After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Tasting

Then she prepared all the ingredients she needed, but she couldn't find hemp peppers, so she could only grab some more peppercorns for later use.

After everything was ready, Gu Chengrui's fish was also processed, and Zhou Ying went forward to marinate the fish.

Then asked Gu Chengrui to help cook the fire, and she started cooking.

First stir-fry mung bean sprouts with vinegar, and stir-fry bean sprouts with chives, and finally stir-fry soybean sprouts with diced meat.

After she finished loading the plate, she started to make boiled fish.

Because the prickly ash and chili have to be fried in advance to give off their fragrance, half of the restaurant was filled with a spicy fragrance in an instant, and people who choked coughed.

But the taste is very tempting, so when the shopkeeper Liu smelled the smell, he couldn't wait to rush over even though he was choked with snot and tears.

Zhou Ying and Gu Chengrui were naturally choked up, but Gu Chengrui was someone who liked spicy food, so he got used to it quickly, and quickly pulled out the gluttony in his stomach.

So after Zhou Ying put the plate, she tugged at her clothes and said, "Daughter-in-law, shall we eat boiled fish at noon?"

Zhou Ying nodded when she saw the greedy look on his face and said, "Okay, we'll find a place to buy fish in a while."

After finished speaking, seeing shopkeeper Liu who was hiding at the door and sneezing constantly, he said, "Manager Liu, it's all done. Do you want to try it while it's hot?"

"Taste, taste, but let's talk about it in the private room. It's really boring here." Shopkeeper Liu turned around and went out.

and sneezing while walking, looking very embarrassed.

Zhou Ying and Gu Chengrui looked at each other, and then the two brought four plates of dishes and let the lively young man help with the tableware, and followed the shopkeeper Liu into a private room on the second floor.

After placing the plates, Zhou Ying and Gu Chengrui sat opposite him and looked at Shopkeeper Liu with a smile.

Shopkeeper Liu knew when he saw this that they were waiting for his reply after tasting it, but looking at the red layer of peppers inside the boiled fish, he really didn't dare to open his mouth, so he had to ask the little guy to help him taste it.

And he himself ate the other three dishes. Although the stir-fried soybean sprouts with diced meat was innovative, it was not outstanding and could only be eaten fresh.

The fried leek with bean sprouts tasted very refreshing, and my eyes suddenly lit up.

The last is the vinegar-smeared mung bean sprouts, he thought it would be very spicy.

I didn't expect that there was only a faint spicy aroma in the entrance. The key is that the faint acetic acid taste makes the mung bean sprouts very crisp and refreshing. He nodded secretly and said, "Ms. Gu is putting white vinegar?"

"As expected of the shopkeeper Liu, he runs a restaurant, and he can eat it in one bite.

There are two reasons for choosing to put white vinegar, one is that the color is clearer, and the other is that the taste of white vinegar is simple, which can improve the freshness of vegetables. "Zhou Ying replied.

"The ingredients are precise." Shopkeeper Liu nodded in agreement, then looked at the tangled boy beside him and said, "Isn't it just a dish, it's so scary."

The little guy rolled his eyes secretly after hearing this, you are not afraid of why you don't eat.

But under the urging of his eyes, he still picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

But after a while, my eyes lit up and I began to taste it seriously. The fish did not have a bit of fishy smell, but instead had a spicy taste.

The key is that it does not affect the tenderness of the fish, it is simply the best fish he has ever eaten.

Thinking of this, I can't help but take another slice and put it in my mouth, and eat it quickly.

Shopkeeper Liu knew the taste of the dish was not bad when he saw this. After seeing him, he didn't have an overreaction, so he took a small piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

(end of this chapter)