Adorable treasured fox: Divine doctor mother overturning the heavens! - Chapter 1985 - “Bai Xiachen’s Here (5)”

Chapter 1985 - “Bai Xiachen’s Here (5)”

Chapter 1985 Bai Xiachens Here (5)

Shifu, I didnt betray you, Im only afraid you will come to regret it later if you really kill him! Mo Xin Yan raised her eyes in panic, clenching that fist tightly in fear.

Willow heart became heavier and heavier as she came to terms with what has become of her student. She could be harsh and cruel to those she deemed beneath herself, but this child had followed her for years. Theres no way she didnt have a strand of attachment to the lass.

After a long time, she finally shot open those eyes again and removed all the emotions on her face. Xin Yan, all these years, I have always treated you as my own daughter, but I never thought you would betray me for a man, hahaha! That said, the monarch began to laugh wildly as the bitterness seethed forward from her voice.

She had indeed been very harsh on Mo Xin Yan, but in the same way, she also regarded her as a daughter. Aside from Di Cang being the man she wants, this Xin Yan was Willows only other.

The sense of betrayal in the monarchs voice didnt go unnoticed in Mo Xin Yans ear as she shuddered in the understanding of what shes done.

Shifu I

Enough! Willow snapped in anger and stopped the lass from making excuses, Xin Yan, do you think at this point I will still believe you? I have warned you long ago not to taint him. Even a thought is not permitted. Did you think my words are nothing but wind in your ear?

Mo Xin Yan stumbled backward as beads of tears rolled down the cheeks. She wanted to defend herself but found her throat croaking in silence. The girl simply didnt have anything to say.

Shifu, please spare him. Or at least make him lose his memory thoroughly.

Mo Xin Yan pleaded in a praying fashion. Towards this shifu of hers, she had no power to resist. Its like a mortal facing a god, only prayers and begging would work and nothing else. Sadly, that was the biggest mistake the lass could make because she had indirectly confessed to the public of the truth.


The crowd fell into turmoil at the unintentional words. Their minds wanted to believe in Willow, but the truth was slowly and gradually degrading their belief even if they themselves didnt want to face reality.

What did she say about making him lose his memory more thoroughly?

Does this mean the mans amnesia is due to the monarchs work?

How could such an outstanding highly conducted woman like the monarch do such a thing?

But these words came from the mouth of Miss Xin Yan, what are we supposed to believe..

Mo Xin Yan, you are tired, thats why youve begun talking nonsense. Willow drew a snarl in her snickering smile and gathered force into her palm before releasing it upon the student, Maids, take the young lady. I will dispose of her later for this betrayal.

Mo Xin Yans figure immediately fell backward and fell into the crowd, and due to the shockwave of the blow, her clothes were in tatters with holes all over.

Shifu, I know that you have always regarded me as your own daughter, thats why I will never betray you for a man. I only want you to have happiness. A trickle of tears slowly fell down the girls cheek, giving her a sad and pitiful appearance only found in those who are kind and gentle, You love him so much. If he dies, the only one to be hurt is you!