After Crossing, And Husband Brought Hundreds Of Millions Of Supplies To Farm - Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Chapter 206 Pull Up

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, the three people came out and said, "Back to General, haven't found the whereabouts of that person?"

"Where does the tunnel lead to?"

"It's in a dry well about a mile outside the house."

"Then expand the scope to search, that person is the seventh of the Su family, Su Mingtang."

"Understood." The three of them responded, and then they went out with people to find them.

Zhou Huaiming took Qiao Lansheng back to his village, and put the man in the dungeon for an overnight interrogation.

Unfortunately, Qiao Lansheng's mouth was quite hard, but he didn't spit.

In the end, he had to use the method that Shopkeeper Liu discovered, put some sugar on his wound, and then threw him on the grass.

After a while, his wound was covered with ants, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he struggled.

Soon he tasted the real taste of ten thousand ants biting, and wanted to bite his tongue several times to commit suicide, but he was given soft muscle powder and he couldn't die even if he wanted to.

Just when he felt like he was about to be tortured to death, Zhou Huaiming said, "If you want to move, just nod your head or lift your leg."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qiao Lansheng immediately struggled even more when he heard it. After several attempts, he finally lifted his tied legs high.

Zhou Huaiming heard his subordinate's reply, turned his head and said, "Remember, I don't have time to waste time with you here, you only have one chance, otherwise you will only be eaten away by ants."

After finished speaking, he waved his hand.

A few of his subordinates immediately took a towel with chili water, drove the ants away, and then briefly cleaned his wound.

Then, after Qiao Lansheng recovered, the interrogation began.

But what he knew was really limited, but he still confessed a few people, three were hidden in the guards, one was the master of the county government, and the following people like Li Zhaotou.

After Zhou Huaiming wrote it down, his mood was quite complicated, because he really checked these people seriously during the previous investigation, but he did not find the slightest flaw.

If he hadn't recruited them today, it would have taken a lot of effort to find these people.

After that, I hurriedly sent people over to arrest them, otherwise the real danger would be the magistrate Kong.

Sure enough, when his men arrived, the master was threatening to hold the magistrate Kong to escape, but he was finally caught.

As for Fang Mingtang, no news was found until five days later.

Later, when Zhou Huaiming went down the tunnel, he discovered that there was still a secret room inside the tunnel, and some simple daily necessities were kept in it. Only then did he know that Su Mingtang had escaped long ago.

Of course, this is another story, but after a night of hard work, including Wang Quan and several other prominent people, everyone in Su Mingtang's county has been arrested.

At the same time, Gu Chengrui and his wife slept unsteadily that night. Zhou Huaiming, who originally said he was going to come and get the blueprint, didn't show up and didn't find anyone.

They were really afraid that something would happen to him, and they would be in danger then.

It wasn't until the next morning when Zhou Huaiming went to the restaurant for breakfast exhausted, Zhou Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave him a bowl of Yangchun noodles and beat two poached eggs.

After he finished eating, Zhou Ying asked, "Brother Zhou, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, I was busy last night, and I didn't come to get the blueprints, so I came over here and said, let's go and get them this evening."

"That's good, the drawings are not in a hurry."

"Well, then you are busy, I have to go back and take a nap." After Zhou Huaiming finished speaking, he got up and stretched before walking out.

(end of this chapter)