of anger.

'How is this possible?!?! This guy is just at level 3 Nascent Profound Realm while I am at level 10 Nascent Pround Realm. I should be stronger and faster than this guy. How is it possible that he keeps up with me and has even knocked me to the ground?!?!' Thought Xiao Luocheng to himself who was getting increasingly angrier at the fact that his plan to beat and humiliate Itachi in front of everyone was failing misarably.

Getting back into his stance Xiao Luocheng quickly launches a flurry of attacks at Itachi who easily deflects all of his attacks while holding the Yamato with one hand. As Xiao Luocheng kept up his flurry of attacks he had left himself wide open to a counterattack. Itachi seeing one of these openings quickly takes advantage of it and hit Xiao Luocheng in the chest the Yamato's tip launching him backwards. Just as Xiao Luocheng was about to hit the ground, Itachi appeared next to him and hit across the abdomen slamming into the ground and causing cracks to appear around him.

After being knocked into the ground like this Xiao Luocheng slowly got back up. He was panting the entire time and his hair and clothes looked dishevelled all the while his face was contorded in a look of absolute rage.

"Ha..Ha...Ha...Ha....Ha...Ha... You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Ha...Ha...Ha... Don't think that just because you had a few lucky strikes that you won. Ha..Ha...Ha....Ha.... I will beat you!! That I swear!!! You are nothing but filth compared to me!!!" screamed Xiao Luocheng at Itachi.

As his rage was getting past his boiling point, Xiao Luocheng swung his sword at Itachi with all his strength. Instead of using the Yamato to block his sword, Itachi used his bare hand that was strengthed with Haki to catch Xiao Luocheng sword and than scattered it. Xiao Luocheng and everyone else in the Main Palace were looking at Itachi scatter Xiao Luocheng's sword with one hand they had their mouths and eyes wide open, they frankly couldn't believe what they saw happening before them.

"Do you realize now. You never stood a chance to begin with." said Itachi right before he swung the Yamato at Xiao Luocheng launching him into the wall on the other side of the hall.

After seeing their young master being launched into the wall, the other Xiao Branch sect members were staring with disbelief at the whole event. Xiao Sect's Branch Sect Medicine Hall's Head Elder Xiao Baicao quickly ran up to Xiao Luocheng and checked up on him. Almost immediately after his face contorded in one of absolute rage as he looked at Itachi. "You little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I… I'll kill you!!"

Instead of reacting or getting afraid, Itachi just enleashed his Conqueror's Haki upon the entire main hall scaring everyone who looked at him. As everyone was looking at him with fear in their eyes at Itachi, he was untying the straps from the Yamato and held out to them in his left hand.

"If you want me, than come and get me." said Itachi just as he flicked the Yamato open with his thumb.

(A.N.: Itachi flicked the Yamato open the exact same way as Vergil did before he fought Dante in DMC5)

It was at this moment that everyone in the Profound Sky Continent felt it. Everyone except the people of New Moon City felt a demonic power being unleashed for a tiny fraction of a second. This power was unlike anything they had ever felt before and it caused everyone on the Profound Sky Continent to tremble in fear of this power. Those of the four sacred grounds even saw an image of Vergil in his Devil Trigger form holding the Yamato to their throats. This caused everyone of the four sacred grounds to tremble in fear and try to investigate where this power came from and how they could take it for themselves.

(A.N.: For those who want to know what it looks like. It is Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger form from DMC5)

Huangji Wuyu ,Saint-Emperor of the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, was in his gardens drinking tea and enjoying the birds frolicking around in his private gardens. When the power of the Yamato was unleashed he immediately spit out his tea and was trembling with fear at the unbelievable demonic power he just felt. Just as the power faded he saw an image of a demon holding a sword up to his throat for just a split second. After the demon faded away he immediately called for his spiritual masters to gather in his private residence.

As all the spiritual masters had gathered in his residence Huangji Wuyu could see in their faces that they to had felt that demonic power. Deciding not beat around the bush, he immediately went down to business.

"I don't believe I need to tell you why I have gathered you all here. Just a little while ago a demonic power of unprecedented scale was felt by me and I can see that all of you have felt it as well. Unfortunately this demonic power faded just as quick as it appeared so I was incapable of locating where it came from or even which direction it came from. That is why I have gathered you all here. I want you to send out our disciples across the Profound Sky Continent and try to gather any kind of information you can on the source of this demonic power. Once you do report back immediately. This is either a threat the likes of which we have never seen before or an opportunity the likes of which we have never seen before. If the source comes from a demonic weapon I want you to kill whoever is wielding that weapon and bring it here posthaste. We can not allow this opportunity to slip by our fingers and have one of those sacred grounds get their hands on it. Have I made myself clear!!"

All the spiritual masters immediately nod back and with that Huangji Wuyu had sent them on their way. After everyone had left his residence did he go back to his gardens deep in thought.

'Whoever this is, I will not let opportunity to get away from me. And if it is a weapon than this weapon is perfect for finally breaking through to the Divine Origin Realm.'

Qu Fengyi, Sovereign of the Seas of the Supreme Ocean Palace, was in her office with her husband Zi Ji, guild master of the Black Moon Merchant Guild, discussing the state of afairs of the Black Moon Merchant Guild when all of a sudden the power of the Yamato was unleashed. Both Qu Fengyi and Zi Ji fell from their chairs and were trembling at incredible demonic power they had just felt. And just as soon as they felt it did it suddenly disappear only to be replaced by an image of a demon holding a sword to their throats. And just like that the image was gone leaving Qu Fengyi and Zi Ji trembling and sweating on the ground. Qu Fengyi immediately got back up and ordered her husband to use all of the resources of the Black Moon Merchant Guild to identify and locate the source of this power and to report back immediately.

"Where ever this power originates from, I will not allow it to fall into the hands of any of the other sacred grounds. And if, whoever it is that has this demonic weapon, does not cooperate with us, we will kill him or her and get our hands on this power. Once I have this power I will be the strongest of the entire Profound Sky Continent and the Supreme Ocean Palace shall be the uncontested number one of the Profound Sky Continent and the entire Blue Pole Star."

Ye Meixie, Heavenly Monarch of the Sun Moon Divine Hall, was having dinner with his son in his private chambers when all of a sudden the power of the Yamato was unleashed. Both Ye Meixie and his son Ye Xinghan were trembling in fear of the power they just felt. And just as soon as they felt it did it suddenly disappear only to be replaced by an image of a demon holding a sword to their throats. And just like that the image was gone leaving Ye Meixie and Ye Xinghan trembling in fear. Ye Meixie immediately ordered his son to gather the Sun Moon Divine Envoys and order them to locate the source of this power and to take it back here.

"Where ever this power originates from, I will not allow it to fall into the hands of any of the other sacred grounds. And if, whoever it is that has this demonic weapon, does not cooperate with us, we will kill him or her and get our hands on this power. Once I have this power I will be the strongest of the entire Profound Sky Continent and the Sun Moon Divine Hall shall be the uncontested number one of the Profound Sky Continent and the entire Blue Pole Star."

In a secret underground s.p.a.ce so dark that one couldn't see anything, a man was sitting there with a sword in front of him. This sword was six and a half feet long and a foot wide. Its entire body was pitch-black and was surrounded by a strange black aura. What was even more stranger was that a pair of long and narrow black eyes slowly appeared on the oddly shaped sword hilt.

The moment that the power of the Yamato was unleashed upon the Profound Sky Continent was the moment that the eyes on the sword went wide open.

The man sitting in front of the sword is Xuanyuan Wentian Sword Master of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. The moment he felt the power of the Yamato his eyes went wide open and he was trembling with fear. And as the power faded away he saw an image of a demon holding a sword to his throat. After the image faded away Xuanyuan Wentian sat there in a daze about everything that until he heard a voice.


Xuanyuan Wentian, in addition to breaking the seal on my sword and getting that Feng Juechen to accept his demon heritage. You are obligated to find that sword and get it, by all means neccessary. Do I make myself clear!" said the voice that originated from the sword in front of Xuanyuan Wentian. This sword was well known in the Profound Sky Continent as the Heavenly Sin Divine Sword.

"Yes, of course honored Lord Devil. I will get right on it. But if you don't mind me asking. You said the Evil G.o.d had probably sealed another demon on this planet. Don't you know who that demon is then?" asked Xuanyuan Wentian

"No. That's just it. I have no idea who that demon is. And the most disturbing fact is that the power of the sword that that demon was holding was second only to the Heaven Punis.h.i.+ng Ancestral Sword. Even during the Age of the G.o.ds and Devils I had never seen or heard of this demon or that sword he is holding. If we Devils had that sword during the Age of the G.o.ds than we wouldn't have had to resort to using the Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations and kill ourselves together with those d.a.m.n G.o.ds. We would have easily beaten all of those d.a.m.n G.o.ds. But once you get your hands on that sword and you manage to break the seal on my sword I can probably transfer myself to that sword and once Feng Juechen accept his demon heritage I can take control of him and then we can become the most powerful being on this planet. We will probably be the most powerful being across the G.o.ds Realm itself. Do you understand Xuanyuan Wentian. GET THAT SWORD, NO MATTER WHAT!!" said the Heavenly Sin Divine Sword.

"Yes, I understand. I will do whatever it takes to get that sword." said Xuanyuan Wentian with great determination to get that sword by all means neccessary.

Meanwhile in the New Moon Palace Main Hall

After Itachi had released his Conqueror's Haki upon the hall and challenged the Xiao Branch Sect elder to come for him, did the main hall become deadly silent. Seeing as how n.o.body had the courage to stand up to Itachi after his Conqueror's Haki had frightened everyone Itachi left the main hall. Outside the main hall Jasmine asked him whether is was smart to unleash the power of the Yamato.

"Was is really a smart move to unleash the Yamato's power on the Profound Sky Continent. What if someone manages to trace it back to you or this city. They won't be merciful to either you or the people of this city and they would slaughter to get their hands on the Yamato."

"I have already thought about that possibility. First of, I have unleashed the power of the Yamato in a very quick pulse. So its impossible to know the source location. Its not even possible for them to locate the direction from where it came from. And second. I have placed a curse on the Yamato with the systems help. Those that are not acknowledged by the Yamato as its master will have their souls devoured once they touch the Yamato. And once their souls are devoured they will be left as a body without a soul that will do the bidding of the Yamato and since the Yamato acknowledges me as its master they will do my bidding." said Itachi with a smile as he was walking away from the main hall towards his room.

"And by the way Jasmine. I sent out that pulse as a message to the four sacred grounds." said Itachi

"Ohh..... and what is the message then?" Asked Jasmine.

"The message is....."