After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Chapter 760 Recommendations

"I can't ask for it. Having a good relationship with them is also beneficial to us." Gu Chengye replied.

Gu Chengzhi will not refuse after hearing this. After all, getting to know a few more powerful people will definitely help their business in the future.

Next, Gu Chengrui mentioned to everyone about harvesting peppers and sweet potatoes after the fall, so that they could have more variety.

The next day, Gu Chengrui accompanied Gu Chengsi to a tooth shop in the county seat and bought two mothers and two servants who knew martial arts.

On the way back, Gu Chengsi asked, "Brother Chengrui, is the vermicelli easy to sell, can you open a shop in Pingyang Mansion, so that people can earn some income."

"You're thinking of letting everyone have a variety of sweet potatoes."

"Yes, there are all plains over there, and there is no decent wharf. You can only rely on a variety of valuable crops to make a living."

"It's possible to drive, but you also said that there isn't even a decent dock over there, so it's probably inconvenient to transport.

So the amount is definitely not big.

However, the plains also have the advantages of the plains. The plains are generally more fertile and easy to harvest.

In my opinion, you might as well find a way to plant seeds, and people's overall income will rise a lot. "


"Yes, all seeds will degrade over time, but with good land and proper management, as long as the seeds are planted with full seeds each time, the degradation of the seeds can be slowed down.

Then you sell the seeds to other places, which is much more cost-effective than selling grain alone.

Also, you can grow peppers, cotton, and I can harvest this.

Wait for sweet potatoes, and I'll find you when it expands there. "

Gu Chengsi nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

After returning home, Mr. Bai led the servant he bought to Gu Ziyi's house.

Gu Chengrui gave Gu Chengsi 5,000 taels of silver notes while there was no one there and said, "Take this one. When you are in office, you will have to pay for it. You also have to make some money, and you will definitely use it."

"This, I don't want it, this is too much, I..."

"Take it, it will be borrowed from you, and you will pay it back later.

But don't be greedy, Yang Zhicheng is an example, it will not end well. "

"Don't worry, I have a bottom line, my little brother is welcome."

"Well, then I'll go back." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he turned and walked home.

Gu Chengsi looked at the silver note in his hand and felt that it was heavy, and at the same time silently remembered this feeling in his heart.

When he got home, he told the patriarch about it alone.

The patriarch was stunned for a moment and said: "Then keep it, as he said, go over there to buy some property, at least enough for your expenses.

also saves you from worrying about your livelihood.

One more thing, I have to remind you again, don't be greedy. "

After all, a salary of 12 taels of silver a month really can't do anything, whether it's for entertainment or for the peace of mind to be an official, it's inseparable from the money.

But at home, he only has more than two hundred taels of silver. Even if he gave it all, he would at most buy a few clothes to support the scene.

"Knowing father, the child will not." Gu Chengsi nodded solemnly.

In the next few days, Gu Chengrui either went to help Zhuangzi, or went to the wasteland of the workshop with Sun Hongliang to study the workshop.

Five days later, after the family was almost busy, Gu Chengrui invited the people from Zhuangzi to have a meal at noon and gathered together.

On the second day, we got together at Wanweiju and invited shopkeeper Liu to have a good meal together.

(end of this chapter)