Against The Gods With An Anime System - 15 The New Moon Profound Palace

15 The New Moon Profound Palace

Cang Yue was looking around the courtyard since she was bored. She came to the New Moon Profound Palace in search of geniuses that would help the imperial family win the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. So far she had no luck in finding anyone but instead was constantly being followed by Murong Ye that would use his position as the son of the governor of New Moon City to deter any male student from approaching Cang Yue.

Looking around her eyes fell on a most mysterious guy. This guy was wearing a large black coat with red clouds imprinted on, clothes she had never seen before. Looking at his face she saw that he had raven black shoulder length hair tied in a single pony tail with to bangs at the side of his head. Deep black eyes that looked like they would look right into your soul with two diagonal tear troughs under his eyes. Looking at him she suddenly felt her face become warmer. She felt her heart beating faster and she felt b.u.t.terflies in her stomach. Looking at this mysterious guy she knew it. She had fallen in love with him at first sight.

Looking at him she locked eyes with him. He gave her a smile and a small nod. Seeing him smile at her Cang Yue was blus.h.i.+ng and quickly turned away not daring to look him in the eye. Murong Ye noticing this looked over to where Cang Yue was looking and saw that she was looking at some guy he had never seen and seeing that Cang Yue was blus.h.i.+ng like a maiden in love he was furious. Lan Xueruo was supposed to look at him like that but instead she looks at another like that. Seeing that guy come over to them made him even angrier but provided a good opportunity to humiliate him and put him in his place.

"Excuse me. I am sorry for disturbing you but I am new here and wanted to ask if you could possibly help me. Do you know anyone who can give me a tour of this place?" Itachi asked Cang Yue.

"I can give you a tour of this place. I would be happy to help fellow student on his first day." Cang Yue said to Itachi.

"Thank you very much for the help. My apologies I forget to introduce myself first. My name is Itachi Uchiha. It nice to meet you and thank you once again for your help." Itachi said to Cang Yue with a smile and a small bow.

Seeing Itachi smile at her Cang Yue started blus.h.i.+ng even more but still managed to keep herself together.

"Its my pleasure. My name is Lan Xueruo. Itachi Uchiha, that's not a name you hear often."

"Ahh yes, I do hear that often. I am not from the Blue Wind Empire. I have come from a village very far from here and I doubt you have ever heard of it before. I come from a village called Konohagakure. I sincerely doubt you have ever heard of it." Itachi said to Cang Yue.

"Konohagakure. I have never heard of this village before. Can you tell me something about your home village. I have never been outside the Blue Wind Empire and I am very curious to hear stories from outside the Empire." Said Cang Yue to Itachi as she was getting curious about Itachi's home village.

As Cang Yue was giving Itachi a tour around the New Moon Profound Palace Itachi was telling her about Konahagakure and the lands around it. He told her how he is from one of the two clans, the Uchiha clan, that had founded Konaha with the Senju clan and how its first leader, the first hokage Has.h.i.+rama Senju, was a leader that everyone in the village even to this day looked up to with great respect and admiration. Itachi told her how the first hogake was a leader of unbelievable strength but was never arrogant. How he became the sword and the s.h.i.+eld of the village and imparting his philosophy of life to the people of the Konaha called the 'Will of Fire'. Itachi told her how the first hokage is a man that he looks up to and wishes to become like him. To become unbelievably strong and protect those he care about.

Listening to Itachi's stories was awe inspiring for her. Listening to the stories of Has.h.i.+rama Senju and how he fought for his village and people was inspiring Cang Yue herself. She also wanted to become strong and protect those she cared about. Listening to Itachi's stories gave her inspiration to become stronger and protect those she cared about. While Itachi and Cang Yue were walking around and talking to each other, Murong Ye had been following them around the whole time while keeping quit.

After Cang Yue had given Itachi a tour around the New Moon Profound Palace she told him goodbye. She had to go to cla.s.s and told him that she would love to hear more stories about his home village next time. As Itachi was about to walk away he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder. Turning around he saw Murong Ye glaring at him.

"Can I help you?" Itachi asked Murong Ye very uninterested.

"Your name is Itachi Uchiha, right? Little junior Uchiha, although I don't know what method you used to sneak into our New Moon Profound Palace, but as your Senior, there are a few things I need to remind you. Since you've just entered the New Moon Profound Palace, you should obediently learn what you should do, and what you shouldn't do, lest you blame me later for not reminding you after you've suffered the consequences. Also, remember this for I will only say it once, stay away from Lan Xueruo hereafter; the further the better. If I see you speak with her like that again. Well then you shouldn't blame me for suffering the consequences. Hmph." Murong Ye told Itachi while tightening his grip on itachi's shoulder.

Seeing Murong Ye trying to intimidate him Itachi was thoroughly unimpressed. But to make sure that Murong Ye won't talk to him like this again Itachi decided to intimidate him back. Looking Muron Ye straight into his eyes and flaring up his Sharingan Muron Ye started to back seeing Itachi's eyes suddenly turn red. Taking a few steps back Murong Ye suddenly stopped moving. Not understanding what was happening and how he stopped moving, he tried to move but found out he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.

"Are we having a little trouble moving." Itachi said to Murong Ye while showing him his right index finger where a very thin white string was visible.

"What did you do to me!! What is that string on your finger!! Why can't I move my body!!" Murong Ye screamed at Itachi while the latter kept looking at him unemotionally. Instead he moved his finger up clearly showing the path that the string had taken and he saw that it ended at the back of his neck.

"You see this little string coming from my finger. With this little string I took over your body." Said Itachi to Murong Ye who frankly didn't want to believe it and was struggling with all his might to regain control of his body but not succeeding.

"You..... You.... Release me right now!! Or I will make your life here a living h.e.l.l!! Do you have any idea who I am!! My father is the governor of New Moon City, I can make you suffer h.e.l.l like none have ever before!!" Murong Ye screamed to Itachi who just moved his fingers and Murong Ye's body just started moving on its own.

"Sure, go right ahead. Make me suffer. In the meantime I will let you walk around New Moon City completely naked and let you walk up to young girls and destroy your reputation beyond any salvation. How will you make me suffer then? You will never see it coming, you will never hear it coming, you will never feel it coming until its to late and your body is completely under my control. What will you do then." said Itachi to Muron Ye who was starting to look increasingly more afraid.

"So let me make this very clear for you. Back off from Lan Xueruo. The further, the better. And unlike your empty threats to make me suffer, I promise you I will make you suffer." Said Itachi to Murong Ye staring into his eyes while changing his own to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Seeing his eyes change again Murong Ye was a.s.saulted with an overwhelming sense of dread unlike anything he had felt before and knew that this guy was bad news. He knew that this guy was not making idle threats and that he had no chance against him in a fight. Seeing himself left with no other option he decided to back off for now but he would keep an eye on Itachi and look for a weakness to exploit and maybe use it against him or have him work for him. After being released from Itachi's control Murong Ye walked away occasionally glaring at Itachi.

Walking around the New Moon Profound Palace he was enjoying the peace and quit it brought. Besides the fact that there were no more beasts to bother him, he could sleep in a nice comfy bed and enjoy the next few days until the banquet started. He could get to know Cang Yue better and simultaneously help her by keeping Murong Ye away from her.

"Did you just use those strings to take control of his body? I saw that string connect to his neck but how did you do it?" Jasmine asked Itachi curiously.

"By connecting a string to his spinal cord at the base of his skull I hijacked his body. By sending small amounts of profound energy through the string his body moves according to my will. Its a really handy technique when dealing with people like him. But its not perfect and someone much stronger can forcefully remove the string and take back control of their body. Its a technique I reserved for those weaker than me to scare them away and save me lots of trouble."

"That technique is pretty handy like you said. But you should watch out if the wrong people find out about these powers of yours they will try to recruit you and if they can't have you they will hunt you down. And I am not just talking about those string powers. If the wrong people find out about your eyes I am certain they will be worth more than the greatest treasures in this world. Please be careful Itachi." said Jasmine

"Don't worry Jasmine. I am more than aware that my powers will be highly sought after if the wrong find about my powers."

The next few days have been very calm for Itachi. He managed to get a small room in the New Moon Profound Palace and he would wake up every day late in the morning. After making some breakfast for himself and Jasmine he would go to the and just hang out. After he would spend a lot of time with Cang Yue and hang out with her. He would tell her stories about Konoha and the Uchiha clan and Cang Yue would always listen to his stories and ask lots of questions about Konoha and especially about the first Hokage, Has.h.i.+rama Senju. Hanging around Cang Yue this past week Itachi noticed that she was better mood ever since Murong Ye started avoiding Itachi and Cang Yue. Hanging around the New Moon Profound Palace this past week Itachi quickly found out that he just like Sasuke had started to gather a legion fangirls. Every where he went he saw girls looking in his direction giggling, blus.h.i.+ng or waving at him.

Just like that a week had pa.s.sed and the banquet would start tomorrow evening. At this banquet he would show the other sect that he was much stronger then any of their disciples and win back the honor of the New Moon Profound Palace.

(A.N: Well here is a new chapter. First off I wanna say that I'm truly sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter. This week has been pretty hectic for me and I couldn't find the time to truly write a new chapter.

I'm not truly satisfied about this chapter. I've been rewriting this chapter a few times before I settled with this one because I couldn't let you wait any longer.

Once again my deepest apologies for taking so long to release this chapter. And I will do my best to upload new chapter faster from now on.)