Against The Gods With An Anime System - 113 Yun Canghai - Part 2 True Version

113 Yun Canghai - Part 2 True Version

And thank you to everyone else who pitched in with your suggestion. I have said this once before and I will say it again: All of you truly are a bunch of heartless, diabolical b.a.s.t.a.r.ds and I f.u.c.king LOVE IT!!

So before you read this chapter, a quick headsup. This chapter is mostly the same as the previous one. But this one has been edited, because I was not very happy with the previous one. The reason that I did not delete the previous one, is because I love all the chapter comments and paragraph comments so much that I didn't want to delete the chapter and not share all of your collective work of art with the rest fo the world.

And lastly, enjoy this chapter)


"This is my Yun Family's… mark of an unawakened Profound Handle! It… It proves that you are a descendant of my Yun Family. You are my biological grandson!!"

"Wh… wh… what did you say?" Stammered out Yun Che, not believing what he just heard.

"That white Profound Handle imprint is the Yun Family bloodline's proof. The thing you wore since you were young is our Yun Family's treasure that we protect for the Demon Emperor's Family! I normally wear it on me, and it had never left my body. When we left for Profound Sky Continent to find the Demon Emperor, I entrusted it to my son… and my son entrusted it to you… You are the son of my son… I am your… biological grandfather!" Said Yun Canghai excitedly.

"R…r…really?! A…a…are you really my… grandfather?" Asked Yun Che carefully. At this point his mind went blank at the bombsh.e.l.l piece of news he had just been handed.

"It has to be! Remember when that junior of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region said that twenty years ago, my son and his wife managed to sneak their way into the Profound Sky Continent. They had eventually come close to this place. But in the end they were hunted down by the Mighty Heavenly Sword. If we a.s.sume that that junior said twenty years because he rounded up, then it would make sense." Said Yun Canghai excitedly. But Yun Che was still in a daze and still had trouble believing it.

"If you still don't believe me, then we shall perform a blood paternity test and proof our familial relation that way! It is the most indisputable way of proving whether I am your grandfather or not." Said Yun Canghai as he made a cut in his finger and let out a few drops of blood.

The blood paternity test would be conducted by having two people mix a few drops of blood together and infuse just a smidgen of Profound Energy into it. If there were any familial relations between the two, then the drops of blood would mix together. And if there wasn't any familial relation, then the two drops of blood would separate.

Realizing that this could mean he would finally find a member of his family, Yun Che bit his thumb and drew out some blood. Dropping a few drops of blood on the drops that Yun Canghai had dropped earlier, he waited with baited breath for the result. After a few seconds, he saw the blood drops fuse, thus proving beyond a doubt that Yun Canghai is his grandfather.

But before he could even begin to process it, Yun Canghai swept him of his feet and with tears in his eyes and a laughter that could shake the heavens, hugged him and joyfully proclaimed: "My grandson… you are my grandson… my biological grandson… biological grandson….!!"

Meanwhile Yun Che absentmindedly whispered: "My grandfather… you're my grandfather… grandfather…"

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Both Yun Che and Yun Canghai look towards the source of the sound and see Mesa still standing there.

"I hate to break up the family reunion, but I think you owe us an explanation old man. Who are you and how did you get here?" Said Mesa.

"Sigh…! I believe I do. Well gather around, and I will tell you the story." Said Yun Canghai and started telling his story.

And so he went on explaining about himself and how he got there. He told them that he was the patriarch of the Yun Family, one the twelve Guardian Families that serve and protect the Demon Emperor and his family. He in particular was named the Demon King, an honorary t.i.tle meant to designate the number two of the Illusory Demon Realm, just behind the Demon Emperor. The Yun Family were the strongest of the Twelve Guardian Families and they were particularly famed for their family's innate ability, the Profound Handle, and went on to show off the Profound Handle, much to Yun Che's astonishment, but Mesa wasn't interested in it at all. He went on to talk about how one day the Four Sacred Grounds invaded the Illusory Demon Realm and started slaughtering the Illusory Demon Realm citizens. They somehow knew a lot of details of the Demon Imperial City, capital of the Illusory Demon Realm, and managed to sneak their way in and cause major havoc and chaos there. The Sacred Grounds invaded many times but were eventually beaten back by the Twelve Guardian Families. He went explaining how one day the Demon Emperor went missing. In order to get him back, he and twelve Grand Elders from the Yun Family tried to sneak into the Profound Sky Continent and try to rescue him. But instead, they walked right into an ambush and were subsequently slaughtered. Only he survived, albeit with grave injuries, and ended being sealed away in this place for the last hundred years. And during this latest sealing ceremony, he was also taunted with the fact that Little Demon Emperor, who would the one to succeed the Illusory Demon Realm throne was gone and that the Little Demon Empress is alone and her power was waning by the day.

Yun Che, who had been listening to the story, was getting madder and madder at the injustice his family and especially his grandfather had been suffering from for the last hundred years.

Listening to his story so far, Mesa had an idea what had happened. Someone from the Illusory Demon Realm itself has secretly been supplying information to the Four Sacred Grounds and had been coordinating with them. But from what he had gathered from Yun Canghai's story, was that the Four Sacred Grounds attacked them with a specific goal in mind. Looking at Yun Che and the Mirror of Samsara he was holding, Mesa connected the dots immediately.

'So that's what happened. Well, the least I can do is tell him and give him some closure on that burning question. After I rescue him, these two are on their own. I have no desire to go to the Illusory Demon Realm in the first place. They can figure out how to go there themselves and kill that Duke Ming guy themselves, it has nothign to do with me. And according to the original story, that Little Demon Empress is a legal loli and I have zero interest in that s.h.i.+t. Ophis and Jasmine are the only exceptions, seeing as how Ophis can transform into an adult and curvy form and Jasmine will eventually grow up to look like Erza Scarlet, who is a true beauty with the right amount of curves in the right places.' Pondered Mesa.

(A.N.: So as you all might have infered from this, I am not a lolicon. Quite the opposite in fact, for me: Loli is NOT LIFE! So I will be honest with all of you, I like curvy woman, be they young or milf, curvy is the way for me. So for everyone who had been expecting a loli to joing the harem, I am sorry to disappoint you.)

"Hey old man." Said Mesa, attracting both Yun Che and Yun Canghai's attention.

"I might have an idea. First off all, there is a traitor within the upper echelons of the Illusory Demon Realm, that much is certain. From what you've told me, this traitor must have dangled some piece of bait for the Four Sacred Grounds that they couldn't resist, and my guesses is that Mirror of Samsara. What do you think?" Said Mesa.

"I am afraid you're right. After being stuck here for a hundred years with nothing but my own thoughts, I have come to the conclusion that a traitor is responsible for the invasion of the Four Sacred Grounds and why they had managed to attack us so many times, without us being able to figure out how. But what I always wondered was, why. Why would they attack us? And with the Mirror of Samsara being one of the 7 Heavenly Profound Treasures, the most supreme treasures of all, it is pretty obvious why they would invade. But the Mirror of Samsara's powers are unknown. n.o.body has ever managed to use it." Said Yun Canghai. But Mesa knew that Yun Che had used it twice already, but he did not feel like opening up that can of worms.

"You know that and probably the rest of the upper echelons of the Illusory Demon realm knew it as well, but the Four Sacred Grounds didn't. So it very likely that that traitor has been feeding lies to the Four Sacred Grounds about the Mirror of Samsara and what it could do. And the Four Sacred Grounds most likely couldn't resist the temptation of the lies they've been told and invaded. Going on from that, we can infer that this traitor most likely wanted to use the Four Sacred Grounds as his tools and use the chaos that they wreaked as an excuse to incite the public's anger and hatred against the Demon Emperor, and thus weaken his hold on the throne to take it for himself. Seeing as how the Demon Emperor has disappeared and no one has heard from him for over a hundred years, it is very likely that he is dead. The fact that you and the Grand Elders went on a rescue mission to save the Demon Emperor, only to end up in ambush seems way too coincidental not to be an inside job. You were very loyal to the Demon Emperor and his family, so you were a danger to this traitor's plan and had to be removed. That's why you were captured and that's why you've spent the last hundred years in this place." Said Mesa.

"I agree. After all this time alone here, I have come to the conclusion that I was in the way of this traitor's ascent to the throne and thus removed. If only I could return to the Illusory Demon Realm, then I could help out the Little Demon Empress and make sure that the Yun Family is ok." Said Yun Canghai, oblivious of the red flag he just set of.

'Oh no! No! No! No! No! No! No! NOOOOOOO!!!! You senile old piece of s.h.i.+t! Why did you have to set off that red flag?! WWWWWHHHHHYYYYYY!?!?' Though Mesa in despair. For he knew that the moment that Yun Canghai had set of that red flag, a related quest would come in that would force him to take Yun Canghai back to the Illusory Demon Realm. And a second later, his worst case scenario came true.

["Sir, a new quest has just come in. This quest consists of three parts:

1-tTake Yun Canghai and Yun Che back to the Illusory Demon Realm.

2-tFoil the coup d'état and ensure the Little Demon Empress stays on the throne

3-tBring to light the truth about what happened hundred years ago.

Reward: The Saiyan Bloodline

Punishment for refusing the quest: The Infinity Stones will be scattered across the universe and can be used by anyone who finds them and 100 years of erectile dysfuntion that no amount of v.i.a.g.r.a can remedy and yet, always being absolutely h.o.r.n.y to the point of not being able to think straight.

Punishment for failing the quest: Spending a week on Okama Island and not being able to run away from the inhabitants, being turned into a eunuch and getting the mark of the G.o.ds from Shuumatsu no Valkyrie on your body "]

'I knew this would happen! I just knew it! f.u.c.k you! You senile old piece of s.h.i.+t! f.u.c.k you! The moment that old f.u.c.ker set off that red flag, I knew it was just a matter of time before a quest would come in. But why the f.u.c.k does this quest have so many harsh punishments?! Why?!' Thought Mesa to himself in despair. As the details of the quest were sinking in, he himself was staring out into s.p.a.ce with bloodshot eyes, killing intent spiking like crazy. Around his body, purple colored Profound Energy was erupting out of it and forming into a spine and ribacage, the first stage of the Susanoo. Yun Canghai and Yun Che who were suddenly taken by surprise, to say the least, at this sudden change in Mesa didn't know what was happening to him. They were even more surprised at what they thought was Mesa using the Profound Handle, an ability that was only the Yun Family could use as far as they knew.

'Ahh G.o.d! I didn't wanna go to the Illusory Demon Realm! That Little Demon Empress is a legal loli and I have zero interest in that s.h.i.+t! AHHHHHH!!!! f.u.c.k! FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!' Thought Mesa in pure rage. After a few moments of raging, he took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

'Well, it guess I have no say in this matter and if I asked JARVIS, he would probably say that my opinion is of no concern to him and that I should just do it or suffer. Guess I'll just go there, solve this whole coup d'état s.h.i.+t, drop off these two s.h.i.+theads there and get back here. Who knows, maybe the Little Demon Empress is not be a legal loli but some busty milf. G.o.d, please be a busty milf and not some legal loli.' Thought Mesa. After this whole temper tantrum, he looked up at Yun Canghai and Yun Che and saw that they were on the other side of the dark s.p.a.ce, with Yun Che being s.h.i.+elded by Yun Canghai. Taking a deep breath, he decided to just get this over and go on that training camp of his.

"u003cdeep breathu003e....Hey old man!. I have some extra good news for you. I am going to take you and your grandson back to the Illusory Demon Realm. So rest a.s.sured, you will see your family once again. So what do you say?" Said Mesa much to Yun Canghai's confusion.

"Didn't you say a few minutes ago that you would let me out, but after that we would go our own separate ways. Why did you suddenly change your mind? This whole thing with the Illusory Demon Realm is not something that you should concern yourself with. It would be best for you if you just stayed out of it." Said Yun Canghai.

"I just have my reasons. Let's just keep it at that. But instead of asking questions why I would take you there, are you going to accept my offer of not?" Snapped Mesa at Yun Canghai.

"What was all that killing intent just a moment ago and how are you able to use the Profound Handle?! You are not a part of the Yun Family! How are you able to use it?!" Snapped Yun Canghai back at Mesa.

"Because it's NOT the Profound Handle! Let's just keep it at that! And what just just happened a moment ago is something that is private and has nothing to do with you two. Back to what we were talking about a moment ago. Are you going to take my offer or not? Because let's be honest, even if you were to get out of here, the entirety of the Profound Sky Continent hates you and they would report you to the Four Sacred Grounds in a second once they find you. And then, you and your grandson will then be hunted down. I can help you get out of here, hide you two in the meantime and get you back to the Illusory Demon Realm." Said Mesa.

"How would we be going then? It's not like you know where the Illusory Demon Realm is, or how to get there. It could take years before we could find a way to get there, that is if we could find one in the first place. And most importantly! Where would we be hiding in the meantime.?" Said Yun Canghai.

"Just leave that to me. I will find a way there and hide you two in the meantime. And let me tell you one thing. It's not a matter of if I find a way there, but when. So, what is your answer? Yes, or no." Said Mesa.

Pondering over Mesa's offer, Yun Canghai had trouble trusting him, especially after Mesa became enraged all of a sudden while they were having a serious conversation. But he also knew that Mesa was his only way out of this place and knowing that he and his grandson will be hunted down once word goes out that they've escaped, he knew that he basically had no options left but to trust Mesa on this.

"Fine, I will trust you on this. But only because I see no other way out of this G.o.d forsaken h.e.l.lhole. I hope you are true to your word." Said Yun Canghai carefully.

"Trust me, I am true to my word." Said Mesa and he went to shake hands with Yun Canghai to confirm the deal.

'Not like I have choice anyways seeing as how the punishment for failure or refusing the quest is basically h.e.l.l.' Thought Mesa to himself while he was shaking hands with Yun Canghai.