Against The Gods With An Anime System - 117 A Scheme In The Making

117 A Scheme In The Making

Standing there, not knowing what to say, Palace Mistress Gong Yuxian just stayed silent and watched Mesa with wide open eyes. Meanwhile he stood there, all mighty and such, like he was on top of the world. But just as she wanted to say something, Mesa cut her off.

"Palace Mistress Gong Yuxian. I am going to leave right now. I will be going to resume my training that I had interrupted to come talk to you all. Whether you want to cultivate the True Ice Arts or stick with the Frozen Cloud Arts is up you. But once my training is over, I will come back here and then I will truly start making the Frozen Cloud Asgard stronger to be at the level of the Sacred Grounds." Said Mesa and threw a sheathed katana sword at Xia Qingyue, who was understandably confused why Mesa would do this.

"Mesa, why would you give me this sword?" Asked Xia Qingyue.

"Because I had destroyed the Ice Phoenix Snowflower Ribbon during our fight in the tournament. So I decided to replace it with another treasure for you." Said Mesa to everyone's shock and they quickly went to check out the sword, but they quickly came to the conclusion that the sword was just a regular old iron sword, with special about it.

"Before you ask why I would give you such a c.r.a.ppy sword. Let me ask you a question. Do you remember Ryujin Jakka that I used during the tournament against Xia Qingyue?" Asked Mesa to which they nodded.

"Well, let me tell you something about Ryujin Jakka. Ryujin Jakka is the spirit of fire that takes the form of a sword. That sword I just gave to Xia Qingyue, is the spirit of ice in sword form. The reason that it looks like such a c.r.a.ppy sword, is because it hasn't bonded yet to anyone. Only when it has bonded to someone, can its true power come out. And once its bonded, it can never be stolen from you, because it will a part of your soul." Said Mesa, much to their amazement.

Quickly, Xia Qingyue had asked the obvious question: "If that is true. Then how do I bond with it?"

"You do it by placing the sword on your lap and directing your Profound Energy into it. Just keep repeating it and at some point, the spirit of ice inside of the sword will respond to you. The rest will depend on you from there on out. I expect to you know its name once I return." Said Mesa and teleported out of there, much to Gong Yuxian's amazement and shock.

"Where… where did… he go?" Asked Gong Yuxian apprehensively.

"He just teleported out of here. Probably to one of the many other places he has marked throughout the Blue Wind Empire." Said Xia Qingyue as a matter of factly, with Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli nodding along. Once they were done their, Xia Qingyue took the sword and immediately went to work on it like Mesa had told her to.

(A.N.: The sword that MC gave Xia Qingyue was Sode no s.h.i.+rayuki, but in its Asauchi form. Meaning, it is not awakened yet and it has not become a true zanpakuto. Yes, I know that a zanpakuto is something that a s.h.i.+nigami is born with and that the Asuachi is used to awaken it. But in this case, the zanpakuto spirit is sealed inside the Asauchi and Xia Qingyue will have to awaken it by performing Jinzen and establis.h.i.+ng a connection with it and then coming to an understanding with her before being able to use its power. The cost of Sode no s.h.i.+rayuki was 10 million system credits.)


Inside the Heaven's Might Soul Suppression Formation, under the Heavenly Sword Management Terrace of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa.

Being stuck in there for a week, Yun Canghai and Yun Che were telling everything about themselves and their lives to each other, and listening attentively, not willing to miss a single word the other said.

Yun Canghai told Yun Che everything about the Illusory Demon Realm's terrain, structure, customs. The rise of the Yun Family and its present state, and the origin of the Demon Emperor's family. The friends.h.i.+p between him and the Demon Emperor back then, the Little Demon Empress who might be the current ruler of the Illusory Demon Realm. The rivalries between the twelve guardian families, the grudges between the Illusory Demon Realm and the Four Great Sacred Grounds. The basic situation of the current Four Great Sacred Grounds and their strength.

And Yun Che in turn told Yun Canghai everything about himself. He told him about his childhood, explained the years of ridicule, scorn and low self-esteem he experienced. He told him that he had already gotten married and was divorced, because she had chosen Mesa Uchiha. He told him that on the night that he got married, he had suddenly woken up with a completely new set of Profound Veins and all 54 profound entrances of his Profound Veins were open. All the while, Yun Canghai listened very attentively, fearing that he might miss even a single word. Suffice to say that Yun Canghai had a flurry of emotions listening to Yun Che's story. From boundless grat.i.tude towards Xiao Lei for raising him like his own grandson, to rage towards those who ridiculed and mocked him for being a cripple, to anger towards Mesa for taking his grandson's wife to complete astonishment that he had suddenly woken up with a new set of Profound Veins and the fact that he had the Heavenly G.o.d's Spiritual Veins.

During the days that they were stuck. Besides telling each other everything about themselves, they have also been training. Yun Canghai was training his grandson, Yun Che, in the usage of his Profound Handle. When Yun Canghai forcefully awakened Yun Che's Profound Handle, he was delighted to see that it had the cyan color, same as his and son, Yun Che's father. It had been a week since Yun Che had awakened his Profound Handle and he had been diligently training in the use of his Profound Handle and other Yun Family's core Profound Art, the Purple Cloud Art.

Whilst Yun Canghai was training Yun Che, Mesa suddenly popped in with his teleportation, right in front of Yun Che as he used his Profound Handle. Seeing the Profound Handle come at him, Mesa just casually activates Obito's EMS and lets the attack pa.s.s through him harmlessly, much to Yun Che and Yun Canghai's shock, because Yun Che had been using his Profound Handle as extended limb to smash against walls of the sealing formation.

(A.N.: EMS is Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan)

Not bothering with they were doing, Mesa just throws two storage rings to them: "Here take these. These two rings have enough food and water inside to last you six months. But don't eat it all in one sitting, because I won't be back for another six months." Right after he said that, Mesa exploded into smoke, leaving behind two very confused people.

Back at the training grounds in the Azure Cloud Continent.

The real Mesa was going through a h.e.l.l of training. He was simulating various special forces training from earth, but without any guns, only the harsh physical and mental training. He was simulating training from the US Navy SEALS, to the SAS, to the US Army Rangers, to the SBS, to the US Marine Force Recon and various other kinds of spec-ops units. He even went so far as to make a whole cla.s.s of clones that was under the very harsh command of another clone that looked like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from the movie Full Metal Jacket. This training was complete with all the harsh training, yelling, cursing and humiliation that was typical with military training.

This whole thing came about after Mesa had come up with the idea to test himself whether he was physically strong enough, by letting Ophis punch him and he would consider it a win if he could take just one punch of hers and not get knocked out. But of course, Ophis would punch him using the absolute minimum of her strength. In the beginning, it took Mesa a lot of effort to convince Ophis to punch him. But after a lot of bribing using a ton of chocolate and cookies, she had finally agreed. And surprising absolutely no one, one punch from Ophis at absolute minimum strength was all it took for Mesa to be knocked out cold. And so, in order to push himself to the absolute limit. Mesa had complemented the training with a military boot camp training, next to his earlier training camp.

(For the readers, and especially for those who serve, or have served in the military. Please share your ideas or experiences here for the drill sergeant. Make him as brutal, unforgiving, ruthless and funny as possible. Imagine Mesa and the clones running many miles, doing push-ups, running an obstacle course etc. etc. etc. while a drill sergeant breathes down his neck and screams insults at him. Write a training situation, that is as 'Gunnery Sergeant Hartman' as possible. Insert these situations by making a paragraph comment here and I will put in place of this on a later day.)

And every day, Mesa would test himself by letting Ophis punch him. And every day he would fail miserably and left lying the dirt. At first Jasmine and Ophis would pick him up and carry him to the couch. But after a while, they decided to just give it up and left him lying where he was. They knew he would survive anyways, so they didn't bother with him anymore.

One night, two weeks after Mesa had started his training regime. Mesa was lying in bed after a hard day of intense training and getting punched in the stomach by Ophis. By the time he had gone to bed, all the damages were healed thanks to his instant healing powers. But just as sleep was getting to him, he felt something. It was a signal of one of the sticks he gave away. And this one was Cang Yue's. Which meant that she has returned home. Getting up out of bed, Mesa locked the door to his room, got himself dressed and teleported away to enjoy a nice night with her.

And this was his Mesa's life for the next ten months. Every day he would push himself to the absolute limit, much to the enjoyment of both Jasmine and Ophis, and test himself out with Ophis. Only to fail and then try again the next day. At night, he would be teleporting to either Chu Yuechan or to Cang Yue to spend the night with them.

Originally, Palace Mistress Gong Yuxian wanted to expel Chu Yuechan from the Frozen Cloud Asgard for breaking their most sacred rule: 'Disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard are not allowed to be with a man'. But after Mesa's entrance and him showing off the power of the True Ice Arts and possibly giving a treasure of great power to Xia Qingyue, Palace Mistress had decided to drop it and told Chu Yuechan to continue on. Afterwards she had retreated back to her private chambers and hadn't left since.

One night, after teleporting into Cang Yue's room, he saw her sitting at the table with a serious look on her face. It was obvious that something was going on.

"Cang Yue, what is the matter? Did something happen?" Asked Mesa.

Looking up at Mesa, he saw that she was furious: "It's Fen Juecheng again. This has been the umpteenth that he tried to pressure me into marrying him. He came to the palace again today, courtesy of my third brother again, and proposed to me again. I outright refused him and told him to leave and never come back. But it was after this that he said something that truly infuriated me. He said that if I married him, that he would bring the 'Burning Soul Flower' as a betrothal gift for me. He said that my father is getting sicker by the day and that he was willing to give the 'Burning Soul Flower' so I could heal my father. But only if I married him. But when I told him that wouldn't marry him, but that I was willing to pay for 'Burning Soul Flower' with the entire fortune of the Blue Wind Imperial Family. He told me that the only price he would accept for the 'Burning Soul Flower' was my hand in marriage." Said Cang Yue angrily. Suffice to say, Mesa was absolutely livid listening to Cang Yue.

'So s.h.i.+nji, to think you would stoop so low as to take advantage of Cang Yue during her 'time of need' and pressure her into marrying you. Looks like I need to teach you a lesson that you will never forget.' Thought Mesa to himself while doing his utmost best to keep himself from going over and brutally murder Fen Juecheng. But this brought about an opportunity to use Fen Juecheng's demand against him and brutally humiliate him in front of the whole world.

"Cang Yue, next time Fen Juecheng proposes to you. Tell him you will only marry him if he brings the 'Burning Soul Flower' on the day of the wedding, or else you won't." Said Mesa much to Cang Yue's shock.

"What?! How can you say that?! I thought you loved me?!" Screamed Cang Yue shocked at what Mesa just said.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! You didn't let me finis.h.!.+ Of course I wouldn't let that b.a.s.t.a.r.d force you into marrying him. I would rather rip him to shreds than let him do that to you. But his latest proposal has given me an idea." Said Mesa with an evil grin on his face.

"He is pressuring you into marrying him, because he thinks I am dead, which I am obviously not, but he doesn't know that. And it is true that your father needs that 'Burning Soul Flower' in order to remove that Parasite from him. So this is my idea. You tell him that you will marry him, but only on the condition that he gives you the 'Burning Soul Flower' on the day of the wedding. But just before the wedding can proceed, I will come cras.h.i.+ng in, whisk you away and leave him humiliated. What do you think of that idea?" Said Mesa.

"It's amazing! And knowing him, after the humiliation he and the Burning Heaven Clan had suffered at your hands during the tournament, they will definitely make the wedding procession as grandiose as possible in order to regain their reputation and make sure that everyone in the Blue Wind Empire knows that they are still one of the Four Major Sects and that they should be feared. It would make their humiliation even greater if you come in and defeat them all singlehandedly before you take me away. Right in front of everyone. That way, he and the Burning Heaven Clan will be humiliated beyond belief and we will have the 'Burning Soul Flower' with which we can heal my father." Said Cang Yue excitedly.

"Exactly! It's an amazing plan, if I do say so myself. While that stupid cuckold is on cloud nine and preparing the wedding ceremony, fantasizing about his first night with you." Said Mesa and immediately whisked himself and Cang Yue into bed.

"You and I will be f.u.c.king each other senseless every night behind his back, like the cuckold he is." Said Mesa and locked lips with Cang Yue in what promised to be a very wild night.