After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Planting 2

"But I didn't eat crabs less often before, and I didn't make such a fuss." Father Tian left a sentence full of doubts, and then hurried out.

"Can I see what you guys ate at night?" Gu Chengrui looked at Tian Jingzhong and said.

"Take Doctor Gu over there." Tian Jingzhong turned his head and said to the maid.

The maid responded and took Gu Chengrui directly to the restaurant, not to mention that there was really nothing special except crabs.

After checking one by one, especially the soup base of the hot pot, he didn't want to cause trouble to the restaurant.

Finally, he fixed his eyes on the beef and mutton, and then pointed to some loose shredded meat, looked at the maid and asked, "Where did you buy these beef and mutton? It seems that the meat is not very fresh."

"I don't know about this either." The girl shook her head.

"No way, I heard that this meat is fresh meat that has just been slaughtered." Tian Jingzhong followed at this time.

Gu Chengrui did not reply after hearing it, but gave him the meat and let him see it for himself.

Not to mention Tian Jingzhong really recognized it at a glance, the meat was much looser than normal.

Then he smelled it seriously again, and he didn't know if it was due to psychological reasons. He really noticed that the taste of the meat was not pure, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

Gu Chengrui said: "To put it bluntly, it means that the stomach is bad. After a while, I will prescribe a prescription and everyone will drink a bowl of medicine, and the contents of the stomach will be cleaned up and it will be fine."

"Then take the trouble of Brother Gu to prescribe the recipe."

Gu Chengrui nodded, opened a prescription and handed it to the maid: "Count how many people in the house are sick, one for adults, one half for children under ten years old."

The maid ran away after receiving special approval from Tian Jingzhong.

And Gu Chengrui also said goodbye: "Sir Na Tian, rest, Gu has retired."

"Don't, it won't be too late to leave after my family's condition has stabilized, so I won't have to go back and forth."


Gu Chengrui went to the front yard and waited.

After about an hour, the young and strong man had recovered.

After two hours later, the old man and the children also stabilized.

Gu Chengrui once again bid farewell, this time Tian Jingzhong did not keep him, but gave him five taels of medical fees to send him out of the door in person: "Thank you, Brother Gu, today."

"You're welcome, this is what my younger brother should do." Gu Chengrui paused for a while and said, "By the way, remember to talk about what you eat in the next two days, especially for the elderly and children, so that your stomach can recover."

After Gu Chengrui finished speaking, he bowed his hands and bowed before turning back to the pharmacy, but he soon went to the doctor again.

Naturally, he attributed the problem to beef and mutton.

This night, seven or eight families in the town had trouble with their stomachs, and even more in the county seat. Even the family of the county chief, Bai Jingping, had trouble in the middle of the night.

But apart from the family that Gu Chengrui had seen personally, others suffered, at least they spent a long time looking for the cause only.

Therefore, the people who were tossed so hard immediately checked it out.

Because these people were either wealthy businessmen or people with official positions, the culprit was quickly found.

What he didn't expect was that the real culprit was the county magistrate's brother-in-law, a playboy.

The reason for is also simple. After being disliked by his father, he wanted to take advantage of the drought to make a lot of money, so he organized a group of gangsters to steal things from various villages and rob things in exchange for money.

Then they sent people to various villages to collect children, resell them, and even the older girls were sold into the Red House, which can be said to have done a lot of bad things.

And it has spread to the whole county. Bai Jingping, who got the letter, was immediately dizzy.

His wife just let it go.

(end of this chapter)