A Dragon Among The Stars - Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Kiel look at the parts and asked . "You make mechanicals?"

Fang Tao nodded and said . "Yeah, me and my friends actually, This is the last parts we needed to complete our work . "

Kiel was amazed . He said . "woah! really?"

Fang Tao smiled and said . "Yeah, if we were delayed then it would have been hard for us to get accepted in the Cloud Valley Academy . "

Kiel brows raised . He asked . "Cloud Valley Academy? I've heard of that . Isn't that the one of best academies? Do they still accept students?"

Fang Tao asked . "Yeah, that's the one . Do you plan on enrolling?"

Kiel nodded and said . "I might . "

"Fang Tao! Let's go! hurry up!" a group of youths called out, They were each holding boxes of metal parts .

Fang Tao quickly took the box of mechanical parts from the counter before bowing to Kiel . "Thank you! I have to go! See you around!"

Kiel smiled and waved his hand . He said . "See you around too . "

Huang Jie came and said . "Let's go back . I've already finished my business here . Your father is at the could valley city . He would happy to see you . He's been worried sick . "

"Father?" He said, surprised .

. . . . .

At the Fire G.o.d's hall .

Yang Tianmeng was laughing happily . Seeing his son alive and kicking, he felt like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulder . He sighed a relief and said . "Thank heavens, you're here . If you died . then i don't Know what would I've done . Are you hurt? Are you sure your okay?

Kiel smiled and said . "I'm fine dad! There's nothing wrong with me . "

Even though, Yang Tianmeng still felt worried . He asked . "What happened?"

Kiel hesitated for a bit before asking . "Dad, did you know that I have another bloodline other than the Yang clans?" Frost and Ice appeared as he raised his hands .

Yang Tianmeng and Uncle Jie's bodies both s.h.i.+vered . Their faces filled with shock . Yang Tianmeng said, his voice slightly shaking . "Chen'er, tell me, what happened?

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Kiel took a breath and said . "I was actually saved by someone . He said that I have two conflicting bloodlines and he gave me a pill . He said that it would solve the problem . "

The two looked at each other . Uncle Jie couldn't help but exclaim "An expert!"

Yang Tianmeng had his brows furrowed . He asked . "Do you know who could make such a pill?"

Uncle Jie only shook his head . He said . "I don't know . I never heard someone who could make such a powerful pill!"

Yang Tianmeng went silently before cast his gaze at Kiel, he asked . "Do you remember his face? did he leave his name?"

Kiel shook his head . He said . "His face was blurry and I don't remember much . He didn't told me his name or his background . "

Yang Tianmeng worries got bigger . He said . "Who ever gave you that pill, his intentions aren't clear . The pill could be something else . Did something odd happened after you ate the pill?"

Kiel said . "At first it felt painful but it gradually disappeared and I could use ice Qi . He also gave me cultivation techniques . He said that the one I practice is not good enough . "

Yang Tianmeng mouth twitch . "Not good enough? Chen'er give me your pulse . "

Yang Tianmeng examined Kiel with his Qi . His mouth turning wide from the shock . He said, "Such high quality Qi . both techniques are supreme . Sigh! It really is much better than the Yang clan's Burning Deity technique . "

Uncle Jie on the other hand was smiling brightly . He said, "Yang Tianmeng, Don't worry too much, nothing bad happened . You should be happy, Little Chen would be able to finally cultivate normally . I guess karma finally came knocking on your door after helping out those people in need for the past decades . "

Yang Tianmeng loosen up and laughed loudly in delight . He said "Your Grandpa and your brothers would definitely be ecstatic when they hear this . "

Kiel, seeing his father happy, asked . "Dad, is this bloodline from mother? you rarely talk about her . where is she?"

"This . . . . " Yang Tianmeng was caught off guard, while Uncle Jie stopped laughing . Yang Tainmeng said . "As I told you, your mother is away and can't come here for the time being . There's a lot of things she needs to do . "

Kiel looked at his father's eyes and said . "You always say that . Is there something wrong? Dad?"

Yang Tianmeng hands clutch behind his back . He said . "There's nothing wrong son . She's just really busy . "

'But dad . . . . "

Yang Tianmeng suddenly became stern and said . "Enough Chen'er, you're mother is really busy!"

Uncle Jie elbowed Yang Tianmeng . He whispered . "Ins't about time you tell the truth? We would find out sooner or later . "

Yang Tianmeng sighed . He said . "How about this . Promise me, you'll get strong enough, Then I'll tell you about your mother . Until then you won't ask anymore . Okay?"

Kiel was curious, He thought . 'Why do I need to get stronger to know here mom is?' still he nodded and said . "Okay, I promise . "

Yang Tianmeng was satisfied . He remembered something and said . "Oh yeah, Since you cultivate normally again, I was thinking about bringing you back to the sect . The situation is more troublesome than I thought, Hunting in the wild-lands is much more dangerous now . "

Kiel held his chin, deeply thinking for moment before saying . "There's no need dad . I was thinking of enrolling Cloud Valley Academy and taking forgery and combat cla.s.ses . "

Yang Tianmeng thought for a moment before nodding . "Okay that's fine with, Cloud Valley Academy is still after all one of the best academies in the continent . The only question is, are you able to pa.s.s the evaluation for being a forger?"

Kiel only smiled and said . "You don't have to worry dad . I've been practicing forging when ever I have free time . " Of course he would never tell that he was once actually a mechanical fanatic back on earth .

. . . .

"So little Chen, I heard you're gonna be enrolling for Cloud Valley Academy . I guess you won't be able to hang out with us much often anymore . " Huang s.h.i.+ said .

Kiel was following beside him and said . "Yes, that's right . "

Huang s.h.i.+ said . "That's good! after all, time is different now, the wild-lands had become much more dangerous . Higher grades of demon beasts started appearing at the regions bordering the wild-lands . "

Kiel curiously asked . "Do you know the reason?"

Huang s.h.i.+ shook his head and said . "No, we haven't . You should know that we still haven't explored everything about the continent . A large patch of lands is still unknown, we still haven't reached the center and far edges of the wild-lands . "

Kiel thought in his mind . "I hope no high grade demon beasts find the entrance to the base . Our power might not be able to stop those beasts!"

"Here we are" Huang s.h.i.+ said, disrupting his thoughts .

Kiel looked around and saw many smith furnaces producing fire and smoke . There were a lot of forgers hammering heated metals, creating parts of weapons and armors .

Huang s.h.i.+ brought him to a middle-aged man, who was busy hammering with his heavy hammer . Every strike of his hammer produced a loud metal sound . The two waited patiently, This was the first time, Kiel saw someone forge like this in person . Back on earth they used robots and machines to get the pieces done .

Finally the middle aged man stopped and looked at his work, he had a satisfied smile on his face . He turned around and saw the two, he said . "Huang s.h.i.+, what're you doing here? Are you finally gonna take this old man for a drink?"

Huang s.h.i.+ laughed and the two b.u.mped their fists . Huang s.h.i.+ said . "What do you mean Old man? Qin Yifeng! You're just a few years older than me!"

Qin Yifeng smiled and said . "But still, you're gonna treat me right?"

Huang s.h.i.+ ignored him and introduced Kiel .

"h.e.l.lo senior . " Kiel said as he bowed and clasped his hands .

Qin Yifeng nodded and said . "So your Yang Tianmeng's son? So what brings you two here?"

Kiel said . "I wanted to go and practice forgering and Huang s.h.i.+ told me that there might be vacant furnaces here . "

Qin Yifeng raised his brows and said . "So another one who aspires to be a forger huh? There's one vacant in the back, You can use some of those lower grade ores anytime you want . "

Kiel nodded and said . "Thank you senior Qin! Big brother s.h.i.+!"

Qin Yifeng waved his hands and said . "You don't need to thank me . Hey Huang s.h.i.+! Let's go take a drink!"

The two went on their way while Kiel went to the vacant furnace , beside it were piles and piles of metal sc.r.a.ps and lower grade ores . There were still a week before the evaluation, Kiel concluded that it would be more than enough to get familiar with this kind of forging .

He folded his sleeves and picked up the hammer . He was surprised at first, the hammer was heavier than he imagined . He almost dropped it on his foot .

He carefully held the hammer and started swinging down on the anvil just to get the feeling . Soon he started working on ores . He took out a beast core and put it inside the power supply of the furnace . Formation marks and runes started appearing, creating fire, heating up the insides of the furnace .

Kiel took a ore and let it heat up inside the furnace until it became bright red . He then took it out and started repeatedly pounding it with his hammer .

Soon he was able to turn it into shapes he desired .

Seeing his first work done, he was satisfied . He then looked the piles of metal sc.r.a.ps and ores . He said, "There's still a lot of time to practice, Let's get it on!"