After Crossing, My Husband And I Were Reborn Together - Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569 This is what she asked for

After the soup in the small kitchen was ready, Yun Yi took Brother Hao to the old lady's courtyard.

Yunyi had sent someone over to say that they were going to have dinner together in the evening. The old lady was very happy, and she was even more happy after knowing that Yunyi had stewed soup for her in person.

When Yunyi arrived, his father-in-law Cheng Yanbin also happened to come over. Seeing that he had stewed soup for himself, he rarely put on a smile on his face. Fortunately, he praised Yunyi, and by the way, even Brother Hao didn't fall behind.

When Yunyi came over, she simmered Jing Rui in the small kitchen to replenish the essence of the soup. She secretly replaced the ingredients with space ingredients, just to have a bright side.

After the old lady found out, she was even more delighted. What could be more pleasing than a good relationship between a young couple.

Here he is enjoying his meal, and Jing Rui, who has handled his business affairs over there, is also ready to hurry back and rush back, and the city gate will be closed in the evening.

The cheese and toffee that I brought in the morning were well received by my colleagues in the camp. Everyone felt that there was something missing, and it was good to see that Jing Rui was leaving, and said, "Major General, the food I brought today is really good. It's delicious, can I make some more for my younger siblings?

We don't eat for free. Let's prepare some to see what the younger siblings like. "

Jing Rui didn't answer his words, his wife hurts himself, and I brought them today, but I just felt that the first day after marriage made everyone feel happy. Besides, the little woman has arranged it, how can I live up to her? a piece of mind.

But if you want to eat again, there will be no more, how can you let the people on your apex be affected.

Those little generals wanted to fight again, but Jing Rui didn't give them a chance and left.

His heart is like an arrow now, and he has no time to chat with them here.

It's just that he underestimated the greed and cheekiness of these people for food. Of course, that's another story.

On the other side, Yun Yi sent Brother Hao back to the hospital to settle down, and then took the maids back to his own courtyard.

After a meal, Zelan had already received the news from outside.

brought over the brewed tea and poured a cup for Yun Yi: "Young Madam, the message has been sent over there."

Yunyi frowned slightly: "Tell me."

Zelan put down the teapot: "The cook in the academy who is in charge of cooking is the distant aunt of a little steward in Cui's house."

Yun Yi said coldly: "Did Cui Mengting make it?"

Zelan replied: "Yes, she asked the housekeeper to instruct the kitchen to do it?"

Yunyi's face was cold: "I don't know if his father, the clerk who was appointed as the chief executive, knows what she does."

Zelan opened his mouth and said, "What does the young lady mean, let someone pass the matter on to Cui Renhua?"

Yun Yi said with a sneer: "Let the Cui family teach her a lesson and let Brother Hao vent his anger. I hate this kind of villain's behavior the most. Since she dares to touch the people I care about, don't blame me for being rude to her. used to her."

Zelan opened his mouth and said, "The slave maid will do it now."

Seeing Zelan leave, Yun Yi made a calculation in her heart. Originally, she was still thinking about why women should make it difficult for women, and she was such an ignorant fool to stand out for others, but since she dared to reach out to Brother Hao, it would be impossible. Forget it, she brought it on herself.

Cui Mengting was still in the mansion and was delighted with her shrewdness, thinking that she would ask the cook to give the bitch's younger brother some medicine in a few days, and she would not be able to treat her, nor would she be able to treat her brother.

I just didn't expect that Cui Renli, who returned to the house the next night, slapped him fiercely in front of everyone.

Finished the update today, thank you for your support! good night~~~~~~

(end of this chapter)