After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Chapter 459 Look at the shop

I didn't expect this shop to be close to the house in Dongcheng, so I found the commercial street in Beicheng all the way.

But looking at the flow of people on the street, the shops here are quite good.

And their shop is right on the corner, the traffic is bigger, and it must be a high-end restaurant before.

Just looking at the layer of ash falling on the table inside, I think it will be a long time to close the door.

Afterwards, the two walked to the Satin House next door, and Gu Chengrui asked the young man inside: "Little man, when did the restaurant next door close?"

"It has been closed for a year." The little guy asked here: "Who are you?"

"Oh, this shop is ours now, so let's come over and check it out."

"Then you are Gu Xiucai."

"I didn't expect you to be very well informed, you can even guess this."

"In the morning, the yamen came and said that this restaurant was given to Gu Xiucai by the emperor. Let us stop the people who asked."

"Who owned this shop before, why did such a good shop close." Zhou Ying said.

"We really don't know who it is, but the reason for the customs clearance is very simple. There is a lack of ingredients and the price remains high. The more expensive it is, the fewer people will eat it.

In such a vicious circle, the host family does not make any money at all.

This was closed without the snowstorm last year. "

"That's it, thank you little brother."

"You're welcome, you won't go to the restaurant after receiving it."

"What, little brother is greedy?"

"Hey, it's convenient to open a restaurant and want to eat something, isn't it?"

"That's right, but like you said the food village is limited, I'm afraid you have to wait a little longer.

But it will be as soon as possible, when the time comes, please have a big meal. "

"Then I can write it down."

"No problem, you're busy, I'll go in and have a look." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he walked to the restaurant with Zhou Ying, took out the key, pushed the door and walked in.

A burst of dust rushed to the face, the two coughed two steps and backed out, and only went in after the dust fell.

Not to mention that this restaurant is really big enough, the upper and lower floors together are about 400 square meters, and the windows are huge, and the interior is very bright.

It's just that the inside is dirty now because of the long-term idleness.

There is also a small courtyard behind it, with about six rooms and a well, which is very convenient.

"This place can be opened by simply packing up." Gu Chengrui looked over and said.

"Yeah, but I'm afraid I'll have to wait at least half a year for it to open." Zhou Ying nodded.

"Take your time, we'll have to buy a janitor later, and clean it from time to time, otherwise it's easy to break if it's sitting idle like this."

"Besides, if the adoptive mother's family is redeemed, if they are willing to stay, then give it to them.

They don't want to talk about buying people. "

"Also, yes, when are you going to redeem people?

It is very troublesome to visit the capital in this city, and you have to hand in the greeting card in advance. "

"Tomorrow, I'll go after breakfast tomorrow.

As for the salutations, we don't need them until we come to visit.

Besides, people may not be able to post them after they receive them. "

"That's fine, I'll go with you tomorrow." Gu Chengrui nodded.

But it was only after dinner that he learned that Gu Chengrui was going to enter the palace with the third prince tomorrow morning.

Gu Chengrui had to say, "Then you will follow Uncle Feng tomorrow and take the craftsman to the house to clean up the house."

Zhou Ying hesitated for a while but still responded.

Wan Zhoujia cheated, she really couldn't get out without revealing her trump card by herself. "

(end of this chapter)