After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Explained

"No uncle, my little nephew came here after eating, so hurry up and eat." After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he bowed his hands and turned to walk out.

The patriarch sent him out of the house, turned around and said to the Wang family: "Keep it, remember to keep the fish, so don't get caught by the wild cat."

"Got it. Don't say that this child has changed so much. If he didn't look exactly the same, he would have thought it was a different person."

"I heard that he also passed the Xiucai exam last year, which shows that he is not stupid.

Before I came here, I had a weird personality, maybe because I couldn't take a series of blows, and some of them were too sharp.

Coupled with the pressure from the family, I have endured to the extreme, so naturally I have to change.

But it didn't get worse, which means that he is a person with a firm heart. "The patriarch replied.

"The extremes of things will reverse?" Gu Chengsi said thoughtfully.

"Yes, let alone him, haven't you been depressed ever since you were deprived of your fame?

Fortunately, we all let you, but you must have heard of the life before their husband and wife.

To be honest, he was able to survive, and I really admire him.

Therefore, you have to come out as soon as possible, this world is not the only way to take the imperial examination. "The patriarch finished speaking earnestly and then sat down and started to eat.

This Gu Chengrui didn't know that the patriarch gave a series of explanations for his change. After he came out, he went straight home, gave the same gift again and went to the village chief's house to thank him for his help.

Early the next morning, the two were having breakfast when Tian Jiawang rushed over with a shovel.

After the two quickly finished their meal, Gu Chengrui and Tian Jiawang got busy together.

On the other hand, Zhou Ying quickly went around town, bought five jins of back **** tips, and came back. Then she called Sister Tian, mother and daughter, and made dumplings with two jins of meat and five cabbage.

At noon, everyone had a beautiful meal, and in the afternoon, Sister Tian also helped out all afternoon.

It was not until it got dark that the firewood shed and thatched hut were completely remodeled.

Zhou Ying simply let them eat a big pot of dishes.

After she was completely busy, Zhou Ying also discovered that, in addition to the stingy and calculating people that the poor have, Zhou Ying was also very enthusiastic, and she was quick and clean in her work.

So when he sent her out at night, he said, "Sister Tian, I don't know when you are free, teach me how to make clothes and shoes."

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'm free basically every afternoon." Sister Tian hesitated.

"Okay, then I'll find you tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, but I don't have any fabrics at home, so you have to bring it yourself." After she finished speaking, Sister Tian turned around and went home with her two children.

Next, Gu Chengrui took a bell from the space, and publicized his start to practice medicine in several nearby villages where there were no village doctors. Then, when he was free, he and Tian Jiawang went to the mountains to drill.

On the other hand, Zhou Ying bought a few more water tanks and drilled them into her eyes, and bean sprouts appeared. In the rest of the time, she took the fabric to Sister Tian to learn how to make clothes and shoes.

Of course, she will not let people teach you for nothing. Every time she passes by, she will bring some snacks to the two girls more or less.

And since Gu Chengxi ate wild eggs, he no longer has to go hungry at night, and his courage has become more and more courageous. After going up the mountain, he also began to find something to fill their mother's stomach from time to time.

The first bean sprouts have grown in a blink of an eye and can be sold.

(end of this chapter)