A Dragon Among The Stars - Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Kiel asked . "Has there been any problems?"

Emilia replied . "Oh you know, just usual, some people came provoking us again . Ever since we've been buying ores in ma.s.s from Yulong Iron fortress . A lot of people became displeased . In particular the Black Bear Organization . "

Kiel raised his eyebrow and said . "Black Bear Organization? I've never heard of it . "

Emilia explained . "They're newly established . Made by a man named Fan Gou, A Peak stage Core Formation Cultivator . After he started devouring the different gangs from different cities . From the information I gathered, they seems to have someone strong who's been backing them up . For the past few days, our warriors have clashes a few times with them .

Kiel frowned . Seeing this Emilia added . "Don't worry, Most of the losses were on their side and they know nothing us . They're totally clueless . I've also made sure to make our dealings secret . Being in the spotlight too much might become fatal for our development . "

Kiel said . "Still aren't you killing too much . Sooner or later they would retaliate . Do we have the capacity to go head to toe with a core formation expert?"

Emilia only laughed, her eyes having a dangerous glint . She said . "Isn't he just a core formation expert? Unless he's a G.o.d, he won't be able to outpower a strong and well equipped army . And you have to remove that mindset of yours, sooner or later you'll have to do it yourself . If you want to go back home, then you'll have to steel you heart . The universe is cold and merciless, it wouldn't adjust itself to you . "

Kiel became silent, his hands clutching . Emilia sighed and said . "Though don't force yourself, let it take some time . i know what you've been through . " .

Kiel looked straight into Emilia's eyes and said . "No you're right . The universe doesn't wait for anyone . Sooner or later I'll be able to overcome this . "

Emilia asked . her eyes having a hint of worry "By the way are you able to sleep soundly at night?"

Kiel took a deep breath and said . "Sometimes, little by little I get used to it . I kinda miss sleeping there . "

"No, I told you that using those nerve relaxing drugs won't stop those nightmares . Only take them went it get worse or you'll only become reliant on them . In the end you have to face that fear of yours" Emilia said . Her eyes firm and serious .

Kiel only sighed and said, "Fine . I'll deal with it myself . "

. . . .

Deep in the night .

Kiel was covered in sweat . His body crooked like a shrimp . His face having different emotions, anger, fear, sadness .

He dreamed of endless slaughtering, endless rivers of bloods and piles of human bones . He could hear desperate screaming and cries, their soft eerie whispers .

He gasped for breath as he was woken by his dream . His breathing ragged . Clutching his head . He could hear still faintly see their maddened faces and hear their cries and screams filled with hatred .

"It happened again . . . " He said . He stood up and sighed, he knew that this night would be a sleepless one again .

. . . .

Kiel was in front of a ma.s.sive gate . There were a lot of people ranging from from a young child to a young adult, their faces filled with excitement . Most of them were accompanied by their parents and guardians . Kiel couldn't help but remember his college days, the happy face of his mother, He was never adopted from the orphanage, he and the other unfortunate orphans treated the caretaker of the orphanage as their mother . She took take care of them, dressed them, brought them to a decent school . They were his only family until he met his lovely wife, Amy .

He wiped his eyes . He muttered to himself "I wonder how the orphanage is doing? Is she taking good care of herself?"

Chao Cheng and the twins appeared beside him . He said . "Are you crying?"

Kiel only laughed . He said . "Me? crying ? What nonsense! I don't cry! How about you? What're you guys doing here?"

Li Feixiang smiled . She had a bright and wide smile today . Kiel felt that this smile of her was different from the normal . She said . "The shopping district is near here and we remembered that today is the first day of the academy, so we came and saw you here . I heard that you'll also be taking forging . "

Kiel nodded . feeling excited he said . "yeah turns out that i have a knack for being a forger . " Whenever he practiced forging, he would remember his days back on earth, when he was still working as a mechanic . He remembered his co-workers, colleagues and his family .

Li Ying became happy and said . "Congrats little Chen! You found your talent . "

Cheng Chao too felt the same . He teased "Don't forget us when you become a well known forger!"

Kiel felt warm . This time was different . It wasn't the caretaker who accompanied him but his new found friends . He smiled and said . "When I become someone with great achievements, I would forge each one of you a weapon! at a discount price!"

"What discount? After all the things we've been through together and you're thinking about ripping off some money from us!" Li Ying giggled .

Kiel laughed and said . "I'm just kidding! Of course, I would do it for free!"

An young man in his mid twenties came wearing a white robe came out and said . "All of those who are newly enrolling, please come with me . "

"It starting . I need to go . " Said Kiel .

He look at one of the twins and held his thumb up, saying . "Sister Feixiang, that hair clip suits you!" before waving goodbye and going on his way inside the academy .

He looked around saw many students walking around chatting . It took him back to his school years . "This is not bad"

There were dozens of long lines . Kiel lined in one of them and waited his turn . Looking around there youths from different ages, different cultivations . He couldn't shake off the feeling of nostalgia, like he was young again .

'Well, body wise, I'am young!' He mused in his heart .

It didn't take long, the process was fast and soon it was his turn . The man in front of him said . "Please show your form . "

Kiel gave his form and said . "Here it is, and a senior I know said that I don't need to be evaluated . I only need to show this badge . " He took out the badge he got from Qin Yifeng .

The man was shocked and so too were others . Discussions and whispers sounded out . Kiel became more curious about the badge . The man took the badge and scrutinized every detail of it . "Its genuine! So your name is . . . Yang Chen, I see . okay! You can go ahead and take those stairs to the store, you can get your new badge and uniform . "

. . . .

Kiel arrived at his room, wearing his new uniform . He looked around, the cla.s.sroom was s.p.a.cious enough to hold a fifty plus students .

"Yang Chen!" He heard his name, he look around and was surprised . He saw Fang Tao, sited at the back part, waving at him .

He took a seat beside and said . "Fang Tao, I didn't expect that we would become cla.s.smates!"

Fang Tao had a cheerful smile and said . "Me too, I didn't know that you know how to forge . "

Kiel nodded and humbly said . "I been learning for the past week, and thanks to my seniors, I was able to learn fast . "

"I see . Hey have you heard about our new teacher?" Said Fang Tao, His face became serious .

a youth seated next to them joined the conversation and said . "That's right I've heard that it would be someone with a shocking past . "

Fang Tao agreed and said . "That's right . He used to be famous forger from the central regions years ago until he mysteriously vanished for years before appearing here, becoming a teacher in our academy . There were even rum-"

The door opened and a man in his late twenties appeared . He was wearing a white robe, his hair cleanly tied . Kiel's eyes went wide, his jaw dropping down . He knew this person!

He wrote his name of board . Kiel felt like he was dreaming . His new teacher is actually Qin Yifeng . He thought . 'Is this really Senior Qin?' His face always filled with dirt, his carefree att.i.tude . It was a huge contrast to what he was seeing right now .

"I know some of you already know me, I've even heard rumors about me, either way I don't even care . I only know that I'll be your teacher from now on, and let me tell you, I don't care how grand or powerful backgrounds are, to me all of you are the same . If you don't like my teaching then you can get out of this room right now . Understood!" He said

"Yes . " said a few students .

Teacher Qin slammed his hands on the desk, shocking the student . He said . "Understood!?"

"Yes!" The students uniformly shouted .

Teacher Qin was pleased . He sat at the table and asked . "Since our cla.s.s is about forging, then what is forging to you?" He pointed at a young man .

The young quickly stood and nervously said . "To-to earn money?"

Teacher Qin seemed displeased with his answer and pointed to young girl . He asked again . "To you, what is forging?"

The young lady proudly stood up and said . "To earn glory and honor for oneself and for the family!"

ask questions about what is a forger"

Teacher Qin only clicked his tongue and said . "You people from the forgering families only think of glories and honor . "

He stood up and wrote something on the board before proclaiming . "Let me tell you, Forgering is an sacred art! It's not all about money or about being honorable, it's also a cultivation of oneself, one's inner artistic beauty!"

One of the students couldn't help but say . "But teacher Qin, what's the use of art? Isn't money more useful? Isn't it valuable because its expensive?"

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Hearing this, the other students also agreed . Kiel was no different, since after all, forging was a way for him to get more valuable ores for building his s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps and finding a way back home .

Teacher Qin sneered and said . "A bunch of naive kids . You won't go far with that mindset of yours . For this school year . I'll show you why!"