A Dragon Among The Stars - 15 Yang Jian And Yang Zaiji.

15 Yang Jian And Yang Zaiji.

Kiel took the letter and closely examined it. It had the stamp of the symbol of the sect, with faint tiny runes flickering in it. Kiel knew what it was thanks to the memories. It was made especially for the safety of the information inside it. Only those who have authority can open it. If forcefully opened, it will automatically destroy anything inside it.

Yang Tianmeng approached Kiel, and held his shoulders. He stared at his son and confidently said. "Chen'er, you don't have to really work, you'll be under Huang Jie. So just continue your cultivation. I never stopped believing that one day you'll achieve greatness.' Huang Jie was someone who under his father during his teenage years. Yang Chen was somewhat close with him during his childhood years and spoiled him until he was deported away from the sect.

Kiel looked back at his father in silence, seeing his clear and confident eyes. He felt touched. He thought in his mind. 'Yang Chen... looks like after all everything, your life ain't that bad. At least you have a father that fully supports you. You're one lucky kid.' This was a first time for Kiel who didn't felt the love of a father all his life. This act of Yang Tianmeng made Kiel's heart accept him.

Yang Tianmeng took something from his robes and handed it to his son's hands. He said in a smile. "Here take this, There's a lot of cultivation resources inside that bag. Whenever you ran out, just tell your uncle Huang Jie give you more."

Kiel looked at the bag in his hands. Sorting out his memories he learned that this was people called a Spatial Bag. A medium used mostly by lower realm cultivators to store their belongings. He scanned the bag with his cultivation and saw piles of low grade energy crystals." He was suprised as he knew that this amount could last someone for a year of cultivation.

Kiel looked at his unfamiliar smiling father, feeling the warmth of a father's love. He thought. 'So this is what it feels like... Parental love...' He smiled and looked at Yang Tianming and said. "Thank you father, don't worry I won't disappoint you."

Yang Tianmeng laughed and said. "Now that's my son, no matter how low your talent is, A son of mine would never allow himself to be inferior!" He patted his son's back and added. "Now go and pack your things. Your grandfather and i have still lots of things to talk about."

Kiel nodded. He bowed his body towards his father and grandfather and went on his away.

Yang Ke seeing his grandson out the room, He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to his son, his face having a small smile. He praisingly said. "I'm quite surprise your son didn't throw a fit... looks like he finally matured. I'm quite relieved." It was a lie to say that he himself didn't feel disappointed. Even still he doted on this grandson of his ever since he was young.

Yang Tianmeng nodded in agreement and said in a smile. "Me too. this is good news! It would be great if he achieve something in martial arts but its also fine with me if he lives a life of peace."



Seeing Kiel coming out the room, Servant Feng hurriedly approached him and asked in low voice. "Young master, are you okay? How was it?" He was quite worried as he might have been deported to do something dangerous.

Kiel smiled and said. "I'm alright, the sect has stationed me at the Cloud Valley City in the region of Yenmen. Guess what, you'll be coming with me." Kiel was fond of servant Feng. Through out the life of Yang Chen, he was one of the people who didn't abandoned him and still treated Yang Chen as his young master. Kiel knew that this kind of people deserved to be trusted. His sincerity made Kiel accept him.

"Yenmen!? that's too far!" Servant Feng was astonished. It would take a weeks just to get to Yenmen. Especially Cloud Valley City, which was situated on the border of the region just next to the desolate wildness. Servant Feng continued. "Are you okay with this young master?"

Kiel sighed and said. "do I have a choice? This is the sect's orders. Its already good that father has helped and had me under Uncle Huang Jie. Now come on, It's far right? Let's pack our things then let's get going."

Servant Feng remained silent as he followed his young master. A little nervous about the outcome of the future.


Kiel arrived at the city at below the the foot of the mountain, called Heavenly Mountain city. A city governed directly by his sect. The city was lively, with merchants coming from all over the eastern plains to sell their goods. There were also a lot of Heavenly Mountain's disciples roaming around, enjoying what the city has to offer. In the middle of the city was a tall paG.o.da, It was called the Heavenly Yuan PaG.o.da. Behind it was the sect master of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, Yuan Mengzi. Hailed from a highly prominent family of the sect, The Yuan family. Situated in the main peak of the sect, the Heavenly Sword peak.

"Where's our carriage? It was supposed to be here." Kiel wondered as he surveyed around. They waited for minutes until they saw a carriage heading their way. It had the symbol of their family, Servant Feng by his side said with a breath. "Finally they arrived."

The carriage stopped in front of them. Kiel was just about to board when the door of carriage open and a group of youths led by white robed young man came out and stood before Kiel. He also had a blazing red hair, a distinct sign of someone who has the blood of the Yang Clan. He had a handsome face that would make women unable turn their eyes away. The pressure of a Foundation stage suddenly came cras.h.i.+ng down Kiel.

This young man was named Yang Tie, The only son of the 1st young master and the grandson of the current patriarch of the Yang clan, Yang Ming. Yang Ming was the older brother of his grandfather, Yang ke, and have always has always been at bad terms since their generation, one of the reasons why Yang Tie has always made things difficult for Yang Chen in the past.

Yang Chen couldn't do nothing but suffer his fate at his hands since Yang Tie was someone heavily supported by the clan. A genius that has talents comparable to his two brothers.

Yang Tie smirked at poor sight. He said in a bright smile. "I would be using the carriage for the whole day. Go back and wait for it tomorrow."

Servant Feng was angry when he hear this. With a raised voice he said. "Yang Tie! This carriage is something that will used for my young master!"

Yang Tie sneer became bigger as he rebuked. "What young master!? I said that I will use it, then I will use it. There's nothing you can do to stop it." He exerted more pressure which made Kiel gasp for air. He could barely endure the pressure, anymore more and he would collapse. He felt bitter, he haven't spent even a day here and he's already being stepped on.

Just as he was about give in, the pressure boring down on him was diffused and a cold voice sounded near them, "Oh. I admit he can't do nothing but that does not apply to us."

Kiel was relieved and looked for the origin of the voice. He saw to young men who he had the same features. One was freezing cold while the other one was radiating with warmth. Kiel recognize this two persons, it was his two older brothers namely Yang Jian and Yang Zaiji.

The two started walking towards the Yang Tie. Yang Jian looked coldly at Yang Tie and said. "You have guts bullying our youngest brother in front of us."

Yang Tie let out a snort and said. "What do you mean bullying? The carriage was given to me first. And for a trash like him, He has no right. Who would care if I let him wait for a few days."

Yang Zaiji with usually bright smile said. "Really? well for us two, we see you as trash. So we will be using that carriage." pointing at he carriage.

Yang Tie face darkened and said in anger, "Tras.h.!.+? You think I'm afraid of you!? I'll take you both on!" Provoked he released more of his aura, readying to fight the two brothers. He thought to himself in anger. 'How dare this two belittle me! I'll show them! I'll show you all! Offending me would mean death!"

As the three were about to fight it out. A young man behind Yang Tie, held his hand out to stop Yang Tie from being impulsive. Yang Tie held his anger, he knew that the family behind him is something he can't casually offend. He asked. "What is it?" The young man didn't answered and just looked at the distance.

It didn't take long before Yang Tie realized what he meant. His face darkened for a moment before he snorted. He looked at Kiel and said in a low voice. "Either way you'll be going away, A toad like you isn't suited for a swan like Ying Yue." He then s.h.i.+fted his gaze at the two and said in a domineering voice. "I'll won't let this go. I'll make you two pay for this!" Having conveyed what he wanted to say, he left.

Yang Jian and Yang Zaijin both realized the reason and s.h.i.+fted their gaze afar at the graceful figure seated on the highest floors of the Heavenly Yuan PaG.o.da.