Against The Gods With An Anime System - 122 Coming To Terms With Eachother

122 Coming To Terms With Eachother


Mesa, still thoroughly surprised and frozen with shock, looks on at Jasmine as she kisses him. When she broke the kiss, her face was as red as her hair and she didn't dare look him in the face anymore. In fact, she used the Star G.o.d Broken Shadow technique and ran away. Mesa was out of it, that he didn't even notice her bailing on him. He only noticed her being gone, when he heard the door slam shut loudly. Apparently, she ran back to her room.

"Well that… happened." Still in shock, Mesa didn't know what else to say.

"Hmphh!" He heard off to the side. Looking to his right, he sees Ophis looking at him with an angry pout.

"Ophis…? Is everything alright?"

And all he got for an answer, was another 'Hmphh!' and her angrily turning away from him. And he now, he knew exactly why Ophis was acting like this.

Sitting next to her, he puts his arm around her and pulls her in for a hug: "Hey there. Uhmm… I… uhh… wanted to tell you…"

But before he could even finish what he wanted to say, Ophis turned to him and directly said: "I want one too."

"You what now?"

"I said. I want one too. If big sis Jasmine gets a kiss, then I want one too." Said Ophis very directly.

"But that wasn't me! You saw that she did it herself…" Tried to explain Mesa, but to no avail. As much as he wanted to explain, Ophis wouldn't listen and kept looking at him angrily and demanding that she get a kiss too.

In the end, he relented. He knew that Ophis wouldn't budge on this, no matter how much he tried to explain to her that Jasmine was the one who kissed 'him'. And so, he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I want a kiss just like big sis got. I want one too." But Ophis was still not happy and demanded that Mesa kiss her on the mouth.

"No, no, no, no. Not like that Ophis, I am sorry. I just… can't! Not like that. Not when you look like this! I am really sorry, but I just can't. You're like a little sister to me. And if I gave you a kiss on the mouth, I would feel like a monster taking advantage of you. I am really sorry! I just can't do that!" Vehemently denied Mesa.

In response to that, Ophis began s.h.i.+ning with a light and her whole body changed. Once the light died down, she was no longer the little girl, but took on her adult form.

"Now I am not a little girl anymore. I want a kiss too."

Seeing this happen in front of him, even though Mesa knew that Ophis was a perfect shape s.h.i.+fter, he was still confused. Even though she didn't look like a little girl anymore, deep down, he knew she was still the naïve little girl he met all those years ago in the Phoenix Trial and who he cared for so much and loved a lot. Seeing that he still wouldn't do it, Ophis did just like she saw Jasmine do and grabbed on to his face and gave him a kiss on the mouth herself.

Once that was done, she let go and walked away, leaving Mesa there, confused and unable to think. As for Ophis, she went to her room, where Jasmine was. Opening the door, she saw Jasmine sitting on the bed, curled up in a blanket.

Hearing the door open up, Jasmine, without looking who it was, said: "Go away."

"Big sis, it's me." Said Ophis, sitting down next to Jasmine on the bed.

Knowing its Ophis, Jasmine put away the covers and once she saw Ophis, she was shocked at how she looked: "What the?! Ophis! Is that you? What happened? How are you so big?"

"Yes. It's me. I can shapes.h.i.+ft. Just like this." Said Ophis and showed off her shapes.h.i.+fting power to Jasmine and turned back into the little girl, who was very surprised at seeing her do this.

Sitting down, Ophis looks at Jasmine with an angry pout and says in her usual emotionless tone: "Big sis. You're mean."

"Mean? What the? Where did this suddenly come from?" Asked Jasmine, who obviously, was very confused at Ophis sudden remark.

"Because you kissed Mesa first without telling me." Straight up said Ophis, no holds barred.

Clearly overwhelmed and confused, Jasmine just blurted out the first thing came up: "Uhhh…. I'm sorry…? I promise to… tell you next time?"

And Ophis, in all her adorableness, nodded satisfyingly and forced Jasmine into making a pinky swear with her that she would tell her next time beforehand, if she were to kiss Mesa.

After that was all done, Ophis jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. Apparently she was hungry, as usual, and asked Jasmine if she wanted something to eat.

"No thank you. I am not hungry."

Once she left the room, Jasmine's thought process s.h.i.+fted radically to exactly match Mesa's. Both of them were looking at the door where Ophis had walked out through with confused expression.

'Well… that happened.'

That evening during dinner, n.o.body spoke a word. Mesa and Jasmine were both silent and avoiding each other's gazes. Ophis meanwhile, was wholeheartedly enjoying her dinner and not caring about the general atmosphere at the dinner table, or not noticing it, or maybe a combination of both. After she finished her meal, she left the dinner table and went to the living room and turned on the TV, it was time for her to watch her evening anime shows, leaving behind Jasmine and Mesa, who hadn't taken a bite out of their meals.

For a while, n.o.body said a word while the intro song to [insert anime here] was playing in the background. And this continued on until Mesa couldn't take it anymore: "Alright enough of this whole awkward vibe! Jasmine, we need to talk about what happened this morning!"

Hearing Mesa suddenly call out what happened this morning, she was jolted her out of her stupor. She knew as well that she couldn't continue avoiding talking about what happened that morning. So taking a deep breath to calm her nerves: "Ok. What do you wanna talk about?"

"I think it's pretty obvious to the both of us, but I want to hear it nonetheless. Jasmine, do you have any romantic feeling for me?" Said Mesa straight to the point.

s.h.i.+vering slightly, Jasmine knew this question would come, but actually hearing it still came as a bit of a shock. After thinking for a while and really coming to terms with herself, she carefully looked Mesa in the eyes and with a blush on her face nodded, confirming with they both knew. Going around the table, he comes to her and envelopes Jasmine in a hug.

"So, does this mean…" Carefully asked Jasmine until Mesa interrupted her

"Yes. From the day I first met you in that forest."

"But… how could you? I was so horrible to you the first time we met. You should've hated me." Said Jasmine with tears streaming down her face and holding on to Mesa.

"Because I knew that wasn't the real you. When I found you there in that forest, you were covered in blood and practically dead. And even then, you still kept muttering curses towards 'that woman' and your father. So after you woke up, you started acting very hostile towards me. But I was pretty sure that you went through something horribly traumatic and that you were only acting like this because you wanted to appear strong and never and go through such pain.

"So with that in mind, I patiently helped you out and showed you that there was no reason to act like that with me. And it worked. In due time, your hostile att.i.tude started to mellow out, when you saw that I had no ill will towards you or any other underlying motives." Said Mesa gently to Jasmine, who had her face buried in his chest and was quietly sobbing.

"But. What if. I never had these feelings for you. Would you still have treated me the same?" Carefully asked Jasmine, not taking her head of Mesa's chest.

In response, Mesa hugs her more tightly and whispered in her ear: "Yes. Even then, I would have still treated you the same. Just like you, I was alone as well. I was reincarnated into this world and I was all alone. Call it creepy all you like, but when I saw you there lying in the forest, near death. I knew that I wouldn't be alone anymore."

"Say it."

"What do you mean? What do you want me to say?" Asked Mesa confusedly.

Separating from Mesa, Jasmine looks him in the eyes and with a bright red blush on her face says to Mesa in a softly spoken voice: "Say you love me. Please. I want to you hear you say it."

Wiping away her tears, he lovingly smiles at her and says: "Jasmine, I love you." And so, they lock lips once again. But this time, neither were surprised by the suddenness of it all.

A moment later, Ophis came into the kitchen, she wanted to grab some cupcakes she and Jasmine made yesterday to eat while she was watching her anime shows, only to see Mesa and Jasmine kissing each other again. Whilst Mesa and Jasmine were completely preoccupied with each other, they didn't hear or sense Ophis approach them, till it was too late and she tapped them, gaining their attention. And from the looks of it, she was not happy.

"Big sis. You promised me to tell me."

And so it happened, Ophis was mad again and Mesa and Jasmine trying to cheer her up. In the end, she demanded another kiss from Mesa and that she get to sit on his lap while they watch TV and he feeds her. And the days following, Ophis demanded that every meal of hers, was fed to her by Mesa while she sat on his lap. And every time Mesa wanted to say no to Ophis, she looked at him with an angry pout and he very quickly gave up and gave Ophis what she wanted.

Like this, two weeks pa.s.sed and the day of Jasmine's birthday arrived. For her 16th birthday, they kept it small and quit. Just the three of them and Jasmine's Pokémon, Eevee and Ophis little dragon friend Pina and Mesa's Pokémon Articuno. With a giant birthday cake that they all ate together till they burst, it was up to the activity of the day. Making use of Articuno's powers to make a snowy wonderland, they spent the entire day playing in the snow. Building very life like snow sculptures of each other, having s...o...b..ll fights and sledding down snowy hills, they spent the entire day with each other.

That evening, drinking a cup of hot cocoa in front of the TV and under a giant blanket, they were watching the Home Alone movies and enjoying each other's company. But after they all went to bed, Mesa was lying awake in his bed and staring at the ceiling, contemplating: 'It's been more than a year since incident at the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa, and in all this time I haven't gained a single level. But at least I am able to use the Infinity Stones once again, which is most important. And in two weeks, Cang Yue is gonna 'marry' s.h.i.+nji and I will come in and crash that wedding.'

Twisting and turning in bed, he couldn't help but think back to his battle with the Lich King. After the fight was over and he had the time to ask JARVIS why the Lich King was there, he was told that for the Infinity Trials, he would be subjected to battles and tribulations that would push him to the absolute limit. The Lich King was a being of true evil and darkness. His trial was to vanquish this evil, which he did with Excalibur. But somewhere in his mind, a seedling of doubt was germinating.

'What if, just what if, Frostmourne and the Lich King's Crown are not destroyed. Then that means they'll be there for the picking to whomever finds it. And if those thing, G.o.d forbid, fell in the wrong hands, then all h.e.l.l could break loose. But that portal won't open for another 22 months, so I've got plenty of time to find it. I think I'll slice open a portal to it tomorrow and just use Ea to rip the entire Heaven Secret Basin Realm to pieces. That way, I'll be certain that Frostmourne and the Lich King's Crown are destroyed.'

While he was lost in thought, the door to his room very carefully opened up and closed again. With the soft pitter patter of footsteps, someone approached Mesa. It wasn't until that person was right next to him, that Mesa finally noticed that person. Looking up, he was quite surprised at who came to visit him so late at night.

"Jasmine? What are you doing here?"

"It's my birthday and I get what I want!" Said Jasmine standing next to Mesa's bed in glamorous full length red negligee robe.

"And what I want…" Grabbing a hold of the rope holding the negligee together, she unties it and drops her negligee to the ground, exposing herself to Mesa.

"… is you."